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Caste Page 44

by Isabel Wilkerson

  all currently have the death penalty: “The State of Capital Punishment,” National Conference of State Legislatures, July 30, 2019,​research/​civil-and-criminal-justice/​the-state-of-capital-punishment.aspx. See also “State by State,” Death Penalty Information Center, n.d.,​state-and-federal-info/​state-by-state.

  “Not even members of”: Neiman, “There Are No Nostalgic Nazi Memorials.”

  “privately mourn for family members”: Neiman, Learning from Germans, p. 267.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight: Democracy on the Ballot

  purging tens of thousands of voters: “Republican Voter Suppression Efforts Are Targeting Minorities, Journalist Says,” National Public Radio, October 23, 2018,​2018/​10/​23/​659784277/​republican-voter-suppression-efforts-are-targeting-minorities-journalist-says.

  rejecting IDs that didn’t: “At least nine states have a policy like Georgia’s where citizens can be removed from the voter registration list for not voting in past elections. The best known is Ohio’s. In that state, the removal process is triggered for anyone who doesn’t vote in a single election. The entire removal process takes six years. Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Ohio’s policy is in line with the National Voter Registration Act.” Johnny Kauffman, “6 Takeaways From Georgia’s ‘Use It or Lose It’ Voter Purge Investigation,” National Public Radio, October 22, 2018.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Price We Pay for a Caste System

  “Ten grand?”: “True Cost of US Healthcare Shocks the British Public,” PoliticsJOE, December 3, 2019,​watch?v=Kll-yYQwmuM.

  “Few industrialized economies”: Chait, “The Color of His Presidency.”

  There are more public mass shootings: Nurith Aizenman, “Deaths from Gun Violence: How the U.S. Compares with the Rest of the World,” National Public Radio, November 9, 2018,​sections/​goatsandsoda/​2018/​11/​09/​666209430/​deaths-from-gun-violence-how-the-u-s-compares-with-the-rest-of-the-world.

  the maternal mortality rate: Munira Z. Gunja et al., “What Is the Status of Women’s Health and Health Care in the U.S. Compared to Ten Other Countries?” Commonwealth Fund, December 19, 2018,​publications/​issue-briefs/​2018/​dec/​womens-health-us-compared-ten-other-countries; Ashley Welch, “U.S. Women Pay More, Fare Worse During Pregnancy and Childbirth, Global Health Study Finds,” CBS News, December 19, 2018,​news/​us-women-more-likely-to-die-during-pregnancy-than-other-high-income-nations/.

  The life expectancy in America: Selena Gonzales, Marco Ramirez, and Bradley Sawyer, “How Does U.S. Life Expectancy Compare to Other Countries?” Health System Tracker, December 23, 2019,​chart-collection/​u-s-life-expectancy-compare-countries/​#item-le_life-expectancy-in-years-at-given-age-2017_dec-2019-update.

  Infant mortality: Christopher Ingraham, “Our Infant Mortality Rate Is a National Embarrassment,” Washington Post, September 29, 2014,​news/​wonk/​wp/​2014/​09/​29/​our-infant-mortality-rate-is-a-national-embarrassment/; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, “Infant Mortality Rates,” 2020,​healthstat/​infant-mortality-rates.htm.

  American students score: Joe Heim, “On the World Stage, U.S. Students Fall Behind,” Washington Post, December 6, 2016,​local/​education/​on-the-world-stage-us-students-fall-behind/​2016/​12/​05/​610e1e10-b740-11e6-a677-b608fbb3aaf6_story.html.

  eighteenth in happiness: Josh Fiallo, “U.S. Falls in World Happiness Report, Finland Named Happiest Country,” Tampa Bay Times, March 20, 2019,​data/​2019/​03/​20/​us-falls-in-world-happiness-report-finland-named-happiest-country/.

  “As Usual”: Annie Lowrey, “As Usual, Americans Must Go it Alone,” Atlantic, March 19, 2020, https://​ideas/​archive/​2020/​03/​america-woefully-underinsured/​608035/.

  “To a watching world”: Simon Tisdall, “US’s Global Reputation Hits Rock-Bottom Over Trump’s Coronavirus Response,” Guardian, April 12, 2020,​us-news/​2020/​apr/​12/​us-global-reputation-rock-bottom-donald-trump-coronavirus.

  “This is a civilization”: Gary Michael Tartakov, in discussion with the author, International Conference on Caste and Race, at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, May 5, 2018.

  Epilogue: A World Without Caste

  “The worst disease is”: Jerome and Taylor, Einstein on Race, pp. 144–45.

  “bowing and scraping”: Ibid., p. 32.

  Einstein, learning of this: Matthew Francis, “How Albert Einstein Used His Fame to Denounce American Racism,” Smithsonian Magazine, March 3, 2017,​science-nature/​how-celebrity-scientist-albert-einstein-used-fame-denounce-american-racism-180962356/.

  “Being a Jew myself, perhaps”: Einstein to Peter Bucky, quoted in Jerome and Taylor, Einstein on Race, p. 151.

  children of black faculty: Ken Gewertz, “Albert Einstein, Civil Rights Activist,” Harvard Gazette, April 12, 2007,​gazette/​story/​2007/​04/​albert-einstein-civil-rights-activist/.

  “The separation of the races”: Jerome and Taylor, Einstein on Race, p. 88.

  “He hates race prejudice”: Ibid., p. 9.

  228 years to amass the wealth: Dedrick Asante-Muhammad et al., “The Ever Growing Gap,” Institute for Policy Studies, August 2016,​wp-content/​uploads/​2016/​08/​The-Ever-Growing-Gap-CFED_IPS-Final-1.pdf.

  “It’s all too easy to imagine”: Smith, Less Than Human, p. 16.

  “Caste is not a physical object”: Ambedkar, Annihilation of Caste, p. 74.

  “We must make every effort”: Francis, “How Albert Einstein Used His Fame to Denounce American Racism”; Jerome and Taylor, Einstein on Race, p. 144.


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