Endings and Beginnings

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Endings and Beginnings Page 8

by K. C. Wells

  Pietro smiled and raised his head to meet his Master’s gaze. “I will never have enough of this cock, Sir.”

  Miles hauled him to his feet with a growl. “Now you’ve done it. You’ve got me remembering just how good it felt to sink this dick into your tight little arse. How it felt to bend you over and fuck you until you begged me to let you come. Now what am I supposed to do with this?” He rubbed his erection. “Well? You’ve got me hard, so you’re going to have to accept the consequences of your actions.” His dark, sexy eyes gleamed.

  “And what are they?” Pietro licked his lips, his heart pounding, his dick like a rock in his jeans, hole clenching at the thought of what might be coming his way.

  If he was really, really fucking lucky.

  “Group room. Now. I want you naked by the time I get there, with your hole lubed up and ready for me,” Miles said breathlessly. “Don’t make me wait,” he added with a low growl.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it, Sir,” Pietro said with a wink before taking off at a run in the direction of the group room.

  Damn. I am so lucky.

  “SHALL I see if Leo and Thomas are available?” Eli asked his sub. The two owners were nowhere in sight, although the club was looking as busy as usual for a Friday night. According to the e-mail Jarod had received the previous night when they got home, Joe was doing a demonstration of spanking and aftercare. Eli had snickered about that one, commenting that if anyone could give a Master class on spanking, it would be Joe. Apparently he had an extensive collection of paddles. And Joe’s new submissive, Christian, was going to be on the receiving end.

  “That would be good.” Jarod loved how Eli came straight to the point. “Unless you want to watch the demonstration?”

  “What do you think, pet? Maybe I can improve my technique.” Eli waggled his eyebrows.

  “I doubt your technique could improve,” Jarod said, then grinned. The time he and Eli had spent together the last few months had brought them closer than he’d thought possible. His mother had said that Eli collaring him was akin to a wedding, and Eli certainly acted the part, showering him with love and affection, plus a good swat on the arse every now and again.

  He noticed Leo coming from the direction of the group room and pointed him out to Eli. Leo approached them with a beaming smile.

  “Hello, newlyweds.”

  Eli snorted. “Don’t you start. That’s what Maggie said too.”

  Jarod nudged him. “Well, Hawaii was a sort of honeymoon, wasn’t it?” It had certainly felt that way to him.

  Eli leaned toward him and pecked him on the lips. “Very much like a honeymoon,” he whispered. Then he straightened. “Leo, have you got a minute? Jarod and I need a word with you and Thomas.”

  “Sure. Come on through to the office. Thomas is already in there.” He led them across the club and pushed open the office door. Thomas was seated in his chair behind the desk, seemingly deep in thought.

  He looked up and smiled as they entered. “Gentlemen! Nice to see we didn’t lose either of you down a Hawaiian volcano.” He smirked.

  Eli chuckled. “Well, we didn’t actually make it to the top of the volcano.”

  Jarod’s face grew hot remembering what they did do. It had been the first time since his heart attack that he’d felt like his old self again. The sex had been passionate, rough, and demanding, and not once had he considered the possibility of another attack. And Eli, bless him, reminded Jarod every day about his pills. He ensured Jarod ate properly when they went out. With every single thing he did, Eli took care of him as he’d promised he would when he’d placed the collar around his neck.

  Leo laughed. “I’m saying nothing. So, what can we do for you?”

  He dragged two chairs out for them, and Eli and Jarod sat. Leo perched on the edge of the desk.

  Eli glanced at Jarod. “Over to you, pet.”

  Quickly, Jarod outlined his plans to hand over ownership of his house to Thomas and Leo’s foundation for LGBT youths, suggesting it be renovated to provide more living space.

  “You might have to approach the local council, just to ensure there are no objections.”

  Eli snorted. “Yeah, I can see the residents of Leigh Road being delighted. They can probably hear their house prices crashing as we speak.”

  “Depends how we word it,” Leo said thoughtfully. “A carefully put-together PR campaign behind it, with a lot of public backing, and they’d all look bad if they opposed it.”

