Fate's Fools Box Set

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Fate's Fools Box Set Page 99

by Bell, Ophelia

  “Physical marks on females aren’t exactly a tradition for any but the dragons,” he said.

  “Then I’ll get tattoos like Bodhi’s, but I want your magic infusing the designs. Do you think we can do that? I need more than this.” I brushed my fingers over the warm, upraised skin of the mark that matched the one on Llyr’s chest, only mine was made from dragon fire rather than ink.

  “With essence or blood, perhaps. We can experiment . . . ” He gave me an impatient look, his gaze fixed on my mark for a second before lifting back to my face. “Can we talk about it later? Preferably after we’ve found Ozzie and have Fate and Chaos off our backs.”

  Somewhere far in the distance, Keagan called my name, then cursed. He sounded pissed, and Llyr gave me another urgent look.

  “I’m not going to rush this,” I warned.

  “Fine, but they’re not allowed to interrupt.”

  “First things first.”

  I rested a hand over the tattoo that graced the swell of his left pec. Tracing it first with my fingers, I leaned in and pressed my lips to the warm, smooth skin. Llyr tightened his grasp on my shoulders and inhaled, his nose brushing my temple.

  The breath turned into a hiss when I extended my tongue, willing magic through the twin tips as I traced the outline of the tattoo. It only took a few quick strokes, then I pulled back to examine my handiwork.

  The pattern glowed with iridescent inner light, but I only had a second to admire it before Llyr clutched my nape, tilting back my head and taking my mouth in a hot, hungry kiss.

  A rush of desire flooded through me as he pushed me back through the water until my ass met a wide, smooth root just beneath the surface. He dropped his hands to my hips, then slid them down the outsides of my thighs, wrapping his fingers around my legs and hoisting me up onto the shelf-like lip the root provided. I tangled my fingers in his hair and my head fell back as he dropped his mouth to my neck, lips soft against my throat.

  He gripped the top of my dress with both hands and wrenched the fabric apart, rending it all the way from my sternum to my crotch. The conjured fabric could burn or dissolve, for all I cared. All that mattered now was the slide of his palms over my breasts and his thumbs brushing across my nipples.

  “Gaia save me,” he murmured. “I want to go slow, but I need you so fucking much right now.”

  He lifted his fevered gaze to my face, his eyes a ravenous maelstrom rivaling the primal need he showed in his satyr form. But he was all man right now, his desire laced with something more desperate, something mirrored deep within my shared souls.

  “Take me,” I said, hooking my feet around the backs of his thighs and dropping my hands to his sarong to untie it.

  His thick erection was already evident beneath the sheer, wet fabric, the outline of it leaving nothing to the imagination. When I parted the scant garment and pushed it away, I took him in my hand, gliding my palm up along his impressive length. The last time I’d touched him, he’d been shaped like Ozzie, but now he was entirely himself, his cock thick and straight with a flared tip, his skin a light brown at the base and darkening closer to the thick head.

  I licked my lips as I traced a pulsing vein from base to tip, recalling the delicious combination of flavors he’d let me taste not long ago. He’d shown me Ozzie, of that I had no doubt, but he hadn’t been able to resist adding some of himself when I’d taken him in my mouth the other day. I’d have loved another sample now, but there was something else I wanted more.

  He bent down and hooked his arm beneath my backside, hauling me up and spinning us both. Then he leaned back again, settling against the tree root I’d been sitting on and bracing his feet wide. He looked into my eyes and lifted a shaky hand to my cheek as I straddled him.

  “I’m yours,” he said, his voice breaking. “If you’ll have me, I will always be yours.”

  I was thrown back to our first time together, only this time his hesitance nearly broke my heart. How could he not know how much I wanted him? It was as if having me in this manner—as a man and not as his primal beast—had left him completely raw and open, devoid of any armor to protect him from yet another rejection.

  “I love you,” I whispered, taking his face in both hands and kissing him. “I’m only sorry that I can’t sing to you today with the power I did the first time.”

  “You never needed to sing for me to fall for you, Deva. I was yours the second I agreed to be your protector,” he said between kisses that sent pleasurable pulses racing down my spine.

