The Fae Mage

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The Fae Mage Page 12

by Whiskey Flowers

  “That was a good run” Glen said. “Come run with me Tavin. I need my big brother and I know you haven't got your exercise today.”

  “Run with you?” Tavin replied in a snobby voice.

  “Yes run with me brother” Glen said as he took Tavin’s hand and squeezed it a little. “You too sister, too many men in this wagon for you to be alone.”

  “We aint gonna go after your sister boy” Harlon, another one of the workers said. “Her tits aint big enough for me.”

  “Well they are just perfect for me!” Tom another worker said as the men in the wagon started laughing.

  “I’ll come Glen” Darla said as she hopped off the back of the wagon and almost fell. Glen went along side of her and wasn’t surprised when Tavin fell on his face when he hopped down off the wagon.

  “What is with this brother shit Fae” Tavin said as he got off the ground mad and patted himself off. “You aint my brother and I am angry you even came up with that lie.”

  “I found out more” Glen said. “There has been a lot of mixed messages, being sent. Not even the mages in the war know exactly what is happening. Any grown male mage they can find is being killed, I don’t know what this means for my father, I haven't seen him since the Salsians came.”

  “Father can take care of himself” Darla said. “He already had a plan and told my mother she should get one too. Mother just didn’t listen.”

  “Your mother is okay, they are not trying to kill women” Glen said. “They are doing just enough to cripple the kingdom without going too far. They are burning everything, taking everything. They want to get rid of the undesirables here, that’s why they don’t care that they are losing men at a three to one ratio. They aren't even after slaves, everyone is going to be let go except the mages.”

  “We already know most of that Fae, you have said it before in one form or another” Tavin said.

  “Tavin shut up” Darla said and looked at Glen. “He has a point though.”

  “Only the girls are being taken” Glen said.

  “It’s just me they want” Darla said. “The rest of you could just walk out of here.”

  “And go where and do what?” Glen replied. “I have money put away but I can't go back for it. If your mother is found, then what? She is poor now, her money was either in the bank or in the house and all of them would have been looted.”

  “Wait a minute” Tavin said. “I don’t have to pretend to be some idiot then? I can just go back home?”

  “And be poor with no money, no home and no place to call your own” Glen said. “By all means leave. The Salsians even threw their own young boy mages out in the war to die.”

  “No one is going anywhere” Darla said. “Is that’s why there are only a few boys in the class and they seem so uh…”

  “Weak?” Tavin said. “Pathetic? A waste of magic? Just look at those idiots looking down their noses at me. I bet only the sissies stayed instead of going to fight.”

  “Just like you begging my father to spare you so you wouldn’t be sent off to fight?” Glen asked.

  “I didn’t ask your father for shit” Tavin spat. “My mother did.”

  “And I bet you tried to stop her” Glen asked.

  “You went out and fucked a bunch of old ugly women to get enough money to get out of the war” Tavin said. “Then you sold yourself to some mage woman like the Fae whore you are. To think, I was angry and upset when I saw you surrounded by a bunch of pretty women. Even my sister was enamored by a Fae whore.”

  “Darius wasn’t a Fae” Glen said. “None of them were. Just pretended to be, they are what family is all about.”

  “Tavin enough” Darla said. “Enough with your bickering and put downs. You are jealous of him, we get it.”

  “I am not jealous of him, I am one of the strongest mages around” Tavin said.

  “And you would trade that in a heartbeat for the kind of attention Glen gets” Darla said. “All of my friends may want to marry you but they want to do others things with him.”

  “And?” Tavin smiled. “Who would you rather be, the wife or the bed warmer?”

  “I know who you would rather be” Darla said.

  “We need to catch up with the wagons” Glen said. “Now you know what I do.”


  “How is it going for you?” Glen asked.

  “You mean other than getting slapped on my ass every time both of you are away” Darla replied. “Or how about getting propositioned by workers who have been drinking heavily? The other women here don’t have to worry about any of it, most of them are either too old or not enough sport for them since they have already bedded them.”

  “Well at least you aren't getting made fun of and called a country idiot like we are” Tavin replied.

  “I am taking the brunt of it” Glen replied.

  “Still” Tavin replied. “These are sheep pretending to be lions. I have watched them cast their little spells. Most of them are far below average, the girls here are a lot better than they are.”

  “That’s because most of the stronger ones went out to fight a war” Glen said. “Doesn’t matter though, we have survived and are continuing to survive.”

  “So far” Darla said. “What about that goblin?”

  “Oboe only looks at me, he doesn’t say anything to me directly” Glen replied. “And Mage Rolan is always looking at me as well. They have suspicions but haven't said anything.”

  “Have you talked to the Fae girls yet?” Darla asked. “I thought I saw one yesterday at the top level. I think they all work up there.”

  “I haven't saw any of them” Glen replied. “How long have we been here now?”

  “Three weeks” Darla said. “And look at my hands? They look like shit, I regret everything I put our servants through.”

  “So, the Fae is too stupid to stay hidden and is on the verge of ruining our story” Tavin began. “And you are being treated like a proper whore. I am about tired of this, I have already worked out a plan to get us out of this shit.”

