
Home > Young Adult > Wolfsbane > Page 19
Wolfsbane Page 19

by Andrea Cremer

  “How is he?” Shay asked as we descended the stairs.

  “I tried to turn him.” I had to lean on the railing as grief knocked against me.

  “You did?” Shay asked. “From the expression on your face, I’m guessing it didn’t work.”

  I nodded. He slid his arm around my shoulders, brushing his lips against my temple.

  “It’s good you tried, Cal. I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.”

  “Is he going to be okay?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, glancing back at the dark hallway. “He just seems . . . broken.”

  “Yeah,” Shay said with a shudder. “I’ve only been able to change for a little while, but it’s such a part of me. I can’t imagine losing it.”

  I nodded, watching him. Was it true? Did Shay really have such a strong connection to his inner wolf? Or was he just trying to sympathize with Ansel?

  “I should be going with you,” he said.

  “No,” I said. “The Searchers are right. You’re too much to risk.”

  He dropped his arm from my shoulders, shoving his hands in his pockets. “You still don’t think I can fight.”

  “I know you can fight,” I said. “I’ve seen you fight more than once. You’re a warrior. That’s not the issue.”

  “I could help,” he said, glancing sidelong at me. “I know I could.”

  “How well you can fight doesn’t matter this time.” I shook my head. “We’ll still be facing wraiths. Until you have the Cross, you can’t fight them.”

  “Neither can any of you,” he growled, and I saw his sharp canines catch the light.

  “I know.” A heavy weight lay on my chest like a boulder.

  A suicide mission.

  We were risking so much, and I didn’t even know if the rest of the pack was still alive. If Ren was still alive. What if we’d already lost all of them?

  I could hear the Searchers milling around in the empty foyer. As we reached the bottom of the stairs, Shay grasped my upper arms, turning me. Before I knew what was happening, his lips were on mine. I leaned into him, opening my mouth, welcoming the kiss. His hands slid down my arms, fingers digging into my skin. I could taste his fear and wondered if I should pull away, knowing he drank in my own anxieties with each caress. I began to tremble, both from the fire that lit my veins as the kiss deepened and the sudden awareness that if things in Vail went badly, I might not kiss Shay again. Ever.

  He broke off the kiss, resting his forehead against mine. “Maybe you shouldn’t go. Ansel needs you. Let Monroe take the Searchers in. They can pull off the rescue without you.”

  “I have to,” I said, pushing him back. “I’m the only one who can convince the pack that the Searchers can be trusted.”

  “If anything happens to you—”

  “Here they are.” Adne appeared in the stairwell, clucking her tongue. “No time for long good-byes. Haven’t you heard? Romance is dead. We’re on the clock.”

  “Sorry.” I slipped out of Shay’s embrace, fearful that if I stayed close to him any longer, I’d give in to my fear, abandoning any hope that I could save my packmates.

  You’re still their alpha, Cal. The pack needs you. You know who you are.

  I clung to that idea as I strode across the empty space, finding Ethan and Connor awaiting me.

  Connor nodded as I approached. “Isaac will keep an eye on your brother while we’re gone.”

  “I will too.” Shay had come up behind me.

  “Thanks,” I said, unable to look at him, worrying I’d have an attack of cowardice sprouting from my own selfish desire to stay near him.

  What have I become? Had giving in to my love for Shay made me weak? I felt like I had no strength, nothing that reflected the person I’d always thought I was. Steel resolve, independence—those traits I’d valued seemed to have drained away over the last week. I desperately wanted to find myself again. I had to prove to Ansel and my pack that I hadn’t abandoned them. If I didn’t do this, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

  Monroe came striding in from the kitchen. “What’s the situation?”

  “All present and accounted for,” Connor said, sheathing a dagger in his boot.

  Monroe nodded. “The door Adne will open is in a dead end alley adjacent to Efron’s club. We’ll break in through the side entrance and make our way to the prison.”

  “What will Adne do once you’re inside?” Shay asked. “Are you leaving her at the portal alone?”

  Monroe nodded.

  “What if she’s attacked?” Shay frowned. “Let me go with her. I’ll stay at the portal, just in case.”