  I braced my knees on either side of his hips, lifting up and mentally dissolving the remnants of my dress still tangled around my thighs. All it took was a shift of my hips and the tip of his cock grazed my folds.

  I released his mouth and stared into his eyes as I sank down onto him, gasping at the exquisite friction of that first stroke. He splayed one hand across my lower back, the other spanning my shoulder blades as he rocked up into me, a rough groan escaping his throat.

  His gaze still held that fear I’d seen a moment ago, that pleading look that seemed to say, “Please don’t take this away again.” We’d been so close to taking this love for ourselves once already, only to be interrupted by my family, then by Llyr’s accusations that he hadn’t been my first.

  I knew the truth now, and recalled with brutal clarity the hurt in his eyes the moment before I ran.

  “I’m never leaving you again. I promise,” I said, hooking my fingers at the back of his head and squeezing to emphasize my point.

  Llyr’s eyelids fluttered closed, lips parting around a sigh as he let his head fall back against the enormous tree trunk behind him. He dropped both hands to my hips and pushed up into me, his cock inflicting a delicious stretch. Our breathing grew quicker, more labored as I met each of his thrusts with the rise and drop of my hips, each movement causing ripples in the water to flow outward from where we were joined.

  He opened his eyes once more, jaw clenched and gaze fevered and intense. We moved quicker, our thrusts growing more frenzied as our need built, my desire mirrored in the swirling eddies of his irises.

  Three figures appeared just beyond the edge of the pools that made up the Source. I didn’t need to send a silent message to Rohan for him to know to wait, and he held out his arm, halting their progress. They only paused for a second before moving more slowly toward us like hunters fearing they would spook their prey.

  Part of me wanted them all in that moment, but it was too soon.

  Llyr’s thrusts grew frantic, his hips driving hard into me. He lifted a hand to my jaw, drawing my face to his as he darted out his tongue, tasting my lower lip before forcing me to submit to his devouring kiss.

  “Love you so fucking much,” he murmured as he parted from me, then pressed his mouth to mine again. He slid his hand down my back as we parted, and I arched as he lowered his mouth to my breasts, sucking my nipples one by one while he fucked me. I surrendered to the pleasure, allowing him to support me on the surface of the water while he continued to torment my breasts with tongue and lips and teeth.

  He leaned over me, hips slamming deep into me beneath the water, and I gasped when he dropped a hand between us and found my swollen clit with his thumb.

  “Please!” I begged, meeting his gaze as he pushed me to the edge of release, then drew his hand away to cup my breast.

  “Come with me, Deva,” he rumbled. “I want your sweet cunt squeezing my dick when I give you my soul.”

  “I need more. Just a little more,” I said, gasping as I clung to him and frantically bucked my hips against his cock.

  His eyes flashed, and for a second I thought he might shift and I’d lose him to the barely contained beast inside, but then his desperate worship returned. Llyr pressed his thumb to my clit once more, slamming deep into me so hard I lost my breath. Then ecstasy erupted in my core, my body giving in as he roared, his climax flooding me with molten heat.

  Our shared cries echoed up into the trees and my eyes flew open with the force of t
he magic that flooded me then. More than just his orgasm filled me—the brilliant glowing power of his satyr soul drove into me like a spike of lightning, simultaneously shattering me and making me whole with one last thrust of his cock.

  Bright heat flowed through my limbs, and with it came something even more brilliant: the overwhelming need to take them all, to devour their pleasure until not a drop remained. Until nothing was left behind but raw hunger and pure, white-hot need.



  I’d barely regained my hold on reality when Deva changed, transforming from a sensuous, tender woman, her eyes filled with love, to a crazed nymph in a matter of seconds. This was exactly what I’d feared would happen when she claimed her nymphaea soul, but I was prepared.

  She toppled me backward into the tree, a harsh grunt escaping me when my shoulders hit the trunk. A splintering crack filled the air and I opened my eyes, dazed until I registered the enormous antlers caging my head and her beautiful, dark-skinned face framed within them. She’d slammed them into the tree trunk on either side of me, apparently in her effort to get her face close to mine, not realizing she had transformed.

