The Marquess Who Adored Me

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The Marquess Who Adored Me Page 4

by Rachelle Stevensen

  If he had gotten engaged, it would have been in there. “I don’t think so, but you never know Brooks. He could have eloped.”

  Brooks just shrugged, “I guess we shall see then. But I don’t think you should give up hope. Not yet.”

  Eden said, “May I stay here for tonight? I don’t want to go home. It is so lonely there, and my brother always brings unsavory people there.”

  Burk scowled, “Of course he does. You can stay here. We don’t have someone staying in that room tonight.”

  Eden smiled, “All right. I just need a little time to cry and be upset. Tomorrow will be a new day and I will be right as rain.”

  Burk nodded, and Brooks released her from his arms. Burk led the way and Eden went to the room she knew they had for women to stay in, just for the night, and shut the door.

  She needed time to cry, to grieve her future and her dreams, since they had been shattered tonight.

  Tomorrow when she went to the next ball, she wouldn’t look for him, wouldn’t look at him, wouldn’t acknowledge him or his existence at all. It would be like it was before, but this time she wouldn’t be pining for him like an idiot.

  She fell on the bed, still fully dressed, and hugged a pillow to her chest. Tonight, was a harsh reality for her, and it broke her heart knowing that she had wasted so much time pining for a man who never even knew she lived. This had to stop, but while she had high hopes of not looking in his direction, she knew it would take quite a bit of time before she was over him.

  She sobbed into her pillow for a little while longer, until she finally fell into a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Three


  London, England Oct, 1812

  Cole slept poorly. Again. He wasn’t shocked at this and had barely tried before giving up. Knowing it was in vain.

  He decided that sleep wouldn’t happen for a while yet, so he went downstairs to the library and by the light of a candle, and the fire in the grate of the fireplace, he searched. To no avail.

  When the light of day came, he went to lay down again. Knowing he needed some sleep. And grateful he got at least an hour of it. When he woke, he searched through the library yet again.

  He was methodical, going from book to book, opening them and sifting through the pages, slowly. Not wanting to miss anything.

  Trying to see if there were clues, or letters stashed in the pages, anything. He had only made it through a quarter of the library when Lily poked her head in the door, she said, “Cole! It’s time to get ready for the ball.”

  Cole looked out the window and noticed the sun going down. He was shocked to see how late it had grown, not realizing the late hour. He stood from his seat and stretched.

  He had been up and down the ladder many times this day, getting out book after book and then putting them back where he had found them. His body was sore from that. He didn’t realize how much it would strain him to keep repeating the motion for that long.

  He nodded to Lily, “Thank you, I shall be along momentarily and ready to go soon.”

  Lily smiled, “I called for a bath, and a tray. You have been here all day practically in a trance.”

  Cole’s stomach rumbled when she mentioned the tray and Lily laughed. “Go, eat and bathe. We will go when you have done both. There is no rush.”

  Cole chuckled and went to his suite where he ate, after bathing. When he was dressed, and his shoulder length hair pulled back into a queue, he made his way to the foyer where Lily was waiting.

  She was wearing a light blue dress this evening and it brought out bits of blue in her gray eyes.

  He smiled and kissed her hand, “You look lovely this evening sister. As always.”

  Lily laughed, “Thank you Cole. Are you going to speak with Eden this evening? She looked beautiful last evening. Her dress was fabulous. But she left so quickly. I wonder why?” Cole had pointed Eden out to Lily when he first saw her last night and Lily had wanted to charge over there and speak with her. But Cole had held her back, making their way slowly to where she stood. It had been a mistake then, and tonight he was not going to repeat it.

  Cole shook his head, “I do not know. I hated that she left. But, yes. I wish to speak with her.”

  Cole held out his arm, which Lily took, and they walked out to the carriage together.

  “Thank you for being so kind about this. About her. I know you didn’t come here to see me fall in love,” Cole started, but Lily held up her hand.

