Of Lords and Commoners: Book 1 (Lords and Commoners Series)

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Of Lords and Commoners: Book 1 (Lords and Commoners Series) Page 13

by Lynne Hill-Clark

I leapt over the rail and used my wings to slow me so that I landed softly on the strange floor. I was still sure it would crack like a sheet of thin ice under my weight.

  “You are so strange.” Rosalia laughed again.

  “As far as I’m concerned, floors should be made of wood or stone.”

  “I already told you: this is stone.”

  I still did not believe it; it was not like any stone I had seen before, not even like the marble statues.

  Rose kicked off her shoes and started to glide around the smooth surface in her stockings. “Give it a try.”

  I took my shoes off and she grabbed my hand, pulling me forward. “Push off with your feet, like this.” Soon we were gliding across the floor. She swung me around until we were both spinning in a circle. The world around us was only a blur. When we finally stopped, we were both laughing and dizzy. My laugh was cut short by the sight high above me. Throughout the process of sliding around, we had landed by the front altar and in the high central dome above was a larger-than-life mosaic of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus. My first reaction was to prostrate myself on the altar and pray to them. I had not prayed since I had been turned into a demon. Blood rushed to my cheeks. Jesus is no longer My Lord; he has forsaken me.

  “Someone is coming; we must have awakened the bishop. Let’s go,” Rose whispered. She quietly grabbed her shoes, jumped onto the balcony and disappeared out the window. I had gone numb. I followed her even though I did not care if I was caught.

  Once outside the Hagia Sophia, Rose asked, “What is wrong?”

  “I wish my father had been able to see this cathedral — the holiest of all churches.” Even if it could no longer be my church, it was still the Great Mother of his church.

  She smiled. “We had better get to work. Let’s be on our way.”

  As we walked through the city, she showed me many other wonderous sites, like the Emperor’s palace, the public bath houses and the royal gardens, to name a few. Her immense love for this city was apparent. She was excited to show it off. When the eastern sky turned yellow, we headed back to the cavern.

  After seeing so many new things my mind was racing and I was far from tired, so I headed straight for the training room. The room was busy. Vampires everywhere, dueling with swords, boxing, breaking stone columns — the usual, I imagined. I did nothing but observe for a time, as I had no idea where to start. Eventually, I headed for the swords. I picked one up and started getting a feel for its weight in my hand.

  “Need a lesson?” came a deep and unfamiliar voice.

  I turned to find the largest man, or vampire, I had ever seen. His dark eye’s stared down at me. Up close he was even bigger than I remembered. His bulky frame was riddled with muscles. Instinctively, I stepped away. I recognized him at once from Ramdasha’s Great Room. I must have looked intimidated because he tried to reassure me with a smile. Yet I was not reassured.

  “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Riddick. You look as if you could use a lesson in sword fighting.”

  Riddick, yes, I had heard the others speak of him. He was Ramdasha’s commander in chief. No one was closer to Ramdasha than he. He had olive skin similar to Teller’s. Riddick did not exactly look like Teller but there was some resemblance. Perhaps it was simply their skin and their massive forms. Still they could pass as brothers. I collected myself and said, “My name is —

  “Val, from Targoviste, I know. Come.”

  I followed him to the dummies that had been hacked to bits, apparently with swords. He showed me how to hold the sword and swing. By the end of the day, we were fencing in duels, though I’m sure he spared me his full force and skill.

  The next day was spent boxing. Riddick put one hand on my waist and grabbed my arm with the other to show me how to hold my hands in a fighting pose. I recoiled at his touch.

  “Be easy,” he said.

  I did not like this. He was too close. I removed his hand from my waist. “Is that necessary?”

  He raised his hands, palms facing me. “Very well, have it your way.” But the smile he gave me sent a chill down my spine.

  Later that day in our common room, Rosalia jeered, “Someone’s caught the eye of the commander.” She looked pointedly at me.

  Aaron put on an overly dramatic display of being distraught and heartbroken. With his hands over his heart, he pretended to be dying and flung himself into a settee.