  “It might also be worth involving them in the project,” Thomas added. “Make them part of it.”

  Leo nodded. “Leave it with me.” He regarded Jarod with admiration. “You sure about this?”

  Jarod nodded. “I don’t need the house,” he said simply. His chest tightened. “Phillip would be happy knowing it was providing shelter for those who really need it.”

  He glanced across at Eli next to him. Eli gave him a nod of encouragement.

  “There’s something else you need to know about. While I was in the hospital and I thought I was… well, I wanted to make some provision for those people who’d come to mean a lot to me. So I set up a trust fund for some of the subs, to allow them to go to college if they wanted, or maybe something different.”

  Both Leo and Thomas stared at him openmouthed.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Thomas said at last. “That’s incredibly generous of you, Jarod. I think what surprises me most is that I had no idea you were so wealthy.”

  Leo nodded in agreement.

  “It’s not something I talk about,” Jarod said quietly. “My former Master provided for me, but to be honest, I don’t even look at the bank statements to see how much is in there. I leave all that to the accountants.”

  Leo gaped. “Just how much are you worth?”

  “To whom?” Eli asked with a chuckle.

  When the two owners seemed puzzled, Jarod smiled. “Sorry. Inside joke. Let’s just say I didn’t make the list of the top twenty-five wealthiest people in the UK this year.” He straightened in his chair. “I’ll have my lawyer send you the details of the trust funds and the house.”

  “Thank you.” Thomas appeared lost for words.

  Leo sighed. “We set up the foundation years ago, and although there are many companies and individuals who contribute to it, sometimes it’s hard work to get people to part with their money. What you’re doing is wonderful, and I know there are so many LGBT kids out there who will benefit from your kindness and generosity.”

  “Can I ask a personal question, Eli?” Thomas asked. “Are you still driving lorries for a living?”

  Eli laughed. “Not right now. At the moment I’m a kept man, but I keep telling Jarod he’d better not get used to the idea. This is only until I find something I really want to do, something that’s fulfilling.” He moved closer and kissed Jarod on the mouth. “And preferably something where I’d get to spend time with my pet.”

  Jarod wanted the same thing.

  Thomas grinned. “Sounds like a good plan. I’ll keep my eyes and ears open for you.”

  A knock at the door brought the conversation to a halt. Elliott peered into the office.

  “Master Leo? I need help. The button to open the doors has gone on the fritz again.”

  Leo shook his head. “No rest for the wicked. Thomas, can you see if you can find the number of that electrician we used? I think he needs to come take a look.” He nodded to Elliott. “I’ll come now.”

  Thomas let out a sigh and regarded Eli and Jarod with amusement. “One of the more mundane things about running a business—making sure everything works. And not electrocuting the members would be a bonus too.” His eyes danced with amusement. “Sorry, you two.”

  Eli and Jarod rose to their feet and shook Thomas’s hand. “I’m glad we were able to chat,” Eli said as they exited the office. He glanced at Jarod. “Want to see what’s going on in the group room?” he said with a grin. “Let me show off my pet with his lovely tan?”

knew they’d be doing more than that. “Yes, please, Sir.”

  This was turning out to be a great first night back.

  JJ HAD never been so busy. It seemed everyone had decided to come to the club that night to watch the demonstration. That meant more people at the bar. Ben had taken the night off, and it was turning into a real baptism by fire for JJ. By the time Joe and Christian took their places on the stage, a spanking bench set up beside them, JJ was more than ready for the lull that followed. The main area around the stage was packed, everyone watching, making comments, and above it all, the sound of Joe’s voice, loud and booming. JJ liked Joe, but a little of him went a long way.

  He was still astonished to find he had a job. He’d arrived that evening, fully expecting to be given his marching orders, but instead Leo had taken him aside and warned him it was going to be a busy night. JJ didn’t know what to think. Has Peter said anything? And if not, why not?

  “Good evening, JJ. Are you manning the fort all by yourself tonight?”

  JJ gave a start at the sound of Darren’s voice. “When did you get here?”

