Why Superman Doesn't Take Over the World
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prisoner’s dilemma 68, 72–4, 75–6
randomization 69, 77–8
Garrick, Jay 22, 23 (see also Flash)
Gavaler, C. 151
General Zod 86, 95
Gibbons, Dave 147
Gordon, Barbara 131, 136, 140–2 (see also Batgirl)
government 89
Grayson, Dick 44, 45, 131 (see also Robin)
Green, Doreen 113, 127 (see also Squirrel Girl)
Green Arrow 60, 86, 131, 133, 144, 173
Green Goblin 32, 33, 99, 110, 123, 174
Green Lantern 8, 17, 22–3, 26, 36, 39, 123, 169
Grey, Jean 28, 36, 40, 66, 149, 170 (see also Dark Phoenix)
Grey, Nate 171
Griffith, R. 182
growth 147–8
Hand Formula 117
happiness 14–15
Harel, A. 102
Harper, Roy 60
Hawkeye 50, 64, 131
Hawkgirl 20, 169
Hawkman 20, 169
Hazlitt, Henry 175
heroes see superheroes
Holt, Michael 136 (see also Mr Terrific)
Hulk 3, 25, 49, 61, 66, 83, 171
human capital 19, 81–2, 135
Huntress 38, 131
Hydra 65, 77
incentives 9–10 criminal activity 101, 105
direct and indirect 12
moral hazard 103–5, 109
positive and negative 12, 101
unintended consequences 12–13
winner-take-all 69, 106
inelastic demand 87
infinite monkey theorem 18–19, 23
infrastructure 89
inputs 135, 136, 137, 138
institutions 148, 149, 150–1, 153–7
insurance 37, 95, 121–3, 126
invisible hand 28, 29, 40
Iron Fist 38
Iron Man 64, 75, 76, 122, 131, 133, 134
irrational behaviour 67, 77, 98
Jackson, Michael 43
Jain, A. 156
Jameson, J. Jonah 114
Jean Grey School 82, 94
jealousy 65
Joker 63, 70, 97, 98, 109, 131, 132, 144, 162
Jones, Jessica 26, 36, 59, 65, 83, 84, 85, 134, 163
Jordan, Hal 17, 19, 23, 36, 84, 149 (see also Green Lantern)
Justice League 49, 50, 89, 151
Kal-El 148, 161
Kane, Kate 94
Kelley, Carrie 60 (see also Robin)
Kelly, Gene 43, 60
Kent, Clark 36, 37, 38, 84, 96, 125, 128, 133, 153, 161, 173 (see also Superman)
Killgrave 65
Kirby, Jack 25
Knoeber, C. 129
labor 135 (see also human capital)
land 136
Lane, Lois 36, 38, 128, 162, 173
Layman, C. 172, 175
Lazear, E. 110
Lee, Stan 25
lighthouses 96
lottery tickets 10, 22
love interest 35–7, 123, 125
Luthor, Lex 38, 63, 97, 99, 107–8, 110, 144, 145, 150, 163
Machin, S. 101
macroeconomics 4, 158
Magneto 64, 99
Magog 120
Malthus, Thomas 6
markets 28–30, 134 monopolies 168–9
Marshall, Alfred 3
Martian Manhunter 171
Marvel 3, 4, 34, 64
Mauro, P. 156
McCartney, Paul 44
Meghir, C. 101
microeconomics 4, 138, 153
monopolies 108–9
Moone, June 60
Moore, Alan 147
moral hazard 103–5, 109
morality tales 5
Mr Fantastic 65
Mr Sinister 99
Mr Terrific 136, 137, 139, 145
Murdock, Matt 84
mutants 114
national defense 89–92
negative externalities 117–18, 119 internalization 121–3
Nightwing 37, 45, 131
Nite Owl 147
Nitro 14, 74
non-excludability 90, 96, 116
North, Douglas 150
Octavious, Otto 99 (see also Doctor Octopus)
opportunity cost 32, 39
Oracle 131, 140–1
origin stories 7–8, 10–11, 16, 18, 19–21 villains 99–100
O’Roark, J. B. 105, 129
Osborne, Norman 99
outputs 138
Ozymandias 94, 99, 133, 147, 152
Page, Karen 123
Palacios-Huerta, I. 78
Palmer, Ray 136 (see also Atom)
Parker, Peter 8, 14, 20, 31–4, 82, 84, 125, 133, 176, 178 (see also Spider-Man)
partnerships 43–59
Peltzman, Sam 104, 110
Phantom 168
Plastic Man 64, 77, 103, 169
pollution 117, 119
pornography 63, 77
positive externalities 116
Power Man 16, 26, 82, 85
prices 28, 29–30, 87
Prince, Diana 36, 84, 174 (see also Wonder Woman)
prisoner’s dilemma 68, 72–4, 75–6
prisons 97–8, 101, 103
private goods 91
production function 138–9
production possibilities 53–6, 57, 140–3
production process 134–5
productivity 18–20
Professor Xavier 48, 82, 133
profits 139–40
property rights 155–6
prosperity 147–8
public goods 89–92, 96, 116
public radio 92–3
Punisher 63
Purple Man 148, 163
