Breaking the Ice

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Breaking the Ice Page 2

by B. A. Tortuga

  “Kell…” Liam rose, legs shaking. That big head hung low, Liam’s eyes dull. “Thank you. I don’t deserve it.”

  “Stop it. Just eat the food, ass. It’s for you.”

  Liam actually ate the pepperoni, then the beef stick. The potato chips he just licked the salt off.

  Kell settled next to the opening of the den, fluffing his wings to warm himself up.

  Lying back down on his side, Liam kept licking until all the food was gone. Good. That was good.

  “I miss you. It will be okay, my friend. It will.”

  “Okay.” Liam licked him when he came close enough, a laugh trickling through his mind.

  “Don’t scratch me.” He shifted slowly, wrapping a blanket around him and staring at his dearest one. “It will be all right.”

  Liam nodded, head moving slowly, the ears twitching. At least Liam was listening to him. That was a nice change of pace.

  What a pair they were, all guilt and pain. They needed to find solid, equal ground.

  “Hello, Liam. I’m cold and tired, and I miss you.”

  Liam yawned, licking the air. Those paws flexed, but not at him. Just in general. They looked better too. Healing.

  “Can I rest with you? A minute? Please?” He hated begging, but he was exhausted, his bones throbbing.

  “Stay.” Liam rolled to one side, letting him snuggle that furry belly. That was so much warmer. More comfortable. He thought maybe a tide was turning. Possibly that was wishful thinking, but Liam did put one big paw over him, holding him there.

  “It will be okay. I promise. We’re both stubborn, and you’re weaker than I like, but we can do this. We can come together. I mean it, love.” Kell kept a steady stream of words going, stroking Liam’s fur, letting his voice and touch wash over Liam. He hoped that would heal some of the wounds between them.

  It usually did. Just a hug between them made them smile, made it easier to forgive harsh words and sadness. Kell knew there was somehow a lot to heal here, but they could do it.

  There was so much love in his heart for Liam.

  “Love.” The word was nothing but a fuzzy, distant rumble as Liam drifted off to sleep, but it was there.

  Kell smiled. Yes. The gifts and care were working. Now he just had to find something for Liam to eat that would give him some strength until he could hunt.

  Something really yummy.


  “Don’t worry, love. I’ll stay and rest with you a while. It will be fine. You’ll see.” It would have to be. Kell simply wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Chapter 4

  Liam slept. He dreamed of Kell, coming to him and holding him, telling him it would all be okay.

  It wouldn’t. This side of the veil was… colder. Harder.

  Something smelled good. Hot and greasy and spicy.


  “Wake up and eat some more. This is better than anything else I could find.”

  He blinked. Eat? What was that smell? His whiskers quivered.

  His den was full of food and blankets, pottery bowls and cups, bits of yarn and a couple of shiny stones. A bag filled with french fries and burgers sat in front of him. Kell had to be exhausted.

  “Sit with me and eat, silly bird.” He yawned and stretched, feeling hungry suddenly.

  Kell came over to him, soaking wet and shivering, and cuddled in to his belly. “There’s choices.”

  “I see that. Well, smell it.” He drew Kell close with one big paw. “Warm up first.”

  “It’s snowing hard.” Kell let him hold on, let him touch.

  “I’m sorry.” He hated that Kell was so far from home, so cold.

  “I needed you.”

  He doubted that, deep down, but he knew Kell had felt guilty. He would let Kell stay for a bit, then shove him back through the veil.

  The company was sweet, and more than that, Kell was so close, preening him, smoothing his fur and whiskers. He loved all the little gifts, but maybe now it was time to rest. And eat. He had to think hard about his man form, as it had been weeks, but he thought hands would open those wrappers more easily than paws and claws.

  It was colder as a man, but the clothes and blankets, mismatched socks and crazy hat proved Kell had thought of that too.

  He donned all the stuff that fit him, which smelled clean, and smiled. “You should join me, friend.”

  Kell gronked at him, dancing and bobbing, black eyes sharp on him.

  “It’s not bad once you get dressed. I know, I need a shower, but really.”

