A Single Snowflake

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A Single Snowflake Page 21

by A D Tether

  'He has gone to his heaven, but he sends so much love to you, we were never enemies.'

  'I know Billy, even a war could not destroy your friendship' said Mary.

  Veronica who had up to now only been watching and listening walked across the room and came eye to eye with Mary.

  'Mary my name is Veronica, I am so happy that you are free at last, I expect you are confused, but do not be afraid for you are in a safe place, a place called Shenka that is attached to the place you call Earth, it is the children that have bought you out of the mist, they were the only ones who complete such a task, for they are innocent and see more than we do but very soon we can send you away together, to your own particular heaven, and nevermore will you be parted.'

  Mary smiled sweetly at Joni and George, a smile so sweet that Julian's own heart trembled, it was true her smile was so much like that of Marie's that there was no denying they were of the same bloodline.

  The door opened and Henderson strolled into the room, he was tired from his journey with Kurt but he would muster up the strength to travel again with Mary and Billy, for that was his role, this is why he was chosen as the Passer that was called for in the ancient prophecies.

  'Ah welcome back Henderson, I trust your journey was successful' called Ralph.

  Henderson's face broke into a weary smile

  'Yes my Lord all went well, Kurt has returned to his family and is happy.'

  'Come and meet Mary for soon we will need your help again, do you need a rest, are we asking too much of you' enquired Veronica.

  'I am fine thank you my Lady, and Mary so good to meet you, I am your guide and when you are both ready I can take you from here, do not be afraid for there is nothing to fear' assured Henderson.

  'Pleased to meet you Henderson, and if everyone does not think me rude I would so very much like to be on our way, it has been such a long wait' whispered Mary.

  'And we cannot thank you all so much and just think how many people can say they have met their great, great, great grandson and his best friend, we have been blessed' added Billy.

  Henderson placed his arms around Mary and Billy,

  'Come then, let us travel together.'

  Henderson led Mary and Billy out of the room, the door quietly closed and they were gone.

  Joni could not get the images of the trenches out of her mind, she ran crying to her grandmother, Margaret held her tight and stroked her hair,

  'Be still now my lovely girl, be still.'

  'I will try Nana, I will try' cried Joni.

  'Good girl' whispered Margaret.

  Geena stepped forward and whispered in Joni's tiny ear,

  'I have news for you Joni dear, good news that might help overcome your sadness.'

  Joni pulled away from her grandmother and stared at Geena, she could see the kindness in Geena's eyes and here on Shenka she could touch this beautiful Grafflin that stood before her.

  'Is it a secret' whispered Joni.

  'Oh no my dear, I can tell everyone, but it will ease your heart and I think Louise would like to hear my news too' smiled Geena.

  Louise squeezed Pete's arm, she felt as though up until now she was merely an onlooker, but now she was included, she was part of the story.

  'It's got to be about Kenny, was he found, oh I do hope so' squealed Joni.

  'Yes my lovely girl he was and see Louise was right when she said that her mother always believed he would go to his heaven, she never doubted it, she prayed so hard that a Passer was sent to take him on his way, the same as you have seen Henderson do.'

  'How can you be sure' questioned Joni.

  'Joni, don't be rude now, Geena wouldn't tell you a lie would she' chided Pete.

  'It is fine Pete, she is such a clever girl, such an enquiring mind' smiled Geena.

  'Sorry Daddy I just want to be sure that's all' replied Joni.

  'Whilst I was back in Grafflin at Lord Ralph's request I checked the records and I found his name, the records showed that because his sister had prayed so much for him that a special request was sent from Grafflin to Shenka for a Passer to seek him and take him to his heaven; and it was done, they sent a Passer named Alfred, who it was said was the best Passer in the whole of Shenka' confirmed Geena.

  The door swung open, Henderson had returned,

  'I heard you from outside, it is true that Alfred was the best Passer in the whole of Shenka, for he was my Grandfather, it seems that the more this affair unravels the more we are all connected.'

  'But I don't think I am' cried Belle, 'maybe I am just a random choice.'

  Joni turned her attention to Belle, whose blue hair had so fascinated her when she was a baby, to the person who had comforted her when her own mother had ignored her,

  'Don't cry Belle, I wouldn't have wanted anyone else but you'

  'Thanks Joni, I have so loved being with you too' smiled Belle.

  Marie's gaze fell on the fresco featuring who she now knew to be herself with Julian, George and two small children at her feet, her heart skipped a beat and her hands shook.

  'It is true isn't it' she whispered to Julian, 'we are bound together, it is our future on that wall.'

  'I do hope we can realise that future, it is in your hands Marie and of course George too' sighed Julian.

  'What is' enquired George, who had now at his mother's side.

  'George dear, what if we stayed here in Shenka, what if we built a new life together and what if Julian was in that new life, would you miss Earth so very much' whispered Marie.

  'I think' George replied slowly, 'that I would miss Joni, but she could come and visit us, and I would miss Nana Maggie and she could come and stay as well couldn't she, but apart from that I wouldn't miss anything else, I like it here, I feel so much stronger here, I say we stay.'

