The Room - A Sensuous Experience

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The Room - A Sensuous Experience Page 3

by Vasser, LaShawn

  He cut her off. “I’m not interested. I’m not that guy . . . not now or ever, so you need to go find someone else to play with.”

  Her eyes turned hard. She was angry. After a second or two of awkward silence, Joanna stalked away.

  The gentleman he’d been speaking with before she arrived chuckled. “Only a man who was already spoken for would turn away a beauty like her.”

  Maxwell neither confirmed nor denied that observation.

  For the better part of an hour, he kept a low profile and sipped on his drink as his eyes continued to follow Robyn around the room. He stayed in the background waiting for just the right moment to make his move.

  She continued to smile politely and nod courteously at everyone who wanted her attention. She was bored out of her mind. Maxwell planned to change that. His mouth watered as he imagined tasting the expanse of smooth cocoa skin she had on display. Robyn’s shoulders and back were fully exposed, revealing an incredibly toned body in a black dress that hugged every curve. It was cut a little low in the front and gave him a glimpse of her ample breasts but not as much as Maxwell would like to have seen, privately. Even her collar bone was sexy. The moment he realized he was mesmerized by her collarbone, he realized he was in deep shit. His mind was running way too far ahead. Tonight was just the first step in the full onslaught of a Maxwell Bryant pursuit.

  He took another long sip of his drink and did his best to engage in conversation with the next person who’d been clamoring for his attention. He couldn’t remember his name. It was another person in a long line of people hoping he would invest in their start-up. Concentrating on the words coming out of the man’s mouth was difficult because he couldn’t stop staring at Robyn for more than ten seconds at a time.

  “I just think that’s the best route to go.”

  Maxwell checked back into the conversation at the tail end of it. He had no idea what the man was talking about, and really didn’t care, but improvised an answer. “You might be right, but it’s always good to look at all of your options.” He tapped the balding too-soon-for-his-age man on his shoulder. “I see someone I need to connect with before they leave. We’ll talk more about this later.” Maxwell saw his opportunity to speak with Robyn, and he wasn’t going to let it slip away. It was the first time she’d been alone all evening.


  Was there anybody from Romona High School that Robyn hadn’t spoken to? It was as if she had run into almost the entire student body of her graduating class. She’d smiled so much her face hurt.

  “Did you ever meet Leo DiCaprio? He’s so hot!” Carla DePaul, a classmate who had never spoken to Robyn once that she could remember, but now claimed they were the best of friends, seemed to hold her breath waiting for an answer.

  This was exactly why Robyn hated coming to events like this. She took a drink of her champagne before responding. She’d met Leo a couple of times, and he was a real sweetheart. The honest answer would keep her talking about him for the next hour. Lie, and she might be able to move on. “Leo? Umm . . . I may have met him in passing, but I don’t remember.” It wasn’t an outright lie, but it was completely unbelievable. Who the hell would forget meeting Leo? Apparently, it worked on Carla.

  Her lips drooped, but though disappointed, she was on the verge of asking another question.

  “Carla? Can I steal Robyn for a minute?” Eva appeared out of nowhere just in the nick of time, saving her from stabbing herself in the throat. “There are a few people I’d like to introduce our girl to.” She smiled brightly, looped her arm through Robyn’s, and pulled her away before she received an answer. When they were out of earshot, Eva leaned over and whispered to Robyn, “I saw Carla accost you about ten minutes ago but couldn’t get away until now.”

  Robyn turned her glass all the way up and drained it. “I don’t think one drink is going to be enough.” They walked through the crowd arm in arm.

  “Be careful. You were never good at holding your liquor.”

  “I’ll be careful because I plan to leave as soon as I meet the owners of this house. Where the hell are they anyway?”

  “They are not here yet.”

  “I thought you said they were on their way.”

  “I did. I can only assume the weather slowed them down.”

  A mischievous glint appeared in Eva’s eyes. “What if I told you that you have an admirer who has been checking you out all evening?”

