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Abducted Page 4

by Lynda Filler

  “Yes,” Luci answered. “We were so close I could smell what he had for breakfast!”

  They all laughed.

  “Okay, let’s go. Enough fun for one day. Starbucks on me.” George beamed.

  “Don’t worry George, wait until I get you in the Krav Maga gym at the office. You’re going to be so sorry dude,” Luci promised.

  “By the way, George. What is your real name? I know more George-ex-SEALs than I can count. Is this how you stay out of trouble when you date girls? ‘My name is George.” Huh?”

  “Yes, well, it is kind of a SEAL thing, but honest, it’s my real name!”

  “Whatever!” Both girls laughed.


  Paris, France

  MME ANJOU MOVED into her new home on the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré in the 8th Arrondissement, Paris, France. While in Argentina she had purchased the Pied-à-Terre to establish an unidentified headquarters to work her destructive magic. A security company had installed the latest technical safeguards, so she might plan in absolute secrecy and privacy.

  She watched the Chinese Stock Market tumble to a new low. Even though it was still up from the year previous, any newcomers to the Asian markets were losing heavily. She expected to wipe out all of Raven’s investments in the Far East markets. He would have no option but to liquidate the balances. She, on the other hand, had settled everything four months ago, right after she arrived in Argentina for surgery. Of course, the trickle-down effect would hurt the US Stock Exchanges as well. Apple had dropped over twenty percent in the last thirty days.

  “Woo, come in here.”

  Woo appeared in moments and waited for instructions.

  “What’s happening in Manzanillo?”

  “All is on track and on time.”

  “Tariq has messaged me twice today. He is such an animal. ISIS is more interested in women and girls than they are in their cause. I sometimes wonder if his ideology is on behalf of someone else; a smokescreen for a superpower pulling strings. One minute he rants his rhetoric and the next he’s like a little boy. This could be a critical piece of intelligence Woo. Get on that.”

  “Yes, Adrienne.”

  “What are you waiting for?”

  “I know I’m not supposed to call you Sying, but I want to say how honored I am that you have chosen to continue our relationship. I want to apologize. Maybe I should have foreseen what happened in Shanghai.” He bowed his head ashamed.

  “You cannot change the past. In time we will take our revenge. Now, get busy.”

  “Yes Mme”

  Sying let her mind go to the past. She thought of Tasha. She had fallen somewhat for the East European beauty. I will kill Tasha for her attack, and her friends whoever they are will die also. Painfully slow, when the time is right.


  Guadalajara, Mexico

  GABRIEL WIPED TEARS from his eyes. He missed his father. His mother was inconsolable.

  “Momma I don’t know what to say.” He held her tight. Although surrounded by friends and family, she was off in her own world of hurt.

  “Gabriel” she whispered, “you must swear to me that you will find the man that did this to your Papa!”

  “What do you mean momma? He had a heart attack.”

  His mother kept her voice low. “Yes, he did. But I know the stress of the business is what killed him. This past year he was forced to make investments for a man he did not like. But you know, this is Mexico, and sometimes you have no choice.”

  Gabriel stood silent, thinking. No, it cannot be. His father was a man of principle. It was not possible. But Gabriel was in school the last eight years in California, first Caltech, then Stanford. What did he really know about his father’s business? He only knew one thing. His father had opened a bank account for him with ten million US Dollars. The obvious answer was the cartels.

  “Do you know the name of this individual?”

  “No. Your father always wanted to protect me and keep us both safe. He told me nothing, but the last couple of weeks he was under immense stress.”

  It was almost midnight, time for his mother to go to sleep and his family to return home. The funeral would be in two days. There was time enough for mourning tomorrow.

  “Go to bed momma. I need to think.”

  He kissed her and held her tight, then walked her to her room.

  As the last of the family was leaving home, his father’s cell phone rang. He’d forgotten he had it in his pocket.

  “Yes, hello, who is this?”