  “And what is that?” Glen said annoyed.

  “They have little books here” Tavin replied. “They teach magic out of them, every spell they know is in there. Even spells these idiots can't cast are in there. After they have those memorized they are taught to cast without saying anything and use hand gestures and the mind like we do. I have seen these books tossed all about all over the place. They are supposed to keep them safe and secure, one of us should get caught reading one of those books. Cast some small spell and jump back all surprised, they will make you do it again then eventually test us all.”

  “You are going to get us caught” Glen said.

  “You are already doing that on your own Fae” Tavin said. “I am not going to wait around to get caught. Already people are asking why none of us go out anywhere or take advantage of our free time. How long do you think it is going to be before people make the joke that we hide like a bunch Fae?

  “Tavin is right” Darla said. “You should do it Glen.”

  “Me?” Glen asked.

  “You have the innocent thing going” Darla said. “And the mage instructors all love you for your hard work.”

  “Now that that is settled, let's get this done” Tavin said. “I already have one of the books and I know the perfect place to make this happen at.”

  “Where?” Darla asked.

  “All of those weaklings have some time off” Tavin began. “They are all going to be in the courtyard. The mage who hired us, Giraud likes to look out his window with Rolan and complain about the mages. You are going to find one of the books just out of sight and cast a spell. You will scream a little when you do it and back away like the book is going to bite you. Giraud will rush down, you will do it again and that will be that.”

  “I never agreed to this” Glen replied.

  “Come on Glen, it’s a good plan” Darla said.

  Glen followed Tavin out of the Cube the name given for the big squ
are building that housed the mage school. Tavin had them skirt the courtyard where the students were gathered. If they were seen too soon it could ruin the plan. Tavin secretly passed back the book to Glen who bent over like he was picking something up.

  “Come on Glen” Darla said as she looked back at Glen then lowered her voice. “Okay you have an audience.”

  “What is this?” Glen said turning the book over in his hand.

  “Maybe it belongs to one of the students” Darla said.

  “Well maybe there is a name inside of it” Tavin said.

  “It says Malm or something” Glen replied.

  “Well read the whole name, we can turn it into one of the mages” Tavin said.

  “Malmulta Lumo” Glen said as a small light flew from his hand and straight up.

  Glen tossed the book down as Tavin backed away so fast he fell on his behind. Darla let out a scream then kicked the book away and grabbed Glen by the arm with one hand and helped Tavin up with the other. Darla had held their hands and took off running towards the gate.

  “Stop!” screamed a voice from above them. Darla looked up at Rolan then screamed as she continued running towards the gate. A glowing amber wall appeared in front of them, Darla ran off to the side of it as Giraud landed in front of them.

  “Stop!” Giraud said as Darla screamed in his face. Giraud put his hands over his ears as Tavin stepped forward and moved him out of the way with his arm. Darla led all of them out of gate but the mage students had seen what was going on and joined the chase. Something hit Glen and knocked him down, Glen looked behind him and saw a giant glowing arm wrapped around his leg and was dragging him backwards. Glen knew the spell and knew it took a lot of energy, Rolan was casting it.

  “Leave him alone” Tavin said as he started kicking at arm and was soon joined by Darla.

  “Stop resisting” Rolan said as all the students started casting random spells at Glen. Glen thought he was hit by at least one ice spell, someone had cast a fireball at him which burned his clothes but was quickly put out by someone’s water spell. Giraud cursed at someone to not kill them and soon Glen was under barrage. Tavin hit the ground hard next to him moaning in pain as Darla soon followed him. Glen was amazed at their acting, they seemed like actual brothers and sisters and thought Mother or Joyce would approve of the performance.

  “No one is going to hurt your brother” Rolan said angrily. “No one is going to hurt any of you here.”

  “You have been doing things to him” Darla screamed. “That why he is how he is. Never should have trusted you magic folks, now let us go. We don’t want any money or food.”

  “Are we going to torture the help?” Gilbert, a student asked.

  “Shut up boy, no one is torturing anyone” Giraud said. “Darla I will let your brother up and the rest of you go if he passes a test. If he doesn’t then he is here with us.”

  “What kind of test?” Darla said as she scrambled to her feet.

  “I think your brother has magic inside of him” Giraud said. “I just want him to repeat some words, if nothing happens then nothing happens.”

  “What if it does?” Tavin asked.

  “Then he needs to be properly trained and he will no longer be a worker but a student” Rolan said.

  “What words do you need me to say?” Glen asked hesitantly.

  “Shut up” Tavin said. “What are the words?”

  “Malmulta Lumo” Rolan said as a bright light flashed very briefly from his hands.

  “We don’t know any Malmulta Lumo” Darla said as another bright light shone briefly.

  “You are doing this” Tavin said and pointed at Rolan. “Stop it.”

  “A new mage family” Giraud said softly. “A new mage family.”


  “Get away from me idiot” Tavin said. “Why don’t you go somewhere and sweep a floor or something.”