  Kell came to him in a rush, chuckling softly even as he shivered. “S-s-silly pussy c-c-cat.”

  “Here.” He wrapped Kell in blankets. “There. I know it’s cold. I haven’t been able to find a cabin here.”

  “I’m okay. These are for you. You need to eat.” Kell was lean—leaner than he’d ever seen—and those dark eyes seemed huge.

  “Share with me.” He knew Kell loved fries. Salty potato goodness.

  Kell moved closer, begging to be near, to be touching. “I’m sorry.”

  “Shh. I know.” He did. He could see it so much more clearly on Kell’s human face. “Here.” He pressed a fry to Kell’s lips.

  Kell snapped it up, humming softly, leaning hard against him and sharing their heat.

  He ducked under Kell’s blanket, trying not to think about that long, skinny body pressed to his being naked. Kell smelled like sky and wind and snow and a little like wickedness. It was a heady sensation.

  He picked up a burger, tore off bites for both of them, and it was so good, the green chile heat his favorite thing. Yum.

  Kell shared the meal with him without talking, both of them basking in each other, he thought. He’d missed this so. He missed Nathan’s hot tub too, but Kell was the one he’d really wished for. Kell was the one who knew him, always let him in when he was sad. Kell was his bird.

  “I didn’t mean for you to go. I was scared. I’m sorry.”

  “I messed up. I could have really hurt Nathan and his mate.” He knew that. As off the cuff as his comments had been, Halian had taken them to heart.

  Kell rested with him, finally warming up. “I’m glad you didn’t run so far I couldn’t find you.”

  He’d hoped to see Ash in the spring on the river, just to see someone familiar. Ash was the one of them who effortlessly moved through the veil.

  Instead, his raven had come looking for him.

  Kell had flown through the veil and the snow and into the unknown for him, not even knowing if he was there.

  He grinned a little, feeling better than he had in weeks. That could be the hamburger too, but he didn’t think so.

  It was his big black goofball of a bird, coming to save him.

  That was something. Even better because Kell kept bringing him gifts, and he knew that meant care.

  It meant he was loved.

  He flushed with pleasure. Don’t read too much into it.

  It was probably just—he didn’t know. Habit? That seemed weird.

  “You’re thinking hard,” Kell told him. “Just eat.”

  “I’ve had a lot of time for self-reflection.” Liam laughed. “Not good.”

  “No. No, I’m here now. Eat. Please.”

  “This is so good. Thank you.”

  “I had to wait for just the right time. I did trade for it. I found a ring at the river and gave it for the food.”

  “You’re amazing. Even in the snow?”

  Kell nodded. “I have to care for my own.”

  “Well, you rock.” Liam reached out to touch, knowing he had greasy fingers, but Kell was naked. It didn’t matter.

  Kell moved right into him, face lifted toward him.

  He blinked, then bent to take what he wanted, which was a kiss. Oh. He was kissing Kell.

  Kell opened up, a happy low sound filling his lips.

  He wrapped one hand behind Kell’s head, holding him there. He wanted more. So much more.

  Kell’s hand sl
id around his ribs, the touch hot, making his belly draw up. Those hands. They were like gloves from the oven. So good. His cock rose up, pushing at the loose sweats.

  “Liam.” Kell rested their foreheads together, both of them panting. “I want you.”

  “What—” He cut it off. He wanted to ask why now, but he knew because he felt the same way. They both felt as though they had lost this chance forever.

  “Because I thought you were never going to want me. I’m a bird.”

  “And you saw Nathan and Halian.” He rubbed noses with Kell. His beaky bird. “I want you too.”

  “Yeah? You sure?” Kell bobbed against him, rubbing. He loved how those bright eyes shone.

  “I am.” He lifted Kell up against him, but Kell resisted.

  “Clothes first.”

  “Oh! Right.”

  Kell backed off, drawing him back into the den where the silly bird had made a nest. A huge, soft nest.

  He added his clothes to it, because that would pad it even more, and pulled Kell into his lap when he sat. That long body flowed against his, better than any blanket.

  “You smell like home to me.” Kell’s hair was like a dark blanket around him.