  “It is Gabriel, who am I speaking with?”

  “I want to talk with your father, now.”

  “I don’t know who you are, but my father is dead. Please have respect.”

  There was silence at the other end of the line.

  “You are the son, the Stanford boy. Yes?”


  “Stanford Boy, your father owes me a lot of money. Do you know who is speaking?”


  “El Guapo. Your father made some terrible investments in the Asian market, and before I could sell everything this afternoon, I lost ten million dollars. I think you will find it in your best interests to get that money back to me in the next twenty-four hours.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Do you know who I am?”

  Gabriel shivered. El Guapo, the Handsome One, leader of the most brutal cartel in all of Latin America. Known for murder, extortion, kidnapping, drugs and human trafficking. And my father laundered money for them? No wonder he had a heart attack.

  “I’m sorry I cannot help you. I have no idea what you are talking about.” Gabriel pleaded. “Can you leave us to grieve in peace?”

  “Sure, I can do that. I’m sure Miss Jalisco will fetch ten million dollars on the open market. If that’s how you feel, we can settle your debt in that manner.

  “What?!” Gabriel demanded. In the pain and suffering of the last few hours, he’d forgotten that his fiancée had not returned his phone message.

  “Do you want to speak with your fiancée? Wait, I don’t think you can. She seems to be sleeping right now. I’ll send you a photo, wait.” El Guapo laughed at his own brutality.

  Gabriel gripped the phone. The terrified face of his beautiful Allegra, gagged and bound, stared up at him. He wanted to smash the phone, throw it against the stone fireplace. And torture the man who had sent it.

  “You have twenty-four hours. I will call you back then.”

  El Guapo cut the call.


  Seattle, Washington

  “YES, FIND OUT everything you can. We don’t have time for bullshit. We’re on our way. We’ll be in Puerto Vallarta by midnight.”

  Zach nodded and hung up the phone.

  “Luke, that was my friend in the Federales. He says there is no leak from the time we spent in Yelapa. It appears the kidnapping is random. But what he did learn is one of his men has been working with the El Guapo cartel. They are into kidnapping and human trafficking. He will have more information for us when we arrive. It’s a good starting point.”

  “RB, any luck with the tracking device?”

  “Yes boss, she is stationary at the moment, to the south of Puerto Vallarta. We need to move quickly. We have no idea where they are taking Alice.”

  “Okay, we are traveling by a private plane. I don’t care what the law in Mexico says. We travel fully loaded. Take serious weaponry with us. We don’t know what we’re walking into. If this has anything to do with the cartel, be prepared for an army.”

  Luci was unusually quiet.

  “You okay Luci?” Luke asked.

  “I will be when we kill the bastards that took my baby!”

  “Let’s get ready. We leave for Boeing Field Airport in thirty minutes. We are taking our new private jet. The plane is fast and outfitted with security that will make us undetectable.”


  LUKE PULLED SAMAAR into his arms.

  “I know how
you feel Samaar.”

  “You can’t possibly know how I feel!” Samaar struggled to pull away from Luke. She preferred being the ex-Mossad tough-ass killer assassin code-name Luci; but Luke would not let her go.

  “Listen to me! I lost my wife and my daughter! I was too busy with business while on vacation in the Bahamas to go on the dive with them. Business! I put money ahead of them. And they died, because of me! I know how you feel!”

  Tears fell silently from Samaar’s jade eyes. She wiped her long lashes and leaned into Luke. He kissed her tenderly feeling the curves of her body bend into his. He rubbed her back gently and then feeling aroused, he kissed her passionately.

  Samaar tore at Luke’s clothing until she had him naked. Without undressing fully, she took him into her, screaming as she came.

  Luke rubbed his shoulder where she had bit into him. He understood her anger, the need to feel alive. Love, death, and fear create voids. Sex fills the holes, but only for the moment.

  Luci turned away from Luke, grabbed her thong, and walked to the door.

