Daddy’s Dirty Boss

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Daddy’s Dirty Boss Page 6

by West, Jade

  That’s when I should have logged out and made an exit, but I didn’t. I guess it was the bad girl Faith poking her naughty little head out and wanting to play a bit, but I didn’t want to leave Mr Lindon’s space without finding out something valuable about the man I was besotted with.

  I clicked on his internet browser and knew I shouldn’t. The history showed everything you’d expect from auction sites to the local weather, and I scrolled through carelessly on and on. Until it hit me. A listing amongst the others, barely poking its face out. But once I’d seen that one I saw it over and over. The same running theme right through the days and days of history.

  Schoolgirl porn. Loads and loads of it.

  Dirty little girls being punished, and used, and pushed to their limits by filthy men who made them take it all.

  I watched some of it with an open mouth, not quite believing I’d hit the jackpot like this. I sat in Mr Lindon’s office chair and watched the same pornography he’d watched in this seat, and knew there was no way he hadn’t been thinking of me. No way. Not with so many of the girls in these videos looking so much like I did.

  Sure, he’d meant it when he said he wasn’t going to cross the line. I knew he’d meant it. But this was something else. An escape for the obvious. Him fighting back the obvious. The obvious that he really did want me and was battling it as hard as I was craving it.

  I tried not to keep watching those videos, knowing full well the history showing would be changed, and there was no way he wouldn’t see someone had been snooping if he clicked back just a touch. Still, I couldn’t stop myself.

  I wanted to see what he’d been watching. What he wanted. What he needed.

  I wanted to see exactly who he was when he was being that dirty Mr Lindon, and what I could do to make him mine.

  I copied all the video web addresses and sent them through to my private email from his work one. I tried to leave his office and get back to my normal work responsibilities, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave his desk before I’d really enjoyed being at it.

  I definitely shouldn’t have clicked through his gallery folders.

  Most of them were of auction furniture, and on any normal day I’d have loved looking at them. But there was more this time. A few extra clicks brought me to a joined up directory with his home PC from the looks of it, and I knew I was being a total nosey little bitch as I clicked on through and made my way around.

  First it was nothing, just pictures of Mr Lindon on his mountain bike and out at some socials with friends. I loved those anyway.

  Next it was him with some girls from the office, one of them Penny Andrews.

  Then it was Penny Andrews, in a school uniform just like mine from Arlock Academy.

  Then it was Penny Andrews being taken out of it with his fingers so deep inside her.

  I was shaking like a leaf when there was a picture of him along with her. He was naked and he was beautiful. Absolutely damn beautiful.

  His chest was so solid, with just a smattering of dark hair. His shoulders were broad and strong and his arm muscles were ripped and ready to throw her however he wanted to throw her.

  And there was his cock. His cock just ready to push inside her mouth.

  Oh damn, he was big. I hadn’t seen one in person before, but I didn’t need to. I’d seen enough videos to know he was big.

  Penny Andrews clearly knew he was big too. Her eyes were wide and wild, and her mouth was open as far as she could stretch it.

  Shit, how I needed that to be me.

  I knew full well there was no way I should be looking at this stuff, not in a million years, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

  I hadn’t been expecting to stumble across such utter filthiness on his machine, nowhere near, but I also hadn’t expected him to push his way back through his office door without so much as a second’s warning to help me click on out of there.

  My face must have said a lot, but I stumbled over my words regardless as he closed the gap.

  “I needed the listings… for Rachel…” I said, only just managing to get to a safe screen before he was right up behind me.

  “Fine,” he said, but his voice was gruff. “I told her she should have left a voicemail, not just left the calls ringing out.”

  I bundled right on out of there and he slipped into his seat, his finger click, click, clicking on his mouse button.

  “I sent them through to her,” I said, like that made any difference in the slightest.

  “Good,” he replied.

  I didn’t wait another minute in his space. I daren’t. I just turned away with a wave and made my way right on out of there.

  I just hope I escaped the raid into his space unscathed.

  Maybe there could be such a thing as a miracle.

  Or maybe not.

  Chapter Ten


  She’d left it open. Not by choice, clearly. No. My impromptu reappearance in the doorway had seen to that.

  There it was, as bold as brass, minimised on my taskbar alongside the Brayburn’s spreadsheet. I didn’t know whether to scowl or smirk as I called up the picture of me alongside filthy little Penny. My dick strained regardless, the confusion not stretching that far down.

  My cock knew what it wanted. My cock knew how I felt about Faith sneaking her eyes over pictures of me about to stretch Penny’s mouth open nice and fucking wide.

  My cock knew I wanted to teach my dirty Faith some fucking manners by choking her hard, my length all the way down that sweet little throat of hers.

  I pushed myself back in my seat, cursing my aching balls. Cursing my own stupidity for having the girl take a summer job in this place. Cursing fucking everything.

  Clicking onto my web browser seemed the obvious choice, and I clicked on history to call up another round of my favourite filthy schoolgirl videos. A release from the tension by spurting over some horny little bitches seemed by far the best option, but that’s when another round of need slammed me in the gut, another dirty little surprise all ready to greet me.

