The Fae Mage

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The Fae Mage Page 10

by Whiskey Flowers

  “Yes” Tiffany said as she took one then started chewing on it.

  “I am going to draw you a bath if you are not going back out today” Glen replied. “I heard something about leaving tomorrow, who knows when you will get a good bath?”

  “A bath is nice” Tiffany said hesitantly. “There is a tub in the next room.”

  “I will find the water and bring it up, it may take me a while though until it is full and I set a fire to warm the water a little” Glen said.

  “No don’t leave” Tiffany said. “You stay here, I heard some of what you told my guards, Wallace has been trying to push me ever since I told him he couldn’t join in in defiling some woman. I want him and his men to bring my water up.”

  Glen watched her disappear out of the door then come back a moment later. She first had an awkward smirk on her face that disappeared moments after she got back into the room. Glen could tell things were awkward for her and filled in the empty space.

  “You have something you want to ask me” Glen replied. “But are unsure of how to begin. My skin is thick and I do not think you can tell me anything I haven't heard before in more vulgar terms.”

  “What do you do?” Tiffany blurted out quickly.

  “I don’t know what you mean” Glen replied. “Do you mean what have I done to other women?”

  “Yes” Tiffany said and blushed bright red.

  “You do know you do not have to take advantage of all of my talents today” Glen replied. “I am not going anywhere any time soon.”

  “Uh” Tiffany said. “It is not that I don’t want to, I am not untouched you know. The man who gave you to me, he was my first.”

  “I just want you to know you don’t have to” Glen replied. “You can be a very selfish partner if you would like as well, I of all people am not really in the business of judging.”

  “This just doesn’t feel right” Tiffany replied. “It doesn’t feel right at all.”

  “Tell you what” Glen replied. “How about I take the lead, whenever you decide you have had enough I will stop.”

  Glen watched her nod her head slightly then went over to her. He kissed on her neck a little and felt her tremble as she moved her head back a little more. That’s when Glen felt it, the familiar heat coming over his body and knew what it was. The way Glen figured it worked was that women let off a smell or pheromones or something that his body could pick up. If they were in close enough to him his body would start off coating itself in something he could only call an aphrodisiac. That was the unbearable hotness he felt as contact with him continued it would soak into his partner, the more intimate the contact the more they would unknowingly absorb until all their body wanted was him. Tiffany was finding that out as Glen began to get a little aggressive and rubbed his hand on her stomach. Tiffany began soaking up all of the hot feeling all over his body and when he kissed her lips she exploded. Glen barely had time to take off his nice shirt as she tried to peel it off of him, Glen’s boots and pants came next which left him almost naked except for his small clothes. Tiffany rubbed her hands all over his body and kept the kiss going as Glen moved her hand to his sex. It was there that the aphrodisiac was the strongest, Glen guided her hand up and down his shaft until she was comfortable enough to do it alone. Glen let out a fake moan when he was supposed to, it just emboldened Tiffany as with very little coaxing she pulled her robe over her head. Glen untied her small clothes so quickly he doubted she noticed when he did it, Tiffany was trying to pull him on top of her and grabbed his sex forcefully to guide it into her heat. As soon as he was half way in she shuddered, Glen now knew that meant, she had reached her climax and felt all of her energy wash over him. Glen pinned her arms over her head and made her come again, she shook violently and moaned so loud that Glen was sure her guards could hear her. Tiffany was shy but when any woman was under his influence they lost all sense of shyness. Glen kept her arms pined above her head and he pumped in and out of her, when he took a breast in his mouth she shuddered and screamed loudly. Wallace burst through the door as Glen gave him a wink and stopped taking his time but instead let her arms go and put her legs up to shoulders and went at her like a woodpecker on a tree, the sound of him going in and out of her wetness was loud enough for the transfixed Wallace to hear by the door as Tiffany shuddered and cried out again.

  Wallace quickly went out of the door as Glen decided to let Tiffany rest, mages gave him a much bigger abundance of energy and he would need to practice like crazy to burn it all off. Glen moved off of her as she clawed to get him back, Glen had to stay away from her for at least ten seconds and the trance would be broken. Glen heard the familiar pleas followed by the awkward gasps when his partners came to themselves and let the memory of what happened sink in. They really did not have enough time to dwell on it since they were normally drenched in sweat and ready to pass out at the drop of a hat. Glen watched Tiffany lose her battle with sleep and knew he had some work to do to get rid of his uncomfortableness. He could easily take on the men that were downstairs but then what? Exercise was his only option.


  “Glen” Tiffany said as she sat down next to him and rubbed his leg. Glen knew she was in the mood as she had just gotten over her woman’s time. Tiffany felt a bit odd having him change her sheets and her clothing during this time but if anything it made her feel closer to him.

  “Someone is feeling good” Glen replied.

  “I am” Tiffany replied. “I have some prisoners I am supposed to be keeping an eye on now. A bunch of young mages. They are going to be brought back into Salsia and given a choice to serve or stay prisoner. After that I get to leave, this war is finally winding down.”

  “What about the other prisoners?” Glen asked.

