Noah Wolf Box Set 4

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Noah Wolf Box Set 4 Page 11

by David Archer

  “I’ve made arrangements,” Catherine interjected, “for some of my people to be manning the ambulance. They put on a good show of checking you over, but they’ll be fully aware that you’re not truly injured. Once they get you into the ambulance, they’ll rush you to the hospital where I’ve got a doctor standing by to pronounce you dead on arrival. You’ll be spirited out of the hospital, while another corpse ends up wearing your toe tag.”

  “And then I’m off into hiding,” Whitcomb said. “What about Ingrid, and the children?”

  “Well, obviously we can’t do anything until after the alleged assassination. As soon as you are taken off to hospital, another team of mine will be sent to pick them up for security reasons. They’ll be informed at that time that the assassination is not real, and an announcement will be made that they are being transported to a safe location during Scotland Yard’s investigation. Later in the afternoon, you’ll be brought to the same location, and we shall do everything possible to ensure that no one finds you.”

  Whitcomb scratched his ear. “And how bloody long is all this going to go on? All I know is that somebody wants me dead, and I’m supposed to play along because you blokes are trying to handle things in your own way. You bloody Yanks always telling us what to do. This should actually be my investigation, if you want my opinion.”

  “Your lordship,” Catherine said, “our government has an agreement with the Americans to allow them to handle that sort of thing. They have specialists for the purpose, and the people you see before you are the very best. It is absolutely imperative that we cooperate with them, and not do anything to jeopardize their operation.”

  “Which still doesn’t tell me how long I’ve got to stay hidden. Are we talking a day or two, or weeks? Months, perhaps?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t answer that,” Noah said. “Our orders are to identify and eliminate the leadership of the PRA. That’s the group behind this contract, but we can’t complete that mission until they are satisfied that Mrs. Jamieson is Victoria. I don’t believe it will take more than a week after the events tomorrow, but I cannot say that with certainty. The only thing I can tell you is that by cooperating with us, you’ll be helping us to make the world a much safer place for many people, including yourself and your family.”

  Whitcomb stared at him for a moment, then grunted. “Well, when you put it like that,” he said. “Very well, then, I will cooperate. Just, please, let us not keep me on ice any longer than necessary. Albert has explained to me that Bradley is supposed to take my place, and has already made deals with these people. You cannot imagine the pleasure I will feel when I can walk in and place the bloody bastard under arrest.”

  “You’re right,” Noah said. “I can’t.”

  “I bloody well can,” Albert said, speaking for the first time. “Never have liked that son of a bitch. Just a bit too greasy for my taste.”

  Catherine grinned. “All right, Albert,” she said. “Gentlemen, are there any other questions?”

  Whitcomb shook his head. “I understand we’ll be meeting tomorrow morning,” he said. “I’ve arranged a little subterfuge for that, so that my itinerary calls for me to be in my office, but I’ll be off someplace with Albert, here. He’ll let you know where, and we can do whatever it is we need to do.”

  Albert took a slip of paper out of a pocket and passed it to Noah. “This is the address of an empty building,” he said. “His Lordship and I will meet you there, in a cargo van behind the building. How long will it take to do what you need to do?”

  Noah glanced at Neil, who shrugged. “Maybe two or three minutes,” he said. “I literally just have to clip something into the hair on the back of his head. As soon as I do that, it’s all set.”

  “Is it that simple?” Albert asked. “Pity you couldn’t just pass it off and let me do it. We took enough of a bloody risk meeting you tonight, I hate to blow this whole thing because somebody follows you tomorrow morning.”

  Neil looked at Noah, then turned back to Albert. “Actually, I had the same thought. If it’s okay with Mr. Lightner, I’ll give it to you now and show you how to set it up.”

  Noah nodded. “Excellent idea,” he said.

  Neil got out of his chair and walked around behind Whitcomb’s. He took the squib out of his pocket and showed it to Albert, then lifted up the long, wavy hair that Whitcomb had on the back of his head. “I thought of this when I saw pictures of Mr. Whitcomb, and saw how long his hair is. It hangs down past the collar of his jacket, so this will fit up underneath it very well. I would put it right about here,” he said, indicating a spot low on the back of Whitcomb’s head, “and just use this clip to hold it in place.” He demonstrated by putting it into place, then took it out again and passed it to Albert. “Once you’ve got it clipped into his hair, pull that little piece of plastic out and that turns it on. After that, it’ll go off when we want it to and make it look like he’s been shot.”

  “This is like what they do in the films,” Albert said. “Simple, but effective.”

  “Isn’t that the best way?” Catherine asked.


  Dinner lasted about an hour, and then they all headed back to the hotel. They took a taxi directly to the front door, and walked through the lobby as if they had not a care in the world. Nobody seemed to be paying any attention to them, but Noah felt sure that somebody noticed they had slipped out. He didn’t anticipate any problems, but it was doubtful their departure had escaped some kind of observation.

  As soon as they got back to the room, Noah took out his phone. He hit a couple of buttons and then put it on speaker.

  “Brigadoon Investments,” said a feminine voice. “How may I direct your call?”

