Best Friend Baby Daddy: My Baby Daddy 1

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Best Friend Baby Daddy: My Baby Daddy 1 Page 2

by Hamel, B. B.

  It’s my fucking wedding day.

  Things moved fast after that lunch. They really had to. I took Amy home with me and told the family. They were shocked, at first, but I quickly explained that I’ve been secretly dating Amy for months now, and we got engaged a few days ago. We planned on telling the family soon, but hey, since Dad’s dying, might as well do it now, right?

  Fucking shit. They bought it, though. Well, I think Whitney was skeptical, but Mom was so elated that she forgot to really consider the kind of person I’ve been since, well, basically since forever.

  I’m not the kind of man to settle down. At least, that’s what I told myself. I mean, I’ve always loved Amy, ever since I first saw her back in middle school. I think she’s the most beautiful fucking girl in the entire world, but she’s so much smarter than I am, so much more down to earth, so much… better.

  She’s nothing like the girls I’ve been with. They’re all vapid, pretty things, like a gorgeous stream. Fast moving and totally clear with nothing down at the bottom. Empty, just a nice pair of tits and a tight pussy to fuck. I’d fill them up with my cock and forget about them the next day.

  Never forgot about Amy, though.

  I never deserved a girl like her, and I hate myself for being selfish enough to drag her into this.

  Too late now though. We’re getting married.

  Dad’s not here, of course. He can’t travel, not in his state. He’s still hanging on, stable enough the doctors say, so that’s good, I guess.

  Still time to trick him into giving me the fucking company.

  God damn, this is insane.

  I head back to the house. Mom’s going insane, setting shit up, making sure everyone’s comfortable. It’s a small ceremony right in the back yard. Only Whit and his family are here, his horrible wife, Ivory, and his two demon children, Ivan and Whitney Jr.

  “Honey!” Mom comes storming out toward me, a hard look on her face. “You can’t go wandering off. The minister is here, and oh, Maude has food in the oven and—”

  “Mom,” I say, smiling at her. “Relax.”

  She sighs. “I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

  “Really? Never thought I’d settle down?”

  “No,” she says honestly. “But here you are.” She puts a hand on my cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”

  God, I’m such a piece of fucking shit.

  “Come on,” I say, taking her hand and leading her back inside. “Let’s get me hitched, yeah?”

  She laughs and hurries off as soon as we step into the door, busying herself with whatever the fuck she needs to busy herself with.

  I wander through the halls, looking at the pictures. There are pictures of us as kids, camping and fishing and hiking, doing all that family shit we used to do. Except what you don’t see are all the people my dad would hire to bring with us, people to set up the campsite, clean everything, cook for us, take care of us. We never hiked or camped for real, we just pretended like we did.

  Sort of like we pretend we’re a normal family.

  I head downstairs into the billiards room. Whitney’s in there, shooting pool while his two demons run around the table. He ignores them as Jr. slams into an old, expensive vase and nearly knocks it over. Or maybe that was Ivan, fuck, I don’t know.

  “Hey, bro,” Whit says as I come into the room.

  The kids ignore me completely.

  “How’s it going?” I ask him.

  “Fine.” He grins at me. “You’re a dead man walking now.”

  “Ha,” I say, not smiling.

  “Seriously, marriage is the fucking worst.” He slams his cue against the balls, sending them scattering at random. “I mean, she fucks with you constantly, whines about this and that, whatever. And you can’t do anything about it, you know? Except fuck other women, I guess, but you can’t get caught, or she’ll take all your fucking money.” White laughs at what apparently was some kind of joke.

  “Jesus, Whit,” I say, glancing at the kids, but they didn’t hear anything. They’re already halfway in the other room, wrestling like animals.

  “Don’t worry about them, they’re cool,” he says, waving at the kids. “Be good, you assholes,” Whit snaps at them.

  I sigh. I’m not close with my brother. He’s just like my dad, happy and smiling on the outside, but on the inside…

  I’ve always been close with my mother. She seems to get me, at least a little more than Whit and Dad ever did.

