A Single Snowflake

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A Single Snowflake Page 6

by A D Tether

  A tall thin spectacled man, who was sitting on the front row stood and turned to face the gathered crowd, he bowed his head as he received applause, looking slightly embarrassed he quickly sat back down, men at his side and even men behind him, offered their hands in a friendly handshake, two women left their seats so they could place kisses on his forehead.

  Ralph continued with his speech, 'This small notebook written in the hand of Garian, has shook my mind, I think it would be easier if I read it out to you, it is my friends a remarkable discovery.' Ralph took a small notebook from his coat pocket, he opened the book and started to read.

  'I Garian, Leader of Shenka, must write my findings down, this book will then be hidden in our great archives, until they are ready to be found. Timing is all important, and I trust the fates in the future to lead the right man to their hiding place; then and only then will this book be of use, so if it takes many years in it's discovery do not be downhearted it was just that the time wasn't right before.

  You may now know that I loved the Grand Garden, I could never find out who planted the first seeds, all I knew was the Garden was there from the dawn of time. The same plants thrived in their original positions, whenever I attempted to replant some favourite flower in a different flower bed it would die. It always puzzled me, the soil seemed the same, the sunlight was the same, the moisture was the same; this even happened if I tried moving a bell flower by just a few feet it would die. I then realised that some things are just meant to be, that I should not question the why's and wherefores, but just accept how it is. Now dear Shenkans it was in the summer that I saw the first snowflake, when I heard that first scream and baby's cry, but what you may not know is that within a day of seeing that snowflake I myself came down with a heavy cold. The Physician confined me to indoors until the cold had passed, I was very frustrated at not being able to tend my beloved garden, the snowflake had played on my mind, I needed to know if any more had fallen. Although I was feeling weak I made my way to the tall tower that overlooks the garden and climbed all the steps to the very top, it was an arduous climb, the steps were narrow and twisted round and round, but I made it. When I eventually reached to top I had to clean away years of cobwebs that covered the one look-out window, it then took much force to open it, but I persevered. Fortunately, there was one small wooden stool by the side of that mighty window, it must have been used before, but that would have been many seasons passed, the dust on the floor showed no footprints of recent use. I didn't pay heed to the thick layer of dust on the stool, I just sat down and leaned out of the window and looked down onto the garden.

  It is strange how you do not really see things properly, only from this great height could I view the garden in it's entirety, we often do not see the whole picture when we are trying to solve a problem, but from here I could see everything. I saw how the flowers and plants in the North and South were white, with delicate flowers that looked like snowflakes, I saw how the plants to the east were mainly spice plants and tea bushes, the more I looked the more I saw that the garden represented the place we call Earth. A giant map lay before me, blue flowers separated continents the same as the great oceans, sweeps of sandy soil with few plants were the deserts, green plants were the grasslands and tall trees grew in the rainforests. I revisited the tower on many occasions, looking closer, being more observant; I then realised that even our own birds moved from one part of the garden to another, mimicking the migrations on Earth, I saw trees dying in the garden, ravished by drought and deforestation, I did my best to replant the trees but as soon as one tree began to grow and flourish, three more died.

  I have written this down because I know it is important to work out where that first cry came from, I estimate it came from somewhere in Great Britain, but I am unable to go any further, map reading and mathematics were never my favourite subjects. However, I do know that when this journal is read again, you will have advanced in these subjects and will have the means to work out the source of this first cry.

  Have you tended the garden, please keep it in order, please love it, it must be connected to Earth and I am sure that as what happens on Earth affects our garden, so truly must our garden have an equal affect on Earth.

  Ralph stopped reading and hesitated, a tear ran down his face, he didn't wipe it away, he just let it fall, another tear followed and then a third.

  'I am so guilty, I am shaken to the very core, I have neglected the garden, I am so very sorry, I had even forgotten about the garden, I had never been there, but I am trying to put that right, our very best gardeners are now removing the weeds and dead flowers as we speak, they are replanting, they are watering. Please forgive me, I will make amends, I will.'