  “Allison, please,” Noah said.

  The line was put on hold, and they listened to some old pop tunes for a few seconds. The music ended suddenly, and Allison Peterson’s voice came on the line. “This is Allison.”

  “Camelot,” Noah said. “I’m wondering if we have any other assets in London at the moment.”

  “In London?” Allison asked. “What do you need?”

  “We know that Newsom had somebody following Jenny, at least, because he showed up earlier today. We got to meet with Whitcomb tonight, so we won’t have to go tomorrow morning to set him up, but I still get the feeling we’re being watched. I was hoping you might have somebody around here who could help run interference for us tomorrow.”

  “I can call in a few favors, get some eyes out there to watch your backs. You think Newsom still doesn’t believe Jenny is Victoria?”

  “I think he’s being ridiculously cautious,” Noah said. “Considering what they want out of her next, though, that shouldn’t be all that surprising.”

  “Yes, well,” Allison said. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad we got the opportunity to intercept this mission. We always knew that, sooner or later, word about me was going to get out. I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised that some of these outfits are going to want me dead.”

  “From their point of view, it’s understandable. You’re the lady who can order U.S. assets to forgo all due process of law. A simple word from you, and they know that they won’t have very long to live.”

  “Okay, okay, that makes even more sense. Are you anticipating any kind of interference in this part of the mission? These people following you, I mean?”

  “I don’t really know,” Noah said. “The PRA definitely wants Whitcomb eliminated, and as far as they can tell, Victoria is on the job. I can’t imagine they’d want to risk blowing her shot.”

  Allison grunted. “We’re dealing with people who are crazy to begin with,” she said. “I’m guessing they’re going to make contact with her after this job is done?”

  “Actually, they gave Jenny a number to call when it’s finished. After the little tête-à-tête they had earlier today, Newsom is probably sitting on a plane with that phone in his hand. I think he’s just a bit afraid of our girl.”

  “He p
robably should be. Camelot, I want you to understand something. You have my approval if you decide to call off this mission. If anything smells funny to you, I want you to get yourself and your team out of there.”

  “No, I think we’re going to ride this out,” Noah said. “If it was only Newsom, we could be done with this already. The problem is that we know there are others involved, but have no idea who they are. Newsom is supposed to be setting up meetings for Jenny with all of them, which is our best bet for figuring out who they are. If we can take out everyone from Newsom up, the PRA should be finished.”

  “Yes, but you guys are too valuable a team to lose. That’s why I’m giving you the go-ahead right now to call it off if you smell a trap. Considering that they seem to have me in their crosshairs, we have to consider the possibility that they might know exactly who you are, who Jenny is. Meanwhile, I’ll get CIA to loan us a few people to keep an eye on whoever is keeping an eye on you. If it appears you’re being followed tomorrow morning, I’ll make sure the followers run into unexpected interference.”

  “All right. I’m sending Marco and Sarah into the restaurant where the assassination is going to take place, because Neil came up with a way to help create some diversions when it’s time for Jenny to get out of there. They’ll have to play their part as witnesses, but Catherine’s people will be in charge of the investigation. It shouldn’t be too hard for them to get out within a short time.”

  “Your call,” Allison said. “There’s a reason I put you in charge, remember?”

  “We’ll handle it. This fake assassination is going to draw enough attention from the news media that every cell phone video or any other kind of footage is going to be blasted all over the news. Jenny should get close enough to Whitcomb to show up on some of that video footage, which ought to cancel out any doubts our new client company might have.”

  “What about letting Sarah and Marco get video?” Neil asked. “That way you can be certain that it gets on camera.”

  “But Newsom has seen all of you,” Allison said. “In fact, I think you want to do your best to make sure they don’t show up on any of that video footage. It might look fishy to the PRA.”

  Noah was quiet for a second, then shook his head. “On the contrary,” he said. “The fact that Newsom and his friends saw all of us back in Miami can be used to our advantage in this. Sarah, when you and Marco go in, make sure you sit someplace where you can get clear footage of Jenny coming up behind Whitcomb. We’ll get you a phone to use for the purpose, because I don’t want to compromise your actual phone, just in case you have to hand this one over to the police. If you get a clear shot of Jenny pointing her weapon just as the squib goes off, it’s going to look like absolute evidence that Victoria got the job done. However, we won’t give it to the police unless we have to. Jenny can simply send the video directly to Newsom.”

  “That sounds like a great idea,” Sarah said. “And it means we don’t have to worry about hoping somebody gets it on camera. Of course, if the cops get there in time to take it from me, then it will just end up on the news anyway, right?”

  “Exactly,” Noah said. “I’m fairly certain we can make this look the way we want, and Catherine’s people can probably get you out of there in a hurry. Agent Lingenfelter will be there when it happens, and he’ll know that you’re with us. I suspect he’ll be happy to look the other way while you and Marco leave the restaurant.”

  “It sounds like you got it under control, Noah,” Allison said. “I’ll leave it in your hands, but call if you need anything.”

  The line went dead.

