The Marquess Who Adored Me

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The Marquess Who Adored Me Page 9

by Rachelle Stevensen

  She gasped when the blow landed, “I was out all day with a friend.”

  He sneered down at her, “Liar, no one would want to be friends with you. You should have been here. I needed you, and you were off gallivanting around town. Well, that stops now. I have a man that wants to see you. He is going to pay me the best price for your hand in marriage.”

  Eden felt her stomach drop to her toes. “I will never marry him, Sterling. I don’t care what you say to me or do to me. I will never do it. Ever.”

  Sterling grabbed her hair in his fist, “You think you can come in here and try to tell me what to do with your life? I am your guardian until you marry. I get to decide everything about your life, and what you do with it. I just left you alone until I knew you were ready. You don’t speak to me like that!”

  He slapped her harder and Eden felt her cheek slice open on her teeth. She tasted blood and tried desperately not to cry. “I won’t marry him, Sterling. And you cannot make me now. I am already engaged.”

  She hoped the lie she told would hold him off. He narrowed his eyes at her. “What? Who are you engaged to? He didn’t ask me permission, nor did I approve. Since I am your guardian, you won't be marrying him. You belong to me. And I will sell you to whomever I see fit.”

  Eden panicked, she started to thrash in his hold, and he slapped her again. “Go get dressed in something respectable. He will be here soon. He wants to test out the merchandise first. Don’t even think of leaving this house. If I must hunt you down, you won’t like the consequences.”

  He dropped her to the floor and walked out the front door, slamming it shut. Eden’s tears started to fall. She needed to get out of here, no matter what he said. He would never find her.

  If she came back, or stayed here, Sterling would marry her off to the man he spoke of. One who wanted to rape her, to ‘test’ out the merchandise. She wouldn’t do it.

  She felt a touch to her arm and looked up to see Herbert standing over her. “Come miss, your brother has a man standing out front, guarding the door. But he doesn’t have one at the servant’s entrance. We need to get you out of here.”

  Eden bit her lip to stop crying. “I need to get my mother’s jewels and father’s pocket watch first.”

  Herbert handed her a bag. “He was here earlier today, and I heard everything. I already packed up your room for you. We need to hurry miss.”

  She stopped him with a touch to his arm, “What about you? What if he hurts you to find me? I couldn’t live with the guilt of it, knowing I was the one to cause your pain.”

  He shook his head, “You have always been like a daughter to me, and because of that, I will not let Sterling sell you to a man who would hurt you. I cannot let that happen.”

  Eden’s eyes filled with tears and she hugged the old man close. “Come find me when Sterling has stopped looking. I will be at Cole St. Andrew’s townhouse.”

  Herbert nodded, “I will do everything in my power to lead him off your trail. Be careful please dear one.”

  She nodded and he pulled a cloak out from the closet and covered her with it. And then, together they slipped out the back door.

  Herbert walked her to Cole’s house, and left Eden as she walked up the front steps to knock on the door. She kept looking around, expecting Sterling to have followed them somehow.

  Finally, a footman answered the door, and Eden looked up at him. “I need to see Lord Woodbridge, please. It is urgent.”

  The man looked like he wanted to protest but stood aside. “Lord Woodbridge is getting ready for the ball this evening. Are you certain there isn’t a better time?”

  Eden shook her head, “No, there isn’t. I promise he will want to see me. My name is Eden Turner.”

  The man went white. “Miss Turner. Oh, I apologize. Of course, let me get Lord Woodbridge at once.”

  Eden wanted to smile, but she couldn’t. Her face felt raw, and she could still feel her cheek throbbing. She stood in the foyer and heard her name.

  “Eden! What are you doing here?” Cole was running down the stairs, and the minute he saw her face, he stopped dead in his tracks, then his face scrunched up in a snarl. “Who did this?”

  He walked over to her and turned her face to the light. Studying it, and seeing the bruising on her cheek, and her lip, he growled low in his chest, and she looked toward him, then down at the floor.

