A Single Snowflake

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A Single Snowflake Page 4

by A D Tether

  Rupert and Denis sprawled themselves over the sofa that Pete had previously occupied, Pete was sitting on armchair that was close to an open door that led onto the hallway, sending the aroma of Stella's curry and Pete's chow mien throughout the house and up the stairs, all thirteen of them.

  'Look at them, you wouldn't think they had a care in the World, would you', questioned Rupert.

  'I see what you mean, no one would think they were arguing earlier would you', replied Denis.

  'More of a disagreement, I think' laughed Rupert.

  'But not all is well I fear and have you wondered why Lord Albion Brightly insisted on sending us here to replace what’s-their-names' inquired Denis.

  'Oh, you mean Stanley and Edward, can't say I blame him really, lazy so and so's I heard, never tried to do anything, just biding their time for a better gig', answered Rupert.

  'But I have a feeling something else is afoot, oh well I suppose we shall find out soon enough', sighed Denis.

  'You may well be right old friend, you may well be right' yawned Rupert, 'and I tell you what, she is hard work, a cold one that one, I am worn out.'



  Under normal circumstance the visit to Shenka, of the great Lord Albion Brightly, who was both Leader of All Guardians of the place on Earth called Great Britain and Head of the Grand Gathering of Grafflin, would have been heralded far and wide. The streets would have been festooned with bunting, the inhabitants of Shenka would have crowded onto the tree lined roads waving flags, the day itself would have been set aside as a national holiday. Great feasts would be partaken, children would have been raised onto the shoulders of their fathers so they could see the man they had heard stories about since they were old enough to understand the words of their parents and grandparents. They would have been told of the old days when such visits took place more often, of days when carnivals would arrive in the great city, side shows and fairground rides would entertain both young and old until it was past the little ones bedtimes. In those days Albion Brightly would arrive with many attendants in tow, the children would be in awe of the beautiful spectacle, men with silver hair, golden faces that glistened in the moonlight, and garments of beautiful gems that shone with bright auras surrounding their graceful bodies.

  This time however was different. Albion Brightly had arrived under the cover of darkness, his brilliant body was wrapped in a cloak of dark brown wool, a hood covered his head large enough to throw his golden face into a deep grey shadow. Only one other person arrived with him, Julian Speaksafe his constant body guard and confidant. Julian was a half-ling, the son of Katerin of Shenka and Kendrick of Grafflin, home of the Guardians.


  Grafflin has many names dependent on the faiths of Earth, some may call it Heaven, others may call it Elysium or Shangri La, there are so many names, but Grafflin encompasses all these names, it is one whole place, a place of peace and harmony, a place without boundaries and politics.


  Katerin and Kendrick had met many years earlier during a state visit of Albion Brightly; Kendrick had spotted Katerin in the crowd, she was laughing with a group of other young women, a small breeze had blown through her long black hair revealing a long white neck of such beauty that left Kendrick shaking with pure love. Later that evening he made his way through the crowds that were enjoying the fairground rides and side stalls, everywhere people and children were laughing and singing, he searched for the woman that had caused his soul to leap, then he saw her, she was helping a small child onto a carousel, the child had wrapped his arms around her neck and was now planting a kiss on her perfect face. Please don't tell me she is a mother and wife, he thought. Their eyes met and she smiled, a welcoming smile, a smile that said hello and pleased to meet you. Kendrick made his way over to Katerin and introduced himself,

  'Hello, may I introduce myself, my name is Kendrick of Grafflin.'

  Katerin looked him straight in the eyes, 'I know who you are, pleased to meet you, I am Katerin.'

  Kendrick needed special permission to marry Katerin, it had never happened before, the Chamber of Grand Councillors took many hours to debate the issue and so too did the Chief Guardians of Grafflin, but in the end they knew that this could bring both realms closer together so the marriage was sanctioned.

