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A Dark and Stormy Knight

Page 16

by Byrne, Kerrigan

  She had to blink away a misting of emotion as the wonderment flowed through her.

  Morley’s forehead furrowed in concern as he caught her overwrought expression and was at her side in a moment, gripping her elbow to support her. “I’ll walk you out,” he murmured before addressing the room at large. “And I don’t want to see anyone on this floor. You’re either on the streets hard at work, or on your way home for the evening, is that clear?”

  The men hopped to obey him, but not without jibes and whispers and merriment.

  Morley pulled her off to the left toward the door to the back stairs. “I am your husband,” he hissed.

  “Yes…” was her slow reply. “That’s been quite established.”

  He turned her to face him. “You mustn’t keep important things like this from me.”

  Her eyes worked from side to side, searching for his meaning. “Like…like what?”

  “You went to the bloody doctor, Prudence,” he said in an exasperated whisper, drawing her through a hidden door and into an alcove full of dusty boxes. “I should have been there!”

  Oh, they were picking up where they’d left off. “I-I didn’t think you’d want to.”

  He sent her a bruised look as he resumed his pacing. “What…what sort of monster do you think I am?”

  “The male sort of monster. Men never attend these things. It’s up to the purview of the mother to—”

  “If there is medical news about my wife and child, I’ll bloody well be the first to know it.” He rubbed at his forehead and then flung his hand out as if hurling away stress. “I will never understand aristocrats. The distance squeamish men keep from their families for the sake of propriety. It’s patently ridiculous.”

  She let out a short sound. “I could not be more astonished at you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You are either being obtuse or cruel,” she accused. “Which is it?”

  “Cruel? I’ve been nothing but deferential to you.”

  “I don’t want your deference. I want you. Home. We’ve been married a fortnight and I’ve set eyes upon you perhaps thrice in all that time. You maintain a distance that surpasses the very idea of propriety. When in the past two weeks would I have possibly had the chance to tell you about this appointment?”

  His shoulders fell a little and his chin dipped, reminding her of a chastised boy.

  “You could have…left me a note,” he muttered.

  “A note, he says!” She gestured to the boxes as if they’d still an audience. “Is that what our lives are going to be? The polite passing of notes?” She extracted an imaginary pen from her bodice and dabbed it on her tongue. “Dear Carlton,” she began. “Or should I call you Mr. Morley? Yes, I believe I should, that’s more proper.” She drew two strikes through her imaginary note. “I know we have not seen each other in several months, but I’m leaving this note to inform you that I’ve gone into my labors with our child. Please attend at your earliest convenience. All my kindest regards, Prudence Agatha Morley.”

  She shot him a glare as she signed her imaginary name with a flourish.

  “You’ve quite made your point.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the windowsill. “Your middle name is Agatha?”

  “Argh!” She threw up her hands before reaching for the door, intent upon leaving.

  He gripped her arm, whirling her around. “This is me, Prudence,” he growled. “This is who I am. Paperwork and late nights. Responsibility and distance, this is—”

  She stepped closer to him, her face lifted in challenge. “You’re wrong. That isn’t you, at all.”

  “You don’t know the first thing—”

  “You forget, husband, I’ve met you already. That night in the garden.”

  His eyes flared that quicksilver spark. “That was not me. That was—”

  “If you say a mistake, I will slap you.” She raised her hand in warning. “You were more yourself that night than I think you’d been in some time before, and certainly since. You were stripped of all this stalwart artifice. Bare and vulnerable. And yes, dark and angry.” Her hand landed on his cheek, but only with caressing care. “And you needed me just as much as I needed you. And I think…I think you still do.”

  His chest expanded with short, rapid breaths as he held himself as straight and taut as a marble statue. His jaw, however, leaned slightly into her hand like a beast searching for comfort.

  “You were so wonderful with me on my very first night,” she remembered. “So gentle.”