  Ralph regathered his thoughts, if Lord Albion had the strength to carry on then so must I, he continued reading from Garian's notebook.

  Now my dear Shenkans I have one last prophesy for you, you must heed these words with complete faith and belief. One day whilst sitting in the tower I felt a little dizzy, I reached out to steady myself pressing my hand against the brick walls, one brick was loose and fell on the floor, behind the brick I found an old manuscript. I read it over and over again, I was afraid that if I made it's discovery common knowledge that our people would either panic or ridicule me, so I smuggled it away from the tower and took it to my room. Once there I sat in my window seat to read it again, the sun was beating down on my head so I turned my head away and held the parchment aloft so the sun shone on that rather than in my eyes. Oh what a mistake that was, for the paper crumbled in the heat and was nothing more than dust. I remembered all the words and this is what lay in that dire warning. It predicted a time when the Earth will be in chaos and despair, it predicts that our own beloved Shenka will be in danger, it predicts that even the Guardians of Grafflin will be despondent; if this is happening now, please heed my words, it predicts that a snowflake falling in summer and the sound of a distant woman's wail and baby's cry would herald the start of it all. The instructions were clear, the author of the text had instructed me the finder, to copy all the words down in a small notebook, I was then to hide the notebook in the grand archives, when the time was ready the final prophesy would come to pass.'

  Ralph stopped reading, 'Fellow Shenkans, the following text that I am about to read to you all, is the very reason my guests at the table behind me are here, let me continue.'.

  Ralph returned to the notebook and with a strong commanding voice read,

  'In the very community where the snowflake fell two children will be born on the same day; one a boy the other a girl. These children will have special gifts, not only will they be able to see and converse with Guardians, but also they will protected by two of our own land of Shenka, one a woman whose duty until this time was that of a Birther and a man who was until now a Passer. One of the children will belong to the same bloodline as the woman who made that first scream and of the baby that gave out that first cry. Events will bring them to their greatest tests and trials, but they will not have reached adulthood when this happens. The snowflake will be a sign to where these two blessed children will be born, follow it well for so much is at stake.

  Now Dear Grafflins, we need your help also, your own men and women are tired and weary, but all is not lost, they too can be saved. If you can with the help of the most intellectual men and women of Shenka discover who the parents of these two special children are, I urge you to send your best Guardians to them, please heed my words.'

  Ralph stopped reading, he dropped the book back into his coat pocket and looked around the meeting hall, everyone sat in silence, staring at Ralph, trying to come to terms with what they had heard. Ralph stood with arms open wide, fingers stretched as if hugging the whole Council, returning to his speech he let his arms drop back down to his sides.

  'Fellow Shenkans, I can tell you that Garian had drawn a map of the garden in his notebook, he had marked out the countries and oceans, but most important of all, he had marked the very flower where the firs
t snowflake fell. Armed with this map I called on the services of our greatest cartographer Herkell, he spent many hours studying maps of Great Britain and I am overjoyed to inform you all that he has successfully found the town in Great Britain where it all began, it is known as Lembury and is a small town in England, not far from the border with Wales. Ladies and Gentlemen can we show our appreciation to Herkell who is sitting next to Claude on the front row. A bald headed man stood and bowed to the audience, he too sat down quickly, embarrassed by the accolade,

  'After all my Lord Ralph, I was only doing my job' he remarked.

  'Thank you Herkell, we are so very grateful for all your hard work and application to the task I set you. Dear Shenkans, I can inform you today that the parents of these two children have been identified, this is all down to the observation of Mr Julian Speaksafe.'

  Ralph turned and nodded to Julian

  'Thank you Sir, you are a great ally to us.'

  'We are also so grateful to you Lord Ralph, for we too are suffering', spoke Julian.