  “I’d say I’m tired as hell and not interested. Please, no matchmaking tonight. I just don’t have it in me to be polite.”

  “What if he’s panty-melting hot?”

  “I’d say, where’s your own husband? And, keep your panties on.”

  “You know I’d never cheat on Jesse. He takes care of me in all ways. But you’re single and according to you, haven’t gotten laid in over a year. Turn around and smile or wave or something. He might make you rethink that craziness of celibacy.”

  Robyn didn’t turn to look.

  “C’mon. I promise . . . you won’t regret it. Oh yes, he’s definitely checking you out. He’s talking to some big shot but staring directly at you. He’s standing to your right.” Eva nodded her head in that direction.

  “Not interested.” She was about to break her one drink minimum. “Where are the servers with the champagne when you need them?” Robyn craned her head around looking for the platter with the tall flutes of bubbly on it.

  Eva spoke through her smile as he spotted her looking at him. “I should walk you over. It’s the polite thing to do.”

  “No, we should find me another drink. Excuse me!” Robyn finally saw a man carrying a tray of champagne and did her best to get his attention. She held up her hand, noticing, he made his way over. She picked up a glass and didn’t waste any time taking a big long gulp. The fresh and crisp taste sang a melody on her tongue. She needed that. For about thirty seconds everything and everyone melted away.


  Robyn froze. “What?”

  “I think it’s too late.”

  “Too late for what?”

  “He’s definitely headed this way. You’ve got about thirty seconds before he gets here.”

  Robyn groaned then leaned over and whispered into Eva’s ear. “I swear if it’s Larry Johnston, I’ll hang you by your lightly colored pink toenails.”

  “Larry only wished he was this sexy. God, even his walk is scrumptious. You’ll see in about ten more seconds.”

  “I knew I should have left . . .” Robyn said under her breath, then turned. She stopped talking in mid-sentence.

  Their eyes connected.

  With just a glance, she was rendered speechless. Her heart skipped a beat, and her knees went weak. Weak knees. That had never happened before.

  Robyn tried to swallow but her mouth was incredibly dry, and her body was tense. She gripped the champagne glass as if it were a lifeline. She suddenly felt hot all over and could only hope the heat didn’t show on her face.

  The crowd seemed to part like the Red Sea. It was as if he approached her in slow motion. Oh, God was Robyn’s immediate reaction when she realized he was coming for her—no toward her. That was wishful thinking on her part.

  His eyes had already zeroed in on her and hadn’t wavered. He seemed to move like a predator hunting and stalking as if she were on deck for a tasty treat. As he came closer, Robyn’s nerves were out of control. Her stomach completely bottomed out. Her heart stopped beating, then changed its mind. It decided to beat wildly as if it were going to burst out of her chest.

  When he was only inches away, a smooth baritone voice sailed through the air. “Eva, I wanted to come over and personally tell you that I think you’ve outdone yourself.” He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Maxwell, and thanks for calling my office earlier. It was so good to hear from you, and I’m absolutely positive my company can plan the perfect New Year’s event for your team.”

  Maxwell. He certainly wasn’t Larry. This m
an made the hairs on Robyn’s body stand up. Robyn didn’t realize she was gawking until Eva gently nudged her in the ribs. Slightly embarrassed, she plastered on a smile. Damn! Scrumptious was an understatement. His black suit was custom. It fit his broad chest and shoulders to perfection. Unlike some others, he didn’t wear a tie. The top two buttons of his crisp white shirt were open. It contrasted nicely with his sun-kissed hair and tanned skin. He stood confidently with one hand in the front pocket of his dress slacks and a drink in the other.

  While he’d spoken to Eva, the intensity of his brownish—no, they were greener than brown, eyes were trained on her.

  Forget the knife; someone would need a buzz saw to cut then tension in the air. Eva’s eyes darted from her friend to him. She attempted to ignore whateverthehell was hanging over all of them. “Robyn and I worked really hard to make sure everything was perfect. She handled all of the interior design.”

  “Ahh, Robyn, no introduction is necessary.” Maxwell extended his hand to Robyn. “Her reputation for her interior design precedes her.”