  Everyone laughed at his theatrics and I could not help the smile that crept across my face.

  “No, no and no. You are all wrong.” Yet I knew they were right. Since the first time I had seen Riddick the day I arrived here, I did not like the way he looked at me, that piercing stare. I shivered.

  “Riddick and Val! Oh, my!” Sonia mocked.

  “Stop, all of you! What are we, twelve years old?” I was growing aggravated.

  “I knew she would be leaving us to mingle with royalty,” Irene said.

  “Be sure and put in a good word for me.” Orrick said.

  “I’m not leaving and I’m not interested in —” I stopped short because it dawned on me that if I did get closer to Ramdasha, I might be able to find out what his plans were. I could warn Elijah and the Elders. Excusing myself, I retired to my room. I had to think. This would be dangerous. If Ramdasha found out I was spying, he would undoubtedly kill me. Yet they had no reason to suspect me. I would give it a try, a couple of weeks at the very most. There was a knock at my door and an uneasy feeling came over me.

  “Riddick, what a surprise,” I said.

  “No, it isn’t.” He swiftly bypassed me, letting himself into my room.

  How inconsiderate! I pushed the door open further. I did not want to be behind closed doors with him.

  “What can I do for you, My Lord?”

  He smiled; apparently he liked being called “My Lord.” “There is something you can do for me. Foreign dignitaries will be visiting and Lord Ramdasha is planning a banquet for them. I was hoping you would accompany me.”

  My first reaction was to refuse but this sounded like an opportunity to find out what Ramdasha was planning. Remember, Riddick is your way in, I told myself. “It would be my pleasure.” I returned his smile.

  “It is settled,” he replied.

  I had hoped he would leave but he did not. Instead, he looked around the room, wandering further away from the door.

  Oh no, I thought. “Who are these leaders who will be visiting?”

  “They are nobles from Portugal and France.”

  “What is the reason for their visit?”

  “Now you’re getting into politics and that is nothing a woman should worry herself with.”

  I resisted the urge to glare at him and managed to say, “Yes, of course.” He is such an arse. “Well, if that is all, then I will see you tomorrow for training.”

  “That is not all.” In a flash he was close — way too close. I stepped back and bumped up against the chest behind me. He moved forward, almost precisely in step with me and bent down. His lips were headed for mine when I pushed him gently back. How am I going to get out of this? I decided reason was my best chance.

  “Less than two months ago, I lost my entire family and my fiancé. I need … time. I don’t want … this.” Whatever this was? I thought. “Let’s go slow.”

  He clearly did not like the rejection and he did not seem concerned that I had loved someone else. “Slow?” was all he said.

  “Yes, let us get to know each other first. Besides, as vampires, we have time in plenty.”

  “‘Get to know each other?’” he repeated, as if he had never heard of such a thing. “I am trying to get to know you.”

  I held his gaze — imploring him to leave me alone.

  “Very well, I will see you for training tomorrow.” He spun around and stormed out.

  I exhaled. Thank God he left! I don’t know if I can do this. Riddick clearly wants more from me than I’m willing to give. Vampire men seem to be less gentlemanly than human men. Well, le
ss than some human men anyway. What gall he has, bursting in here, expecting … I shivered at the thought. He assumed that my agreeing to be his companion for a banquet also meant that I would allow him to take me to bed.

  Chapter 31 Constantinople 1260 A.D

  I trained with Riddick over the next week and any other spare time was spent in the company of my new friends. This was primarily in hopes of avoiding any further advances by Riddick. I appreciated the training. Riddick was an excellent fighter and a good teacher. I was greatly improving.

  Spending time with Rose’s band of misfits gave me time to find out how the others felt. I knew whose side Rose was on and it was clear what Orrick believed. When I questioned Irene alone one day, she too seemed to side with Ramdasha. I was losing hope when I confronted Sonia. She could see both sides of the argument but her remaining love for humans won her over.

  “I do not want a war with humans. I still have family in the city. I fear for them,” Sonia said.