  Ralph walked closer to the front of the stage, 'My friends, let me assure you that in the homes of these two yet to be born children, are Guardians of the highest standing, so much so that they were hand picked by Lord Albion, never before has he felt the need to replace any Earth person's Guardian, but such is his trust in us, he has done that very thing. I too have chosen, with the help of our much loved Lady Veronica of the Fields, the two Shenkans who will shortly start their journey on Earth, you see these two souls on stage with us today, please be uprising for Belle and Henderson.'

  Everyone in the assembly stood and cheered, Belle shuffled in her seat she could feel herself blushing, Henderson tried to remain steady but he could feel his body shaking, the Lady grasped his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, all was well.

  Ralph held his hands up to call order, the crowd slowly returned to their seats, silence resumed. 'I can now tell you that the two children will be born on Earth tomorrow, tonight we will dine and then send Belle and Henderson on their way, as is the rule of Shenka they will return once a year for two days, so that they may regain their strength and partake of food and drink, for when they are on Earth they will be only in spirit form. They may only return individually though, and as we cannot leave these children unprotected, the Lady Veronica herself will relieve them, taking her place by the side of these children. Thank you, please now make your way to the dining room where food and drink is ready, we will be in your company shortly.'

  Slowly the gathered crowd made their way into the dining room where a lavish meal had been set out on large black tables, meats of every variety, small fishes cooked in light batter, fruit tumbled out of glass dishes, breads and cakes piled high on fine china platters, cheeses of many colours lay on wooden trays, jugs of wines, beers and fruit drinks, no detail had been missed. Ladies nibbled at small portions whilst chatting in small groups, the men gathered in larger crowds holding platters piled high with a 'bit of everything.' Here and there small catches of conversations could be heard, 'Oh I hope they are up to it', 'Well rather them than me', 'Such a long time to be away, I would miss my grandchildren something awful', 'That Belle girl has beautiful hair', 'Handsome man that Henderson' and every now and then 'Poor Albion looks so tired.'

  Ralph meanwhile had ushered the Lady Veronica, Belle, Henderson, Albion and Julian into a small side room that was simply furnished with several armchairs.

  'Please sit, let us make our final plans before joining our guests in the dining room'

  Everyone sat down as asked and waited on Ralph's words.

  'Henderson, you have been chosen to safeguard the boy, his parents are Marie and Jack Rose, the mother Marie seems to be very perceptive, her Guardian is Sydney; whilst the father Jack has no perceptible abilities much to the agitation of his Guardian Bertie, Lord Albion assures me they are the finest Guardians and will make you very welcome indeed.'

  'I am in your hands, My Lord Ralph, I am your servant', confirmed Henderson.

  'That is why you were chosen my son, my trust in you is beyond doubt', replied Ralph.

  'Belle, we need you to watch over the girl, her parents are Stella and Pete Masters, the mother I am afraid may be a little difficult, the father on the other hand has a good heart although he is yet to recognise his Guardian Denis, we believe that Stella will never know her Guardian Rupert, but Rupert is of excellent quality and will not give up in that quest.'

  'Thank you my Lord, I look forward to the path ahead' spoke Belle.

  'You are both blessed, now go and eat, for shortly we must send you on your way, I will come and seek you out in a little while.'

  Belle and Henderson rose from their seats and made their way to the dining room, this would be their last meal for many months, for on Earth as they would be in spirit form they have no need for food and drink.

  'If you don't mind Lord Ralph, Julian and I would very much like to eat, can you excuse us, unless of course you need us to stay', enquired Lord Albion Brightly, who still had a twinkle in his eye, despite his frailty.

  'Oh I am so rude, you must both be so hungry, no please go, the Lady Veronica and I will join you very soon, please accept my apology', replied Ralph who cast a wink at Albion that was unseen by the other two in the room.

  Albion took Julian's strong arm and slowly left the room, once out of earshot Julian questioned Albion, 'So what was that about my Lord, I feel something is afoot, I think that was an excuse to leave our two hosts alone.'

