The Naughty Wife (Mia) and the Black Cowboy

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The Naughty Wife (Mia) and the Black Cowboy Page 1

by Petit Morte

  The Naughty Wife (Mia) and the Black Cowboy

  ©2017 Petit Morte All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This is a sex story. If you are under 18 or the age of consent in your country, do not purchase or read this book. If you are or may be offended by reading about sex acts including intercourse, anal intercourse, or interracial sex acts, do not read this book. If words far more graphic than “tingly lady parts” offend you, please do not read this book.

  This is a short story of approximately 7,500 words. It is the first in a series, but any of them can be read as a stand-alone story with (I hope) pleasure.

  Mia had plenty of time to think on the long drive up from New York City to her little cabin in Lake Placid. She was trying to sort out her feelings. There was an edge to her these days and she wasn’t entirely sure what was wrong. From the outside someone might say that being banished to her cabin for two weeks every summer while her husband, William, had his two kids from his first marriage was the reason. Mia knew that it was her own idea. The kids detested her, as did their mother, but adored their dad. He adored them – his only children. He loved Mia, too, but it was simply easier if she wasn’t there. Truth be told, she was looking forward to her little getaway this summer.

  The little cabin was modest but comfortable. She called ahead and had Abigail get it opened up for her a few days ahead of time, so all the utilities would be on and the kitchen would even be stocked. It was a little remote, so it was on solar power, and Mia had to drive the Jeep so she could get up the rocky little road with it’s creek crossings and ruts. Abigail’s dude ranch wasn’t far away, and Mia had a little paddock and single shelter behind the cabin for a horse or two. Abigail would have brought up Mack and Jenny for her when she opened up the cabin. It was shorter and easier to ride up the bridle trail between them than to go by road.

  In the back of the Jeep was a box of art supplies, another box of books Mia had been meaning to read, and a couple of good cameras. Mia had a laptop and there was satellite Internet at the cabin, so she was hardly cut off from anything.

  She was simply restless. Mia had been feeling some sort of odd stirring in her belly for months. Not that kind, not like a pregnancy or anything – she and William had agreed no kids for them before they married. She had a good life in New York City with a handsome, athletic older husband. Restaurants, shopping, and she also took care of her own investments with Williams’s astute advice. She had her own money, although William preferred to pay for everything. Mia had friends. She had things to do.

  Mia was bored shitless.

  When she pulled up to the cabin, happy whinnies greeted her from behind the cabin. She parked the Jeep and walked around to see the horses before she even went inside. Mack greeted her with loud neighs and pranced around the pen with his palomino head held high. Jenny was more subdued in every way. She was a pretty rose gray shading to paler legs and belly, with a creamy white mane and tail. Mia walked up to the fence and gave Jenny a treat while Mack snorted off his energy. Seeing Jenny eating, he came to get his treat, too. Mia smiled and gave them both a good rub, noting how her spirits rose just to see them.

  She walked to the screened in back porch and opened the door. Pausing a moment to drink in the scents of the feed, and freshly cleaned and oiled saddles and bridles Abigail had no doubt brought up with the horses, Mia closed her eyes and soaked in the contentment.

  Not many of her city friends knew it, but Mia was from a small town in Alabama. Had been raised on a farm, in fact. Speech coaches had carefully ironed out her accent, and personal shoppers taught her fashion and sophistication. William had done the rest, simply refining his “diamond in the rough” as he liked to call her. Mia loved her life in the big city, and the money – she did not for one minute miss the hardscrabble and hard work life on a farm. But it was nice to be out in the country, where it was quiet and she could smell horse, grain, leather, trees, and water. Her face involuntarily wore a huge grin by the time she opened the door to the kitchen and smelled the cookies. Abigail really did think of everything.

  Right on time, Mia’s cell phone rang. It was Abigail.

  “Hey, girl, are you here?” Abigail could be heard across the room even without speakerphone.

  “Yes, ma’m. I just walked in from saying hello to Mack and Jenny and smelled those cookies. Where are they hiding?”

  Abigail laughed. “Well, they are in the stove staying warm if you call that hiding. There’s a cold roast in the refrigerator with all the trimmings if you want to warm that up. A fresh trout in the freezer if you feel like really cooking. And microwave dinners if you don’t. I figure you’re tired from the drive, so I don’t expect to see you until tomorrow morning.”

  “Abigail, you are an angel. I’ll see you when I get up and around tomorrow.”

  “I’ll look forward to it. Love ya, gal.”

  “You, too.”