  “Sterling.” She bit her lip and winced at the slight bruise there, Cole snarled again, and she squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to tell him the story, but knowing he had to hear it, regardless.

  “When I got home this afternoon, he was there. He is usually never home, always gone for all hours of the day, and if he is there, I usually know. But I wasn’t paying attention to the signs of him being there, and before I knew it, he was pushing me against the wall. He was angry I had been gone all day. He said that he found a husband for me, and that the man wants to meet me tonight because he w-wants to t-test out the m-merchandise.”

  He pulled her into his arms, and she started sobbing into his chest, eyes still shut, feeling Cole’s entire body stiffen. “He thinks he is going to sell you? Give you to someone else? That is never going to happen my love. Never. I will kill anyone who tries to touch you. To hurt you. You are mine!”

  Eden took a deep breath to calm down, “But Cole, how can we stop it? My brother is already going to be looking for me. Herbert is going to try to put him off my trail, but if Sterling finds me, it is going to be all over.”

  Cole put his finger under her chin. “That is never going to happen Eden. I will never give you up, never let you be hurt or in pain like this ever again and I hate that I didn’t protect you from this. I swear I won’t fail you again. Until the day I die, you are mine and only mine.”

  He took her mouth in a soft kiss, his hands coming up to fist in her hair, and just kissed her. His tongue swept across her lips at the seam and she parted them, wanting to taste him as much as he did with her.

  She tangled her tongue with his and buried her fingers in his hair in return. Wanting to hold him to her. Needing his strength right now, when hers had fled. He growled against her mouth as she pulled him closer and she gasped, feeling the hard ridge of him against her belly.

  He ground himself against her, but after hearing her gasp, he kissed her one last time, and took a step away from her. He was breathing hard, as was she, and she kept her eyes on his face. His eyes were clenched shut and she watched him take a deep breath before opening his grey eyes.

  When he finally looked at her, she could see the hunger and heat in his eyes, but it was under control. “I think we need to take a moment, before I lose myself in your arms, and your kiss. And we need to speak to Burk and Brooks about this. They need to know, Eden.”

  She nodded, and Cole took her hand, “Come on, then love, I need to finish dressing,” and he pulled her out of the foyer and up the stairs.

  It was then that she noticed he was only in shirtsleeves, no waistcoat or cravat to be seen and he didn’t have boots on. She blushed, seeing him in so little clothes. It was terribly improper, seeing him this way, but she loved it. And when they kissed, she also knew just how she had affected him.

  Her blush hit her cheeks harder and she wanted to put her hand to them, to cool down the heated direction her thoughts took.

  He knocked on a door at the end of a hallway, and Lily poked her head out. “Yes? Is it time to, Eden?” Her words trailed off and her eyes widened when she saw Eden trailing along behind Cole.

  Eden saw as Lily took in her bruised face, because she went from smiling to angry in a flash. She hurried over to them and pulled Eden in for a hug. “Are you all right? What happened?”

  Eden took a deep breath and bit her lip. She didn’t want to cry again. It was something she didn’t do, cry, but she felt like she wouldn’t stop. She told Lily what had happened, and Lily scowled.

  Lily looked to Cole, who said, “I am taking her to see Burk and Brooks. They need to know what is going
on if we are going to keep her safe.”

  Lily nodded, “Let me get my cloak.” Cole went to protest, but Lily had already disappeared into her room.

  He chuckled at his sister and her determined look and pulled Eden into a different room down the long hallway.

  As soon as he walked inside, she flushed as she realized that he brought her to his bedchamber.

  “Cole, I cannot be in here!” She hissed at him, and pulled on his hand, trying to lessen his hold so she could stand outside the door, or something. Do anything but stand in his bedchamber and see where he slept and spent his most intimate time. Cole blinked down at her. “Why ever not?”

  Eden let out a huff, “Because, Cole. Since this happens to be your bedchamber, and as we are not married, nor are we engaged, it is terribly improper. More than improper, it’s unseemly. If anyone found out that I was in here, what would happen then?” She put her hands to her cheeks and looked down at her boots.