  “Anyway, at least you picked a hot one,” he says. “Amy, huh? I always wondered why you didn’t lock that pussy down sooner.”

  I wince at that. “She’s great,” I say. “Been friends forever.”

  “Yeah, yeah, good stuff. But be prepared for the sex to go to shit.” He sighs. “Fucking Ivory won’t even suck—”

  “Okay, dude,” I say quickly. “I don’t need details.”

  He shrugs, like I’m the one missing out. “Anyway, you should get upstairs. I think Mom’s about to have a stroke.” He hesitates then grins at me. “Just like Dad.”

  I glare at him. Fucking Whit. He’s the crudest, crassest motherfucker in the world. If he weren’t such a piece of shit, I might find it funny.

  I turn and leave without another word. I thought maybe I’d get some words of wisdom from my younger brother, since he’s been married already, but I guess not.

  I head upstairs and find more people are filing into the house. I recognize cousins, uncles, aunts. I’m annoyed, but I don’t say anything. I know this is my mom’s thing now, and there’s nothing I can do about any of it.

  The day slowly passes and finally, everyone gathers out back. I’m standing up with some priest I’ve never met, some old guy that’s apparently a cardinal or some shit, I don’t know. He’s smiling like he doesn’t know where he is, and I’m nervous, sweating a little bit, a little drunker than I expected.

  I haven’t seen Amy all day. I’ve been dying to talk to her but my mom basically forbade it. She says it’s bad luck, which, I guess so. Stupid fucking tradition.

  But the music starts, and everyone stands, and fucking hell, it all becomes worth it.

  Amy walks down the aisle. Her father passed away a couple years ago, and her mother lives across the country and couldn’t get out here on such short notice, so she’s being escorted by Whitney. It sends a chill down my spine, but only for a second.

  Because my eyes are stuck on my goddamn new bride.

  Amy looks amazing. The dress fits her perfectly, shows off her beautiful breasts, her creamy white skin, her dark hair, her dark eyes. She glides down the aisle toward me, and for a second, I swear I’m in a dream.

  But then she’s there, taking my hands, and the old motherfucker’s marrying us.

  “Nervous?” she whispers.

  “Fuck, yes,” I whisper back.

  “Me too. Your mom’s losing it.”

  “I know.”

  The priest’s going on and on and finally we exchange rings. Once that’s over, we say the vows, and then…

  “By the power vested in me by the State of Washington, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  I stare at Amy. I hesitate, just a second.

  This is our first kiss.

  At our fucking wedding.

  We should’ve practiced. I mean, shit, I guess there hasn’t been time, but…

  Ah, hell.

  I lean forward and take her in my arms like I’ve always wanted to. I press my lips against hers, those perfect, creamy, smooth, full, red fucking lips, the lips I’ve pictured wrapped around my cock a million times, the lips I’ve imagined kissing, licking, biting, and god damn, I kiss her the way I’ve always wanted.

  Maybe it’s not ‘church’ appropriate, but fuck. We’re not in a church.

  Slowly, I let her go, and the crowd fucking cheers.

  I grin stupidly and Amy looks dazed, blinking like she just got flashed with some bright light. I take her hand and together, we walk back down the

  “That was, uh,” she says to me.

  “Yeah,” I say back.

  She grins a little. “Right?”

  “Yeah,” I say stupidly again.

  She squeezes my hand and gets closer to me. My heart hammers in my chest. “Are you sure about this?” she whispers.

  “Too late now,” I say. “Come on, wife. Let’s have some fun.”

  After that, it’s the easy part. This is the part I’m good at. We dance and drink and smile and talk and tell jokes. I’m in my element here, greeting everyone, going out of my way to make everyone feel welcome and happy.

  It’s a good party. My mom doesn’t fuck around, and my family is kind of big and insane, so you know. We drink a lot, and I end up dancing with Amy most of the time, since, well, I guess we’re technically married now.

  The ring on her finger gleams in the light as the sun slowly dips behind the horizon.