  Her throat was thick. She looked at the outstretched hand for a moment, wondering if she should shake it. Nervous that there was some kind of magical powers that would cause her to make a fool of herself, made her hesitate. Finally, she placed her hand in his. He took it, but instead of shaking her hand, Maxwell brought the back of it to his lips.

  He placed a soft kiss on her tender skin. Those lips were warm, firm, and could seriously do some damage.

  She shivered.

  Robyn was so shaken by his presence that she still hadn’t uttered a single word.

  His smile grew as if he’d known he’d unnerve her. “I haven’t had a chance to see all of the house. But, from what I have seen, you deserve every bit of the accolades you’ve been given.”

  Robyn finally found her voice. “T-thank you.”

  “No need for thanks when I’m just stating facts.”

  “Again, you’re much too kind.”

  “Since I’m in need of a designer for one of my homes in California, think I can convince you into giving me a tour?”

  Maxwell’s smile was dangerous. It created a push-pull desire within her to do anything he asked. The feeling was strong, and she was smart enough not to get into situations with men where she wasn’t the one in control. She spit out the first excuse that came to mind. “I’m not sure the owners would approve, since I haven’t given them a walk-through, and unfortunately, I’m currently not taking on any new clients.”

  Eva butted into the conversation. “I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. After all, this is an open house, and I think you are probably the only person who could answer all of Maxwell’s décor questions. Didn’t you say that your team in New York was great? Even if you couldn’t personally handle Maxwell’s account, I’m sure someone there could.”

  The innocent mask on Eva’s face was priceless. They were tag teaming her, and Robyn didn’t like it.

  His warm hand still held hers. Maxwell put just enough pressure on it to remind her. “I do have quite a few questions.”

  Eva’s head bobbed up and down profusely. “Yes! Robyn, please take Maxwell on the VIP tour. I would show him around myself, but I’ve um . . . got to . . . um . . . talk to someone.” Briefly, Eva placed her hand on top of theirs, ensuring Robyn and Maxwell’s hands stayed connected. She planted her palm at the center of their backs before giving them a gentle shove. “Make sure you show him all of the rooms.”

  Robyn half turned to give her friend an evil eye that could have melted an iceberg. This was a bad idea for more reasons than one.

  Maxwell released her hand but only for a moment as he held out his arm for Robyn to grasp and asked, “Shall we go?”

  Chapter 4

  Maxwell and Robyn strolled down a long, dark hallway that took them into a second great room. They hadn’t spoken since they had left Eva’s presence. Each of them was lost in their own thoughts.

  “I feel a little less claustrophobic in here.” Maxwell broke the silence. There were several guests in the area, but it wasn’t nearly as crowded as the main room. “Thanks again for showing me around.”

  “Thank Eva. If it had been left up to me, I would be at home in bed sleeping.”

  “I’ll make sure to send her a bouquet of roses. If for no other reason than the visual you just conjured up.”

  She smiled. Maxwell was flirting. She should keep her distance.

  “I’m sure her husband would really appreciate that.” Robyn addressed the flowers but stayed away from images of him and her in bed together. The mere thought made her temperature rise. Instead, she was determined to focus on what she’d been asked to do—give the man a tour. “As you can see, the other great room is more formal than this one. I opted to make this space a little more intimate and cozy.”

  Maxwell could tell Robyn was trying to stave off his subtle advances. He rubbed the space above his eyebrow with his thumb and moved closer to her. Unlike most of the other women in his circle, he was going to have to work to charm her. However, he’d known that from the start. “Robyn.”


  He reached for her hand and placed it in his. “Can I be honest with you?”

  A jolt rocketed through her. Robyn looked down at her hand then slowly back up at him. Get a grip, girl! So what? He’s causing you to lose your shit. Get it together. She chided herself. After taking a deep calming breath, Robyn lifted her eyes to his in question. “I don’t know why you wouldn’t be honest.”