  My browser history was one long stream of filth. Every dirty video from my backlog was right there in one solid line, all of them clicked and viewed by that nosey little innocent princess.

  Oh, naughty Faith. Such a bad little girl indeed.

  It took every scrap of self-restraint not to pick up my telephone handset and summon her into my office in that one paltry second. How I tried to make that self-restraint last, and how I failed. It lasted three minutes tops before I crumbled, morality done and dusted, consequences be fucking damned. The phone was in my hand, finger hovering over her extension button when the universe stepped in to lend me a helping hand.

  The ping of my email was enough to grab my attention for a heartbeat, flashing up onscreen. It was Colin Martin’s name in bold that held it there, my gut already swimming in protest at my own disgusting needs.

  The title was Birthday. The topic was Faith.

  Hey Miles, just checking you can make our little sweetheart’s birthday party? We’re doing it as a surprise at ours, a week this Saturday.

  Can’t believe our little girl is going to be eighteen. She’s still such a baby.

  Really hope you can make it.

  How those words hit hard.

  Hard enough, at least.

  She’s still such a baby.

  I slammed that handset down like it was my fucking auction hammer and made my decision all over again.

  No. I wouldn’t be letting my filth take the reins. Not with Faith Martin. Not for every scrap of need in the fucking world. I gritted my teeth and pictured her in her bedroom as a little one with that little fluff ball of a kitten in her arms, forcing myself to get a damn fucking grip. And then I replied to her dad.

  I’ll be there.

  Three simple words that had me reeling.

  Three simple words which also had me acting, taking control like the man I should be.

  I drew up the office calendar and made some arrangem
ents I should have made on day one. I scheduled Faith in with the different members of the team in a far more structured setting. I set her up to shadow the finance team for a whole week straight, and Stephen on warehousing for a few days afterwards. I put her with Rachel on reception to handle client visits for another full week after that, and Mel in admin to teach her purchase reporting. It was enough to block her out and keep her at arm’s length.

  Sure enough, as I surveyed my calendar amendments, I could let out a breath of relief. It was safe, and it was done.

  I wished I didn’t feel so utterly shit for it as I fired off the instruction email to everyone in the office, Faith included. I wished it was purely about the ache in my balls and not a pang of something so much deeper.

  So much more dangerous.

  A pang I should never be acknowledging.

  I wished I’d never seen the talent in that girl. The enthusiasm in that girl. The passion in that girl.

  I wished I’d never seen the sparkle in her eyes, or the sweetness in her smile, or the way she was so confident and so humble both at once.

  I wished I didn’t want to be her first with every nerve in my fucking body.

  Replies came in from everyone in the office as the afternoon ticked on. Everyone except her. A whole host of sounds great, and can’t wait, and I’ll make sure she covers everything. But nothing from the girl at the centre of it all.

  She was still in her seat as I left the office for the day. I shouldn’t have met her eyes, but I did – a cursory glance that should have lasted a moment. But I was caught, my eyes to her beautiful big blue eyes. And the pain in them.

  Fuck, how it ate me up inside to see the pain in them.

  She dragged her stare away, but it didn’t make a scrap of difference. That pain was still there, burning hard. Her fingers tapped at her keyboard, but her whole body was alive with it. The pain of rejection so tangible I could feel it.

  I’d have given anything to reach out and grab that tight little body and pull her close. I’d have given anything to tip that face to mine and tell her that she was too much of a sweet little girl for a deviant fucking asshole like me to take ownership of.

  That I’d hurt her. Stretch her until she screamed and squirted and cried sweet tears at just how tender that dirty little pussy was. That I’d make her mine in the filthiest of all fucking ways over and over.

  That she’d be a dirty little slut spread open wide and I’d make her beg for it.

  That she’d be punished. Choked. Violated. Used and abused and fucked so fucking hard.

  And then I’d tell her how she was worth so much more.

  But I said nothing at all, just wrenched myself away and left her to it. I held up a hand to the women in the office as I left that place, marching headstrong out to my car and forcing myself away from there.

  Home did nothing to ease my tension. I fired up my laptop and replied to client emails, keeping my attention on that as much as I could manage, and was pretty much wrapped up to completion by the time another Colin Martin email came pinging through.

  Party starts at 2p.m. Great you can make it. Faith will be thrilled.

  If only he knew the fucking truth of it.

  Chapter Eleven


  I tried my best to move past it. I kept my smile bright around the office, and gave my all to learning from the lovely women in the finance team trying to teach me that week, but my belly was a mess of nerves and hurt and disappointment. My dreams were in pieces, no matter what Holly had to say about it still being guaranteed I’d end up taking him. Mr Lindon was barely in the same room as me, barely even raising a hand to me on his way through the finance office anymore.

  He was done with me.

  Well and truly done with me.

  I should’ve given up. I should’ve accepted that Mr Lindon wasn’t going to be the one. I should’ve faced that I’d been floating around on a fantasy and nothing more.

  But I couldn’t. Not with that pile of schoolgirl videos I’d sent to myself from his email whizzing through my brain every night while I was trying to get to sleep.

