Happy Now?

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Happy Now? Page 22

by S M Mala

  ‘Hello everyone,’ she heard him say and her stomach plummeted. ‘How are things?’

  There were a few grumblings in the background and she heard his footsteps come closer.

  Summoning all her crumbled pride, Flora smiled up at him and was met with a nod.

  That nod he gave her at school.

  ‘How are you?’ she asked. Ed was looking around at the packages on the ground. ‘Did you have a nice evening?’

  ‘Yes I did, thanks,’ he smiled brightly. ‘Went out to dinner with my girlfriend.’


  ‘Did you?’

  ‘Quiet,’ she replied, taking her tea and walking into the study, closing the door.

  He’d simply forgotten about her, that was the explanation. And he had a better offer from someone probably twenty years younger.

  Flora wanted to laugh at how she reacted the night before, like a stupid teenager.

  There was a knock on the door.

  ‘Can I have a word?’ Ed asked.

  Flora shrugged off her feeling of disappointment and smiled.

  ‘Of course. You want to go through the works-.'

  ‘Did you sleep with Lee when you were in Brighton?’ he asked seriously. ‘I just wanted to know.’


  ‘I saw him the other night and he said you’d led him on. Lee seemed angry and I wanted to know what you were playing at.’

  ‘You're serious?’ she asked, shaking her head, shocked at the question. ‘What else did he say?’

  ‘Listen Flora it was in the past, I know that. But sleeping with me then screwing my friend, well, it’s the thing your sister would do, not you.’

  ‘How dare you say that about my sister!’ she snapped. ‘She was the female equivalent to you so don’t you dare judge her for that!’

  Ed was now starting to look angry and shook his head.

  ‘You’re right. I don’t know you, do I?’ he said quietly, stepping forward. ‘I don’t know what I was thinking.’

  ‘What did Lee tell you?’ she asked again. ‘You might as well tell me.’

  ‘He said,’ Ed let out a little laugh, pulling a face. ‘You were a cock tease. You led him on and made a fool out of him.’

  Flora suddenly went cold and looked at Ed’s smirking face.

  ‘Did you compare notes?’ she hissed, feeling upset. ‘Because if you did you’d see that he doesn’t know when to take ‘no’ for an answer.’ Turning away quickly, Flora felt sick at being reminded about what happened all those years ago. ‘Can you leave my home? I think it’s best you go. Because if you’re friends with him you’ll know what happened.’

  ‘Fine,’ Ed said. ‘I’ll go.’

  ‘And don’t come back, ever, do you hear me?’

  ‘Hello chicken! I’ve got the sun hat,’ Lisa said, walking straight into the study and stopping. Flora glanced at her friend who was grinning. Her smile soon slipped. ‘Did I interrupt something?’

  ‘You didn’t interrupt anything. He was just leaving. When I come back please make sure you and your men aren’t here, okay?’ Flora said coldly, not wanting to look at him. ‘And tell Lee he can lie as much as he wants but… it doesn’t matter. Just go!’

  ‘What’s Lee got to do with it?’ asked Lisa and Flora flashed her a warning glance not to say anything. But it was ignored. ‘What’s he been saying?’

  ‘Have a happy life,’ Ed replied and walked straight out as Flora fell to the armchair.

  ‘I take it the date didn’t go well?’ Lisa asked. Flora buried her head in her hands. ‘What went wrong?’

  ‘He didn’t turn up and then Ed told me Lee said we slept together,’ Flora looked at Lisa. ‘Is that what he tells people?’

  ‘I’ll see you later!’

  … Ed said, storming out of Flora’s house and to his car.

  It didn’t make sense, her reaction, and he was torn between shouting and shaking her for the truth.

  But did it matter now?

  He opened his car door and was about to sit down when he saw Flora’s friend, Lisa, running up to him.

  ‘You listen here, mate,’ she said, waving an angry finger at him. ‘Make sure your friend comes nowhere near Flora, do you hear? What a man are you to ask questions about her and Lee?’

  ‘I don’t know who you are but-.'

  ‘I was there,’ she said angrily. ‘I saw what he did. Tried to worm his way into her affections but she didn’t want to know. Thing is, your friend doesn’t know when to take ‘no’ for an answer. He’s an animal!’