  The wedding which was a lavish affair took place in Shenka, although the Guardians could travel back and forth, it was considered dangerous for a Shenkan to visit Grafflin, it was said that if you did then you may not be able to return home. Two years later Julian was born, he had inherited his father's golden face and his mothers dark hair; but the greatest gift that he inherited was that he could travel to Shenka, Grafflin and Earth in complete safety. He had grown into a man of mighty strength, intuition and knowledge, it was even rumoured that one day he would take Albion's place as head of all Guardians of the place on Earth known as Great Britain, and eventually would be head of all Guardians of all lands; but that was sometime in the future. For now he had no ambition, other than to serve Albion Brightly with all his integrity and power.

  Albion Brightly and Julian Speaksafe had hurried through the dark streets of Pace the capital city of Shenka, making their way to a marble bench that sat under a large cascor tree which grew in the grounds of a great parkland. They both sat down and waited, the night had grown colder, Julian felt the cold more, he shivered and wrapped his cloak tighter around his muscular frame.

  'I have never known it this cold before, never this cold before the solstice.'

  Albion turned to his aide, 'Although I cannot physically feel the cold, I can sense it, things are not good here are they.'

  Julian started to reply but his words were cut short by the arrival of another. Ralph the Mighty stood before them, he too was dressed in a long dark cloak his head covered with a hood. 'Welcome my friends, thank you so much for coming here, let us hurry and get inside, it is freezing cold tonight, my fingers are blue with it and I am sure my nose will fall off if it gets any colder', chortled Ralph. 'Come I will lead the way, you must both be tired, come all is ready for your comfort, come let us get indoors, we must make our way in complete silence, no one must know you are here.'

  The three cloaked figures scurried along through the dark streets, the odd wanderer passed them by, but took no heed as he too wanted nothing more than to return to his warm home and fireside. The tall figure of Ralph led them to a small dwelling that sat squatly between two grander and more imposing buildings, he knocked on the door four times, counted slowly to twenty and waited to hear the sound of the lock being opened from the inside; he then counted to fifteen and pressed his right ear to the door. 'We can enter now', he whispered to his guests, 'again I must ask that we do not speak until I give the all clear.'

  Albion and Julian nodded, indicating that they understood Ralph's clear instructions. The room they entered was modest, a small fire burnt in a brick fireplace, a lantern was lit on a cloth covered table that was hugged by four wooden chairs. Ralph walked over to the fire and held his hands close to the flames, he removed his hood and stamped his booted feet. 'Come my friends, enjoy the warmth before we move on.'

  Julian copied Ralph, he was glad of the warmth, his Shenkan blood was freezing in his veins, he was weary and needed rest. Albion also uncovered his head and strolled across the small room to the fireside, the warmth had affected him too, his mind was growing clearer and he felt a strength of purpose return to his soul.

  'Let's get going my friends', spoke Ralph, 'come follow me, we will soon be in my own quarters, once there we can speak freely, come we all need refreshments and rest.'

  I guess that you are now asking more questions, have you wondered yet how I can tell you about events that have happened at the same time, but in different locations. How can that be, you may ask; the answer is really quite simple. You, yourselves might do the same, watch a programme on television with your recording device working to save
another show that is airing at the same time, later that night you can watch that recorded show at your leisure. Imagine being in a room with five televisions, each broadcasting five live events, true you would find it difficult to listen to five voices, after all you only have one set of ears and one brain; remember I did tell you I am not of your earth. Everything has a simple explanation once it has been explained to you. I will carry on with my tale now, there is much more to be told.

  Ralph led the way, a door by the side of the fireplace opened onto a dark flight of stairs, winding their way down some thirty feet below the city. Lights on the stone walls lit the way, turning on to illuminate a few steps before them, turning off behind them. Julian halted once and looked behind into complete darkness and silence; he shuddered and wrapped his warm cloak around his body. The stairs descended into an open circular room, three doors formed the points of the compass with the stairs themselves forming the fourth part, in the centre of the room was a cloth covered table and lantern, a replica of the one in the house above. Ralph walked over to the South door and beckoned his companions to join him, he gave the door a hefty knock, within seconds the door was opened and bright light flooded the dimly lit circular room. The three men made their way into Ralph's immense reception hall, on the walls hung portraits of all the past leaders of Shenka, looking down seriously on the small figures below, chandeliers drooped with candles of many colours that were all aflame, ahead of them was a grand staircase, wide enough for ten men to walk side by side as they made their ascent to the chambers above.

