A Single Snowflake

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A Single Snowflake Page 19

by A D Tether

  'I apologise Sir, I know you to be a true and honest being, I can see now that you speak with all our interests at heart, please forgive an old Grafflin'

  Julian smiled, he bore no grudge 'No need to apologise my Lord, I may well have asked the same question if it had been the other way around.'

  Lord Ralph rose from his seat, 'Is there anyone else who feels that Julian's request is foolhardy or mistaken' he asked.

  On seeing that no further protests or questions were forthcoming, he continued speaking,

  'Julian on behalf of the Grand Council of Grafflin and the Grand Council of Shenka, we grant your request and leave it to you to make all the necessary arrangements, we look forward to welcoming whoever you feel necessary to our beloved land of Shenka.'

  Julian stood and thanked everyone present, 'I will see that it is done, thank you all my true and kindest friends, and with your permission I shall return to Earth as soon as our meeting is concluded.'


  Shenka Revealed

  I have sometimes been told that I do not always describe what a person looks like in my tales, but I say in reply that I have told you all you need to know, does it matter if a man is tall or short, if a woman is fat or thin or even in-between; instead I hope I have told you enough to know what a person is really like on the inside; for that is all that truly matters. Too many stories are filled with trivial matters and thus rendering what is important into nothing more than triviality itself. It is true that the Lady Veronica when gazing at the portrait of Lord Ralph, on that first morning that she shared breakfast with Henderson and Belle, remarked how handsome he was, but that was through her own loving eyes, others may have viewed him as nothing out of the ordinary. The chemistry that exists between two people who are attracted to each other cannot always be explained by scientific means, it just is.

  One week later all the Earth folk found themselves standing in the Grand Portal Room of Lord Ralph's palatial chambers, Pete's dream revelation had stirred memories in his mind of his unsettled childhood, now he understood that his marriage to Stella had only been for a longing of a life he never knew, but since meeting Louise he also realised that for the first time he was now truly happy. Marie's heart pounded as for now she was able to touch the flesh of Julian, hold on to his strong hand and rest her head on his shoulder, she knew deep in her heart that no matter what lay before her, she had left her old life behind. Margaret was filled with excitement, at last she was here in Shenka, the place that Lionel had told her about since she was a little girl, the place of her childhood dreams, maybe she might just stay. Louise had come along too, now she had met Pete there was no way she was going to let him go, how fortunate was she that Joni had taken her to her own little heart, declaring that she would like her to be her 'new Mommy.' Joni had screeched with joy when she could finally stroke Belle's long blue hair, 'It smells so yummy' she declared; and George was luckiest of all, as he breathed in the Shenkan air his body regained strength, he was well again. Henderson observed the colour in George's cheeks had returned, he breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly he felt hungry for it had been many months since he had eaten. As for Lionel, Geena, Sydney and Denis they had returned to Grafflin, but had promised to return to Shenka the following day.

  The Portal door swung open and Lord Ralph strode in, followed by four small men all dressed in purple silk uniforms, decorated with golden ribbons and tassels, on their heads they wore small matching purple silk caps, each man had his long hair tied back into long pigtails. Silently the men servants collected the bags and suitcases that the Earth folk had bought with them, carefully laid them on a trolley that stood in the hallway, then waited for further instructions.

  Lord Ralph couldn't hide his excitement, he shook hands with the men, hugged the women and bowed to Henderson and Belle in turn.

  'Welcome my friends, we are so happy you are here at last, there is so much to discuss, so much for you to see, but come now, let us get you settled, lunch awaits and the Lady Veronica is beside herself with excitement, it is over one hundred years since we were visited by anyone from Earth, today will be written about in our history books. Come everyone follow me, let's eat.'

  They followed Lord Ralph out of the Portal Room and waited whilst he spoke to the uniformed men who had collected their luggage, the men nodded to show they understood his orders, bowed to everyone present, then proceeded in dragging the trolley along the hallway and out of sight.

  'Now' said Ralph as he returned to his guests, 'would you like to eat first or see your rooms.'