  It was starting to dawn on him there was a missing chunk.

  ‘Do you think she was interested? Flora didn’t have eyes for anyone. But could Lee see it? It got to the point she had to leave Brighton because it got out of hand but he wouldn’t let it go.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Ask your friend what he did. Ask him! If it wasn’t for me being there by accident, I don’t know what would have happened,’ Lisa said getting upset. ‘He’s an animal! And you tell him from me, he comes anywhere near Flora again, I’ll smack his fucking head in! Do you hear?’

  ‘I’ve got everything,’

  … Flora said, putting the kids in the taxi. ‘Matias, it was sweet of you to come this morning but we’re fine.’

  ‘I worry,’ he replied, looking anxiously at her. ‘And you’re all right? Flora, you look very pale.’

  ‘I get worried about travelling, you know that,’ she said, letting out a deep breath. ‘As soon as we touch down I’ll call. Don’t worry.’

  She got into the car and put on her seatbelt.

  ‘Look after my home and don’t go snooping about,’ she said, knowing she locked up all her personal things to avoid his prying eyes. ‘I want them out when I return a week on Tuesday or there’ll be trouble.’

  ‘Okay, okay,’ he said, kissing the children before trying to kiss Flora through the window.

  She backed away.

  ‘At least I know you won’t play around,’ he whispered. ‘Look after my children.’

  ‘I’ll look after my children. I always do.’

  Avoiding eye contact, the taxi pulled away and she felt relieved.

  But she was still angry with Ed and what he said. Lisa refused to tell her where she went to for five minutes after he left. When her friend returned, she seemed less angry.

  All Flora felt was sick at hearing Lee’s name mentioned to her again.

  That was a nightmare she really didn’t want to rake up.

  And Ed Carter had now been a monumental mistake and she hoped she’d never have to set eyes on him again.

  ‘You need to call me,’

  … Ed said, leaving another message on Lee’s phone.

  He was with Siobhan, waiting for his mother to return from the hospital. They were standing in his parent’s kitchen.

  ‘Who’s not returning your calls?’ she asked, sipping her tea. ‘Sounds urgent.’


  ‘He’s always calling you. Your very own stalker,’ she grinned before letting out a big sigh. ‘I hope mum’s all right.’

  ‘What do you mean by that? Stalker?’ he asked, looking down at his sister’s confused expression.

  ‘Okay, spit it out. You’ve been in a mood since you walked in.’

  ‘Flora and Lee were together in Brighton. He didn’t bother to tell me when he knew I was trying to track her down,’ he blurted out, watching his sister’s mouth drop open. ‘Said she was a cock tease so I asked her.’


  ‘Because,’ Ed replied, avoiding eye contact. ‘And I sort of said something rude about Faith and she got upset. I was supposed to meet Flora for dinner, like mum instructed, but I stood her up.’

  ‘Because of what Lee said?’ Siobhan looked like she was going to laugh. ‘That’s bloody childish! You shouldn’t have left her waiting for you. She was good enough to come round and speak to mum. That’s just bloody rude!’

/>   ‘You know, when news broke about you knocking up your older woman, people used to tell me your brains were in your bollocks. I used to go mad sticking up for you. Ed, you can’t go slagging off people, especially someone’s sister. It’s wrong!’ Then she stopped and looked at him. ‘This is because she allegedly slept with Lee?’

  ‘Thing is, a friend of Flora’s was there and came rushing up to me, spouting this shit about Lee not being able to take ‘no’ for an answer and Flora said it herself.’ Ed took a deep breath. ‘I’ve been trying to call him and he’s not picking up.’

  ‘Or maybe he knows he might have not been telling you the truth. Why’d he mention it in the first place?’

  ‘I told him I was taking her out to dinner and he got angry.’

  ‘So you stood her up?’

  Just as he was about to say something they heard the door open. Both the siblings looked at each other, pained by the information they were going to hear.

  ‘Hello there,’ Noreen said, walking in, looking at the pair.

  ‘Mum?’ Siobhan asked, taking her mother’s hand. ‘What did they say?’