  “Stop it Cole. I am sorry. I was cross when I said those things. And I didn’t mean them. I truly want you to be happy, to find love like what Aidan did. It’s the most important thing, and I didn’t let you do that. I know that when we need to find the answers we will. You finally speaking to the woman you love won’t stop us from our goal. I want you to speak to her, and finally let go of your fears. To move on and be happy. You and Aidan both deserve it. More than anyone else I know.”

  Cole sighed, and ran a hand down his face, “Thank you Lily. I hate that I have wasted all this time. When I could have been with her. Someday, this will be you, and I will be there to support you, every step of the way.”

  Lily waved her hand at him, “I don’t think it is in the cards for me to fall in love. I haven’t seen a single man that would make me feel the same way that you do with Eden. Or the way Aidan feels about Rhia. When he looks at her, it’s like she hung the sun in the sky. I want that. I want to be the only one in his life, and not have to fight for his affections. I don’t want to be the last in a line of many who had come before. I won’t do that. Too many women are all right with that. But that has never been me. And that, my dear brother is why I will be a spinster and firmly on the shelf. I don’t want a marriage like our parents, where mother had to turn a blind eye. Where every single time he was with another woman she ached for her love again. I won’t do it. No matter how handsome a man is.”

  Cole laughed, “Well, that’s good. I think those men are hard to find though. I don’t want you to miss out on something because of it. Don’t shut love out, all right?”

  Lily laughed too. “I won’t Cole. I know what I want in a man, one like you and Aidan. I know about the pact you made when you were young, about not being with all these women. About waiting until you found your ‘one’. Well, if I must wait, or never marry because I won’t bend on this, then I will never marry. And, yes, the thought is heartbreaking, never knowing love, but it is a sacrifice I choose to make. One I have thought about for a very long time.”

  Cole sighed, “I love that about you sister. That you are so fierce and full of fire. And you won’t bend on what you want. Won’t do what anyone expects of you.”

  Lily put her head on his shoulder, “You never did. Not once. We were always in the room when Aidan read your letters. And, I doubt you wrote about all the times women propositioned you. But you never wavered. Not once. I want to be like you.”

  Cole kissed her forehead. “There is someone out there for you, I just know it. Someone good and kind who will love you. For being you.”

  Lily sighed as well. “Thank you, Cole.”

  The driver pulled to a stop, and the footmen opened the door and lowered the steps. Cole got out first and turned to help Lily down.

  “Tonight, will be very different from last night. Because, last night I was so eager to speak with Eden that I let people come up and talk to me. Normally, I never allow innate conversations with anyone, and tonight will be no different. Just be aware that I will only speak with Eden this night. If you see me leave, it is because I have gone to find her.”

  Lily nodded, “Then you won’t mind if I turn down the dances? I really don’t want to encourage anyone, and dancing last night was not something I enjoyed. Not with those men. They all leered at me like I was a piece of meat.”

  Cole nodded, “That is all right with me. Just be careful.”

  Lily and Cole waited to be announced, and then walked into the ballroom together. Men and women rushed over to them, but
neither brother, nor sister acknowledged anyone.

  Cole searched the room and there was no sign of Eden. He pulled Lily to the far wall, close to where Eden would always stand. Lily sat in one of the chairs, and a man came up to her, and Cole let out a warning growl.

  The man noticed Cole standing in front of Lily, with his arms crossed over his chest, and he dropped his eyes and left.

  Lily let out a breath, “That man was the worst out of all of them last night. He made me uncomfortable.”

  Cole shook his head, “If he bothers you again, let me know. I don’t like him. Never have. He is a snake. But I don’t think he will. Not knowing that I am your brother.”

  Just then, Eden’s name was announced, along with her friend that she pushed in a wheeled chair.

  Cole saw her look around the ballroom, just for a second and then her friend spoke to her, so she leaned down to listen to what her friend was saying.