  “They will be slaves” Tiffany replied. “But you don’t have to worry about that. You will stay here with me instead of being out there with them.”

  “O-Okay” Glen said.

  “What’s wrong?” Tiffany said as she reached higher up his leg. “I bet I can fix it.”

  “I don’t know what happened to my father or sister” Glen replied.

  “Your family?” Tiffany asked as she drew back a little. “How old are they?”

  “My father is close to forty, my sister is a year under me” Glen said.

  “We would have left your father alone” Tiffany said. “Your sister if we found her would have been kept close. She is most likely going back to Salsia where she will be given to another mage.”

  “What do you mean by given?” Glen asked. “Like I am to you?”

  “No, no” Tiffany said. “She will have to choose a husband or stay in prison. Our mage population is getting too connected. Right now we have to make family histories just so two people are not too related.”

  “You are not killing mages?” Glen asked.

  “Why would we, this entire war was partly to grab more of them” Tiffany said. “Now enough about them.”

  “What is going to happen to me?” Glen asked.

  “I am bringing you back” Tiffany said.

  “And no one will care that I am what I am” Glen said.

  “A bad mage is still a mage” Tiffany replied. “Now stop killing the mood.”

  “There is something about me I haven't told you” Glen said. “I don’t think it will make much difference in what I do for you now but it will later on.”

  “What are you talking about?” Tiffany asked. “Are you married or promised to another? It doesn’t matter, you and her both are being brought into Salsia and separated.”

  “I am half Fae” Glen replied as Tiffany moved away from him.

  “What do you mean half Fae?” Tiffany asked.

  “It is why I was shunned” Glen said. “I don’t know if it matters to you while we have the relationship we do now. If you want anything else though I think you should know.”

  “All of this time and you are just telling me now?” Tiffany asked. “It has been three weeks, you should have s
aid something sooner.”

  “What could I say?” Glen asked. “Would it have changed anything?”

  “This is the worst thing ever” Tiffany replied. “It’s like I am sleeping with an animal. I was thinking about bringing you home to meet my parents, I might as well bring some goblin.”

  “I thought you should know” Glen replied.

  “Get away from me” Tiffany barked. “Go and bring me something, bring me anything as long as it gets you out of here for a while.”

  “Can I go see the captured mages or see one of my sisters?” Glen asked.

  “Yes go” Tiffany said irritated. “They have them all collared up in the big red tent like what you have on. I have a lot to think about.”

  Glen tugged at the metal collar, something on it prevented the use of human magic. It soaked up magical energy and normally needed to be changed out in a few days. Being with Tiffany taught Glen something though that he wanted to try out. If he had not done anything with her, the collar would last well over a week. If it was on during the time they were together, Glen could feel most of the energy he got from her went right into the collar. It made things a lot more comfortable for Glen since he didn’t have the excess energy to burn away. Glen wanted to cast with the collar off just to see if there was a difference in his power level. Glen looked around at the area, the force Tiffany was with had joined up with a much larger force. Glen had on clothes Captain Luke provided that separated the slaves of the wealthy from the ordinary slaves. No regular guard or soldier would question or detain him unless he was doing something wrong. He was off limits when it came to any fun or work or torture.

  “Glen” Glen heard his name being called. Glen knew it was Katherine, she had been taken by a mage and was one of only four of Mother’s children remaining, the rest had slipped off as soon as possible much to the chagrin of those who claimed them.

  “Still here?” Glen asked as Katherine gave him a hug.

  “No reason to leave” Katherine said. “The man I am with suffered an injury in his younger years, a very private one that doesn’t allow him to do the things he might want to do. It has been a while since he had a woman to talk to that is willing to work with what he has. He has been taking care of me more than anything, if I could forget how we met I would probably think I am in a relationship. Ruby left last night though, now there are only three of us.”

  “Where is Lucy at?” Glen asked.

  “Still around” Katherine said. “I don’t think she is going anywhere either, the officer she has is absolutely smitten with her. Here she is now.”

  “Well it is just us now” Lucy said as she moved a dark strand of hair out of her eyes. Lucy was nineteen, had very pale skin and long wavy jet black hair. Her green eyes stuck out next to her skin and hair and she was also tall for a woman. She was the same height as Glen, her body was slim but it was obvious to anyone who saw her arms that she was well toned under the clothing they all wore. The thin slave clothing was unforgiving to anyone without a good physique, it wasn’t as clingy as the clothes Mother sometimes had them wear but it was thin enough so that if caught by the sun at the right angle it was see through.

  “When do you plan on leaving?” Katherine said looking at Glen.

  “Probably soon” Glen replied. “I told her today I am part Fae and she seemed real angry.”

  “She doesn’t sound angry when she is moaning enough for the entire camp to hear her” Lucy said as she started making fake moaning noises until Glen gave her a playful shove.

  “Well she called me an animal and said she might as well had gotten with a goblin” Glen replied. “I don’t think she has ever seen a goblin.”

  “She might have” Katherine said. “I am sure she even saw some Fae. The one I am with likes to paint and one of his pictures is of a servant in his home, a half Fae woman.”