  ‘The good news is that the lump isn’t cancer but the bad news is that I have to have it removed,’ she sighed. ‘Not as bad a Flora’s operation but still an operation. I’m booked to go in a week on Wednesday.’

  ‘So soon!’ said Siobhan. ‘They took ages for the results.’

  ‘They had an opening and I took it. Might as well get it over and done with than wait. A couple of weeks then it’ll be over and I can plan for my party,’ she said cheerfully. ‘I’m very lucky and I feel it.’

  Ed grabbed his mother and hugged her fiercely. That’s all he could do.

  ‘No need to worry. How was your date with Flora? I need to call her up and tell her ‘thanks’ for her words of support.’

  ‘What support?’ asked Ed, looking down into his mother’s bright blue eyes.

  ‘She texted me this morning, hoping all was okay. That was rather sweet, don’t you think?’

  Right now, Ed didn’t know what to think.

  The same day he was called in by Matias to go to Flora’s house. His friend seemed pleased as punch.

  ‘What’s so urgent?’ Ed asked, checking his watch. It was after eight in the evening as he looked around the house. Flora had put her things back into the kitchen and it looked good. Then he glanced at the study, knowing that’s where he left her on Friday. ‘Is everything okay?’

  ‘I know this is late notice but I have some plans. I need you to build this in Flora’s room by next week. The current wardrobe-.'

  ‘I can’t,’ Ed replied. ‘It’s not long enough notice.’

  ‘I’ll pay you anything you want. See,’ Matias said, holding out the plans. ‘She likes wood and I know Flora needs more space. The doors need to have mirrors though I know she hates looking at herself but it will open up the space. It’s a very simple design and I’m sure you can do something with it.’

  ‘Matias, I’m not sure.’

  ‘Please can you do this for me? It’s a surprise parting gift,’ he said quietly. ‘When she comes back I have something to tell her.’

  ‘It’s going to cost,’ Ed sighed, not wanting to do it. ‘To complete this before they come back isn’t going to be easy. And Flora specifically told me she wants us out.’ Matias frowned in response. ‘We’ve been here eight weeks.’

  ‘Then time if of the essence,’ Matias said, running up the stairs. ‘Will you come?’

  Begrudgingly, he followed him and went to her bedroom, still packed with boxes from the children’s rooms.

  ‘Boxes and more boxes,’ Matias sighed. ‘We can put her things into Lola’s room which is finished and get started tomorrow.’ Ed tried not to look too pissed off. ‘I can transfer her things. If we do it now then it’ll save time.’

  Flinging open the doors, Matias started to laugh.

  ‘Flora hates wardrobes, prefers sliding doors and rails. Our home had to be adapted to suit her,’ he smiled. Ed noticed it was warm and loving. ‘She didn’t look well on Saturday morning and it worries me.’ He stood still for a moment as his eyes noticed a large box. ‘That’s where she used to keep our wedding photos. When we separated, she wanted to shred them. I kept them to give to the kids when they get older.’

  ‘She’s not sentimental.’

  ‘Not when it comes to me!’

  They emptied her things into Lola’s room and Ed felt uncomfortable taking her clothes. The scent of Flora was all over them and it reminded him of when they’d made love. He was hit with the memory then the guilt of what he’d done to her only recently.

  When it was all finished, Ed realised he’d have to look at Matias’s plan and start sorting it out that night. Matias had to leave and he was left in Flora’s empty bedroom, shaking his head. Ed got the impression that Matias was hoping to find something but Flora had locked all her things safely in boxes.

  ‘What have I got myself into?’ he muttered then sat down.

  The door was open to the wardrobe and he noticed something to the side. Getting up, there was a scarf. Ed picked it up then his heart stopped.

  Flora had hidden the art box to the side.

  Just as he was about to reach out and grab it, his phone rang.

  It was Lee.

  ‘Sorry not to get back to you but I’ve been really busy,’ Lee said cheerfully. ‘What’s the urgency?’

  ‘I didn’t meet Flora,’ Ed said, sitting back down on the bed, looking at the box in the corner. ‘Didn’t see the point.’

  ‘That’s good,’ Lee replied, sounding partially relieved. ‘She’s not a nice person.’

