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Cole Page 15

by Brittany Dreams

  Cole narrowed his eyes and balled his fists.

  One guess where Kirk was going next. It wasn’t Archives.

  “God…I’m so sorry. What are we going to do?” I breathed. Shit. This was the last thing I needed. And Cole, what would he do?

  “Don’t worry. I’ll deal with it,” he answered with a ragged sigh.

  I’d thought we’d be called into Brad’s office immediately. I’d imagined Kirk running off like the town gossip with a blowhorn—not to Brad, but Nick.

  It was three hours before we were being summoned to Brad’s office, and as we marched in Brad looked like he would kill us both.

  “Come in and close the door,” he ordered.

  I walked in first and Cole closed the door behind us.

  “I don’t even know where the fuck I’m supposed to start. With you?” Brad barked and looked over to Cole. “I told you to stay away from my sister.”

  “That’s not for you to decide,” I snapped, cutting in.

  “Laila I’m not ready to deal with you yet. The last man you got involved with was your college professor. You have poor taste in men, and everything for that matter. That’s why you’re with him.” He pointed to Cole.

  Shock flew through me in abundance. I didn’t know he felt that way, but why was I even surprised? His behavior over the last few months had been awful.

  “How dare you?” I spat back.

  “Are you kidding me? You’re in no position to be arguing with me. It was Nick that called me and told me what Kirk saw. That asshole Kirk wouldn’t have come to me now would he? Because I’m your brother. You have made me look like shit and yourself like some…”

  “What?” I squared off with him, ready to hear it. “Say it.”

  “You look exactly like some kind of slut trying to win over the job.”

  I knew Cole wouldn’t have stood there and allowed him to call me that so I was ready to hold him back when he launched for Brad.

  “No Cole…don’t. Not worth it,” I begged, holding on to his arm. Cole looked to me and bit down hard on his back teeth. “Please, it’s okay now.”

  It was, but only because I knew what I had to do.

  I’d had enough.

  I knew what the next steps would be so it was better for me to get rid of myself than for Brad to get rid of me.

  Cole eased off and straightened up, and I returned my focus to Brad.

  “I’m done, no need to get all worked up over something that no longer matters. I’m done.” I took the ID pass from off my jacket and placed it on his desk.

  Both he and Cole looked stunned.

  I didn’t stay to find out what happened next.


  Shocked as I was, I couldn’t blame her.

  I watched her go. Leaving me and Brad inside to battle it out.

  I would have hit him just now if Laila didn’t hold me back. I would have. Knocked his teeth right down his throat.

  He was truly a prick if he could look at his sister and tell her she was acting like a slut. And for a fucking kiss?

  Like Laila, I knew what to do too.

  “Well, go on then. Let’s have it out!” Brad yelled. “Couldn’t keep your dick in your pants, could you?”

  Reaching for my ID pass, I held it up to him and slammed it down hard on his desk. It was so hard the stack of papers nearby fell off and landed on the floor.

  The blood drained from his face.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I quit too.”

  “You can’t quit!”

  “Watch me. For the record, I’m serious about your sister. I always was and I‘d feel like more of a man now if I’d fought against you and your damn beliefs of me.” I stopped and drew in a deep breath. "Maybe she wouldn’t have had such a poor choice in a husband. I’ll let today slide on account of her stopping me, but don’t you ever, ever speak to her that way again. If you do, I’ll make you regret it.”

  I stared at him long and hard before I made a move to go.

  “Cole, you can’t quit!” he called out.

  I wasn’t listening, and the further away I got from his office the better I felt.

  “Cole! Don’t quit!” called Brad’s voice from behind me.

  By this time people passing by on the corridor stopped to see what was going on, including Kirk. He was standing ahead of me looking shell-shocked.

  I glowered at him as I walked by.

  I was certain he thought we’d just get in trouble, and Brad thought we’d cave to his shit and beg for forgiveness.

  I made my way down to Laila’s office where I found her packing up her stuff.

  When she saw me come in a tear ran down her face.

  “I’m sorry, I just had to,” she said, coming over to me. “I couldn’t stay here. I know you helped me so much and you tried for me, but I can’t stay somewhere where I feel suffocated, or like I’m not allowed to have the ideas I want.”

  “Me neither Laila…that’s why I quit too.”

  She shook her head and brought her hands up to her cheeks. “No, you can’t. Cole, that’s insane!”

  “It’s not insane at all baby. What it is, is sad, but not for us.” I smiled at her. “Don’t tell me you don’t feel that…that sense of freedom.”

  She nodded and I resumed the kiss I was giving her earlier.

  I just wanted to feel her lips on mine for a few seconds. I did and damn did it feel good.

  “Come on, let’s go.” I grabbed the box on the desk with her stuff in it and took her hand. We walked out of Remington’s just like that, hand in hand.

  A plan, however, was brewing in my mind.

  It was only nine o’ clock in the morning but life changing decisions hung in the balance.

  Laila and Peter stayed over at my place last night. They were both asleep upstairs.

  I was used to waking up early so I got up and put my plan into action.