  Cole tipped her face up and grinned at her. Eden gaped at him. “Eden, I already told you downstairs, but I will keep reminding you and telling you. You are mine. Someday, -very soon, I will point out- I am going to make you my wife. I have no care what anyone else says or gossip about. They aren’t here in my home at this moment, only you are. I do apologize if I made you uncomfortable, but I cannot let you out of my sight right now. It will take some time before I allow it. Just the thought of another man wanting to touch you? Trying to take what is rightfully mine? It makes me insane with anger.”

  Eden giggled and dropped her hands. “Oh. I do hear you when you say that I am yours. It is just still is so fast, and not something I am used to hearing yet. It’s been so long that I wanted this, it almost doesn’t feel real yet. But Cole, if I am yours, are you mine? I warn you here and now that I won’t share you Cole. Not ever. If you have a mistress, or find another woman, I will leave right now, I won't let it happen. Not now, or later.”

  Cole barked out a laugh and Eden put her hands on her hips, glaring at him.

  He kissed her nose softly, and she melted into him a little, her anger slowly disappearing.

  “My dear sweet one, that is something you will never have to worry about. I haven’t ever been with a woman before, and the only woman I have ever seen, that has more than just a pretty face, is you. You are the first woman I have ever kissed or wanted in that way. I made a vow with my brother when we were younger that we wouldn’t be like our father. I wouldn’t be the man who sleeps with woman after woman, all because he feels like he had or has something to prove. That isn’t me. And once I found you, women ceased to exist for me. I am so happy to be able to tell you this. To let you know that any of the rumors you have heard about me, or my ‘bedroom prowess’ is all false.”

  Eden looked up at him, shocked to hear his words, but knew he was telling her the truth. He had no reason to lie to her, to try to get her to love him by telling her what she wanted to hear. He wasn’t the sort of man to do that. Not only that, but she had watched him for years, and even though she heard every rumor there was to hear about Cole St. Andrew, she hadn’t truly believed them. Because he hadn’t ever even spoken to women, let alone acknowledge any certain one.

  There was no shortage of beautiful women who came up to him on any given night, but Cole never even looked their way. Most of the time he looked annoyed they even spoke to them and a few times Eden had tried to keep a giggle locked inside when he stepped away from them. A look of disgust written on his face. She knew back then he wasn’t like the other men. Eden took a few steps forward, and Cole looked down at her.

  “Knowing that about you, that you never even looked at another woman and that you are mine, as I am yours makes me so unbelievably happy. I love you Cole.”

  Cole smiled again and took her lips in a soft kiss. “You are my entire world Eden. My soul. My life. My light in the darkness.”

  Eden sighed, loving his sweet words to her, and kissed him back. A feminine throat cleared, and Eden blushed, putting her face down on his hard chest. Cole wrapped her in his arms, holding her close, and she turned to see Lily.

  She was smiling and Eden laughed. “I apologize Lily.”

  Lily waved her hand at them. “Believe me, this isn’t the first time I have seen one of my brothers kissing the love of their life. And, I am guessing it won’t be the last either.”

  Eden giggled, and Cole said, “You caught Aidan, did you?”

  Lily nodded, “Several times. They do not hide their affection for one another. And once, they had no idea I was there. It is wonderful to see Aidan so changed, so in love with his wife. They are, um, very passionate in their love and how they show it.”

  Eden blushed again, and Lily laughed. Cole did too, and hearing his laugh come from his chest, made her hold him tighter.

  She knew that they needed to see her brothers though, so she dropped her arms from around him and took a few steps back, “I will let you finish dressing.”

  Cole kissed her quickly. “Stay here, let me just pull on my boots, and get my jacket.”

  He sat and pulled his boots on and walked to a room and when he came out of the door, he had on an evening jacket, but just that, with his shirt.

  Eden could see his muscles move under his lawn shirt as he strode toward her, and she swallowed. He was a tall man, towering over her small frame.