  “I’m glad.” He stroked Kell’s back, feeling muscles twitch under his hands. The sweet body was so light, almost floating above him.

  He loved the way his raven felt. Liam knew he was solid, not quite soft but not hard and ripped. That was the way of the mountain lion. He hoped that didn’t turn Kell off.

  Liam wanted Kell to be a little crazy for him. In fact, he wanted Kell to be a lot crazy. He’d waited a long time. Too long.

  “I want you. I want all the bits of you.” Kell was a talker. He wasn’t surprised. His raven could be loud.

  Liam reached down to palm that long, superheated cock, which was pushing at him. “I feel it.”

  “Yes!” Kell’s black eyes went wide, the pleasure in them making Liam so proud. He thumbed the tip, rubbing it side to side, and Kell crowed for him.

  “Mmmm. That’s sweet. I could watch you all night. Day. Not sure.” He had no idea how much time had passed since he lay down.

  “As long as you need.”

  Liam thought Kell should be careful with that offer. He might need a long time.

  Which probably wouldn’t work. He was bound to drive Kell away.

  He was a damn grumpy cat, after all.

  “My grumpy cat. Mine. Focus, kitty. Love me.”

  “Yes.” He took another kiss because that let every other thought leave his head. He couldn’t make himself crazy if he was lost in Kell’s mouth. Kell drove that hot prick through his hand, hips moving quickly, almost fiercely.

  The need Kell showed him was humbling, amazing. Perfect. He wanted to bite that long neck, to lick and taste Kell’s skin.

  “Anything. I trust you.” Kell lifted his chin, honoring him.

  “Mmm.” He licked a long line down Kell’s throat, then gnawed on one of Kell’s shoulders. He loved that muscle there, knowing it came as much from flying as anything. No one would ever believe his raven was so strong, so fierce.

  He nibbled down that arm, testing Kell’s muscle, then licked the inside of one elbow. Kell gasped and arched, that response making him smile. Hot spot.

  Brushing it again with his tongue made Kell grunt and writhe, and he knew his tongue was a little rough, a little more texture than Kell was used to. Wait until he used it on that cock.

  Kell cried out, like he’d heard Liam’s thought. Oh, what an idea. “Please! Please, Liam. I ache for you.”

  “Yes.” He pushed Kell back into the nest on his back, spreading those long legs. He wanted to see and touch and taste it all, but he gave Kell that lick to the underside of his dick, knowing it would make him yell again.

  “Liam!” Kell scrabbled at his shoulders, his raven wild beneath him. And this was his fantasy, his dream—to know this about his lover.

  He pressed one hand to Kell’s belly, holding him down so he could sniff, breathing deep. Yum. Like sky and lightning. Wild and perfect.

  Kell spread for him, vibrating under his hands, and the rush of power he felt made him dizzy.

  The head called to him, broad and almost purple with the blood swelling it, so he licked it, then sucked Kell in, closing his eyes and hollowing his cheeks. His whole world began to spin, moving faster and faster as he sucked.

  His lover. Kell was finally his lover. Liam touched, his hands moving, if clumsy. He felt like all he could do was the most rudimentary movements.

  “Turn. Turn, lion. I want your cock too. I need it.” Kell’s words made Liam want to scream.

  “Mmmph.” He scooted gracelessly, giving Kell access to his dick. He cried out when that hot mouth enveloped him, Kell sucking him deep. He’d never imagined this—that Kell would have him deep in his throat while he pulled and sucked.

  He’d never allowed himself more than a dream kiss or two and his own hand.

  This was infinitely better. Kell’s mouth wrapped around him, and he had to hold on.

  All he could do was try to breathe, try to suck, but he wasn’t sure at all he was giving what he got. The best part was that Kell didn’t seem to care, the suction going on and on, wet and so heated he might never be cold again.

  He thrust his hand into Kell’s hair, holding Kell in place. His raven took him, down to the root, swallowing convulsively.

  Liam had to fight not to bite, not to thrash and scream. God help him, he was going to come. Kell’s hands wrapped around his ass, dragging him in even deeper.

  He licked, sucked, just swallowing and trying to make Kell as crazy as he was. He wanted them both coming as close together as possible. Kell was leaking for him, hot and salty and utterly necessary.