  “You just came into your magic and now you are acting like some sort of master mage” Gilbert said angrily. “You don’t tell me to go anywhere, I’ll flatten you.”

  “I wish you would try” Tavin said as he kicked his feet up on a table. “My brother and sister are behind you.”

  “Good try” Gilbert said. “Your brother never leaves his room unless it is for class and your sister protects him.”

  “My sister just doesn’t want to preyed upon by you or your idiot friends” Tavin said.

  “Why would I want her when there are better looking girls here?” Gilbert asked. “Me and you are about to come to an understanding.”

  “We have an understanding” Tavin said. “You are going to stay out of my way while all the girls here flock to me.”

  “That’s it” Gilbert said as he backed up and started waving his hands. Before he could complete the spell he was tossed across the room and on his back.

  “Don’t try your big wind spell when a small concussive blast will do” Tavin said. “Or do you not read the book we were all given?”

  “How did you do that?” Gilbert said getting up out of breath. “You can't cast with only your hands yet.”

  “Unlike you I have asked for extra study everyday” Tavin said. “And now I’m in control, you and your little friends are done.”

  “That’s what you think” Gilbert said as Tavin was knocked out of his seat by Gilbert’s cousin Albert.

  “You were right Gil” Albert said. “He is strong but he is too stupid to look behind him.”

  “You cheated” Tavin said as he started to get up.

  “It was a concussion blast, just like you were crowing on about” Gilbert said. “Here is what another looks like” Gilbert said as he went into the motions for spell casting. Tavin beat him to it and blasted Gilbert only to be hit by four more of the same spell.

  “That will teach him” Andre said. “Come steal all of our fire. You pathetic country boy, stick with shoveling shit in the fields or whatever else it is that poor people do.”

  “Your brother knows his place” Gilbert said as he got off the ground and signaled for the others to continue attacking Tavin. “He stays put away in his room out of fear. Your sister protects him from us, he is a lamb and we are the wolves.”

  “You are no wolves” Tavin said as he backed away on his rear and hands up into a corner. “You are nothing but a bunch of vultures.”

  “Vultures” Albert laughed. “Maybe we should change our name from the wolves to the vultures.”

  “Vultures has a nice sound to it” Andre said laughing.

  “It’s not meant to be a joke” Tavin snapped.

  “The only joke here is you” Sam said. “You may have the magic but there is only one of you. Waste of talent, all that magic would have been better spent on either one of us. Our families have served the empire for generations. You are right where you need to be, at our feet.”

  “Don’t you get up” Albert said as he blasted Tavin back down as he was trying to climb to his feet. “I bet back in the country you were real strong, your size doesn’t mean anything at the Cube fat boy.”

  Tavin watched as they walked away and fumed. One on one he could beat them all and rather easily. It wasn’t one on one though, it was five on one and they scared Tavin. They treated him like he was nothing, like he was less than nothing. He was the strongest mage here, they should have been in awe of that and eating out of his hands. These were the outcasts that were left in school, all of the popular, strong or brave men had already left. Tavin thought they should have been ashamed of themselves for not throwing themselves at the enemy. It was the job of weak mages to listen to their betters and make the sacrifice. Here all of the lesser mages banded together to make their own group. It just wasn’t fair. Tavin felt like what he thought Glen should, just pathetic. Other mages should be seen and not heard, they should be happy with their pathetic magic and know who the real power is. They were the real power Tavin thought.

  “Tavin” Darla said as she ran into the room. “I just heard. I saw Gilbert and he was laughing
and told me to check on you, you look horrible.”

  “Well that’s what happens when you are attacked by a bunch of idiots” Tavin snapped. “I don’t have it like you or Glen.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Darla said.

  “The girls all like you, so do those other idiots” Tavin said.

  “The girls don’t like me” Darla said. “They tolerate me, there is a difference. They see me as some stupid country girl who is probably sleeping with her brothers.”

  “What? That’s disgusting” Tavin said.

  “Here mages can only marry mages” Darla said. “No exceptions at all. You or Glen has not showed any interest in any of them.”

  “I have flirted with them” Tavin said. “But why would I do anything more than smile, if the Fae was right then there will be a lot of women out there. Some of them may be better looking than what I have here. The Fae is the one who stays locked away.”

  “Like you ever want him around” Darla said. “Mother was a fool for not wanting to know him.”

  “You take back what you said about my mother” Tavin said climbing to his feet.

  “She is my mother too” Darla said. “If Glen was so bad would he have saved you?”

  “Stop taking up for him” Tavin said.

  “Exactly” Darla said.

  “Well if he was here maybe they wouldn’t have attacked me” Tavin replied.

  “They would have done it anyway with the things you have told them” Darla said. “Be like Glen, he stays out of the way.”

  “Glen stays out of the way because he knows his place” Tavin said.

  “Just like you should know yours” Darla said.

  “Darla we are stronger than the rest of them, we should be running this place for as long as it lasts” Tavin said.

  “There are twenty girls here Tavin” Darla said. “How am I supposed to fight them off? Glen was right when he told us to be a part of the system, not the system itself.”


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