  Noah turned to Jenny, Neil and Marco. “Okay, tomorrow is the big day. Why don’t you guys go and get some sleep? Marco, you, Jenny and Sarah need to be at that restaurant before Whitcomb and Bradley arrive. Jenny, you have to avoid any contact with Marco and Sarah, and make whatever escape you can. Neil and I will be close by in a car, so use the subcoms to let us know where to pick you up.”

  “There’s one other thing I want to bring up,” Neil said. “What happens if one of the security people forgets it’s an act and gets trigger-happy? If the wrong person were to see Jenny point that thing as the squib goes off, she could be in trouble.”

  “Neil, baby, relax,” Jenny said. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Besides, Agent Lingenfelter will probably be making sure everyone is looking a different direction. The last thing he’s going to want is for them to actually see me when I take the shot.”

  Noah nodded. “I think Jenny is right,” he said, “but there could still be a small risk. Marco, try to be seated close enough to everything that you could run interference for Jenny if you have to. If the security man pulls a gun, you can always claim you thought he was the shooter.”

  “You got it,” Marco said. “I’ll kick me some British butt.”

  * * * * *

  Noah and Sarah went down to the restaurant in the hotel for breakfast the next morning, and weren’t surprised when they were joined by Catherine Potts once again. She was sitting in the restaurant at a table by herself, and smiled when she saw them come in. They took the chairs she pointed out across the table from herself, and ordered coffee when the waitress came to ask what they might like.

  “I had a busy morning already,” she began. “Leon called to tell me that some of his friends from the other alphabet agency at the Embassy were busy in the wee small hours. Apparently, there were a couple of people who seemed to be paying an awful lot of attention to you and to your friends and the other hotel. Both of them are currently being questioned, and after recent rumors about waterboarding and other techniques those people employed, I would imagine they are wishing they had stayed home, wherever that might be.”

  Noah nodded. “We knew we’d been followed coming over here,” he said. “Yesterday, I asked Allison to round up some reinforcements to try to take care of the problems. Apparently, she was successful.”

  “Oh, I would say,” Catherine said. “According to Leon, these people have some fairly serious criminal records, so they probably won’t be back on the job anytime soon.” She took a sip of her own coffee. “I picked up this habit when I was over in the States, and most of my friends back here look at me askance when they see me drinking coffee. I tell them they shouldn’t knock it if they haven’t tried it, isn’t that the expression?”

  Sarah giggled. “Yes, that’s it. Personally, I don’t think I can get through the morning without coffee. I think it kickstarts my heart, something like that.”

  “Yes, well, perhaps that’s what it does for me, as well. Listen, I got everything in place the way we discussed last night. This should come off without a hitch, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in clandestine service, it’s that things often go wrong when you least expect them.”

  “That’s why I’m taking some precautions,” Noah said. “Neil and I will be just around the corner, sitting in a car and waiting. As soon as Jenny has made her move, we plan to snatch her out of there. Can you be certain that none of your people will try to detain her?”

  “Absolutely,” Catherine replied. “Albert has orders to make sure she gets away, even if he has to point the finger at someone else. And all of them have been warned not to use their weapons at all. The last thing we need is for any innocent bystander to actually be wounded or killed. That would turn this into a grave disaster. It’s certainly not something I would want to have to explain to Her Majesty.”

  “I agree completely,” Noah said. “We’ve got it planned down to the smallest detail. Unfortunately, that’s all we can do.”

  “Indeed. I thought of being there myself; there are not a lot of people who are aware of my association with MI6, so I shouldn’t be very noticeable. Perhaps I can scream at the right moment, pointing to a different direction?”

  “That certainly wouldn’t hurt. Any distractions after the shot is fired will help Jenny get out of the place. Of course, most of the attention then is going to be on Whitcomb. If he can play his part, we should ge
t through this without any real problems.”

  The waitress returned with coffee and took their orders, and the three of them sat and talked about inconsequential things as they ate. When breakfast was finished, Catherine said goodbye and went on her way, while Noah and Sarah returned to their room.

  “I’m a little nervous about this,” Sarah said. “If there’s any delay in our getting out, we may end up being questioned by police about what we saw.”

  “If that happens, you’ll do fine. Just stay in character, that’s all you have to do.”

  They relaxed in the room for another hour, but then it was time to get everyone in position. Noah activated the subcom units.

  “Noah to team,” he said. “It’s time to move. Jenny, I want you to use the video contact lens. Once you’ve got it in place, then you go ahead and head on out. Marco, you and Neil come on over here.”

  “Jenny to Noah, roger that,” Jenny replied. “I’m on my way. I’m just going to watch the place until the target arrives.”

  “Noah to Jenny, understood. Don’t make a move until Marco and Sarah are in place.”

  “She’s headed out,” Marco said. “I mean, Marco to Noah, she’s headed out. Neil and I will be there in a moment.”

  It was about three minutes later when Neil and Marco showed up at their door. Noah let them in, and they went over the plan one more time.

  “We all know what to do,” Noah said. “The most critical factor is that it should be clearly obvious that Jenny is the killer. Be sure to get it on video, and hopefully others will, as well.”


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