  He was full of muscles, his arms, his chest and more rippling as he moved. He had shoulder length hair, and though he normally pulled it into a queue, he had left it down tonight.

  She watched as he ran his hand through his hair, brushing it out of his face, and she felt her fingers twitch to do it for him, knowing what it felt like. She wanted to run them through his hair and over his shoulders.

  He had dark brown hair that reminded her of chocolate. And with his grey eyes? His strong chin, and his one dimple that showed when he smiled? It made up the man that held her heart in his hands. She sighed at how handsome he was.

  She had always thought so, and she loved that she was the one he chose. He had had so many opportunities to be with beauties, with so many women of the ton, but he had chosen her.

  She knew she was pretty. She had never had a reason to believe otherwise. Yes, women of the ton would say mean things about her, to her, but none about her looks. She had long blonde hair, to her waist, and it was such a light shade of blonde it was practically white. And she had dark green eyes. Somedays, though, depending on what she wore, they were brown.

  Her face was heart shaped, and she had small, even white teeth. She was not short, but not tall either. She was much shorter than Cole, but a little taller than Lily. And she had curves. But, no one had ever taken notice of her. Not once. If they had, no one had given any indication, but this man had. And he was the only one who mattered.

  She smiled at him, and he grinned back. He had perfect white teeth, and his lips were full.

  The bottom lip was slightly larger than his top, and Eden loved knowing that she was the first and only woman who got to feel those lips touch hers.

  Cole grabbed her hand and led her from his room. He brought her out to the carriage that awaited them, and helped her in first, with Lily next, before he got in after them.

  He sat right next to her again and pulled her hand into his. He linked their fingers together and lifted her hand to kiss it.

  Eden put her head on his shoulder, wanting to savor this moment of peace and happiness she felt when he was around. Grateful beyond words that he was going to save her from the fate that she was desperate to escape.

  She let her eyes close, and she breathed in Cole’s scent. He smelled like cinnamon, sandalwood and leather. It was soothing.

  She drifted into a state of not quite asleep, not quite awake. Just quiet as the carriage swayed from side to side on the streets of London. She startled hard and opened her eyes when Cole shifted. “Eden, wake up love. We are here.”

  Eden straightened up, and Cole helped them out of the carriage. “I am nervous about what
they will say. Burk and Brooks have no love for my brother.”

  Cole pulled her hand up to his lips, “Don’t be nervous. They are your brothers. They would never do anything to hurt you.”

  Eden shook her head, “That isn’t why I am nervous. They will be so angry with Sterling. Burk has wanted more than once to make Sterling suffer for everything he has done to me over the years.”

  Cole turned to her, “My love, I am angry at him as well. And I have a feeling I only know some of the things he has done. And not all. I want to punch him in the jaw for trying to do something like this. For treating you like he has. For acting as though you were a commodity to be traded away.”

  She didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing. Cole kissed her softly, “C’mon love. They need to know.”

  He pulled her up to the big double doors that led the way into the boxing gym and knocked. The gym that Burk and Brooks opened was currently shut down for the night.

  Eden loved the feeling of their gym, and how it felt like coming home to her. Burk and Brooks lived above it, and trained men from all walks of life.

  They had men who were both very good at boxing, and ones that weren’t. Most men would come to watch others try to beat either Burk or Brooks and be soundly beaten. Eden had seen it more than once. She shook her thoughts away and heard the door open.

  Burk stood in the doorway, a fierce expression on his handsome face and he was shirtless. Eden heard a small gasp come from behind her.

  Burk was all muscle and brawn. His body was solid from all his years of fighting to get to where he was, and he still fought to this day, just for a different reason.

  He was so tall, even Cole had to look up at him. And Cole didn’t have to look up to anyone as he was also tall, but Burk had inches on him.

  Burk also had scars, both big and small decorating his body in random places, and his stomach looked like the cobblestone road they were standing on.

  Eden had never been affected by him no matter what Cole had thought, not even once. He was a handsome man, yes, but she saw him only as her brother.


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