  “Not an option. Under no circumstances are you to join this fight, Shay.” Monroe’s jaw tightened, but he smiled grimly at his daughter. “And if the portal is hit, she can defend herself.”

  Adne started, eyes widening. “Thank you.”

  “I think I’m gonna cry,” Connor said, burying his face in Ethan’s shoulder.

  “Oh, shove off,” Ethan growled, and readjusted the crossbow slung across his body. “We’re all probably going to die in an hour. Maybe less.”

  “All the more reason to treasure every moment.” Connor pretended to wipe tears from his face.

  “Adne, could I speak to you alone for a moment?” Monroe asked.

  “No, no way.” She shook her head. “I’m not going to let you give me some sappy father-daughter speech because we might die. Just let me do my job.”

  “That’s not—” Monroe began, but Adne turned her back on him.

  “Connor.” Monroe watched Adne draw the skeans from her belt. He jerked his head away from our small group. “There’s something we need to discuss.”

  Connor frowned but followed Monroe to a darkened corner in the space.

  “Ah, yes.” Ethan grinned. “To the woodshed with you.”

  Adne glanced over her shoulder at Shay. “You’re not going to try to jump through this door after I open it, are you? I’m wondering if I should make you take an oath.”

  “You’d better not,” Ethan said. “We’ve been over this. I’m not risking my neck unless I know you’re safe here. In fact, why don’t you just go to bed?”

  “I’ll go upstairs to watch Ansel after you leave,” Shay said, but I heard the faint rumble of a growl behind his words. “I’m not going to pretend that this isn’t happening.”

  “Suit yourself.” Ethan shrugged. “If I were you, I’d sleep in.”

  “He’s just the gentleman you’re not,” Adne said, throwing her arms around Shay and brushing her lips over his cheek. “Thank you for caring, Shay. We’ll be fine.”

  Suddenly I was the one who wanted to growl.

  “You’re damn right I’m no gentleman,” Ethan said. “If you grabbed me like that, I wouldn’t let you get away with just a kiss on the cheek.”

  Shay scowled, rubbing his neck as a rosy blush washed over his skin while Adne giggled over his reaction.

  My eyes settled on Connor and Monroe and stayed there. I couldn’t make sense of what was happening, but both men were agitated. Monroe’s lips moved rapidly, and he had something in his hands. What were those? Envelopes? Connor paced back and forth beside Monroe, raking his hands through his hair and shaking his head. I peered at them, wondering what had transpired.

  Finally, Monroe grabbed Connor’s shoulders, pressing the papers against the younger man’s chest. I saw Connor slump, as if he’d given a long sigh, defeated. He took the envelopes from Monroe’s hands and slipped them into his jacket pocket. Monroe squeezed Connor’s shoulder once before coming back toward us. I averted my gaze, still puzzled by what I’d just witnessed.

  “She’s nearly there,” Ethan said as Monroe approached. I turned back to Adne, who leapt and spun in the ecstasy of weaving. Though I’d seen her open doors before, I was still astonished at the blazing patterns of light that swirled before her.

  I started at a sudden presence beside me. Connor stood nearby, silently watching Adne weave. All tra
ces of his mirth had vanished; his face was now pale, drawn with strain. I glanced at Monroe, again wondering what had taken place between the two men.

  Blood roared in my ears as the other side of the shimmering portal came into focus. A dark alley edged by snowdrifts. In the distance I could just make out a streetlight casting a dull gleam on the shuttered businesses of downtown Vail.



  IT WAS COLD ON THE other side of the portal. Fresh winter air nipped at my skin. I took a deep breath, letting the icy wind pour down my throat. The resulting visceral shudder reached into my very bones, making me feel alive. I ached to run, to howl, to hunt. I watched my breath curl like smoke in front of my eyes.

  I glanced behind me and saw Shay’s hazy image pacing before the open doorway. I wished I could reach out and reassure him in some way. When Monroe had given the order, I’d leapt through the portal without a backward glance, not wanting to show any doubts about our mission. Now I regretted not giving him something: a smile at least, or another kiss. I only felt worse when I realized Adne had been the last person to kiss him. She stood beside the portal, swords drawn and face serene as Connor and Ethan scouted the alley.