  'I'm hungry' replied Joni, 'didn't have any breakfast cos Daddy forgot to buy some milk.'

  Pete shuffled looking embarrassed, 'you could have had toast Joni, I didn't know how long we would be gone and the milk might have gone off.'

  'Don't like toast' grumbled Joni, 'what have we got to eat then Mr Ralph.'

  'Joni!' exclaimed Margaret, 'have you left your manners behind, what will Lord Ralph think of you.'

  Ralph's face broke out into a grin, he threw his head back and laughed, his long dark hair blew across his face, 'It is alright, come let us eat, we cannot have Joni going hungry any longer.'

  Belle and Henderson hung back, they were not sure if they were invited to the lunch or were expected to take their meals in the servants quarters, they were also anxious to visit their own families who they had seen little of over the past nine years. Ralph and the Earth party had carried on ahead when George realised that Henderson was not with them, he stood motionless unable to understand why no one else had noticed that Belle and Henderson had not followed Lord Ralph, he was puzzled, it did not seem right. Marie who had been so taken with Julian's solid form suddenly shook herself when she became aware that George was not by her side,

  'Where's George' she called out.

  The party came to a halt and turned around to see George a few feet away, standing like one of the marble statues that stood guarding the long hallway of Ralph's stately home, a few feet behind him were Belle and Henderson whispering to each other.

  'Come on George, come on Belle, come on Henderson, food is waiting, the Lady Veronica will be getting worried, please let us all eat together' called Lord Ralph.

  With the invitation handed out Belle and Henderson walked swiftly to George, Belle grasped his hand and Henderson laid his arm around George's shoulder,

  'Come on George, the Lady Veronica's lunches are the best in Shenka, food like you have never tasted before' exclaimed Henderson.

  'Oh and cakes and jellies that are so exquisite you wouldn't believe' laughed Belle.

  Once the party were reunited Lord Ralph spoke softly to Henderson and Belle,

  'Please forgive me, I should have realised that you would not take if for granted that you were to dine with us, it was a silly presumption of mine, Lady Veronica had given me strict instructions to be sure you understood the invitation was extended to you both too; I sometimes forget protocol, she is bound to give me a lecture when she finds out about my rudeness.'

  'We won't tell' laughed Henderson, 'and if George let's it slip we will just say that we misheard you and it was our fault.'

  'Thank you Henderson, but I also guess you both want to see your own families also, we have taken you away from Shenka for far too long' sighed Ralph.

  'We have been happy to serve, but if it is possible to visit home for just a few hours that would be so gratefully accepted' added Belle.

  'I will see that it is done' confirmed Ralph, who had now led his guests into his reception room, in front of them lay the magnificent staircase.

  'Now that's what I call a staircase' stated Margaret.

  'It's bigger than I thought it would be' gasped Joni.

  'It's beautiful' sighed Louise.

  'That must have taken some building' said Pete.

  'Wow' laughed George, 'have we got to go up those stairs' he added.

  ''Fraid so, we don't have any lifts or escalators in Shenka' smiled Ralph.

/>   'Can you manage the stairs, George' asked Marie.

  'Why yes, I feel really well now' replied George.

  'Race you to the top George' giggled Joni.

  'Can we' George asked Lord Ralph.

  'Why not' laughed Ralph, 'wait for us at the top, your legs are younger than ours.'

  Julian watched as the children ran up the staircase, he remembered the night that he and Lord Albion had climbed those stairs, the night when Lord Albion had needed to float to the top as his legs and feet were so weak, so much had happened since that night, and now he was standing next to the woman he hoped he could spend the rest of his life with, but for that Marie and George would have to remain in Shenka.

  The children raced ahead and waited on the same small green sofa that Lord Albion had rested on, they watched as the adults and Shenkans slowly ascended the staircase that was so wide they could all walk side by side, Ralph in the middle, to his right looking down from Joni and George's point of view was Margaret, and to her right Pete and Louise in deep and secret conversation, on Ralph's left Henderson and Belle making small talk with each other, and to their left Julian and Marie completed the party.