  I sat on the pavilion with Holly on Friday night, frowning and showing my true colours to the one friend who truly got them. She slung her arm around my shoulders and puffed on her cigarettes and kept her grin up bright.

  “You do know he’s shunting you away because he wants a piece of you so bad, right?” she said. “Believe me, he’s as desperate for this shit as you are.”

  I shook my head. “He’s been pushing me away for weeks on end, so the calendar says. He’s really planning on keeping me away from him. For all time, probably.”

  She shrugged. “Yeah, so he might be. Doesn’t mean he’s gonna succeed.”

  That’s where the twinge came in. The twinge I couldn’t get past. I couldn’t imagine Mr Lindon failing at anything he put his mind to. He was too strong, too sure, too wise and smart and amazing.

  I told Holly so and she laughed out loud.

  “I’m sure he’s good at most shit, but the guy’s holed up in his office, jerking off to schoolgirl porn to stop himself fucking you senseless. Hell, he told you to finger yourself in his car.” She paused with an even bigger grin on her face. “He’s probably jerking one off at home right now, thinking of shooting his load down your throat.”

  I couldn’t hold back a laugh of my own when she made a blowjob motion.

  “Seriously, he won’t even look at me in work right now,” I countered.

  “All the more reason to think he’s falling short on his willpower.”

  Jeez, how I wished he was falling short on his willpower.

  Eventually we turned the conversation in other directions. We talked about her job at the hairdressers and how she fancied the guy who worked in the store across the road, and how I was absolutely loving learning the antiques industry, with or without Mr Lindon. We talked about my eighteenth and how my parents hadn’t even mentioned it yet, bar talking about heading out to a restaurant next weekend.

  Maybe the glitter and cupcakes really were over this year.

  Holly shook her head when I mentioned it. “There’s no way your parents will ditch glitter and cupcakes. You’ll be hitting retirement and your dad will still be looking at you like you’re five years old.”

  She had that right.

  “Come to me for the birthday evening if you’ve got nothing else on,” she suggested. “We’ll have a sleepover like old times, only this time with some prosecco to go along with our crappy reality TV viewing.”

  The thought was surprisingly appealing. Appealing enough that I mentioned it to Mum and Dad when I got back home for the night.

  They looked at each other for a fair few seconds before answering with great, sweetie, and I marked it down in my mental calendar as birthday activities to bring in womanhood. Seemingly I’d still be a virgin for a fair chunk of it at this rate.

  Monday morning saw Mr Lindon ignoring me afresh, but I didn’t let it get me down any more than absolutely essential. I really was nearly eighteen, a serious young woman, and one who really was dedicated to being an auctioneer herself one day. I soaked up everything humanly possible from the finance team, even able to draw up some transport invoices myself by the time I moved on from there. I ended up in the saleroom and the Lindon Associates van for the rest of the week, working with their storage and warehouse guy, Stephen.

  I guess it was the end of my first day with him that I first noticed the way his eyes hung onto me when he was talking. He was twenty-one, Rachel on reception had told me with nudges and winks during my first week there, but I hadn’t really given him any thought. Hadn’t even looked in his direction much when he’d called into the main office, either.

  Here in the saleroom and the warehouse out the back it was just us, me and him, and the way he was walking so close to me. His smile was a good one, and his jeans were low slung, and I wished I could take a photo on my phone to whizz on over to Holly to get her interest, but I kep
t about my work without staring back at him, burning up just a little to feel the way he was checking me out.

  There was only one man for me in this entire universe, but if there wasn’t… if there wasn’t then maybe… just maybe a guy like Stephen could one day be the one to grab my interest.

  “Heard it was your birthday tomorrow,” he said before we left work on Friday night.

  I flashed him a smile. “Eighteen years old, adulthood here I come.”

  He shunted one of the bureaus back against the racking. “Maybe I could take you out for a couple of birthday drinks. Celebrate your big day.”

  My cheeks flushed, I felt them in a beat, not quite expecting to be asked out on a date by a guy working next to me.

  “I, um… I’m not sure what my weekend plans are yet…” I told him, and held up a teapot to the light to check out its pattern.

  His smile was cocky. Confident. Unbelievably confident. “Next week then,” he said. “Just tell me what night you’re free.”

  “I’ll have to check my diary,” I lied. “I don’t really know…”

  His laugh was as cocky as his smile. “Well, let me know when you work it out,” he said, and headed for the exit, his day done.

  He held the door open, and smirked again as I dipped under his arm to step on through. I felt the heat from the way he was looking at me, and couldn’t meet his eyes, just flushed again and dashed on by. Dashed on by and almost straight into Mr Lindon standing there in the saleroom. I met his eyes in a flash, my cheeks burning up all the harder as his expression dropped from stern into something else.

  Something heavy and fierce and full of fire.

  Something I absolutely loved to the heart of me.

  Stephen came swaggering up behind me, and I flinched in shock as his arm landed around my shoulders. He gripped me tight with a squeeze.

  “Hey, Mr Lindon,” he said. “Faith is hot to trot with the help she’s giving. Think I can have her next week too?”


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