  'I cannot keep anything from you can I, all will be revealed, and I hope for our friend Ralph's sake, that he gets the answer he so much desires' gasped Albion who was struggling to find the energy to walk and chat at the same time.

  'Oh I see, yes let us pray for him, they do make a lovely couple don't they.'

  Ralph and the Lady Veronica sat together, side by side, warming their hands by the heat radiating from a wood fire in a brick built hearth, Ralph had lit a pipe and was slowly puffing away, light blue aromatic smoke rose in the air, spinning circles and spirals that gradually disappeared into the dark ceiling above.

  'My Lady, I need to ask you a question, it is one that is so difficult for me, I am so afraid.'

  The Lady's heart skipped a beat, could Ralph feel the same, could he.

  'My dear Ralph, just ask me, please'

  'My Lady, I have loved you for so long, but I was afraid that you would not want to share your life with me, but these events have made me realise that I cannot go on without you by my side, will you do me the honour of being my wife' begged Ralph.

  'Oh my love, yes of course, my love for you has always been in my heart, yes, yes, yes'

  Ralph leaned forward and took the Lady's delicate hands in his own large strong ones then kissed her gently on her lips.

  Ten minutes later the Lady and Ralph entered the dining room, the Lady held on to Ralph's arm, both looked idyllicly happy. Albion who was seated on a heavily cushioned armchair, looked across the room and smiled, he felt the first weight fall away from his weary shoulders, 'A good start and a good sign', he thought.

  After all the Chamber had made their way home, Albion and Julian said their farewells, the sooner Albion returned to Grafflin the better, there the clear air would strengthen his soul. The Lady Veronica, Belle and Henderson returned to Ralph's side room, they would wait there whilst Ralph would say his goodbyes to his Grafflin guests. He accompanied them along the same streets that they had trod the night before, past the bench where they had met, along two more narrow roads which led to a frozen river that was spanned by a narrow footbridge. They said farewell, Ralph watched as they crossed the bridge, bright coloured lights shone in the evening air then faded away, they had returned home.

  There are certain places in Shenka that lead to Grafflin, certain secret places known only to a few chosen ones. The bridge was one such place. It was here that the chosen ones could send telepathic messages to Grafflin, the messages would be relayed to the intended recipient, it
was from here that Lord Ralph the Mighty came to ask Albion Brightly for help, it was from here that Ralph waited one week earlier to greet a messenger from Grafflin, who would carry correspondence back and forth between the two great men.

  Ralph stood by the side of the river for a few minutes, he observed his reflection in the thick ice, he looked tired, dark circles had formed around his eyes. An elderly woman who was walking her dog along the river path came and stood by his side,

  'This winter is already getting the better of me and no mistake, if it wasn't for Sam here', she said as she pointed at the squat black dog at her side, 'I would be home and in front of my fire with my feet up.'

  Ralph spoke to the woman without turning to look at her, he was afraid she may recognise him

  'That is true, madam, I too must be getting home, goodnight to you both, please take care as these paths are starting to freeze.'

  'Goodnight to you too Sir', said the woman, 'Come Sam let us get back, my fingers are going blue with cold.'

  The woman continued her walk along the river path, Ralph went in a different direction, returning along the streets, his pace quickened, he had already wasted so much precious time. As soon as he was back in the warmth of his home his pace quickened even further, he ran up the wide staircase, along the landing, across the meeting hall floor and into the side room where Lady Veronica, Belle and Henderson were anticipating his return.

  'Sorry I hope I have not been gone too long' Ralph panted, trying to regain his breath.

  'Not at all my Lord', smiled the Lady Veronica, 'I trust that Albion and Julian are now safely back in Grafflin.'

  'They are and not a moment too long, I just hope that this ordeal has not taken too much of Lord Albion's strength, it saddens me so' said Ralph who had now regained his breath.


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