  'Wonder what we will have to eat' whispered Joni to George, 'do you think it will be something strange, I am starving hungry.'

  'Dunno' replied George, 'just try and be polite,'

  'I will' laughed Joni, 'promise.'

  'What are you two laughing at' smiled Pete as he joined them on the landing.

  'Nothing' grinned Joni.

  'Just remember your manners then' instructed Pete.

  'I will Daddy' said Joni.

  'You too George' smiled Marie.

  'Of course Mommy' replied George.

  'Ah' bellowed Ralph, 'follow me, I smell food, let us away.'

  The children bounced off the sofa and ran to Ralph's side, the others followed and entered the large dining room at the end of a heavily carpeted corridor, there to greet them was the Lady Veronica, who was flanked on each side by six male servants all dressed in outfits of lilac silk, the servants bowed, the Lady Veronica smiled and walked towards her guests.

  'I am so happy to see you, please let us eat, see the table is all laid for you, just help yourselves to the food, I hope you enjoy it, it is similar to your own food but different too, for we have our own beasts, fruit, vegetables and cheeses.'

  The servants helped everyone to their seats around that heavily loaded table, and once the Lady was sure everyone was comfortable she sent the servants back to their own quarters.

  'Please just help yourselves to the food and drinks, I trust it is to your liking' murmured the Lady Veronica.

  'Can I have a cake, please' enquired Joni, pointing to a plate of small pastries topped with red and blue berries.

  Pete cast a glance at his daughter, 'Joni! Don't you think you should have some other food first, look at all the lovely foodstuffs the Lady Veronica has laid out for us.'

  'But Daddy, I thought that we could eat just what we wanted, and I do so want a cake' grumbled Joni.

  Ralph hid a smile and winked at Pete,

  'Tell you what Joni, why don't you take the cake that has so much taken your fancy and keep it close to you then you can eat it after you have had a little of the other food, here let me sort some out for you, just little nibbles that I know you will love, and when you have eaten such a tiny lunch you can have the cake, and if you still have room in your stomach you can have some fruity jelly and frozen cream.'

  Joni looked at Ralph and decided it would be rude to argue, maybe she was hungry and maybe Lord Ralph wouldn't be mean and fill her plate with horrible vegetables, just because the were supposed to be good for her.

  Smiling her sweetest smile and nodding her head in agreement she watched as Lord Ralph took the smallest of plates in his large hands and eyed the food on the table. He stood up and appeared to be deep in thought,

  'Mm let me think, maybe a little of this' as he placed a small piece of fruity bread on the plate, 'a bit of this' a small piece of pink cheese found itself in the centre of the plate, 'oh this looks good' as he stuck a fork into a warm sausage of pork and pushed it onto the plate with his thumb, 'ah I nearly forgot, all Shenkan children love this' as he spooned a small helping of thin crispy fried Shenkan potatoes that were slightly sweeter than those on Earth, 'and one last thing' he turned and grinned at Veronica, 'do you think Joni would like to try one of your delicious tarts of custard and berries, or do you think she may be a little bit too young.'

  'I'm not too young' Joni protested, 'I'm nearly nine!'

  'Well so you are' proclaimed Ralph, 'here you go then' as he handed Joni the small plate of well chosen tempting foodstuffs, 'you eat all of this then you can have that little cake you so much desire.'

  'Thank you' said Joni viewing the food Lord Ralph had chosen for her, she could manage this small serving and so started to eat.

  George had been oblivious to Lord Ralph's play acting, he was hungry and was now on his second serving of salads, cheeses and sausages, the adults too were devouring the food laid before them, making small talk between each other, sipping Shenkan wine, whilst the children had been poured tall glasses of freshly squeezed citrus fruits, berries and ice cold water.

  Joni finished eating the plate of food chosen by Lord Ralph, and was now starting on the cake of her desires, her head was bursting, she had received no words of comfort from the Baptist Minister, maybe Lord Ralph or the Lady Veronica could answer the question that had plagued her for the past few weeks.

  'Lord Ralph, I was thinking' she said slowly, 'can I ask you a question, please.'