  The party goes on. I drink, I dance. People make me kiss Amy, which I do, happily. We go through all the wedding bullshit, and I have to admit, I forget all about the reason for this, the real reason we’re married.

  I start to pretend like this is real. Like Amy is my real wife, the way I really wish she were.

  But I can’t let myself forget that she’s only doing this as a favor to me. Some fucking favor, goddamn. I’ll be repaying this one forever.

  I’m happy, though. I’m really, really happy, and Amy’s so goddamn beautiful.

  As the party wraps up, I find myself sitting with her upstairs on a balcony. We have the main room to ourselves tonight, since we’re the newlyweds, and I can tell she doesn’t want to go in there yet. We share a bottle of wine, not bothering with glasses.

  “Remember that time in college,” she says suddenly, “when you said you wanted to marry… what was her name? Linda?”

  “Lana,” I say softly, grinning. “Big tits. Gave great head.”


  “That’s why I wanted to marry her.”

  “Guess you missed your chance.”

  I snort. “Whatever. What about you? I mean, aren’t you missing out on some special guys right now?”

  “You know me,” she says softly. “Always single.”

  “It’s because you don’t put yourself out there,” I say for the millionth time. “You could easily get a guy.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she says. “So you’ve been telling me.”

  “I mean it. If you just talked to people…”

  She takes the bottle from me and takes a big sip. “Guess it doesn’t matter now.”

  I sigh a little, smiling. “Guess not.”

  “Honestly though?” she says suddenly, looking at me over the bottle. “I never really thought I’d get married.”

  “Really?” I kick my feet up and lean back in my chair. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Honestly. I mean, it just never felt like that was something I’d get, you know?”

  I watch her carefully for a second. “You’re too hard on yourself,” I say.

  “Yeah. Maybe.” She grins at me. “But we always knew you’d get married.”

  “Yeah, well,” I say, laughing ruefully. “Dad all but blackmailed me into it.”

  “Oh, is that what it takes to marry me? Told you, I’m untouchable.”

  She’s smiling but behind her smile, there’s a grain of truth. I know she thinks that, for whatever reason, and it’s just not true. Fact is, she could have any guy she wants, any time she wants, but she keeps everyone at arm’s length, everyone except for me. I can’t begin to count the number of guys she’s turned down over the years, and she’s always had some stupid excuse cooked up.

  “You’re very touchable,” I say softly. “I mean, that kiss earlier was pretty…” I trail off.

  She blushes a little bit. “You thought so too?”

  “Yeah. Shit, almost made me wonder why we never did that before today.”

  “What, kiss? Or get married.”


  She giggles, clearly a little drunk now. I take the bottle from her and take a deep pull, feeling it myself.

  “No, seriously,” I say when I’m done. “Why haven’t we ever hooked up? Even just for fun.”

  “I don’t know,” she says. “Maybe because you’ve always had a girl, and because it’s a stupid idea.”

  “I think it’s a great idea,” I say. “I mean, we’re so close. It wouldn’t ruin our friendship.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “Seriously, we could easily just, you know, fuck and have fun. Then be friends.”

  She rolls her eyes. “You must think I’m as dumb as all the other girls you sleep with.”

  “Not even a little bit,” I say softly, and quickly take another sip.

  She’s watching me carefully when I hand the bottle back to her. She takes a small sip and bites her lip.

  “Seriously, Ever,” she says softly. “What are we doing?”

  “Probably making a huge mistake.”

  “I guess it’s too late for second thoughts.”

  “Way too late. I mean, we kissed already. So, you know it’s real.”

  She doesn’t smile. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  I sit up and lean toward her. I don’t know why, but I reach out and touch her cheek. I shift myself, sitting closer to her, and the world spins for a brief second before righting itself.

  I stare into her eyes. “You’ll never lose me. Not in a million years.”

  “You say that now. But what about when our marriage gets routine and the sex stops being great?”

  I laugh softly. “The sex will always be great.”

  “I don’t know,” she whispers.

  “I can show you, if you want.”

  She doesn’t smile at the joke. She doesn’t pull away.