  I’d had the job offer from my father in the back of my mind for months. He’d given me enough time to think about it and I still had two months to get back to him. Given what happened yesterday, it was the first thing on my mind.

  Not only because of the shit from yesterday but also because I was truthfully contemplating taking the job. I’d just been so wrapped up in Laila over the last few months that I hadn’t thought as much about it as I should have.

  After thinking through it all, I emailed my father to let him know I accepted the position and I’d wanted Laila to work with me. Not half an hour later I got the most interesting phone call.

  I’d just hung up when Laila walked into the sitting room. She was wearing one of my old college t-shirts and had her hair in a high messy bun.

  With her long golden legs on show she made me want to take her straight back to bed, but we had much to discuss.

  She came over and kissed me, then I pulled her down onto my lap.

  “Morning,” I said, kissing her again.

  “Morning, handsome. I wondered, seeing as how we both have no jobs, we could go back to bed and indulge on each other.”

  When she talked to me like that it was hard to stay focused.

  “Pause that thought. I have a few things to run past you.” I chuckled.

  “God, this sounds serious.”

  “It’s a bit of news.”

  She shuffled and curiosity filled her pretty face. “That sounds interesting.”

  “It is. So, a few months back my dad offered me a job at the research center because they’re expanding, and they need another Dr. Gregory.”

  Her lips parted and she smiled. “Months? Why didn’t you tell me before? Why didn’t you take it?”

  “I did, I mean I have now. I accepted this morning.”

  “That’s great!”

  “Thank you. I’d also like you to work for me.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath and slid off my lap. “Cole…I don’t know what to say. Please don’t offer me a job because…well, don’t let it be ice cream again.
Don’t feel sorry for me.”

  “It’s not that. I value you. I value and respect you for who you are. That is why I’m offering you the position. But…” I smirked and held up a finger. Here was the twist of the morning. “You have a choice.”

  “Really? I thought my next important choice would involve my preference in dentures.”

  I laughed. “No, it’s not gonna be that because I spoke to Nick this morning and he chose you for the job.” I raised my shoulders into a playful shrug while her skin flushed and her hands flew up to her cheeks.

  “What? What are you saying to me?”

  That’s what happened. Nick called me to tell me just that and he wanted me to speak to her about it. He also wanted me to reconsider and come back to work. It was like being in the twilight zone.

  I appreciated the call but I turned down the offer. It was time to move on.

  “You got the job, Laila. He got the project through and looked over everything you’d done over the last six months. He wasn’t a hundred percent for your extended theories but the competition wasn’t about that. It was about what you were doing during the trial.”

  “He picked me.”

  I nodded slowly. “He picked you. He heard we walked yesterday so that’s the reason for the call and the early decision.”

  “Oh my God…this is so bizarre.”

  “It sure is but just know you have a choice. You have me or you could go back to Remington’s. I’ll be paying the same salary by the way.”

  She laughed and returned to my lap. “Does that also include trips for ice cream?”

  “Any time you want. Think about it. Don’t decide now. He’s given you a little over a week, right up until the original deadline.”


  She nodded and kissed me.

  “Now, you mentioned something about going back to bed,” I reminded her.

  “Yes, we totally should.”

  I swooped her up and carried her back to bed. I could imagine our days just like this.

  I felt I’d made the right choice, and whether she chose to work for me or not, I had her. So everything was good in my world.

  I had her and Peter.

  My girl and my kid.

  “This is what you call maintenance,” I told Peter. He looked on at me, eager to learn and hanging on to every word. “To keep your bike in shape you have to make sure everything is running as it should.”

  “Yes, I agree. Or you won’t be able to escape the bad guys,” he said.

  I laughed and ruffled his hair. “Yeah, definitely. I don’t want the bad guys to get me.”

  It was day two of freedom and we’d been in my garage for most of the day working on one of my Harleys. I was trying to fix the suspension.

  We were doing what I liked to call bonding while Laila had gone shopping with Piper.

  “Will it go fast like the other bikes?” Peter asked.

  “Yes, it will ride like a dream.”

  “Can I ride one when I’m older? I promise I won’t crash it. I’m just waiting for my legs to grow a little longer then I’ll be fine.”

  I crouched down and grinned at him. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’m planning to buy you a bike when you’re eighteen.”

  “Oh my gosh, really? Will you keep me and Mom for that long?” His little eyes captured mine and I smiled at him.

  “I plan to keep you and your mom forever, little guy.”

  He was so excited he threw his arms around me.

  He only broke free when a red Mercedes pulled up on the driveway.


  I straightened up when he stepped out. Peter ran to him and jumped into his arms.

  “Uncle Brad, Cole’s going to get me a bike. I’m so excited.” He was indeed so excited he could barely get the words out.

  “That sounds amazing! Cole is the best guy I know for motorcycles,” Brad answered, and set Peter down.

  Peter rushed back to me.

  “Peter, why don’t you go grab some sandwiches. I’ll join you in a little while,” I told him.

  “Okay,” he bubbled, and bounced into the house.