  ‘Thing is, I asked her about what you said. Do you want to know what Flora told me?’ He was met with silence. ‘Seems you can’t take ‘no’ for an answer and she then got really upset. Her friend, Lisa, just happened to be there and she told me to make sure I tell you to keep away from Flora, or she’ll, what did she say? She’ll smack your fucking head in. And she also called you an animal. Can you explain what’s going on?’

  ‘Bitches, the pair of them,’ he replied quietly. ‘They’re lying.’

  ‘About what? Why don’t you tell me your side of the story? You know I have to work with Flora’s ex-husband from time to time, so I don’t want this to cause a problem.’

  ‘It got out of hand,’ Lee whispered. ‘I liked her a lot, I always did. I wasn’t the only one.’ Ed didn’t reply. ‘I tracked her down in Brighton and started hanging out. She was reserved, you know what she’s like. I asked her out but it’s like she thought she was too good for me.’

  ‘Did you sleep with Flora? Were you a couple?’

  ‘I got steaming one evening and can’t remember much. I think I might have tried it on.’ Lee started to speak quickly. ‘She’s so frigid, even touching her would have made her think it was attempted rape. And I was angry. I knew she wanted it but, I don’t know, she got upset.’

  ‘Did you try and attack Flora?’ Ed asked, trying to compose his breathing. ‘Lee, is that what they meant when they said you didn’t know what the word ‘no’ means?’

  ‘I wouldn’t have hurt her! Why would you ask something like that? I shouldn’t have slagged her off but, at the time, I was hurting.’

  Ed hung up.

  He still had no idea what went on between Flora and Lee.

  He got up and grabbed the box.

  It was in perfect condition. Not a scratch on the woodwork.

  Wondering if it was wrong to looking inside, he lifted the lid and smiled at her name engraved at the top.

  The box contained the baby wrist bands of Lola and Max, photos and some jewellery. He didn’t want to read the love letters that was too personal but recognised the sketch book and opened it up, smiling at her drawings. Then he flicked open the pages and noticed the drawings she had done of him.

  Ed was naked and she’d drawn his body. In the corner she had written,

  ‘I’m happy now.’

�I was really happy too and god, I wanted you so much,’ he whispered then noticed the receipt the day they went to Mario’s.

  It was twenty five years ago on twenty-seventh of August, bank holiday weekend, they’d spent the night together.

  When they’d made love all night and thought they’d found each other.

  She’d kept it all these years and the sketch book.

  Flora had never really forgotten him at all.

  'Can we have a curry?’

  … asked Max, struggling with his overstuffed rucksack. He had bought most of the sweets in duty free. ‘I’m sick of Spanish food.’

  ‘Yes,’ Flora sighed, putting the two suitcases on the doorstep, holding her breath to see what state her home was now in. ‘I’ll order it when they open at five thirty.’ She flicked a glance at Lola. ‘Are you still with us?’

  ‘Yes,’ sighed her daughter, smiling sweetly. She’d had a holiday romance with a thirteen year old boy who looked about sixteen. Flora hadn’t been impressed but Michael’s parents had assured her he was a nice boy. She still wasn’t convinced. ‘Can I email Michael when I get in?’

  ‘After you’ve unpacked,’ she said letting out a sigh. ‘And put the clothes in the wash.’

  Since she’d flown out, Flora had forgotten about her woes. She’d emailed Priti, Gaynor and Lisa plus Paulette. That was the only thing getting her down, knowing it was a matter of weeks for her dear friend. Her intention was to visit her the following day.

  Flora had been told that Paulette suddenly lost a lot of weight in the past fortnight but seemed chirpy as ever. The speed of how her illness had taken over stunned Flora but she was going to be strong.

  Paulette would slap her hard to keep it together and also to make her cry, to let it all out. Flora wouldn’t do that, not just yet.

  Opening the front door, which hadn’t been double locked, she walking in followed by the kids. The place looked immaculate. Immediately she was pushed to the side as the children went straight to their rooms, running around like lunatics.

  ‘Mum!’ shouted Max, peering over the bannister. ‘Come and see this.’

  Wearily she walked up the stairs seeing her kids stand by her bedroom door. Then she looked in to see the new wardrobes, one section with mirror panes. The place had been given the once over with white paint.


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