  I empathized with her.

  That left Aaron. I got my chance to talk to him one night when we were both scheduled for patrol. I found him alone on a rooftop.

  “What do you think about Ramdasha and his plans to challenge the Court of Elders?” I asked.

  For the first time since I had met Aaron, his face grew serious. “I can’t bear Orrick sometimes and his talk of war with humans. ‘We are the dominant race.’” Aaron mocked Orrick. “We are nothing but monsters. I used to try to argue with him but I quickly learned that defying Lord Ramdasha is dangerous. So I deal with Orrick by joking, I suppose. Sometimes I think about leaving but where would I go? This is my home, my beloved city.”

  It appeared Aaron was being sincere. I could trust him — I hoped. “I will try to find out what I can about Ramdasha’s plans at the banquet and then I’m leaving for the North. I hope you and Sonia will join me.”

  His eyes widened. “You mean to Denmark, to Chastellains realm?”

  “Yes, I plan to warn them if I find out anything useful.”

  “You can’t simply march into Lord Chastellain’s Court and claim you have information about Ramdasha.”

  Something told me that I could “march into the lord’s Court.” My thoughts strayed to Elijah. “I have to try,” was all I said. I had probably said too much already. “Please consider coming with me. Ask Sonia to come as well, if you get a chance.”

  Aaron looked away. He was in deep thought, yet there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. “This is a dangerous game you’re playing.”

  “It is not a game,” I replied.

  The day of the banquet arrived. I had had a particularly grueling training session with Riddick. He was pushing me harder as I improved.

  “Thank you for working with me; I do appreciate it,” I said. “You are a wonderful instructor.”

  He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. Apparently any amiable gesture was a signal for Riddick to advance. His mouth was on mine before I fully realized what was happening.

  I let him kiss me for a moment, then firmly pushed him away. “I have to prepare myself for the banquet.” I slipped out of his arms and did my best not to run away from him. I must get out of here! I thought. Riddick would not take no for an answer much longer.

  Rosalia, Sonia, Irene and I got ready in Rosalia’s room. Riddick had provided me with a brocade for the occasion. These long silky layered gowns did not seem as odd to me now. We laughed and joked as we took turns helping one another get ready. In the end, we all looked like royalty.

  When we entered Ramdasha’s Great Room, Orrick and Riddick approached. Orrick swept Rosalia out to the center of the room. They danced gracefully across the floor — a beautiful couple, though I wondered why they did not act like a couple otherwise. Many other couples were dancing together as well. I had never seen people dance face to face like this.

  Riddick took my arm. “I did not think you could possibly look more beautiful but you do.”

  “You are too kind, My Lord.” I only have to get through tonight, I tried to encourage myself.

  The Great Room was decorated more lavishly than before. A large chandelier hung from the center of the high round ceiling. Candlelight reflected off its beautifully cut glass. The room was dazzling. Riddick led me over to the long table set aside for the leaders.

  He proudly introduced me to some of the new faces. Unlike at the dance with Elijah, this time I actually paid attention. The two who stood out were Lord Mendoza of Portugal and Lord Belleaire of France. They sat to the left of Ramdasha, and Riddick and I sat to his right.

  In the center of the room, I spotted Aaron and Sonia, who were mostly jesting rather than dancing. Aaron shot me a quick and knowing glance. I gave him a slight nod, then quickly looked away. I was focused on Ramdasha’s conversation with the two foreign lords. Mostly niceties were exchanged.

  We ate and drank. I tried the red wine that had been poured for us. I did not spit it out this time but it still tasted horrible. Why would anyone consume this bitter drink? I thought.

  Ramdasha raised his goblet of wine in toast. “Here is to my comrades in the fight for vampire freedom.”

  “Hear, hear,” cheered Lord Mendoza and Lord Belleaire.

  “Hear, hear,” Riddick added, tapping his goblet with theirs.

  I followed his lead and tried to smile. I hoped it looked more sincere than it felt.

  “Now we dance.” Riddick stood. He grabbed me under the arm and pulled me out of my seat.