  She kept pushing the wheeled chair until they almost reached the spot where Cole was standing.

  Eden looked up and noticed him there, and her eyes dropped to the floor and Cole saw the blood drain from her face.

  Cole heard her tell her friend that she needed to find the retiring room, because she was feeling poorly.

  Cole straightened; he was alarmed that she wasn’t feeling well. Not liking that she was here when she should be home resting. Though he was glad she was here so he could speak with her.

  He grabbed a glass of lemonade and walked to where the retiring room was. And waited. And waited.

  Finally, after some time, Eden emerged, and he stood, his large frame blocking her path, the cup of lemonade in his hand.

  Except, Eden hadn’t noticed him. She was looking back at the back of her dress, fixing a seam or her hem, and not at him. He tried to move out of her way, but the hallway was narrow, and he couldn’t move fast enough. It was too late. She ran right into him, and the glass of lemonade he was holding.

  The entire drink spilled down the front of her light purple evening gown, and she gasped in surprise. “Oh my god!”

  Eden was looking down the front of her dress, which was so wet that it was almost see through. Her dress clinging to every dip and curve.

  Cole noticed her undergarments were on full display, but he was shocked as well and stood there, with his mouth hanging open.

  He finally shook his head to clear it, now was not the time to admire her body, “I apologize. I didn’t mean to spill that drink all over you.”

  Eden was frantically rubbing at her dress, trying to whisk some of the moisture away. It was in vain, but Cole grabbed his handkerchief out of his pocket and tried to blot it away as well, wanting to help her, until he rubbed the wrong spot and realized as she jerked away that he had grabbed one of her breasts.

  Eden looked up at him and he dropped his hand, “I apologize again. That was an accident.”

  Eden shook her head, turned and went back into the retiring room without another word.

  Cole groaned and dropped his head into his hands. The first time trying to speak to the girl, and he had ruined her dress and made an unwanted advancement on her person. What an idiot.

  Cole shook his head over and over and felt his cheeks go hot. He went to the door and called out, “Is there anything I can do? I apologize. Again. It wasn’t my intention to ruin your dress. Or your night. I heard you tell your friend you were feeling poorly, and I wanted to see if I could help in some way. I can help take you home if you wish.”

  Eden opened the door with a glare. “Thank you for your apology, but you have done quite enough. I can make it home all by myself, thank you very much. I do not need your assistance. I am not looking forward to walking past all these people with my dress as wet as it is, but I shall make do. Go find your wife and worry about her.”

  Cole’s eyebrows drew together in confusion. “My wife? What are you talking about?”

  Eden rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. Her dress was still wet, but at least it wasn’t see through now. Cole still took great care to look only into her face.

  “Yes, your wife. You know, the woman you have accompanying you? Heavens, men. One would think you wouldn’t forget a woman like that. Well, I offer you congratulations on your nuptials. If you will excuse me, my lord.”

  She dropped into a quick curtsey and went to push past him. Cole put his hand on her arm to stop her. “Wait,”

  Eden stood stock still, not breathing and not looking at his hand on her arm. “Unhand me this instant, my lord.”

  She wouldn’t look at him, so Cole put his finger under her chin and tipped her face up to look at him. It was the first time he had truly touched her.

  She started breathing hard and was glaring at him. “I asked you to unhand me. You will do so now, please. I don’t want or need to make a scene, because I don’t need the implications of that. I just need to get out of here before anyone can see me, and the gossiping starts. Enjoy the rest of the ball my lord. I have no idea why you sought me out, what is so important that you needed to speak to me after all these years. Just please, unhand me and let me leave before I get humiliated further.”

  Cole shook his head, “I didn’t come here to humiliate you Eden. That was the last thing on my mind.”

  He noticed she sucked in a breath at the informal use of her Christian name on his lips. She had no idea he even knew her name.