  “Maybe because I’m not sure how you will receive what I’m about to say, but the truth is, I don’t want to squander this time talking about fabrics and colors. While you did a phenomenal job with this house, I really just wanted to be alone with you.”

  He was standing too close and smelled so good. She found herself drawn to him in a way that she shouldn’t have been. Robyn forced her mind to ignore the hum of her body and pleaded with it to cooperate. Her simple plan to make this a quick tour and keep it casual-friendly was falling apart. She was being sucked into whatever energy was surrounding them.

  Robyn shook her head trying to clear her mind and somehow managed to slip her hand out of his grasp. She made an attempt at being nonchalant. “Why would you want to be alone with me?” She was grateful, for the time-being, that her voice hadn’t betrayed her. It seemed to be listening when nothing else on her body was.

  Maxwell somehow managed to get so close that his chest was almost touching hers. He gently stroked the side of her cheek. “Because you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.”

  Her nipples hardened and strained against her dress the sound of his admission. Robyn was grateful she was wearing black and prayed he wouldn’t notice.

  “Why wouldn’t I want to be alone with you? I’d be crazy not to.” His words were a balm to her battered soul.

  Briefly, Robyn closed her eyes and basked in the feather-light touch of his fingertips. The moment she realized she was falling into the abyss her eyes popped open, and she backed up a few steps. “Y-you said my reputation preceded me,” Robyn stuttered. “If that’s the case, then you should probably know there are much easier conquests in the other room.”

  “Easy, hard? When it comes to you, it doesn’t matter to me. So, while what you’re saying might be true; I’m sure I can have my pick of women. I want you. If you want me to chase you . . .” He shrugged. “I can do that. Sometimes a man likes the chase. It can be fun too.”

  Robyn stared into the depths of his hazel eyes. They were like this house—mesmerizing. She willed herself to be strong. Robyn cleared her throat. Thoughts of the past sobered her. “Not all men like the chase. Some actually want to be chased. Then there are those who are intimidated by an ambitious woman and wuss out on a relationship.” Frustrated by a memory, Robyn turned and walked out of the room before she could be put off balance by Maxwell again.

  Maxwell followed closely behind. He was only inches away from being able to pull her back i
nto the front of his body. He resisted the urge and instead leaned over her shoulder to whisper into her ear. “Those men are assholes.”

  Her breath caught in her throat by his nearness.

  “I hope you won’t hold all of that pent up hostility against me.”

  There were things she could hold against him, but Robyn decided to remain silent.

  Maxwell couldn’t tell what she was thinking. He wanted to know everything that was running through her mind, but none more important than one question. “Was it worth it?”

  A slight frown appeared on her face. “What?”

  “It’s obvious by your success that your career was the priority in your life. Was it worth it?”

  Robyn wasn’t expecting him to ask that. Maxwell had changed topics so quickly her head was spinning. She wasn’t sure how to respond. It took a moment to gather herself. “I’m proud of everything I’ve accomplished, but . . . everything happens for a reason.” She decided not to let him too far into the private recesses of her mind. He was already taking up too much real estate there.

  Maxwell didn’t appear to like that answer. “Nothing ever just happens. We tend to make things happen.”

  “I guess you’re right to a degree. So, how about you? I noticed there’s not a ring on your finger. It doesn’t seem as if you’ve made time for a personal life as well.”

  He lifted his right hand and inspected it. “No, I haven’t. I’ve spent so much time trying to build my business that it’s only been the last year or so that I’ve contemplated my personal life. I’m sure you can understand the demands and sacrifices a person has to make when they own their own company. It doesn’t leave a lot of room for anything else.”

  Robyn pressed her lips together. The sound of her voice was barely a whisper. “That is something we can agree on.”

  The tone of his voice dipped low. “I’m sure I can think of a couple more things where we might agree, or at the very least could enjoy.”

  Robyn had no doubt about that. She both wanted and didn’t want to take the bait. Again, she decided to focus on the familiar. Safer ground, Robyn. Take this conversation back to safer ground. “This is the formal dining room. I chose the mahogany wood furniture in here to warm the room up a bit.”


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