  Darren grinned. “I thought I’d grab a drink since the rush appears to have died down.” He cocked his head toward the stage. “Seems to be going well. Can’t say I’ve ever given much thought to spanking someone, although there is my receptionist, Paul. There are times when I think he’d probably benefit from going over my knee.”

  JJ suppressed a growl at the thought of Darren’s hand on someone else’s arse. Until it occurred to him that he was acting like a jealous little idiot after one lousy date. Well, okay, not lousy.

  Time to change the subject.

  “Have you made up your mind yet? About joining the club?” He tried to dial out the noise from the stage.

  Darren shrugged. “At this point I’m still watching, listening, taking it all in.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Right now, however, I’m more interested in the Collars & Cuffs barman.”

  “Oh?” JJ turned away to pour Darren a glass of juice, hiding his hot cheeks. “Yeah, I can see why you’d be interested. Kenton is pretty hot.” It was easier to hide behind humor.

  When he turned back, Darren was regarding him, eyes bright.

  “Hmm. I may have to put off spanking Paul. It seems there’s someone else who needs his arse turning rosy red.”

  “Not until the third date,” JJ retorted. “Remember?” He was starting to enjoy the banter.

  “Speaking of which….” Darren smiled. “Would you be free on Sunday?”

  “To do what?”

  “A date,” Darren said patiently. “A surprise date,” he added. “I thought I’d better get that in there so there’s no misunderstanding this time.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Well?”

  “I was due to have Sunday off,” JJ acknowledged. “Do you want to give me a hint? Like, do I need to get dressed up?”

  Darren shook his head. “Your jeans will do fine, but bring a warm jacket.”

  “It’s not that cold,” JJ protested.

  Darren reached across the bar and took JJ’s hand. “Will you just trust me?”

  There was that scary word again.

  JJ recalled how much he’d enjoyed Darren’s company, to say nothing of the kiss. That kiss had been….

  Yeah. Still wow.

  “Okay,” he agreed, although his heart was pounding. Another date.

  Darren beamed. “That wasn’t so bad, was it? Actually, you know what? It might not be such a good idea to keep this one a surprise, because for all I know, you might hate it.”

  JJ gave him a hard stare. “Hate what?”

  “Ice skating.”

  He definitely hadn’t expected that. “Really? I’ve never been ice skating before.” One look at Darren’s confident smile told him a lot. “You have, though.”

  Darren nodded. “And don’t worry, we’ll take it nice and slow.” He gave JJ a suggestive smile and leaned across the bar. “I find things always work best when you take them nice and slow,” he added.

  JJ caught the scent of Darren’s cologne. Disconcertingly, JJ’s dick reacted.

  A loud swell of applause and laughter broke through, making them both jump.

  Darren peered at the stage. “I think they’re getting near the end.” He brought his attention back to JJ. “Do I get to pick you up this time?”

  JJ shook his head. “Can’t we just meet somewhere?”

  He watched Darren’s expression, trying to gauge his reaction. After a moment of silence, Darren nodded, and JJ breathed more easily.

  “I could meet you at Piccadilly Station. Would that be okay?”

  “That’s fine. I’ll pick you up at noon. Would you like to have dinner afterward?”

  “That depends where,” JJ said cautiously.

  Darren laughed. “It would be somewhere like a pub. I promise. Nothing fancy.”

  JJ stared at him. “That’s what you said last time.” As Darren opened his mouth to speak, JJ held up his hand. “It’s okay. I trust you.”

  “Excellent.” Darren leaned across swiftly and gave JJ a quick peck on the lips. “In that case, I’ll go and take a look around the club, and I’ll see you on Sunday.”

  “Sounds good.” The unexpected gesture of intimacy took JJ by surprise. It wasn’t until he was watching Darren walk away from him, admiring the back view—bloody hell, those jeans are a tight fit—that it suddenly struck him what he’d just said.

  I trust you.

  Simple enough words, but JJ couldn’t remember the last time he’d said them—and more importantly, meant them.

  Chapter Eight

  PIETRO CHUCKLED to himself as he dried the plates and put them away.

