Noah Wolf Box Set 4

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Noah Wolf Box Set 4 Page 48

by David Archer

  Allison leaned toward the camera. “As Donald just told you, the FBI has been working on it. Unfortunately, Doctor Linden is either completely innocent or a lot smarter than the agents who have been following him. On at least five separate occasions over the last few weeks, they have lost him completely for more than twenty-four hours. We presume this is because he’s cautious enough to be certain he’s not being followed whenever he involves himself in the organization’s activities, but it could be, and I stress that it could be, that he’s just the kind of guy who likes to disappear now and then. Should that be the case, it’s not necessarily a reason to blow his freaking head off. We need to be absolutely certain of the targets, and I have reached the point where I would prefer to trust the judgment of Team Camelot over the judgment of any other governmental agency. Now, does that answer your question well enough, Neil?”

  Neil scowled, but refrained from making any further comments. Allison turned back to Jefferson and he went on.

  “As I said, the president wants to make sure we send a message,” he said. “While it’s highly likely the top people in this organization are outside the United States, they seem to be considering our citizens as their prime prey. We want to make sure they understand that their hunting license is revoked, and any further attempt at poaching on our people will only result in even greater retaliation. To tell you just how important this is, you should know that the CIA and NSA are both working to identify other countries where this organization may be operating. If we can gather enough intelligence about the way they work, it’s always possible we can identify the leadership, in which case Team Camelot will almost certainly be sent in to eliminate them, as well.”

  “I would think so,” Noah said. “In fact, I think we should modify this mission to include interrogation of participants. If we can identify the top leadership now, I believe we should do so.”

  Allison grinned at him. “I agree, which is why Molly is sitting here. Molly?”

  Molly Hansen, Noah’s childhood friend who had grown up to be part of one of the most renowned think tanks in America before joining E & E, looked directly into the camera.

  “Noah, I know you’ll be able to handle what I’m about to say, but the rest of your team might find some of it disturbing. With the help of some of the cyber-intelligence people at the NSA, we’ve had some limited success in tracking where some of the money goes, the money that buyers are paying for people and their organs. So far, we’ve identified three possible targets, wealthy individuals who have received portions of the money. Each of them is a high-ranking member of a wealthy family in Europe, which indicates that all three of these families may well be involved. If they can be confirmed that they are aware of what this organization is doing, that they are willing and active participants in the leadership of the organization, it is highly likely that you will be tasked with eliminating all of them.”

  Sarah looked directly into the camera, trying to meet Molly’s eyes. “Are you saying we might have to kill the entire families? But, what if the rest of the family doesn’t know anything about it? I thought one of our rules was that we do our best never to kill innocent people?”

  Molly nodded. “That’s very true,” she said. “The problem is that it may be impossible to determine exactly which family members are involved. Should that be the case, because this is such a horrendous series of crimes against humanity, we have to take the position that any collateral damage is justified. If any of them who are involved were to escape, they would simply increase their security to protect themselves and continue doing whatever it is they do.”

  She paused for a moment, as if carefully considering her next words. “There’s more, I’m afraid. These families are also some of the biggest movers and shakers in the world’s economy. We had to consider the fact that simply eliminating them will do less damage to the global economy and financial stability than if the criminal activities they involve themselves in could be revealed and proven, which would probably turn out to be impossible. These people have layers of protection and security around them that reach the highest levels of many governments, possibly even including our own. While many of them have been shown to be involved in horrendous crimes in the past, not one has ever been successfully prosecuted. If there is no hope of putting them in prisons, then we need to simply remove them and let the economic and financial chips fall where they may.”

  Jefferson had remained quiet while Molly held the floor, but then he nodded. “I want to clarify that just a bit,” he said. “If it turns out that these families are involved, we run the risk that eliminating them could result in a global financial disaster. They control so many money markets and financial institutions that their sudden loss could destabilize a number of countries’ monetary systems. Our president has determined, and we concur, that the risk of such destabilization is justified in order to bring this type of operation on such a monstrous scale to an end.”

  Noah nodded his head. “I would have to agree,” he said. “People who will profit from such things do not deserve the benefits of life.”

  “Very good,” Allison said. “Make whatever arrangements you need to, but we need you back here by tomorrow, so I’ve already reserved a Gulfstream G650 at Heathrow. Noah, you can be thinking about how you plan to handle the situation, and what you might need from R&D. Neil, Molly will have a lot of information for you regarding the organization’s presence on the dark web when you arrive. Any questions?”

  Jenny held up her hand. “I have one,” she said. “Can we get our own private jet?”

  Allison looked sternly at her, but then her face softened slightly. “While it may seem like a good idea, I don’t know that it’s feasible. We have several jets in our own fleet, and we simply assign one to you as needed, or else we use charter services when we need to move you in a hurry. I’ll think about it, however. You are my star team, after all.”

  Jenny looked around the room and grinned, quietly clapping her hands together. Sarah and Renée rolled their eyes while Neil and Marco only chuckled.

  “You'll want to go by the armory when you get here,” Allison said, “and pick up any weapons you might want to take along, and I've already told Wally to be expecting you. You'll be driving from here to Galveston, so you’ll pick up your vehicles at R&D as well. Anything else?”