  Unlike most nymphs and satyrs when they shifted, she hadn’t increased in size, but her strength had doubled, and she now had me pinned against the tree roots as she continued to ride my cock. My body responded, the beast within me a hair’s breadth from tearing free, only held back by the residual tenderness of our lovemaking and my desire to savor the merging of my soul with the other three fragments she carried inside her.

  But tenderness wasn’t what would sate the creature she had become, and the powerful nymph whose slick cunt now clutched at my cock was too strong for even my own primal nature to satisfy.

  With a roar, I let go of that control, the thread snapping easily and my body flowing into my larger, more powerful form. Stronger now, I grabbed her wrists as I surged forward, slamming her against the woven tree roots on the opposite side of the pool.

  I wasn’t worried I’d hurt her—not only was she immortal, but as a fully shifted nymph in the throes of fever, she’d revel in rough treatment. Sure enough, she twined her legs around me and let out a cry when I pushed my cock deeper into her.

  It was a challenge to hold onto her and maintain my sanity at the same time. The beast in me wanted nothing more than to claim her, to fuck her until she screamed, but she needed someone to keep their head or we would never be able to stop.

  Her tight sheath clutched at me, hot and slick and so hungry to be fucked. I pulled out, panting, and then slammed back in, struggling to keep her pinned with my hips while I held her wrists above her head. She thrashed beneath me, eyes wild and antlers tearing into my forearms as she howled and bucked her hips.

  With the last thread of my sanity fraying, I turned my head to the trio of Deva’s other mates, glaring at their shocked faces.

  “Get the fuck over here and help me!” I yelled. “Rohan, we need your dragon. Keagan, use the Source to restrain her. Bodhi . . . ”

  I almost told the human to stay the fuck out of the way, but he was the first one to move, pushing past the other two and jumping into the pool. He reached my side and grabbed one of Deva’s kicking feet, wrapping his hand tight around her ankle to hold her still with all his strength.

  “What the fuck do we do?” he asked.

  “Restrain her so she doesn’t fucking tear us to shreds,” I suggested.

  Rohan shoved Keagan aside, sliding into the water with us in the shape of an enormous gold dragon. Waves sloshed over the roots, and he nudged me gently with one sharp, deadly talon. I waited until he clamped it over her wrists and nodded at me, and then I moved back, making way for him to take my place.

  Golden smoke flowed over Deva’s body and some of her tension eased, her wild eyes focusing on his huge, shining snout as he moved between her legs.

  “Please, yes!” she cried, the most coherent thing I’d heard out of her since she shifted.

  Rohan flicked his long, forked tongue across her wet breasts and down. I held one ankle while Bodhi kept hold of the other, allowing Rohan to nuzzle between her thighs.

  Deva moaned and bucked when his tongue pushed deep, a climax rippling through her body and flooding the pool with magic strong enough to make my balls ache. I’d just had one of the best orgasms of my life inside this woman, but I needed to fuck again so badly I hurt.

  It was all I could do to suppress the urge to tear through Keagan’s wet, barely-there wrap when he hopped into the water next to me and show the ursa what it really felt like to get fucked, but Deva thrashed again, her foot slipping free of my grip and slamming into my jaw.

  I glanced at Keagan as I struggled to grab hold of her again. “You’re the ursa. Summon some fucking restraints!”

  “I’ve never done this before!” he yelled back, hands on his hips. He clearly needed some assistance understanding what he was capable of, and now was the perfect teaching moment.

  He’d involuntarily cupped his hardening dick in response to the orgasmic flood of power from Rohan’s tongue buried in Deva’s snatch. I reached for his shoulder, grabbed him, and turned him toward me. He gave me a dazed look and I reached between his legs, cupped his balls, and squeezed enough to catch his attention and make his cock jerk and swell. He exhaled sharply and stared down at my hand.

  “It’s all here,” I said. “I’ve tasted your essence, Keagan. You’re halfway to a Miteradoro. Gaia’s gift is in you, just waiting for you to use it. All you have to do is hold onto the power instead of channeling it to Gaia. This is where it gathers.”