  “I will kill all of them, every last one of them involved in the abduction of my daughter. They will not live past the next twenty-four hours! There’s a place in hell for people who kidnap children. And I will send these people straight to hell or take them with me!”


  Guadalajara, Mexico

  GABRIEL DIDN’T KNOW what to do, but he knew where he had to go.

  He left his father’s home, took his new Audi from the garage and drove to an exclusive neighborhood in Colonia Providencia. He had to meet with the judge, Allegra’s father. This was not something they could talk about over the phone.

  “Gabriel, I am so sorry for your loss. Your father was a great man. Give my respects to your mother. Come in son.” The judge took Gabriel into his study and opened a bottle of Crown Royal.

  “Here, you look like you need a drink.” The judge was disheveled. He might have been asleep when Gabriel rang the bell.

  “I’m afraid this is not about my father, Judge.”

  “Well, how can I help you son?”

  “It’s about Allegra.”

  “Look, I know she is a difficult woman. She has dreams, plans and maybe it is too soon for her to marry. But I’m sure we can find a compromise. Si?”

  “No sir, it’s not that. She has been taken by El Guapo, and he is holding her for ransom.”

  The judge turned red with rage squeezing his whiskey glass until it broke.

  “That’s impossible! No! How could he do that? Does he know who she is? Does he know he has my daughter?” The judge looked like he might pass out.

  “It’s about my father, my dead father. I think papa was laundering money for the cartel.” The judge looked like he wanted to say something, but he hesitated.

  “Papa made some mistakes. I think the pressure, that’s what gave him a heart attack. Guapo called looking for him, very angry about a loss of his investments. I answered the call.”

  “Oh my God. No. This is a nightmare! You must not tell my wife. This will kill her.”

  “You must not tell your wife what?” Beautiful blond Maria Consuela stood in the doorway grasping her crimson robe tightly around her.

  “What is going on here? Gabriel! Where is Allegra?”

  Both men stood with heads hung.

  “Oh no, my baby! What has happened to my baby?” The Judge took Maria into his arms.

  “It will be alright Maria. We must call Samuel.”

  “Samuel? Why?”

  “We need his help. Allegra has been taken by the El Guapo cartel. Sam is the most powerful man in Mexico. And he is Allegra’s natural father. He will want to help.”

  “No, No! This cannot be true.” Maria Consuelo fainted. Gabriel helped the Judge bring her to a chair.

  “What are you talking about Judge? Allegra was adopted?”

  “It’s a long story, Gabriel. Later we will talk. In the meantime, I must call Samuel Ortega.”

  “But sir, he is the President of Mexico.”

  “Yes, and he will know what to do.”


  Los Ranchos, Punta de Mita

  “WHERE AM I? Why do I feel so sick?” Allegra sat up in a strange bed, in a strange house, the sun streaming through the open window. She could smell the sea breeze and hear the waves crashing against the rocks.

  Alex stood in the doorway watching her. He’d removed her gag after speaking with the accountant’s son.

  “Answer me!”

  “You are my guest.”

  “But I do not want to be anyone’s guest. I want to go home. My friends will be worried about me.” She started to stand up then realized she was completely naked under the blanket.

  “What have you done to me? Where are my clothes?” Allegra panicked. She felt for wetness between her legs.

  “Did you…?”

  “No, I didn’t rape you. But I will if your family doesn’t pay to get you back! Actually, you are not really my type. You are too old for me. So, I will let my men have fun with you, instead.”

  Allegra blanched.

  “But my family does not have a lot of money. What do you want from them?”

  “Only ten million dollars. If they don’t pay, I know someone in the Middle East who would love to have Miss Jalisco join his harem. He has lots of money. Either way, I win.”

  “Who are you?” she screamed.

  “Let me introduce myself. The press calls me El Guapo. I’m sure you have heard of me.”

  Allegra broke down in tears.

  Her nightmare had begun.