  Liam caught every drop he could with his tongue, his head starting to spin. This was his raven. His lover. His best friend. This man was his.

  The loud song of a raven echoed around his cock, Kell’s whole body shaking. Yours! Lion!

  Oh damn. Damn, Kell did hear him.

  Soon. Soon! He might just explode. Happy.

  Kell groaned and drove up into his lips, begging him for more. He took it all, sealing his lips hard and sucking. He gave too, really pumping his hips. It was like he understood, suddenly, how to fly.

  They went over the edge together like they were heading over a cliff into class-five rapids. He could feel it when Kell started to go, and it sent him right along.

  He took Kell in, swallowing over and over, groaning deep in his chest as he cradled his raven close.

  Kell licked him clean, patting his thighs. Loving on him. Such a good bird.

  Such an amazing mate.

  “Let me stay with you.” The plea made his soul ache.

  “I don’t want you to go.” He would send Kell back sometime soon, but for now… For now he could pretend. He could let Kell stay and let them love each other.

  “Good. Thank you.” Kell cuddled into him, drawing the clothes and cloths around them, making their nest.

  “Mmm. You feel so good.” He wanted to hold his lover there forever.

  Kell nodded and tucked his head under Liam’s chin. “I do. I’m with you.”

  “You are.” And that would be enough.

  At least for a little while.

  Chapter 5

  Kell loved being with Liam. He loved being held and touched and stroked.

  He hated how their den was so open to the elements.

  He began to feel a bit like a beaver, bringing sticks and rocks and random crap to fill the door and keep things toasty. He wished he could just rent them a home, but neither of them had a job or money in this realm. So he made do. And he snuggled a lot.

  Still, it took a lot of work to live here, and he was tired by the time daylight faded, so he crawled into his nest and cuddled into the blankets.

  Liam padded over to him, presenting him with a bag with hot dogs in it. Cooked ones. His mate still seemed so sad. Not that Kell was there, but t
hat Kell had to work so hard.

  He snapped up a hot dog, bobbing and dancing to thank his lover.

  Liam ate one as well, licking at it before chomping it down. A feast, and he knew Liam would rather bring a hunt, but hot dogs worked.

  Kell sang to Liam, offering his best little noises, dancing around the nest before going to preen his mate’s whiskers. Liam chuffed for him, the sound so like Liam’s human laugh. He loved it.

  He cleaned his lion thoroughly, bouncing about their nest before he hopped up on Liam to rest.

  Liam licked him, which… Well, that was a rough, wet tongue. He clicked his beak in thanks. “Good kitty.”

  “Mmm. You feel nice. Sorry it took so long to get food.”

  “You did fine. I love hot dogs.”

  “I know. I thought you’d like that.” Now Liam sounded a little smug.

  “I did.” He rubbed his beak along the back of Liam’s head.

  Liam stretched, claws flexing. “That’s good. Mmmmmore.”

  “Silly cat.” He repeated the gesture, over and over.

  Liam finally rolled over, letting him hop on that furry belly. “Thank you, love.”

  “Love you. So much, mate.” They needed to go home together. Soon, he thought. They needed a house and their friends and all the comforts of home. Liam deserved them.

  He’d punished himself enough.

  Hopefully Liam thought Kell’d been punished enough as well.

  “Shh. Sleep with me, love. Where it’s warm here in the nest you made.”

  “Yes. Yes, we have a lovely safe spot.” Finally.

  Liam’s mental chuckle was warm, fond. “Silly bird. We should find clothes and go to town tomorrow. I have a little money stashed.”

  “Okay. Is it… is it scary?”

  “No. No, it’s lovely. People don’t know.”

  “We’ll go explore, then.” And then maybe go home.

  “Perfect.” Liam sounded so pleased.

  He curled in, teasing the tiny, fine hairs on Liam’s ear.

  Liam squirmed, that chuffing sound making him cackle. He did love it when Liam was happy. Kell held on, fluttering as Liam tried to roll.

  He pecked at Liam’s leg, then crawled out from under the big, furry body. “Mean kit.”


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