  “Aren’t you worried someone will see the light?” I asked, gesturing to the shimmering portal.

  “There aren’t any windows in this part of the alley,” Adne replied. “That’s why we chose it.”

  Her words left me only a bit reassured. At least the door wasn’t as bright as it was during the weaving, but it was still noticeable, like the twinkling of Christmas lights. It was close enough to the holiday that I hoped we’d be lucky and anyone who saw it would assume that’s what it was.

  “We’re clear,” Ethan said, reappearing from the dark alley. “No obstacles or patrol between here and the side door.”

  Connor didn’t speak, his eyes scanning the shadows.

  “Good,” Monroe said. “Let’s move.”

  Ethan took point with Monroe, and I shifted into wolf form, padding along the alley on silent paws while Connor brought up the rear. My heartbeat thrummed in my veins, so deafening to my sensitive wolf ears that I could hardly believe it wasn’t audible to the Searchers. None of them spoke or even looked at me. Each of the men’s faces was set as they stalked silently along the narrow corridor.

  When we reached the side door, Monroe raised his arm.


  “No,” Ethan said. “Just the lock.”

  “On it.” Connor pulled something metal from his pocket and moved to the door.

  Ethan took up his position guarding our flank.

  There was a click and a groan when the door swung open. Monroe and Connor were through the entrance instantly, dropping low, waiting for an attack.

  None came.

  They exchanged a glance but gestured for us to follow. Ethan closed the door behind us.

  We slipped down the hallway. My gut twisted, remembering the walk along this hall to Efron’s office. Was the Bane master here now? I lifted my muzzle, testing the air. The club reeked of stale sweat peppered by the lingering, sickly-sweet scent of succubus breath. I pawed at my nose, wishing I could rid myself of the noxious mixture.

  As far as I could tell, there were no new scents, nor any movement, in the club. The pounding bass and blur of colorful lights had been replaced by silence and gloom. No dancers, no succubus go-go girls, no Guardians. The only sound was the muffled beat of the Searchers’ footfalls as we crept forward through the shadows. I didn’t find our apparent solitude reassuring. There was too much silence, too much stillness for a place like Eden that fed off the pulse of blood and lust.

  “Here are the stairs,” Connor whispered. He stood at the top of a wrought-iron spiral staircase. I leaned over the railing, watching the tight coil of metal drop down into a bottomless pit of darkness.

  “No lights?” Ethan asked.

  “Not yet,” Connor said, beginning his descent.

  The stairs led down, and down, and down. The sharply turning circle of steps made me dizzy. The darkness enveloped us, making it seem as though I’d closed my eyes and started spinning.

  Even with my ability to peer through the darkness, the descent set me on edge. I was grateful when a fluorescent light appeared, growing brighter as we moved down the stairs, washing our surroundings in a greenish gray. The spiral staircase pulled us further into the club’s depths. I felt like we’d been walking forever. How far into the earth had we traveled?

  “This must be it,” Connor said, at last stepping free of the iron staircase into a square room that had probably been painted white but with time had succumbed to the dingy shade of cobwebs. He’d taken another step when a dark shape lunged from the shadows behind the staircase, knocking him down and sending his sword flying into the corner.

  Behind me Ethan swore, throwing himself over the railing and dropping to the floor while I pushed past Monroe to lunge at the wolf. Ethan fired bolts into the Guardian who had Connor pinned to the concrete as I sank my teeth into its unguarded flank. The wolf snarled and thrashed its head about as the bolts lodged in its shoulders. Baring its teeth, the wolf snapped at me, but I easily dodged, crouching to make a second lunge.

  With the Guardian’s attention diverted, Connor pulled a katara from his belt, thrusting the short blade into the wolf’s belly and twisting. The Guardian yelped before its whine became a gurgle. It slumped across Connor, unmoving. Connor shoved the wolf’s corpse off him. Ethan held his crossbow at the ready, scanning the room.

  “Only one?” Monroe asked, coming toward us with his swords drawn.

  “For now,” Ethan said, lowering his weapon.