  The Raven Group Headquarters, Seattle

  THE GROUP CHECKED the gear one more time. Traveling private allowed them to take whatever they thought they might need going into battle and across borders.

  Mexico had strict gun laws. Only police or military carried weapons unless you were drug cartel or invited Special Forces from the USA. And then there was the Raven Group.

  “A call is coming through on secure comms. Some dude says he’s the President of Mexico. Must be one of your special force Mexican buddies. He’s got a great sense of humor.”

  “Patch it through to my secure cell. It might be Samuel.”

  “If you have this number you must be my Tequila buddy from Playa del Carmen!”

  “Hah, you won’t let me forget that night, will you?” Samuel Ramirez Ortega laughed for the first time in the last couple of hours.

  “Hey, bud, good to hear your voice. But unless you’re drunk dialing, you must have a problem. What’s up?”

  “Luke, I’ve got a serious problem. It’s my daughter.”

  “Whoa, what daughter. You never mentioned a daughter. Why’s that?”

  “Long story. Short version. President of Mexico is the most dangerous job in the world. Everyone wants to kill me. If anyone knew about Allegra, I would be open to all kinds of blackmail and threats. One day over more tequila I will tell you the rest of the story.”

  “What can I help you with? I’m on my way to Mexico as we speak. I have a personal problem to take care of, and I might need some help. Dangerous times we live in.”

  “Allegra is being held by El Guapo, the most notorious and insane drug lord in Mexico. He’s ruthless, psychotic and unfortunately handsome.” He stopped to get control over his emotions.

  “Here’s what I can piece together from Allegra’s dad, the judge. She was partying with girlfriends in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and was picked up by Alex aka Guapo, and his entourage. I think he targeted her or would have eventually because she’s engaged to the accountant’s son. I now know the accountant was laundering money for El Guapo and recently put Guapo into a very losing situation. I will send you a brief overview of what I know.”

  “Okay. I have a team with me. Now we’ve got two kidnappings on our hands. One of my operatives has a very young daughter living in Yelapa who was taken earlier. And now Allegra. These events may be connected. I hope this has nothing t
o do with the rash of human trafficking events I’ve been hearing about. But we will get them both back. I promise you that!”

  “Do what you need to do Raven. You have my full support and backup from the country’s Military and Special Forces if you need it. If it is related to human trafficking, you know my country is complicated. And for a situation like this, I don’t know who is owned by El Guapo and who isn’t.”

  “Let us worry about that. There is one thing I do need from you.”

  “Anything Luke.”

  “Tell your people to stay out of our way! Lend us a few men from your Elite Tactical Team. I’ve worked with them before. RB will send through the list. Know one thing, the Raven Group will do whatever it takes to get the job done. Understood?”

  “Yes. I’m sending through a photo of Allegra. Just get her back Luke.”


  Los Ranchos, Punta de Mita

  “HEY, TARIQ good buddy. What’s up? Beheaded anybody famous lately?” Guapo laughed out loud. Not for a minute did he believe Tariq bought into the ISIS bullshit.

  “Don’t defile my cause Alex. I won’t tolerate it. I’m a believer.”

  “Sure, sure, I get it. Listen I have a sweet deal for you. I’m sending through a photo. Take a look. Bidding war baby. How much will you pay for this sweet young thing? Call me back.” Alex closed the phone.

  “I don’t know Alex, she’s kind of high profile with the title you know. And her dad’s a judge, even if he’s bought and paid for.” Jorge added.

  “Yeah, the judge is bought and paid for by the wrong people. I know his situation. He doesn’t have the money. And the kid, Gabriel, his old man hid his money in the Caymans. What he didn’t know is I own that bank. My money created that bank! Do you understand what that means? Anything he has in there is mine. As soon as I heard he was dead, I wire transferred that money to my Swiss account. There’s nothing left in the Contador’s account. When the kid tries to access the money, the account will be empty.”


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