  'What about Joni though, I hope she will be alright if we stay' questioned Marie.

  'She will be fine, just look at her now' smiled Julian.

  Marie looked across the room, Joni was standing with Pete and Louise, she was laughing and hugging Louise whilst Pete had his arm around Louise's shoulder, they were indeed happy.

  Veronica decided it was time to show her Earth guests more of Shenka, it was time to climb to the top of the tower, to it's roof top and to look out; and not only that she was anxious to see if Shenka's sky was repairing itself, she could wait no longer.

  'Who wants to climb to the top of this tower with me, the view is spectacular and we could all do with some fresh air' she announced.

  'Me' yelled Joni.

  'Me' copied George.

  'Well I guess that means me as well' laughed Pete.

  'And me' grinned Marie.

  'Why not' stated Margaret.

  'Sounds exciting' laughed Louise.

  'Guess I have to take the lead' chortled Ralph.

  'I'll take the rear' spoke Julian.

  'It might be a little crowded if we come along, so we will wait here' said Lionel.

  'You have to come as well Belle' pleaded Joni.

  'Of course sweetheart, you go ahead I need to speak to Julian' replied Belle.

  'George, do you mind if I have a rest' enquired Henderson.

  George understood, poor Henderson looked tired, his face was drawn and he could see dark lines under his eyes,

  'I think you should have a rest Henderson, you have been so very busy, we won't be long' smiled George.

  'Thank you' Henderson replied.

  The group started the climb with Ralph leading the way, Belle was anxiously hanging back, Julian understood she needed to speak to him, so he waited until the others had made their exit onto the roof.

  'What is it that bothers you so Belle' he asked.

  'Why me Julian, why was I chosen as it seems I have no connection to the past of any of our Earth friends'

  Julian stood deep in thought, he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly,

  'Maybe Belle you are the start of things for Joni'

  'The start, I don't un
derstand' she replied.

  'Well maybe if you hadn't have been there for her over these past years, she would be a very different girl, maybe it was your loving care that has made her the girl she is, maybe she has started on the road of her own destiny.'

  'So she can manage without me from now on' sighed Belle.

  'Probably, but in a few years time you will see how she has grown and I believe she will become a person of standing in her own world, and maybe that wouldn't have happened without you.'

  'You are so kind Julian, thank you' smiled Belle.

  'Everything is for a reason dear Belle, and trust me you were not just a random choice, Lord Ralph spent a long time selecting you' added Julian.

  'Come on then, what are we waiting for, lead the way as I do so need some fresh air' laughed Belle.


  They stood on the top of the tower, Julian pointed out where he used to live as a child to Marie and George, he was yet to tell them of that tragic day, that could wait. Margaret gazed at the mountains and streams, it was so peaceful here, she knew changes were coming to her own life, but she was prepared for that and looked forward to it with renewed energy. Pete, Louise and Joni viewed Ralph's garden with awe, Joni could recognise the continents and could not contemplate in her own childs mind that such beauty could be ruined by famine and war. The Lady Veronica and Lord Ralph stared at the skyline, the red mist was slowly disolving being replaced with a sky of pure blue, in the fields below workers had laid down their tools and were gazing into the sky with disbelief, they would learn later of how their land was returning to it's former glory, but for now they hugged each other and danced around with peace and happiness.

  Without warning George let out a cry and screamed Henderson's name.

  In the room below Henderson had collapsed on the dusty floor, all colour had left his face, his whole body shook with cold as his life force gradually left him.

  Sydney lay at his side trying to breath fresh life into him, but it was all in vain.

  'It is over for me, I am so very, very tired' Henderson whispered.

  'No, please let me help you, let us all help you' cried Sydney.

  'I have no energy left, it was a big trial for me being on Earth for so long, but it was my duty, I can't do anymore, but do not be sad, my work is done' he said with a quaking voice.

  'Let me hold you my dear Henderson' spoke Lionel, 'it was one passing too much for you, I wish we had seen it, maybe Kurt could have waited a little longer.'

  'No, he had waited far too long already, let me be in peace, maybe Sydney could take me now' sighed Henderson.

  Sydney wrapped his arms around Henderson and gently lifted him from the floor, at that same moment George rushed down the steps from the roof top, his face was streaming with tears, a few minutes ago he was so happy, but now he was heartbroken.

  Henderson raised his head, he didn't wish George to see him this way but now it was unavoidable, he had to offer some words of comfort, even though he could hardly muster the strength.

  'George, do not be sad, this is my destiny, do not be sad for I am happy to go now, for my own Heaven awaits, go now back to your Mother and Julian, and live a good life.'

  George just nodded his head, no words would come out of his mouth, he watched as Sydney carried Henderson out of the door, all that was left for George was his own memories and for that he was grateful.

  And so my readers I bid you farewll for now as my own Leaders have recalled me to my home, for I have more work to do, other tales to narrate and other Worlds to visit. Maybe I will be back to tell you more.

















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