  I kept my gaze trained on Brad.

  “Hello,” I said, keeping my tone flat. I had no idea why he was here. From his expression though it seemed like he hadn’t come to fight. He also didn’t seem surprised to see Peter here.

  “Hey. I was wondering if we could talk.”

  I wasn’t in the mood for shit or him telling me I wasn’t good enough for Laila. It was the same mantra before, what would make it different today?

  “I think you’ve said all you needed to say Brad. I don’t need the reminder,” I stated.

  “I don’t want to talk about that. I mean…I do, just not what you think. I’m here to apologize. That’s the only reason why I’m here. Not to repeat what I said in the past.”

  This was definitely a surprise. In all the long years I’d known Brad, he’d never apologized for anything.

  “Why?” I asked, narrowing my gaze on him. “Why would you apologize after so much? You didn’t exactly say anything that didn’t represent your true opinions. Not ever.”

  He pressed his lips together. “I know, and I won’t lie and tell you that I didn’t fully believe my opinions. But I was wrong. The truth is, I don’t do well in situations I can’t control. In the past I worried you’d hurt Laila.”

  “I’ve never actually given you a reason to think I’d hurt her,” I pointed out.

  “I know, but I just worried you’d do something to break her heart and what got me worse was seeing how she loved you. I didn’t know until days ago that I was wrong about you. As for the other stuff…that’s all my bad, but maybe the same thing. I’m guilty of not wanting to take action when it could jeopardize something I want. It’s selfish.”

  I couldn’t disagree. Everything he said was completely correct. Control and selfishness had become him and was the thing that burned the bridge between us.

  “Cole, I don’t expect you to be my friend the way you were before, but I thought I owed you an apology. When you left, I realized that really was it. You were done and it woke me up. Nick told me you turned down his offer. I didn’t want you to factor me into that decision. I want you to come back too. We can’t get anyone like you, and I will never have another friend like you. So this is me saying I’m sorry and I screwed up.”

  I nodded, accepting his apology. With all that had gone on over the period of years though, I knew I wouldn’t be able to just forget.

  “Thank you. I appreciate the apology. I still, however, stand by my decision. It was great working at Remington’s but my decision is more than just about our disagreement. You guys think you’re accepting of new ideas but really, you aren’t. I don’t want to be somewhere that limits me.”

  He dipped his head and seemed to understand. “I get it. I understand. Where, um, does that leave us?”

  I thought for a moment. “Maybe one day I’ll be able to join you and the guys for the usual on Sundays. If I’m not busy with my girl and my kid.”

  He smiled at that. “Okay. That works. I’ll see you soon I hope.”


  As I watched him go my shoulders had that light feeling again. The tension lifted, gone from my mind and body.

  On to the next thing.

  Which was everything that included Laila.

  I was going to pick up where I’d left off eight years ago.


  As I walked into Remington’s I thought of that first day I came here months ago. All of six months ago.

  I was so excited to be in the building and eager to get my life back on track.

  I’d found that the route to that wasn’t the way I’d thought.

  Being here helped me with a couple of things and I guess gathered the pieces of goodness that helped to shape me into the woman I was six months later.

  I headed to Brad’s office and knocked on the door.

  He wasn’t expecting m
e. No one was until later in the week.

  It was Monday and I was supposed to give my decision by Friday. But I knew in my heart what I wanted, and that was what I was going with.

  “Come in,” Brad called out, and I opened the door.

  He was on a call but ended it when he saw me.

  I went inside and closed the door.

  Cole told me Brad had gone to his place and apologized. Brad had called me a number of times over the last few days but I didn’t answer. Purposely, and he knew it.

  I wasn’t ready to speak to him yet. Not until today. So in essence I was here to kill two birds with one stone.

  “Laila, hi,” he said, standing up.

  “Hey there. I got your messages. Thank you.”

  “Laila, I really wanted to apologize for everything I said and did.”

  I released a heavy sigh. “Brad, you really hurt me. You hurt me deeply. I’ve known about your disapproval of Cole for months now. Cole told me what happened eight years ago. I know what you’re like and I know now that you must have made him feel like it was better for him to be out of my life than in it. You think I have poor taste and make bad choices…but you took away the only choice I wanted. You interfered.”

  He brought his hand up to his head and frowned. “I know, and I feel terrible about it. I am sorry Laila, I behaved like a complete asshole to you. I can’t take back the stuff I said and did, but know that I’m really sorry. You deserved better than me being a prick.”

  “I appreciate the apology, you’re my brother…I’m hurt but I’ll try to move past it.”

  “That means a lot. I won’t disappoint you again.”

  “It’s okay. So the other reason why I’m here is to turn down the offer.” His eyes widened when I said that.

  “You got that job on your own merit. Please don’t allow our differences to rob you of the career you want.”

  “I’m not. I took the last few days to think about it and what I realized is that I need to be somewhere that will accept my crazy ideas no matter how crazy they are. I need to be somewhere that will accept those ideas because they came from me and it’s enough to trust that I could be on to something. I don’t think that place is here.”


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