  “Lucky us.” Connor wiped blood off his hands. I went to his side, peering at the wolf that lay dead near him. It was an elder Bane, but not a stranger. This one I knew: Sabine’s father. They’d just killed Sabine’s father.

  I shifted forms, shaking my head.

  “You okay?” Connor asked.

  “Something isn’t right,” I said, eyes flicking through the small room, uneasy to be human when danger was so near. “That wolf shouldn’t be here.”

  “What do you mean?” Monroe asked. “I’d be surprised if a Guardian wasn’t posted here. In fact I am surprised we’ve encountered only one.”

  “No,” I said, struggling against the way my gut had begun to pitch back and forth. “It’s this wolf. I know him . . . knew him. He doesn’t work security for Efron; he’s a mountain patrol Guardian. Like the wolves in my pack.”

  “Couldn’t they have shuffled positions?” Ethan asked.

  “That doesn’t happen,” I said. “Not with the mountain packs.”

  “I’d wager a lot might have changed since your disappearing act,” Connor muttered.

  “Maybe.” I felt unsteady as I stared at the dead wolf. He shouldn’t be here. I know he shouldn’t.

  “We’ll be alert, Calla,” Monroe said, guiding me away from the body. “But we need to keep moving; it took us longer to get down here than I’d anticipated. We can’t lose any time. I’m sorry it was someone you knew.”

  Behind the spiraling stairs was a single door. Connor tried the knob, then pulled out his lock-picking tool. He carefully opened the door, revealing a narrow hall lit by the same buzzing fluorescents. There were six doors in the hall, one at each end and two on each side. The side doors were harsh metallic rectangles cut by a narrow slot at eye level.

  “What now?” Ethan asked.

  “We start opening doors,” Monroe said. “We can each pick locks; everyone try a door.”

  “No, wait.” I grabbed Monroe’s arm. “Just follow me.”

  I shifted forms, keeping my muzzle low, sniffing along the hall. When I reached the far door on the right side of the hall, I whimpered, scratching the metal surface.

  “This one?” Monroe asked.

  I whimpered again, desperate to get through the door. Every beat of my heart throbbed in my neck as Monroe picked the lock. I couldn’t breathe as
the door swung open.

  Two young men sat, leaning against opposite walls of the cell. Chains bound their wrists to the walls, keeping them apart, their movements limited. They remained still, eyes closed. Remnants of clothing hung from their bodies. Torn pants, shredded shirts. Both of their faces were a muddle of bruises and swollen flesh, green, purple, red. A sickening rainbow painted on their skin.

  The light in their cell flickered constantly, making the room waver as I stared inside.

  I yelped, dashing into the room.

  Mason’s eyelids flipped up at the sound of my cry. He slowly turned his head, squinting at me.

  “No way.”

  Nev groaned, keeping his own eyes shut. “Just tell me when it’s over.”

  “Calla?” Mason leaned toward me, wincing.

  I licked his face, shifting into human form so I could speak. “Mason. It’s me. I’m getting you out of here.”

  “Seriously?” Mason regarded me as if I might be a figment of his imagination.

  “Calla?” Nev’s eyes were open now.

  “You mean she’s real?” Mason reached up, chains scraping the concrete floor, and touched my face. “Oh my God.”

  “Can you walk?” Monroe had come to our side, crouching to address Mason.

  “Who are you?” Mason frowned, his nose crinkling. “Hey! You’re a Searcher. What the hell!”

  “It’s okay, Mason,” I said, taking his hand. “They’re on our side.”

  “Searchers? On our side?” Nev laughed. “Maybe she’s not real.”

  “I’m real,” I said quickly, feeling the press of time. “Please answer him. Can you walk?”

  “I think so,” Mason said, stretching his legs. “I haven’t tried in a while. Are you going to tell us how you got here? And why the Searchers are helping you?”

  “After we’ve put miles between us and Vail,” Connor said. “Story time can wait.”

  “He’s right—but later, I promise, this will make sense.”

  “As long as we’re out of this hellhole, it doesn’t have to make sense,” Nev said, covering his eyes.

  “I don’t know that we’ll be much good to you,” Mason said. “I haven’t been able to shift since they put us in here.”


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