  He is such a brute. Did he not know that it is proper to ask a lady to dance, not demand it? I covered up my annoyance with another smile. I did not like this spying business. I had been raised without artifice and preferred to be straightforward. It will all be over soon, I told myself.

  It was unfortunate that I had to leave the table because it looked as if Ramdasha and his honored guests were talking more seriously. I was trying to concentrate on what they were saying but this was difficult because Riddick wrapped an arm around my waist and pressed his body to mine; with his free hand he took mine and held it up.

  “What are you doing?” I protested.

  “Don’t tell me you have never couple danced before?”

  “Of course not! This is inappropriate. Even married couples don’t dance like this.” I tried unsuccessfully to put some distance between us.

  “You are in our world now. Look around,” he whispered. His grip on my waist did not loosen.

  I did look around. Most of the vampires who were dancing were in pairs gliding around gracefully. Orrick spun Rosalia around and her bright orange brocade flowed elegantly about her body. The only exception was Aaron and Sonia, who had gotten a handful of others to join in a circle dance. This type of group dancing was what I was used to.

  “You see, anything is acceptable down here. We live beyond the sight of God,” Riddick said.

  I shivered at the thought. With a great sadness I resigned myself to this fact — we were damned. The social norms of the people above no longer pertained to us. I also stopped trying to push Riddick away.

  “Come now, don’t look so forlorn. It can be fun. Follow my lead.”

  It was all I could do to keep up with him as he moved me across the floor. For a time I forgot about trying to spy on Ramdasha.

  Eventually, I began to get the sense of dancing in this manner, or at least became somewhat comfortable in following his lead. When we danced close enough to Ramdasha, I was able to catch parts of the conversation, such as Ramdasha asking how many trained fighters they each had. But Riddick swept me away and I could not hear the answer.

  “Not bad for your first time, yet you seem distracted,” Riddick said.

  It was too difficult to get much of Ramdasha’s conversation so I decided to try another angle. As flippantly as possible I asked, “Have Portugal and France decided to join Lord Ramdasha?”

  “Yes, Lord Mendoza and Lord Belleaire are very influential in their respective countries.”

  “I can imagine.” I tri
ed to sound impressed. I needed to play up to him in order to get more information. I rubbed my fingers up and down his arm and smiled. This seemed to work. He looked thrilled. “Who else is on our side?”

  “Macedonia is with us and a small coven of vampires in Bulgaria have pledged their support to Lord Ramdasha. If we can gain the support of a coven in Hungary, we may have enough to finally challenge the Court. Unfortunately, they are reluctant to undermine the High Court of the Elders.”

  “Hmm.” I tried to look uninterested. I had so many questions. Was Ramdasha planning an all-out war and if so, when? Or was he planning a covert assassination of the Elders? Go slowly, I told myself. We glided in silence and I pretended to be interested only in him.

  “Are they planning an attack?” I ventured.

  “Yes, eventually. First we need more allies if we are to be successful against Chastellain’s large army.”

  I almost tripped. “They have a large army?”

  “Yes, they have legions of vampires ready to fight all across the North, from England to Poland.” He chuckled at the expression on my face. He twirled me around and said, “Enough about politics. Tonight is about us.”

  I smiled. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Aaron and Sonia were also trying to subtly listen to Ramdasha as they “danced.”

  Most likely I could not ask many more questions without raising suspicion. I had gotten all Riddick knew, or all he was willing to tell, at least. So I decided not to push my luck. We danced in silence and I pretended to be content.

  When we returned to the table, I felt the monster inside stir to life. Not tonight! I had known it would be coming soon, any day but I had been trying to put off feeding for as long as possible. It had been over a month since I had last fed. I tried to ignore it and failed. Ignoring it only makes the beast roar louder. Soon it was screaming at me.

  “You look unwell.” Riddick said. The genuine concern in his voice surprised me.

  “Yes,” I admitted. “I have not fed in a while. I’m going to have to excuse myself.”

  “How long has it been?”


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