Queen, Oliver 16, 37–8, 82, 133 (see also Green Arrow)
Quicksilver 50, 61
Rainer, Kyle 123 (see also Green Lantern)
Rand, Danny 82, 85 (see also Iron Fist)
randomization 69, 77–8
relationships 35–7
revenge 11
Reverse Flash 35, 41
Ricardo, David 46–7
Richards, Franklin 171
Richards, Reed 65, 82 (see also Fantastic Four)
Riddler 99
Robin 25, 39, 43, 44–6, 47–8, 50–1, 52–3, 54–6, 59, 60, 109, 169
Rocketeer 11
Rogers, Roy 43, 60
Rogers, Steve 11, 36 (see also Captain America)
Rogue 64
Rorschach 63, 147
Rosen, S. 110
Ross, Betty 128
rule of law 151
rules 147–8
safety regulations 104–5
Sandman 33, 64, 108, 111
scarcity 3–4, 8–9, 31–2, 55
Scarlet Witch 50, 64
Schultz, Herman 145
Schumpeter, Joseph 181
secret identities 26–7, 35–6, 38–9, 85, 123–4, 125
self-interest 28, 29, 176
Sentry 170
Shadow 167
Shakespeare, William 7
Shazam 83, 94, 169, 171
Shocker 144, 145
Shuster, Joe 148, 150
sidekicks 43–59
Siegel, Jerry 25, 148, 150
Silver Surfer 82, 171
Simone, Gail 128
Sloane, Terry 145
Smith, Adam 28, 40, 49, 89, 92, 153–4, 164, 176
specialization 50, 51, 52, 54, 56–9, 155
Spectre 171
Speedy 60 (see also Harper, Roy)
Spider-Man 8, 32–4, 38, 63, 64, 75, 85, 108, 111, 114, 123, 174–5, 178 origin story 14, 20, 84
Squirrel Girl 82, 91, 127, 134, 152
Stacy, Gwen 32–4, 40, 123
Stark, Tony 27, 74–5, 82, 131, 133, 136, 163–4, 175, 176, 178 (see also Ironman)
Stone, Victor 82 (see also Cyborg)
Storm 178
Storm, Johnny 27 (see also Fantastic Four)
Strange, Steven 11, 12
sunk costs 34–6
superheroes costumes 25–6, 37
damage inflicted by 121–3, 126
doppelgangers 65, 66, 108
fighting other heroes 64–6, 76–7 Civil War 14, 34, 64, 74–6, 175
love interest 35–7, 123, 125
morality and power 148, 149–53, 157–8, 159–63 names 25–6
occupations and paid work 82–9, 93–4
opportunity costs 32–3, 39
origin stories 7–8, 10–11, 16, 18, 19–21
partnerships 43–59
powers 25, 30–1, 81–2, 131
primacy and moral greatness 167–8, 170–6, 180–1
secret identities 26–7, 35–6, 38–9, 84, 123–4, 125
technological gadgets 19, 132, 137–8, 139, 142–4
unpopularity 113–14, 118, 119–20, 147
wealth 82, 132–3
Superman 7–8, 49, 63, 66, 103–4, 118, 120, 128, 179–80 Batman and 39, 64, 66, 161, 162
first appearance 150, 167
Lex Luthor and 38, 107–8, 110, 144, 145, 163
morality and respect for institutions 151, 153, 154, 157–8, 159–62
origin story 148, 149, 150
primacy and moral greatness 167, 168, 172–3, 176
taxes 12–13, 90, 92, 115
T’Challa 132 (see also Black Panther)
teamwork 49
technological gadgets 19, 132, 137–8, 139, 142–4
Thanos 91, 95, 99
Thawne, Eobard 35, 41 (see also Reverse Flash)
Thing 27, 66 (see also Fantastic Four)
Thompson, Flash 113
Thor 7, 20, 23, 82, 95, 173–4
Thurman, W. 129
Tick 86, 152
Todd, Jason 45, 109 (see also Robin)
tournament theory 106, 110
transactions 154, 155, 156
Transparency International 157
trust 35, 36, 39, 153
unintended consequences 12–14, 175–6
used car market 124
utility 15–17, 172–3, 176–81
van Dyne, Janet 122
van Reenen, J. 182
Veidt, Adrian 82, 133
Venom 108, 111
vigilantism 1, 11, 27, 49, 85, 102, 110
villains see anti-heroes
Vollum, S. 151
Waid, M. 176
Wakanda 78, 82, 132, 137, 144
Walker, M. 78
Watchmen 147, 152
Watson, Mary Jane 32, 33, 125, 178
Wayne, Bruce 10, 13, 27, 39, 44, 46, 82, 133, 136, 161 (see also Batman)
Wayne, Damian 45 (see also Robin)
wealth 82, 132–3
West, Wally 22, 39, 41 (see also Flash)
White, Perry 92, 96
Wilson, Wade 18, 19 (see also Deadpool)
winner-take-all 69, 106
Wolverine 8, 13, 63, 66
Wonder Woman 7, 16–17, 36, 49–50, 60, 66, 120, 169–70, 174
Wood, W. 105, 129
Wooders, J. 78
World War II 11, 170
Xavier, Charles (Professor Xavier) 48, 82, 133
Xavier’s School for Gifted Children 94, 133
X-Men 25, 40, 48–9, 63, 64, 76, 82, 114, 178
Zatanna 83, 94
Zoom 41