  “I came to make certain you were all right. I know I said this already, but when I heard you tell your companion you were feeling poorly, I brought you some lemonade to see if that would help. But instead I made a complete ass of myself and for that again, I apologize. It wasn’t my intention in the least.”

  She still looked shocked and he thought it must be because after years he was touching her.

  “May I ask you one question though? Why do you think Lily is my wife? I am not married, nor is that set to change. Lily is my sister.”

  Cole watched understanding dawn in Eden’s eyes and saw her eyes go from ice cold to warm affection.

  He was so enthralled by the change that he almost missed her answer.

  Eden smiled at him, “I apologize as well, my lord. You left so swiftly that it was startling. And then when your names were announced, I assumed that since you shared the same last name you were married. And you were gone for so long, that I assumed again that you had gotten married while you were away. But, of course, if you were married, she would be called Lady Woodbridge.”

  Eden shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut, and Cole watched a blush steal up her cheeks.

  Cole still had his finger under her chin and Eden almost sighed.

  Cole smiled, and chuckled which made her open her eyes. “You are right. She would be called Lady Woodbridge. However, Lily is my sister. She is here for her first official season and to help me with a family problem. I was visiting with my family, and a few things happened that made me have to extend my visit.”

  Eden smiled, “Oh, well that certainly explains it. I am glad you have someone visiting you. She is beautiful. I hope your visit was well.”

  Cole smiled again, “My time at home was enlightening. Can I ask how you knew I was leaving?”

  Eden blushed again and pulled out of his arms. “Um, excuse me, my lord, I need to be leaving.”

  Cole shook his head at her. “I don’t think so. We need to talk.”

  Eden shook her head, “This is not the way I wanted to speak to you the first time. Not at all.”

  Cole grinned, and watched as Eden sighed, again. “I didn’t think this was how our first meeting was to happen either.”

  Eden giggled and Cole laughed as well. “Let me walk you out the back, and I will send someone to find my sister. She can accompany us home. Act as a chaperone.”

  Eden nodded, Cole safely ensconced her into his carriage and sent a page boy into the home to find Lily.

  In moments, Lily was outside, and they pulled away from the home. Cole removed his jacket and put it over Ed
en’s shoulders. He knew it wasn’t conventional, but he didn’t care.

  She smiled at him, “Thank you.”

  Then she turned to Lily, “I am Eden Turner. It is so nice to make your acquaintance.”

  Lily smiled, “Lily St. Andrew. It is a pleasure for me as well.”

  Cole chuckled, “Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, we need to get Eden home so she can change. I made the mistake of spilling my drink all over her dress.”

  Lily covered her mouth with her hand. “You didn’t?”

  Eden shrugged Cole’s jacket off her dress, and Lily gasped. “I can assure you, he did.”

  Lily turned to look at Cole. “I cannot believe you did that. Finally speaking to her and ruining her dress instead?”

  Cole groaned. “Lily, I haven’t had a chance to speak to her yet.”

  Lily nodded, “Well, I should say not. Take her to our home, I will get her right as rain. Then you can talk.”

  Eden shook her head, “No really, I should get home…”

  Cole took her gloved hand and brought it to his lips. He placed a delicate kiss there and Eden’s eyes widened. “Please, Eden. I really wish to speak with you.”

  She was staring at him with her eyebrows raised in shock. Her mouth opened and closed for a second and she nodded.

  Cole smiled and directed the coachman to take them to his home.

  Chapter Four


  London, England Oct, 1812

  Lily was as kind as she was beautiful. Eden could now see that she had the same eyes as Cole and cursed herself for her stupidity. For assuming the worst, instead of investigating it. She knew it couldn’t have been helped, but she felt like an idiot for assuming like she had.

  Lily helped her into a beautiful gown, and Eden swallowed hard when she looked in the mirror.

  This dress was the prettiest she had ever worn. It was spectacular and Eden loved that just for the night, she would get to wear something better than all the dresses she owned.


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