  “How many more mistakes can we make today?” she asks softly.

  “One more,” I say before leaning in and kissing her.

  It just happens, natural and smooth. I don’t know what the fuck I’m thinking, but I guess I’m not thinking at all. I guess that’s the whole point.

  We’re both a little drunk and vulnerable and frankly, it feels good. That’s all I care about.

  I kiss her slow and deep, better than the kiss at the wedding. This one’s real, intense, hot as all fuckin’ hell.

  I take the bottle from her hand and put it on the ground before standing up. She stares up at me for a second and I can see the moment of indecision in her eyes.

  But she slowly stands up and follows me back into the room.

  We’re kissing again, her body against mine. We stumble a little and she giggles as I unzip her dress. Fortunately, she changed after the ceremony into something more comfortable, and something easier to get off.

  The dress drops to the ground and she steps out of it like a goddess coming from a deep, frozen lake.

  I kiss her hard and unbook her bra. She unbuckles my belt and pulls out my shirt. My pants come off, her bra comes off, and her perfect, perky breasts are in my hands. God, I’ve dreamed about these fucking breasts, and now I’m teasing her nipples as her tongue rolls against mine, her taste flooding every inch of my body.

  My pants come off, then my shirt, her hands warm against my chest. I push her back onto the bed and slide her panties down off her body. She’s naked now, skin smooth and flawless, body tight and lean and gorgeous. I spread her legs and kiss her lips as my fingers tease her pussy.

  She’s dripping wet and it drives me wild. She’s soaked, practically running down her legs, and I slide my fingers inside of her tight little cunt with ease. She gasps, these fucking incredible, sexy little moans that drive me wild. I always imagined what those would sound like, and they’re even better than I could’ve guessed.

  I bite her lip and move down between her legs. “Ever,” she says, half moan, half unsure. I lick her clit and that uncertainty disappears in groans and gasping breaths.

  I lick and suck her pussy, my b
est friend’s pussy, Amy’s fucking pussy. It’s delicious and soaked and oh, fucking god, I could see myself sucking this clit for the rest of my life. The way she writhes and arches her back, it’s like she lives for this, for this moment.

  I slide my fingers inside of her, fucking her with them, licking her clit.

  “Fuck, Ever,” she says, sitting up suddenly. She grabs my hair and pulls me up to her, my fingers still buried inside. “Fuck me before I come, you asshole.”

  I kiss her hard and push her back onto the bed. I climb in with her, my underwear gone now, her perfect body against mine. She strokes my shaft almost desperately, spitting in her palm and rubbing it into my tip. I groan at how fucking crass and sexy she’s being right now.

  I push her back down, pinning her to the bed, and spread her legs wide. I slide myself between her legs and dip my cock deep into her pussy. She groans but she’s so wet, I slide easily inside.

  “Fuck, you’re bigger than I thought,” she whispers.

  “And you feel like fucking heaven,” I whisper back.

  “You say that to everyone.”

  I pin her hands down above her head and glare at her. “No. Only you.”

  She bites her lip as I thrust deep inside her again. She groans as I fuck her slow at first, gentle, taking my fucking bride.

  We’ve known each other forever, but part of me thought this might be awkward. I mean, we’ve never gone here before. There were times where maybe I thought we might, and times where I really wanted to, but it just never happened.

  Now though, my cock buried inside her tight little pussy, her body writhing underneath mine, I know we were meant to fuck like this.

  I fuck her harder, filling her up, everything a blur of pleasure and her body and lips and oh, fucking hell, she feels good. I grab her hips and fuck her hard, thrusting deep into that pussy, driving her wild.

  She’s moaning and it’s making me crazy. I don’t know how much more of this I can stand; it feels so fucking good. I bite her lip and kiss her and fuck her faster, grinding my hips against hers. I don’t know how long we’ve been doing this, but it feels like hours, like forever.

  We’re both sweating, the sheets a tangled mess. She pushes me back, rides my cock, her whole body trembling as she pushes back down. I take her nipple between my teeth and tease it with my tongue.


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