Nightfall (The Huntsman Clan Book 1)

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Nightfall (The Huntsman Clan Book 1) Page 11

by Rose Alexander

  "It's not so bad once you learn your way around; assembly is the only place they seat us like this. I'd rather be over there next to that fine lion, Kenton," she chatters while oogling him.

  Kylah growls before I can choke it back.

  "Sorry, I didn't know anyone had claimed him already. How long ago, was it romantic? How long have you known each other?" she rattles off questions.

  "I met him a week ago, it scared me more than was romantic, and it happened about an hour ago," I told her truthfully. Something makes me want to trust her.

  "You're so lucky, but you're going to have a sign on your back now. Good thing you're Royal or you would have some issues," she says, twirling a lock of her crimson hair.

  "Great, what I need is more drama," I sigh and sit back.

  "Just wait, you have to answer when Sir asks if any mates have been made," she whispers the auditorium growing quiet.

  "That's a thing?" I hiss back scared to death.

  "Yeah, all mating bonds have to be registered. The good news is you'll get to sit with Kenton in the mated section after this," she tries to comfort me.

  "What if I had multiple mates show themselves today, in theory?" I ask, my palms sweating, feeling an uncontrolled shift coming.

  "Then you are one lucky girl! Is it all of Kenton's group? That would be my dream right there!" she exclaims guessing straight away. The look on my face says it all. "Truthfully, that is the best thing that could have happened for them. They would have been separated after school otherwise."

  "I wasn't ready to go public with this yet," I whisper my anxiety making my entire body vibrate.

  Kenton glances over and sees the state I'm in and rushes over and holds my hands. If I didn't have to out us anyways, this would have done the trick.

  "What’s wrong, Trouble?" Kenton asks, I can feel the worry coming off him in waves.

  "We have to announce our mates today in assembly," I whisper; my panther calming down with him near.

  "Sorry, Trouble," he whispers then rushes back to his seat.

  "Don't worry it's not a big deal. They'll call your cats forward, test the bond then let you guys go. I've seen it loads of times. I can't wait until I find mine," she sighs; her eyes glossing over in a day dream.

  My cat sniffs and says sister then starts purring. All of the sudden Rachael's eyes get big, and she wraps me in a big hug.

  “She’s our sister,” Kylah announces proudly.

  “I’m Kaila, nice to meet you,” Rachael’s leopard says.

  "I always hoped I would have a real family!" she exclaims tears falling from her eyes.

  "Welcome to mine sister," I say unsure of what else to say.

  "We have to announce this as well. My leopard is so happy right now she's actually purring through my chest!" she squeals, her hands fidgeting with her hair.

  Sir steps up to the podium on stage, and the room gets so quiet, I can hear myself breathing. He starts a speech about welcoming us to the new semester, and I zone out until Rachael elbows me in the ribs.

  "... any new mating bonds since our last assembly?" I catch the end of his question.

  My five guys and I stand up.

  "Come forward and state who you have bonded with please," Sir orders, and we comply joining him on the stage.

  “Amelia Huntsman, do you have any bonds which you would like to claim?" he asks, his face an unreadable mask.

  "Yes, Sir, Vance Avery, Dominic Perrie, Spencer Williams, Reid Thielman, as well as Kenton Huntsman," I answer, my voice warbling the the nerves and anxiety I'm feeling.

  The crowd gasps and chatter breaks out loudly.

  "Silence!" Sir booms from the podium. "Remove your clothes and shift now!"

  We do as he says and undress, and I slip into my panther faster than I've ever shifted before. A man comes out on stage and does a quick chant that I can't understand and a shimmering, black cord made from the magic is wrapped around each of the guys heading to me. There’s also a green cord that is wrapped around each of the guys to each other, and a separate one leading from me to Rachael and also one that leads out the building, I'm guessing to Jack.

  The cords disappear, and I shift back and put my clothes back on. The guys are doing the same once I'm dressed.

  "Amelia Huntsman, you are making many bonds very young, I think we can expect great things from you," Sir says, dismissing us off the stage.

  "Rachael Huntsman, we acknowledge your family bond with Amelia and grant you the permission to sit with your family if you would like," Sir says.

  He doesn't finish talking before she's out of her seat running towards us sitting in the section to the far left of the stage for mates.

  "Isn't it wonderful! Your family is already built and you don't have to worry about wondering when it will happen," she hugs me, vibrating with excitement.

  Chapter 13

  The assembly finally finishes, and we take the stairs to the cafeteria. I want to eat quickly and call Jack. I hear Kylah calling to him.