  “What’s so funny?” Melissa asked, her hands still in the hot soapy water.

  “I was just thinking that every time I get to see you, I end up in the kitchen drying the dishes. It’s getting to be a habit. I spend most of my life in a kitchen, after all.”

  From the living room came a boisterous eruption of noise. Miles and his brother-in-law were on the Xbox, playing God knew what, while Miles’s two nephews whined that it was their turn. Pietro was glad it was them and not him. The boys were good kids, but thirteen-year-old twins? They were a handful.

  “Actually, I have an ulterior motive for getting you in here,” Melissa said, passing him the salad bowl.

  “Are you after another recipe to wow your husband?”

  She laughed. “No, not this time, although that chicken pasta dish was sublime. No, this time I need your help.”

  Pietro didn’t have a problem with that. He really liked Miles’s sister, who’d always been so warm and welcoming. He’d met her and the rest of the family the previous year in London, when Melissa had invited them to come share Thanksgiving with Tony, her American husband, and their two boys. It was the first occasion Pietro had gotten to meet them, and he’d been so nervous beforehand. He’d begged Sev to allow him to make extra food to take with them, as a thank-you for the invitation.

  He needn’t have worried, though. The spread she put on was more than enough for her and her family, Pietro and Miles, plus a few other people they’d invited. Still, she’d accepted the package at the door, plated everything, and added it to the buffet. All evening she’d kept asking him if he was okay. Was he too hot or cold? Did he want more to eat, another glass of wine? He’d noticed she hadn’t asked anyone else. After dinner he’d offered to help with the dishes. She’d assured him it was okay and he should relax, but he’d insisted. When they got to the kitchen, she’d put down what she’d been carrying and turned to face him.

  “You know, I wasn’t sure when Miles said he was bringing you here.”

  Pietro’s stomach had clenched.

  “But I have never seem him this happy. He’d never come to dinner before. Did you know that? The last time he came was when Kyle had his appendix out, and that was because I broke down on the phone and begged him. Tony was away on business, and I needed my brother. But now? He�
�s smiling. Talking with Tony. He even said he’d play a game with the kids after dinner. I don’t know who you brought with you, but that man isn’t my brother. I like this one better, and if it’s you that made him like this, I owe you,” she’d said before pulling him into a hug.

  So if she needed his help, Pietro was in.

  “What’s up?”

  She glanced around the kitchen, her expression gloomy. “This place, that’s what.”

  They were renting a two-bedroom apartment in Levenshulme, something that had been organized extremely quickly when Tony’s firm had moved him to Manchester. It had been all they’d been able to find on short notice, and Pietro guessed the lack of space was proving problematic. Their house in London had been a hell of a lot bigger.

  Melissa sighed. “I know it’s short-term, but it’s driving me crazy. I can’t even put a nail in the wall to hang some pictures, for goodness’ sake. And that bathroom just wasn’t built with teenage boys in mind. Don’t get me wrong,” she added. “I’m glad we’re here. The boys weren’t happy in London, and Tony was delighted to get that promotion. Besides, I wanted to come back to Manchester. I liked the schools. Tony has a great job, so he’s happy. And if I’m honest, I miss seeing Miles. There’s also the bonus of getting to spend more time with you.”

  He gazed into her dark eyes that were so much like Miles’s he got lost for a moment. “So what’s the plan? And where do I come in?”

  “We’re looking to buy a house, sooner rather than later, and Miles said he’d help. He’s going to go through all the estate agents he can find and come up with some places for us to view. It’s really helpful. With Tony just starting his new job, there isn’t a whole lot of time to be searching online for suitable properties. Miles said he’d draw up a list and then go visit them for us, to cross off the ones that aren’t right and put together a short list. Only….”

  “What?” Pietro was intrigued.

  She laughed. “I love my brother, you know I do, but his tastes and mine don’t exactly run along the same lines. I like modern. He likes more classic and sedate. Where he would look for something with a ton of scrollwork, I want something functional and easy to clean. When you came down last year, you commented on everything, from our lounge furniture to the kitchen sink. You said you liked what you saw, so you know what I’m looking for.”


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