  'Come, let me take your cloaks, it is safe now for us to speak, and it is sure warm enough I trust', spoke Ralph.

  'So much so, that I am glad to rid myself of this heavy wear' replied Julian who now held both his and Lord Albion's cloak in his arms. Ralph reached for a bell that was lying on a leather upholstered stool at the bottom of the staircase, and gave it a small shake. Within a few blinks of the eye a door opened to the right of the stairway and a small man dressed in a purple uniform of silk appeared, he marched up to Ralph and bowed, he then bowed to Albion and finally bowed to Julian. Without speaking he took the cloaks from Ralph, bowed once more and made his way backwards to the door from which he had entered.

  'Albion my Lord will you need refreshments tonight, I know you partake of so little sustenance but it has been such a long cold journey for you', asked Ralph.

  Albion Brightly turned to Ralph and smiled, 'A little broth would not go amiss, and I am partial to a little of that glorious Shenka wine, if that is possible.'

  'But of course, you are my guest, we will make whatever you need available to you, come let us move on and eat, Julian my friend I expect your Shenkan blood is near ravenous if you are anything like me.'

  'It is for sure and no mistake', grinned Julian 'you are most kind and thoughtful Lord Ralph.'

  'Come then let us eat, let us drink wine together, tomorrow beckons, we must be ready to meet with the High Council, tomorrow will see the arrival of Our Lady of the Fields and you will have your first introduction to Belle and Henderson, tomorrow it all begins.'

  Ralph, Albion and Julian ascended the wide staircase, the carpet beneath their feet was two inches thick, woven with rich wool that had been dyed a deep purple, Albion felt his feet sink into the deep pile, he held onto the black ebony handrail to assist the climb. He could have glided to the top of the stairs, with his feet not even touching a single tuft of wool, he could even have flown to the waiting landing; but he was Ralph's guest, he did not think such ostentatious behaviour becoming or appropriate, he would climb even if it caused him to weariness, after all he would soon recover, one glass of wine would revive him.

  Ralph noticed Albion's pain, he did not wish for his guests to be in discomfort, he placed a strong arm around Albion's shoulders and said softly, 'Albion my true friend, you seem so weary, go on ahead if you wish.'

  Albion looked into Ralph's dark eyes that shone with sincerity, 'Thank you Lord Ralph, thank you, yes if you do not mind, my feet are aching so much, they are not used to all this walking and climbing, I will wait for you at the top', he turned and spoke to Julian ' are you fine with me going on ahead, I do not want you to think I am deserting you.' Julian bowed to Albion, looked up, smiled and held his right arm upwards. Albion understood Julian's sign, the sign that said 'yes it is alright with me, you carry on, I will catch up with you.' Albion leaned forward, his feet rose off the stairs, he floated gently upwards, the jewels on his long gown glowed brightly, his silver hair shimmered, before Ralph and Julian were half way up the staircase, Albion had reached his destination and was taking rest on a small green sofa at the top of the landing.

  One hour later Ralph sat on his own by the side of a roaring fire that burnt in his study, his guests had been fed well, had taken a little wine and were now resting in two of the twenty guest rooms in Ralph's palatial dwelling. Julian would sleep, his Shenka side would be stronger here, Albion would lie down and send himself into a trance, the trance would be refreshing, no worries would enter his mind, no nightmares that inflicted themselves on the people of Earth would flood his sub-conscious, he would see only goodness, beauty and kindness that he knew still existed but was gradually being forgotten by those same Earth folk,

  Ralph was troubled, his mind was confused, tomorrow the whole Council would meet, tomorrow for the first time in living memory Lord Albion Brightly would address them, tomorrow great speeches would be heard, tomorrow all would be laid out, tomorrow the plans to save them all would be discussed, debated and finalised, tomorrow he would meet Belle and Henderson, but tomorrow Veronica the Lady of the Fields would be in his company. Oh Veronica, should I tell you of my love for you, should I lay everything bare, should I ask you to be my wife, but what if you reject me, what if you laugh and tell me not to be foolish, then what would happen, would that drive a wedge between us, but if you were to say yes, what then, would it make this task so much easier, would our joint powers bring success, oh what to do, please someone help me. The door to Ralph's study quietly opened, Albion Brightly stood in the doorway,

  'You are troubled my Lord, I felt it in my meditations, can I be of assistance.'