  “I think that covers it,” Noah said. “You might tell Wally to get the Charger ready for me. I don’t think we need to do much to get ready to go, other than pack, so we’ll be on the way to the airport within the next couple of hours.”

  “Excellent,” Allison said. “Then we’ll see you later today sometime. Donuts and coffee will be waiting when you get here.”

  The screen went dark and Neil shut down the system. He turned in his chair and looked at Noah. “So,” he said. “You want to leave within the next two hours?”

  Noah nodded. “Yes. The sooner we get there and get set up, the sooner we get on the mission, and the sooner we have a chance of rescuing victims. I understand that the primary mission objective is the elimination of the participants, but I want you all to understand that, as far as I’m concerned, our first job is to find where the victims are being held and save as many of them as we possibly can.”

  “Hear, hear,” Marco said. “You heard what she said, kids and young people. These people deserve everything we can possibly do to them.”

  Jenny giggled. “And that’s me,” she said. “Right, Noah? You’ll let me do my thing again, right?”

  Noah looked at her, and it almost looked like the corner of his mouth was twitching upward. “Jenny,” he said. “I’m counting on it.”

  * * * * *

  Noah sent Sarah to begin packing their clothes while he went to find Thomas, the butler who maintained control over Feeney Manor when they were gone. The man was downstairs in the Great Hall, and looked up with a smile when Noah entered the room.

  “Good day, Mr. Lightner,” he said. “I believe I heard your little automobile runni
ng not long ago?”

  Noah smiled at him. “Yeah, finally got the engine together,” he said. “She’s purring like a kitten. When I get back, I’m going to start on the suspension, then I can get to work on the body restoration.”

  “When you return? I take it you will be leaving us for a time, then?”

  “Yeah, I’m afraid so. Business calls, and all that. We have to go back to the States and handle some business matters, make a few appearances here and there. You know how it goes.”

  Thomas gave him a knowing smile. “Indeed, sir. While I regret the necessity of your departure, I feel comfortable that you will be doing your part to make the world a better place while you are gone.”

  Noah grinned back. “Just business as usual, Thomas,” he said.

  “Indeed, sir.” The smile remained on his face, and Noah didn’t bother to respond any further. The butler had been watching the television during their most recent adventure, and had let Noah know that he had seen him on the screen as he was helping to protect the queen and stopping a terrorist from spewing poison across most of London. While they had not discussed it openly, Noah realized that Thomas was fully aware that his employer was far more than just the dot-com entrepreneur he claimed to be.

  It was almost ten a.m., less than an hour after they had spoken with Allison, that they finally climbed into the van Noah had purchased almost a month earlier. It was a Chrysler Town and Country, and Noah had decided to get one because it was a nuisance to travel into London together in separate vehicles. Since they often went into the city, he had decided that a vehicle big enough for all of them was a necessity.

  It also allowed plenty of room for their luggage, which Marco, Neil and Noah hauled down and loaded up. Neil ran back inside to get his laptop and a few personal items and then they were in the van and on the road.

  The drive to Heathrow airport took about an hour, and Noah put the van into the long-term parking lot. They gathered their luggage and headed toward the charter gate, where they found the pilot and crew of the Gulfstream waiting at an outdoor table.

  “I believe you’re waiting for us,” Noah said. “Direct flight to Kirtland, Colorado?”

  “Oy, guv,” said the pilot, getting to his feet with a smile. “’S right, then. Charles Grosvenor, senior pilot.” He held out his hand, and Noah shook it. “Peter Appleby, my copilot, and this is Stacy Warren, our flight attendant.”

  They all shook hands with the man and woman the pilot had indicated, and then the pilot and copilot took the luggage from the ladies and carried it to the plane. They all climbed aboard and chose their seats. The plane had seats for two on one side and one on the other, allowing the six of them to sit facing each other. Noah and Sarah took one of the pairs and Marco and Renée got the other, leaving Neil and Jenny to sit in the single seats.

  The flight would take just short of seven hours, putting them into the Kirtland Airport at just before seven p.m. London time, but that would make it almost noon in Denver. Noah took out his phone to call Allison and let her know, so that transportation could be waiting for them when they got there.

  “Brigadoon Investments,” answered the receptionist. “How may I direct your call?”

  “Allison, please,” Noah said. “Noah Wolf calling.”

  The hold music lasted less than five seconds.

  “Camelot, report.”

  “We’ve just boarded the plane, and will be in around noon, your time. Can you have someone there to pick us up?”

  “Absolutely. I’ll get on that right now, and I’m looking forward to seeing you kids. This is a terrible mission I’m sending you on, but it’s one that has to be handled by the best.”

  “All in a day’s work,” Noah said. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He hung up the phone and put it into his pocket as the engines came to life. Stacy, the flight attendant, asked them all to fasten their seat belts, then took her own seat just outside the cockpit and applied her own. The plane began to move, rolling forward as it turned to the left and headed toward the runway.

  “Ready in the back,” came the captain’s voice over the intercom. “We are next up for takeoff, so everybody get comfy and hang on.”