  “Not bloody gentle enough,” he bemoaned.

  “You were perfect. We were perfect.”

  He regarded her warily. “Are we…not in the middle of a row?”

  Her breath hitched with amusement. Farah was right, men were adorable idiots.

  “I’m your wife, Carlton.” She’d never called him that before. Not to his face. “For better or worse, our fates are tied together. I might not be what you envisioned, but…I’m here.” She glided closer, until her breasts pressed against his chest, her body molding to his. “It’s permissible to need me. To want me. If we have nothing else, we have that night. We have this child. And this…attraction between us. One that might, in time dare I hope, turn to affection?”

  She lifted on to the tips of her toes to glide a soft kiss against his jaw.

  “Prudence,” he growled.

  “You’re so tired. So tense.” She pulled his head closer, whispering her breath over his neck, allowing her suggestions to glide into his ear. “Let me ease you, husband,” she urged. “Further than that. Let me please you. After all you’ve done for me—”

  His head whipped back. “I’d never expect—not as payment—”

  “I know,” her fingers caressed the close-cropped down of fine hair at his nape, urging him back toward her. Aching for his kiss. “That is why I offer. I want you, husband. Through everything, that’s never changed. Given the chance, I would make a myriad of different choices over the past three months, but not that one. I cannot bring myself to regret giving myself to you…having you…does that make me unforgivably wicked in your eyes?”

  “No.” She sensed the tempest within him, the battle of his dual nature, and identified the precise moment one of the factions beat back the other.

  With a foul curse, he closed his hand around her wrist and pulled her after him as he veritably slammed open the door to their alcove, and another to the stairwell. He silently marched her down one flight of stairs, through two more doors in another chaotic office full of typewriters and noise, and then veered her into a long, deserted hallway.

  She trotted to keep up as he swept her to the end of the hall and shouldered open an old door swollen with disuse. In an incredible dance of fluid motion, he tugged her inside, firmly shut the door, threw the lock, and pulled her into his arms to crush his mouth to hers.

  All pretense of the civilized Chief Inspector melted away beneath the heat exploding between them. His hands were suddenly everywhere. His lips were no longer compressed into their tight, laconic lines. They molded to hers with a wild, wet consummation that surpassed anything she’d ever imagined.

  He’d once again succumbed to the starving, carnal beast that lurked inside him. One locked away in a cavern so deep it was as if he attempted to bury it forever.

  But anyone knew that a predator denied sustenance became the most dangerous of creatures. Prudence realized that she somehow possessed the key to the dungeon where he kept that beast.

  And she’d hoped that once she’d let it lose, it would devour her.

  True to his nature, he didn’t let her down.

  Her body melted against and around him while he kissed her as if he could make up for every absent night and every empty morning. Beneath the fervency of his embrace, a heart-rending sweetness existed. A sort of awestruck marvel that moved her to the very marrow of her bones.

  This was something he couldn’t express with words, she understood. Not yet.

not ever.

  Though there was no chance of him releasing her, she still clung to him, her fingers digging into the convex muscles of his back, reveling in the mounds of strength she found there.

  His tongue didn’t wait for invitation, sweeping into her mouth in drugging, silken strokes. He moaned against her lips and she breathed it in, relishing the honest pleasure in the sound.

  The ragged need.

  He crowded her backwards, never breaking the seal of their kiss. His hands cinched her waist and lifted her onto a desk, or a table, she couldn’t be sure. Only once he’d secured her there, did he allow his restless lips to venture elsewhere. He dragged them across her cheek, rooting into the sensitive hollow of her throat, nipping at the soft lobe of her ear as he pressed her knees open to fill the space with his hips.

  This was how he would have her next, she realized. Here. Now.

  He was going to take her again. To consummate their marriage.

  In the scant moment she was allowed to absorb her dim surroundings, she identified the skeletons of shelves and boxes as some sort of ill-used storage room lit only by a grimy window.