  “I know,” he snapped, twisting away from me. “But it’s easier said than done.”

  Deva managed to slip one hand free of Rohan’s grip, and soon the other followed. She twisted beneath him, head swinging, antlers thrashing, and Rohan roared as the sharp tines of one antler gouged across his neck. Blood welled from the cut, dripping down his scales.

  “Better fucking figure it out fast!” I wrapped both hands around Deva’s ankle this time, trying to hold tight to her slippery skin while Rohan struggled to clamp his claws down over her shoulders without harming her.

  Keagan cursed and surged through the water toward the tree, climbing up and reaching above him. A string of foul language continued flowing from his mouth, but somehow it had the effect of a chant and several vines began to slip out of the tree branches and coil down to his hands. He wrapped the vines around his hands and swung across the water to us, and then with a toss, he aimed two handfuls of twisting green tendrils toward Deva. Her need must have finally helped him find his inner power.

  The vines coiled around her wrists and yanked tight, dragging her halfway out of the water. More vines slipped down her legs and wrapped around her ankles, and I jerked my hands away before they could bind me to her.

  “What now?” Bodhi called, jumping back out the vines’ reach.

  Rohan was the one who answered, his rumbling dragon’s voice resonating through the cove as he dipped his snout back between her legs and slid his tongue through her spread folds.

  “Now we fuck her sane again,” he said, then raised up, his enormous cock slicing through the water toward her. In one smooth movement, he speared her pink, wet core, and Deva arched with a cry of ecstasy.

  “Fucking beautiful,” Keagan murmured beside me, his chest heaving from the exertion of his save.

  “You figured it out quickly. Good for you,” I said, though my tone held little praise.

  “Fuck off,” he retorted.

  “Careful,” I warned. “I have yet to taste your ass, and watching this isn’t exactly cooling me off.”

  I nodded toward the tableau before us, with Deva’s glistening nymph body bound and splayed and Rohan’s tail thrashing back and forth through the water while he fucked her.

  Keagan’s gaze heated as he glanced down my body, and his nostrils flared when his eyes reached my cock. “I can take you.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t k
eep,” I said, taking a step toward him.

  He craned his neck to meet my gaze, brown eyes defiant. “I’m as bound to her as you are. That need to be fucked isn’t only hers.”

  “I suppose not,” I rumbled, slipping up behind him, my aching cock brushing hot across his lower back. He shivered when my breath blew across his shoulder, then smirked back at me.

  “Don’t be gentle on my account. I said I could take you. I meant it,” he taunted, earning a growl as I gripped him by the shoulders and shoved him forward.

  Keagan laughed as he fell against the tangled roots beside Deva’s writhing body and looked back over his shoulder at me. His tattooed back glistened, the stark tree branches inked on his skin dotted with beads of water that trickled down his tapered waist. His sheer sarong was pasted to his tight ass. As he lifted one knee to brace it on the woody edge of the pool, the fabric rode up, giving me a perfect view of his heavy, round balls and the tight, puckered opening between his cheeks.

  “Jesus Christ,” Bodhi said, and I glanced at him, smirking.

  “This is the difference between ursa males and normal men. They’re pretty much always down to get fucked, one way or the other,” I said.

  My cock throbbed at the sight in front of me. Rohan’s scaled dragon thighs flexed as he rammed into Deva, her supple body glistening as she panted barely coherent words of encouragement and need. Keagan pushed himself a little higher, lifting his other knee to leverage himself closer to Deva’s bouncing breasts where she lay on the rooted embankment of the pool. The movement spread his ass wider, and all I had to do was take one step and reach out. I smacked his ass hard, but he didn’t even flinch—he just hummed around Deva’s nipple.

  “Rohan,” I said, tilting my head at the dragon, “can you reach him with your tongue? I don’t want to ruin him entirely.”

  The dragon slowed his urgent thrusts and craned his head around, shifting one golden wing out of the way. His enormous snout brushed over Keagan’s head, warm breath gusting glittering golden smoke as he snaked his long tongue down Keagan’s spine.


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