  Ralph was woken from his thoughts, 'My friend, I had forgotten that I can hide nothing from you, please come and sit by my side, you may just have answered my prayers.'

  Albion sat close to Ralph, by the warm fireside and listened, Ralph told him of his love for the Lady Veronica, he told him how he had loved her from their first meeting, how his heart raced when he kissed her hand and how his life seemed empty when she was gone. He held a small portrait of the Lady in his strong hands, looking at it with eyes of love. 'What if she rejects me, what if she thinks I am a big clumsy oaf, what if she laughs and tells me not to be so,' Albion reached out and placed his slim hand on Ralph's mighty shoulders,

  'Do not be afraid Ralph, your heart is true, take her to one side and look into her eyes, you will then see if she feels the same, my soul tells me she will say yes, trust your old friend, do not be alone until your deathbed, take a chance.

  'Thank you Albion, yes I will, tomorrow I will propose to her, it is better I know, it is that I am a little scared, but yes I will ask tomorrow.'

  'Come then Ralph, you need sleep, you need to be fresh and alert, please make to your bed.'

  'Yes, I am a little tired', said Ralph, 'Yes my friend, let us both retire, I need to rise early in the morning, there is much to plan and make ready, I am feeling sleepy, come I will walk with you to our rooms.'

  Ralph and Albion left the study and made their way to their own bed chambers, Albion returned to his trance like state, Ralph undressed and climbed into his warm bed, within five minutes he was fast asleep.


  27th August

  It was the height of summer in Lembury, England and the deepest depth of winter in Shenka, Grafflin had no seasons, it was neither too hot nor too cold, but a gentle warm climate of soft clean air.

p; Marie checked her overnight case for the fourth time, she ticked off all the items she needed from the booklet she had been given at the anti-natal clinic for her short stay in the maternity unit of St Mary's hospital.

  Jack was in the back garden mowing the lawn, he would take the grass cutting to the local tip another day, he didn't want to leave the house, the time was too close. Bertie was resting on a garden chair, watching a butterfly travel along the thick lavender bush that grew under the kitchen window, a troop of ants busied themselves in and out of the soil from which the sweet smelling bush was living. Upstairs Sydney lay on a bedside rug, watching Marie go over and over her check list, he blew a kiss in her direction, Marie brushed her face gently where the kiss had landed and smiled.


  Much to Pete Master's distress, Stella's mother Margaret Haywood had arrived early, dragging her Guardian Lionel behind her. Margaret was a tall hefty woman who had lived alone since her husband Thomas had been killed in a car crash, twenty nine months, three weeks and two days ago. She had nobody left to care for and had reverted to treating Stella like a small girl, running to her every whim and believing every word that she spoke. Pete had bitten his lip, kept his thoughts to himself and tried his hardest to be welcoming, inside he was screaming; he did not want his Mother in Law to appear until after the birth, he didn't want or need her interference; but he knew he was beaten. Stella had been on the telephone, crying that she was so tired, the heat was too much, her body ached, she had no energy to cook or clean, shopping was nigh on impossible as she had to stand and wait in queues whilst the silly check out girls laughed and giggled to their friends, and as Pete was a Man! well what did he know.' So Margaret Haywood appeared on the threshold on 24th August and within the past three days had made herself well and truly at home.

  Margaret was busying herself in the kitchen cleaning every surface, removing dead insects that had stuck themselves to the window sills and rearranging food cupboards. Stella sat at the kitchen table drinking a cold glass of lemon tea, flicking through a celebrity magazine. Every now and then she would gasp, 'Well who would have thought it', or 'I knew it wouldn't last' or 'Just what does she think she looks like.'


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