  “Well she sent me away from her for a few hours” Glen said. “I want to look in on the mages they have caught.”

  “I have seen them” Lucy said. “I was on my way there right now. All of them are young like us, they didn’t take any babies, young kids or anyone over thirty. They want people that can make children immediately.”

  “Why are you going to see them?” Glen asked.

  “Because they are the only other slaves here I can talk to” Lucy replied. “They have to stay inside of their big tents unless they have a call of nature and they are bored as well. They are under heavy guard though.”

  “And we can just walk inside?” Katherine asked.

  “Of course” Lucy replied. “Yours didn’t tell you that you could go see them?”

  “Mine only cares about pampering me and Glen’s only cares about her needs” Katherine said. “She also just found out about him being Fae.”

  “Oh no” Lucy said. “How did she take it?”

  “Horrible” Glen replied.

  “So are you going to stay for long or slip away? Lucy said.

  “Talk about something else, here comes mage Marion” Katherine said as she gestured with her eyes.

  “Well I am not sure if she wants to bring me home or not” Glen said as he felt someone come up from behind him. “Maybe I will get a place in her home.”

  “What are you all talking about?” Marion said from behind them.

  “About what we are going to do after the war Milady” Katherine said and gave a little curtsy. “We don’t know what will happen with us.”

  “You will two will be slaves” Marion said looking at Katherine and Lucy. “You get too much freedom as it is. And you will be married off boy, probably to your master since it seems she has nothing better to do than fuck you all day. I am surprised she let you out now, is she finally tired of her toy?”

  “Don’t know Milady” Glen said with a bow. “She only told me to go away.”

  “Really?” Marion said.

  “I am supposed to come back later” Glen replied.

  “Pity” Marion said. “I think she is nasty for even sleeping with a strange man. But if she doesn’t want you tell her I said I will buy you from her. I have room in my house for a well-bred slave.”

  “I don’t like that woman” Katherine said in a whisper as Marion walked off. “I think she wants you.”

  “I know she does” Glen replied.

  “She hates me” Lucy said. “She along with yours and some others are going to be in charge of getting the mages back to where they belong. Well let's see them, you can meet everyone.”

  Glen and Katherine followed Lucy into a big tent, there were at least two hundred people inside of the tent and the noise they made was loud. Glen could see they had a big symbol painted on their clothes that must have symbolized them being a mage. Lucy nodded to a few of them that returned the nod. Others looked disgusted at her and Glen was about to say something when he saw Darla sitting down talking with Tavin.

  “My sister” Glen said in a low breath as he walked over to Darla.

  “Are you okay?” Glen said as he sat down and gave Darla a small fright.

  “Glen?” Darla said shocked. “What are you doing here.”

  “Same as you, I was taken” Glen replied.

  “Where have you been?” Darla asked.

  “With Mage Tiffany” Glen replied. “Me and these two were handed over.”

  “What he means to say is that he is a whore and is probably fucking every cock out there” Tavin said.

  “Glen I heard what you have been doing” Darla said. “I know what you and those girls behind you are.”

  “I don’t think anyone in this tent can judge me” Glen replied. “You all are bound for the exact same thing.”

  “We are not whores” Tavin snapped.

  “You couldn’t be one” Katherine said. “Not pretty enough.”

  “Say that again and I’ll-” Tavin threatened.

  “You will do nothing” Katherine said. “You will sit here and shut up. If you hit me you will be whipped horribly and I will tell the one that has me that
your secret wish is to be forcefully punished by licking on a hundred cocks and ask if he could make it happen.”

  “I would say the same” Lucy replied.

  “I would too” Glen said.

  “Glen how are we going to get out of this?” Darla said. “There are always two mages watching us and they pay careful attention. I think anytime we touch our collar they know about it, no way to take it off and no way to fight. Father doesn’t even know what happened to me.”

  “I can try and get you out” Glen said. “Who normally watches you?”

  “Women only” Darla said. “For some reason men aren't trusted.”

  “I can get you out of here maybe” Glen said. “Is Marion one of them?”

  “Who is Marion?” Darla asked.

  “She is” Lucy said. “She is going to be here tonight along with Angela.”

  “Is Angela the one with bad skin?” Katherine asked.

  “Yes” Lucy said. “And she wants Glen.”

  “She tried to buy me off of Tiffany” Glen admitted. “The hard part I am going to have is putting Tiffany down for the night. I think I can handle the other two, after that though you have to be prepared to run.”


  Glen gently shook Darla awake, Glen was beginning to be uncomfortable with the amount of energy leaking into him and thought the collar he had on was now failing. Tiffany was beyond angry and didn’t want him to touch her, he eventually got her to agree and getting the two now sleeping mages on guard duty to agree to some fun wasn’t too hard either. Darla looked up at him shocked and Glen clamped his hand around her mouth before she could cry out.

  “We have to leave now, I don’t know how much time we have” Glen whispered as he pulled her up from the floor.

  “I can't leave Tavin” Darla said.

  “Well then get him” Glen said as he looked around. “And don’t wake anyone else up.”

  “We should get everyone to safety” Darla said as she became more aware.


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