  Pete sighed, 'oh Joni whatever next' he thought to himself.

  'Of course you can, what is it that is troubling you so' Lord Ralph replied.

  'Well, see the Baptist Minister was no help, he probably thought I was just a silly girl, but' Joni stopped for just a few seconds and looked across the table to her father who was staring hard at her, she shot a glance at George who was sitting next to her, George knew what was coming, he too wanted answers, he gave her a nod of approval.

  'Well' continue Joni, 'I was wondering, well George and I were wondering, what happens if someone is, er say lost in action, in a war and say their body is blown to pieces, can the Passers still find them and take them to Heaven.'

  Veronica had been listening, she was intrigued by this young child, she could see Joni was a deep thinker, the question Joni was asking seemed relevant to the future of Shenka, but Veronica could not figure out why.

  'Is there any reason you are asking this question, Joni?' asked Veronica.

  'Well see, Louise's uncle Kenny was lost in the war, wasn't he Louise?'

  'Yes that is true, he was my mother's big brother, but she always believed that his soul went to Heaven, she was very religious in that way' replied Louise softly.

  'But what about the lady who is lost in the mist, the one who is looking for someone called Billy, she said she can hear him playing his violin, but she can't get to him, it is very sad' urged Joni.

  'What lady is that?' asked Ralph.

  'The lady that the boy Peter told us about, you know don't you Henderson, you were there, you took Peter and his Mommy and Daddy away to their Heaven, tell everyone please' answered George.

  'What did you say the lady's name was?' quaked Marie.

  'I didn't, cos Peter didn't know, but the man's name was Billy, and he played the violin' replied George.

  Ralph could see Marie was shaking, he needed to speak to her without the children being present, but he didn't want to ignore their questions, he needed to be careful here, he needed time. As if reading his very thoughts Veronica came to the rescue,

  'Well Joni and George your questions are very intriguing, but Lord Ralph needs a little time to be able to answer them truthfully, for that I think he will have to consult with Julian, and maybe Henderson too, so while they are doing the boring grown-up stuff, why don't we go in search of that jelly and frozen c
ream that you were promised earlier, and when we come back they will have all the answers, won't you Lord Ralph'

  'Why yes indeed and I can only think whilst I have a puff on my pipe, and I will get into so much trouble if I light it up in front of children' grinned Lord Ralph.

  'Okay then, so Daddy and Louise can have a cigarette as well then' laughed Joni.

  'Thanks Joni!' exclaimed Pete, who was secretly relieved as he really needed his nicotine fix, 'just be good.'

  'We will' replied Joni.

  'Come on then, let's hunt that creamy ice down, Belle dear would you like to join us' grinned Veronica.

  'Why not, I have missed Shenkan creamy ice so much' replied Belle 'wait till you taste it, you will never want Earth ice-cream again.'

  And so the Lady Veronica, Belle, Joni and George made their way out of the large dining chamber, along the corridor, down a back flight of stairs and into the kitchens, where they were served the most delicious frozen cream and pink berries, which both George and Joni declared was better than any ice-cream they had ever tasted in their whole lives.


  Ralph had led his guests into his sitting room, Margaret and Marie sat on a long sofa under an open window, they had both said that they didn't mind the smoke from pipes and cigarettes, but Ralph had insisted that they should both be comfortable. Pete and Louise sat side by side on a smaller sofa alongside the fireplace that had a gentle wood fire burning slowly, giving off just enough warmth to compensate for the open window. Julian sat next to Ralph on a sofa opposite Pete and Louise, Henderson chose a comfortable armchair alongside Lord Ralph and Julian, just for a few minutes they all sat in silence that was broken every now and then by the sound of birds singing in the gardens below.

  Pete broke the silence, 'I am sorry if Joni came across as rude, it is just her way, I know she tries hard to be polite but sometimes she forgets and just comes out with things.'

  Ralph grinned 'Better a child be honest than one who is full of lies and deceit.'

  'She wouldn't know how to lie' smiled Louise.

  'That is what makes her so special' added Julian.


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