  Something about the illicitness of their setting sent excitement and anticipation surging through her. The only sound in the room was the rasp of her dress as he gathered it up in desperate fistfuls, and the tiny explosions of their rapid breaths.

  She was frustrated by the layers of his clothing, as well. Whatever clay composed him, the very essence of him called to her. Arrested her every sense. She wanted to see him. To score his skin. To smell and touch and taste.

  His rough hands snagged on her stockings as he pressed forward, urging her legs further apart to accommodate him. His fingers were both strong and gentle as they charted her inner thigh. Breathing seemed to become more of a struggle for him as he found the edges of her stockings and her garters.

  When he tugged at the ribbon on her drawers, the curse he emitted drew fire from her blood and a flood from her loins. The desperate, crude word from lips such as his was indescribably erotic as it vibrated against her skin.

  His fingers grazed her heat, producing a gasp between them. Prudence clawed at his shoulders and the short layers at his nape as he found the soft, turgid flesh already swollen and damp with desire.

  “Yes,” the word escaped on a jagged breath and her body moved sinuously, her hips curling forward, seeking the forbidden pleasure of his intimate caress.

  He angled back just enough to look down at her. His face half exposed to the grey light, and half in darkness. The dangerous glint in his eye caused her to catch her breath before the slick movement of his fingers forced her to release it on a whimpering plea.

  He watched her like a man witnessing a miracle or mapping the very cosmos, his features a mask of reverent awe and blasphemous lust.

  “So wet,” he breathed, his thumb circling the aperture of aching flesh above her opening.

  She couldn’t answer.

  He didn’t need her to.

  As he evoked thrills of molten pleasure in her womb with the relentless pressure of his thumb, his finger slid through the ruffles of flesh protecting the entrance to her body, probing gently before sliding inside.

  The electric delight of the intrusion drew from her throat a desperate sound she’d not known herself humanly capable of making.

  “So tight,” he ground out as though in agony.

  She wanted to say something. To entice and encourage him. To praise and plead with him. But every time she opened her mouth, only a mewl or a moan would escape as she suffered instant and excruciating rapture at the mercy of his clever fingers.

  He covered her mouth with his, swallowing the sounds as her pleasure intensified into a surge of throbbing beats as wild as primitive drums. Her hands clawed at him, her thighs clenched as spasms of bliss assaulted her, driving against her like the unrelenting waves of a violent storm. She was helpless to do anything but ride his hand, emitting strangled sobs, as her release drenched his fingers.

  She was too pleasured to be scandalized by their wickedness. Too captive of her passions to be worried about discovery. She existed only in this moment. In this place where he dismantled the woman she was and rebuilt someone new. A creature of desire and darkness, suffused with only one need.

  Him. This. Them.

  He didn’t bring her down gently this time, didn’t take the time to soothe or distract her with drugging, lavish kisses, or to croon sweet words against her flushed skin. His hand left her only for a moment as his hips levered away.

  And then it was there. Thick and hot and pulsing.

  The crown of his cock brushed her sex and she bloomed like a garden of summer roses. She’d yet to regain her breath before he thrust forward, filling her with a sensation so infinitely wonderful, it unstitched her at her very core.

  The sound he made could not have been less human. It was both dark and divine. Tormented and victorious.

  Through the haze of frenzy and desire, Prudence recognized this for what it was. Her husband was claiming her. Possessing her with demanding aggression and fierce, primal need.


  He paused only at the hilt, grinding his hips to hers as if testing her depths. Even stretched to the limits of her physical capacity, Prudence welcomed every inch of him. Wishing she could take him deeper, that they could truly meld into one.

  The moment lasted but the space of a breath before instinct seized them both. She quivered with delight as he withdrew and filled her again and again with relentless, almost vicious, thrusts. His eyes were glazed pools of silver and shadow. His jaw clenched. His body a bunched, lithe machine of muscle, wrath, and unspent passion.