  “Leave him alone,” I chastise.

  “We need all our family,” she says as if it’s obvious.

  "If you don't get your panther under control, Jack is going to be up here soon," Kenton whispers in my ear.

  "You can hear that too?" I ask amazed.

  "We all can honey. Who's Jack, her other family bond?" Rachael asks between bites of food.

  "I found out he was my brother a few days after meeting him," I reply, still wanting him badly for some reason.

  Kylah perks up, and I can tell he's close suddenly. I turn around and can see Jace coming down the stairs, huffing through his mouth like he's smelling for something. I get up out of my chair and run to him and wrap my arms around his neck.

  I let go and he shifts back human, one of the cafeteria workers handing him a robe.

  "What's wrong little sister? We couldn't ignore your call," he asks, his forehead wrinkled in worry.

  "I'm sorry. We had to announce our mates today and family bonds, and I guess my panther was upset you weren't here when that happened," I look at the ground embarrassed that he ran all the way here for that.

  "I think I need more information," Jack looks around the group but when his eyes land on Rachael his face lights up and I can see the bond forming before my eyes.

  They go to each other and lock in an embrace that makes me uncomfortable to watch then he leans over and kisses her. I guess she got the romantic bond she was hoping for, with my brother. It clicks on why she's my sister at that moment.

  My heart fills with joy with the fact that they found each other. I turn to sit back down and Kenton is behind me so I lean back on him. My panther content now that her family is complete.

  Jack pulls back from Rachael suddenly and looks around, his cheeks turning bright red. "Sorry about that, Lia. Let's eat and talk."

  "It's ok. Kylah is happy now that you're here with my new sister Rachael, you know the girl you kissed without asking her name," I tease him, watching his face grow a brighter shade of crimson.

  "Sorry, I'm Jack, nice to meet you Rachael," he kneels on the ground kissing her hand.

  "So romantic," she gushes, then gives me a hug.

  "Ok, so some girls upset me and Kenton came over and my panther said he was my mate, I made him mad, the rest of the guys came over and my panther decided they were all my mates too. I sat down next to Rachael and found out she's my sister, then Sir called for bonds at the assembly and I had to shift in front of the whole school, then my panther started screaming for you," I explain in one breath, rushing to get all the words out.

  "That's a lot to handle in one day! Are you ok?" he asks his face lined with concern.

  "I'm good. I didn't think I wanted the news out, but now that it is my panther is happier," I try to explain. "At least now, everyone knows they are officially off limits, and Amy's slut comments are unfounded."

  "She called you a slut for hanging out with these guys?" Rachael's face darkens and her brow turns down. />
  She gets up and stomps over to the table Amy is sitting at and I can see the girl go pale as a sheet.

  "If I ever hear that you say anything at all about my sister, I will grind you into the ground you worthless noble. Do you understand," Rachael growls at her and you can almost see steam coming out of her ears.

  "I...," Amy is unable to say anything she looks so scared.

  Rachael walks back over to our table smiling and sits next to Jack. "She's been scared of me since we were little and she called my doll ugly so I kicked her in the face."

  "Thank you for standing up for me. I feel so blessed to have found this awesome of a family," I say meaning every word of it.

  We finish eating lunch then Jack and Rachael return to her room to get to know each other better. The guys and I go our separate ways. I'm emotionally exhausted and want a nap to be ready for whatever the evening assembly holds for us. I'm beginning to feel like I might just love my time at Nightfall after all.


  "That's right. A panther princess who's bonded to five males," the unknown man whispers on the phone from the corner of the empty auditorium.

  "All known princesses were exterminated. Where did she come from?" the voice on the other line asks.

  "I know we thought all the panthers in the royal line had been taken care of too," he replies to the line.

  "What do you plan to do about this? We can't have the prophecy come true," the voice hisses.

  "I'll keep an eye on her, but we might have to take her out if she appears too powerful," he says rubbing his fingers together anxiously.

  "You won't have to get your hands dirty. Call us and we will take care of your black kitten for you," the voice says then hangs up.

  To be continued...


  Thank you to my husband for putting up with all my time spent in front of the computer working on this book.

  Thank you to my kids for pushing me to write something they could read.

  Thank you to all of my author friends for you support.

  Pike, you are the glue, this wouldn’t have happened without your help so thank you bunches.

  About the Author

  Rose lives in the midwest with her Husband, kids and three cats. She enjoys crafting in her free time and watching movies with her family.


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