  The plane turned onto the runway and the pilot stood on the brakes while he shoved the throttle forward. They could all feel the plane straining to go, and then he released the brakes suddenly. The big aircraft shot forward and Noah looked out the window at the runway markers, watching them move faster and faster past his field of vision.

  The plane leapt into the air, and they were on the way back to Neverland.

  A few minutes after takeoff, when the plane was not climbing at such an angle that it was impossible to stand, Stacy got to her feet and approached them. They had left the manor before lunch time, so she quickly went through the choices for the in-flight meal before going to the galley to prepare them. In less than twenty minutes, they each had a tray set before them.

  Afterward, with the tables stowed away once again, all of them leaned their seats back to relax. They all chose to watch a movie, then relax even more to try to get some rest. The gentle vibration and smooth motion of the aircraft lulled them to sleep within a short time.

  The flight lasted almost ten hours. They were all able to get a decent amount of sleep, even though each of them woke at least once. None of them could be sure when they would get the opportunity to really rest again, so they took advantage of it while they could.

  Noah woke again when the plane began its descent some hours later, and returning his seat to the upright position woke Sarah. They talked softly, but it was only a few minutes before the rest of the team was awake. They all took the opportunity to use the plane’s lavatory before the aircraft went into final approach and they had to buckle into their seats again.

  Thirty minutes later, the plane touched down on the Kirtland runway and they prepared to debark as it taxied toward the small terminal. The copilot was the first out of the airplane, opening the luggage compartment to help them get their bags. As Noah and the others came down the steps, a blue Ford van came through the gate and pulled up beside them. On the side, big letters proclaimed “Brigadoon Investments Courtesy Vehicle.”

  Team Camelot had returned to Neverland.


  “Hey, Noah,” they heard, and they all turned toward the van. Glenn Howard, a former United States Marshal who now worked for Allison as her personal security, was climbing out of the driver’s seat of the van. Almost a year earlier, Howard had been required to arrest Allison on bogus charges and had worked with others to help her get back into her position. As a reward, Allison offered him a better job and he took it.

  “Hello, Glenn,” Noah said. “You got the duty to come pick us up?”

  “Hey, I volunteered,” Howard said with a grin. “This place just isn’t the same when you’re not around. I wanted to see you all again.”

  He opened the back end of the van and helped them all with their luggage, and then they climbed inside. Howard got behind the wheel and put the van in gear, then glanced over his shoulder at Noah.

  “Allison said there’s a slight change in plans,” he said. “She figured you guys might be hungry for lunch, so she made arrangements for a private dining room at Charley’s. You can leave your gear in the van and I’ll drive you all wherever you want to go after breakfast and your briefing.”

  “That sounds fine,” Noah said. “I think we could all use something to eat.”

  “I can,” Neil said. “Steak sandwich, here I come!”

  It took about twenty minutes to get into downtown Kirtland, where Charley’s Restaurant sat on the corner of Washington and Fifth Streets. Howard pulled the van into the parking lot, then followed them all inside. As Allison’s personal bodyguard, his security clearance was high enough to allow him to be present during the briefing, so he showed them directly into the private dining room she had arranged.

  Allison, Donald Jefferson, Molly and Doctor Parker were alread
y seated at the big table. Jefferson and Parker got to their feet as Sarah, Jenny and Renée were seated, and then all of the men sat down together. Carafes of coffee stood in front of each of them, and they all reached out to pour some for themselves.

  “Good to see you,” Allison said, grinning at Noah. “Videoconferencing is fine for business, but every once in a while I really miss having you guys here. I take it the manor is as nice as ever?”

  “Even nicer,” Sarah said. “You need to come and visit us over there again. I found some stores in London you would absolutely love.”

  Allison chuckled. “I’ll put it on my calendar,” she said. She turned back to Noah. “Okay, I know it wouldn’t matter to you, but the rest of us probably want to eat before we start discussing the particulars of the mission. Take a look at the menus, and as soon as you’re ready to order, I’ll signal the waiter.”

  Most of them picked up a menu, but Neil didn’t bother. They all looked them over for a moment, then set them down again. Allison tapped a button on a small device in front of her and a waiter appeared seconds later.

  “Hi, everyone,” he said. “I’m Jonathan, your server today. Are you all ready to order?”

  Jonathan scribbled furiously on the pad as he listened to what each of them wanted, then hurried out of the room.

  “Okay, we’ve got about fifteen minutes or so before the food comes. Tell me about Merry Olde England. Everything going okay over there?”

  “It seems to be,” Noah said. “Catherine Potts tells me that they still haven’t located the last remnants of Balakrishnan’s death powder, so MI6 is remaining on high alert where that’s concerned. Other than that, she says her superiors have accepted the fact that we will be staying over there from time to time.”

  “Yes, I know,” Allison said, dryly. “She sent me a communiqué from her boss, Director Lambril, asking if he can call on you for nonlethal missions from time to time. I said no, because I couldn’t afford for you to be tied up on something for them when a mission like this comes up. Besides, I’m not sure Jenny could contain herself well enough to serve as a British secret agent. They’re always so stuffy, you know what I mean?”


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