  He was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.

  “Again,” he commanded tightly.

  She shook her head, unable to express her lack of comprehension verbally.

  His hand plunged beneath her skirts, stroking her where their bodies joined until it found the source of her intimate bliss once more. “I want to feel you…around me. Coming. Clenching…” His thrusts deepened, his muscles straining tighter as he thrummed at her with slick, masterful motions. “I…need…”

  Without preamble, Prudence shattered into shards of pleasure. She flew apart, her soul rending from a body unused to and unready for such pure, electrifying ecstasy. Her head fell back on her shoulders, exposing her neck. He latched onto it like a fiend, laving and sucking and nipping at the tender flesh there until his own body suffused with a paroxysm of wracking shudders. He buried himself inside her as he climaxed, coating her womb with warm jets of his seed. His body locked inside her as wave after wave seemed to curl his spine, drawing raw, low, harsh sounds from somewhere deeper than his chest.

  Perhaps, from his soul.

  Eventually, his forehead fell against hers, and they stayed like that for an eternity, sharing breath and heat and a relieved sort of peace that had eluded them for months.

  Sex with him was nothing like she remembered, and everything she’d wanted.

  Perhaps it was different every time.

  Oh, she hoped so…was it wicked of her to want to do it again when he remained inside of her?

  Smoothing a featherlight caress down the soft cotton shirt covering his arms, she gave him an affectionate nudge with her nose.

  That was all the encouragement he needed to gather her closer, lowering his head to kiss and kiss and kiss her until she thought she was in danger of another swoon. He took his tender time with her now, his lips pulling and tugging at hers. Exploring and soothing, nibbling and sampling as he allowed her to caress his jaw, the intricate fibers of his finely tailored vest, and wrap around to the silken panel on the back.

  “One of these days,” she whispered, “we’ll make love in a bed.”

  He released a breathy sound of mirth, but still seemed unable to summon words.

  Heartened, she nuzzled him. “Do you know what I think?” she asked rhetorically. “I think, if we tried a little, that we could m
ake a go at love.”

  He pulled back from her. Out of her.

  Prudence wanted to cry, to clutch at him, to plead with him not to retreat back behind his damnable façade. What had she been thinking speaking her mind out loud? She should have known better than to ruin the moment with sentiment. Not with a heart as fortified as his.

  This had been her lifelong problem. She was never just happy with what people deigned to allow her.

  She always demanded more.

  His expression became guarded as he swiftly rearranged himself and righted her as well. “If I’ve learned anything from watching the successful relationships in my life, it’s that love takes trust. And that, we do not yet have.”

  Though his words stung, she had to accept the veracity of them. “Friendship then… comradery at least?”

  When he didn’t reply immediately, she reached for him, feeling him slip through her fingers like the fine silt at the beach.

  “This isn’t nothing is it? It isn’t empty.” She tugged at him, needing him back against her, if only for a moment. “Because it doesn’t feel empty to me.”

  When she worried he’d resist her, he didn’t. He rested his temple against hers and took in a deep breath, as if he could lock the scent of her in his lungs. “This…isn’t nothing,” he ceded. “That is what makes it dangerous.”

  Pru did her best not to beam. It was something to him. She was something. Something she could work with. Could expand upon.

  “Well…that’s a start, isn’t it?”

  He nodded carefully. “You could say it’s a start.”

  She kissed him and wriggled until he stepped back to help her down so she could smooth at her dress and hair. “Now that we’ve established that, I’ll leave you to examine the evidence I’ve brought you. Perhaps if I can help you prove me innocent of murder, you’ll think me worthy of your heart.”

  Chapter 14

  Morley couldn’t believe he was thinking of fucking his wife in church.

  It wasn’t even her fault. Quite the opposite, in fact.

  She dressed as modest as a nun and adopted the visage of a saint for nobody’s benefit as they occupied the front pew and no one but him could see her.


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