  Mia sighed and settled into her retreat, feeling more relaxed than she ever did in the city. When she found her favorite cheap wine in the refrigerator her night was complete. Her belly soon full of roast, snacking on cookies, she went to sleep on the big couch under a comforter while watching one of her favorite old movies she kept at the cabin on DVD.

  In the morning, Mia slept in without an alarm. Bacon and eggs were in the kitchen, so she made herself a good old country breakfast before she stepped outside and fed the horses. She puttered around the cabin, bringing things in from the Jeep and getting them arranged the way she wanted, making a list for groceries later. Soon as the horses were done, she saddled up Jenny and headed down the bridle trail, Mack whinnying plaintively behind her. He was a big attention hog, and a bit of a handful. Jenny was as quiet as you please and Mia always liked to start out on the sweet mare for a few days before she jumped on that big, goofy yellow gelding.

  They broke the tree line and Mia saw someone working on the fences around Abigail’s place. Abigail often hired casual help for a season or as long as they stayed. She got pretty busy some summers with her main business of taking “dudes” on trail rides.

  Mia rode right up to him, since he was working on the gate. He tilted his head up to her and the sun glinted on golden eyes set in a midnight black face with a smile as big as Texas. There was a lot of Texas in his “How do, ma’m.” too. Mia blushed when she realized there was a distinct hesitation to her answer because she was busy drinking in the sight of one magnificent specimen of man.

  Under that big, wide brimmed black cowboy hat was a face not handsome but strong and masculine. He was clean-shaven, something she liked, and then there were those leonine golden eyes and that enormous smile. He was tall, a bit over six feet, with broad shoulders and thick arms and he looked real fine in those tight jeans and boots.

  “Well! Hello to you, too.” She replied, a little flustered. “I’m Mia.” She said, holding out a hand for a shake.

  His eyes sparkled with a bit of flirt and a bit of knowing just what she was admiring. He ran his gaze over her, noting not only a curvaceous little blond, but also a woman who knew how to sit a horse. Something he liked. “Jacob.” He pulled off a heavy work glove and held out a hand hard with callus, but gentle when he grasped Mia’s hand, dwarfing it with his own. “Reckon Abigail didn’t mention me. No reason she would. But she told me you would be coming down that trail on that pretty mare some time today. She didn’t tell me you were even prettier than Jenny.” He smiled as he
stroked one experienced and kind hand down the little mares shoulder. Jenny curved her neck and rubbed her nose on his shoulder. Clearly, they were acquainted.

  “Aren’t you a charmer.” Mia said, smiling to take the sting out of it.

  “I surely do hope so when I meet a girl as pretty as you.” Jacob said with a wink. “Ms. Abigail is waiting on you and this ain’t getting this gate fixed. Guess I better get back to work. Sure was nice meetin’ you.”

  And Jacob actually tipped his hat. Mia rode off in a daze.

  Abigail’s big ranch house featured a real hitching post across the front at the edge of the wrap around porch. Half a dozen saddled horses dozed in the shade cast by enormous oak trees, waiting to be put to work. Mia swung down off Jenny. Leaving the reins tied over her neck, she took the lead rope to the halter under her bridle and used that to tie the mare up. Jenny reached daintily over the rail to take a sip of the cool water in a trough between the railing and the house. Mia loosened the girth of the saddle a little and stepped up on the porch.

  “Come on in!” Abigail shouting, hearing boots on the wood porch. “Oh, it’s you, Mia! Good. Sit down here and I’ll pour us some cold tea.”

  Mia sat down with a sigh of relief. Riding a few times a year really didn’t keep her in shape, and no amount of aerobics seemed to work quite the same muscles. “Holy crap, woman, where did you find that man?”

  Abigail laughed merrily as she carried the tea over to the table, stretching her long, skinny legs out underneath. “Jacob? He is really something isn’t he? Believe it or not he drifted in with the rodeo. Ropes and ride bulls. Calls himself an endangered breed, the black cowboy.”

  “The only danger he is in from me is having his clothes ripped off and – well, imagine the rest.”

  “Oh, I do. I do. Hell, I’d do it myself only he is a hell of a good hand. Can fix any thing and the horses love him. He’s really got a way with them.”

  “Which only makes him sexier. Yeah, I noticed Jenny has the hots for him.”

  “Only Jenny, eh?”

  “Why Ms. Abigail, I am a married woman.” Mia said, reverting to her thickest Alabama accent.

  Abigail hooted in derision. “Honey, you are a long way from home and we both know that city slicker ain’t never going to drive up that mountain. I say, go for it. And please, tell me the gory details because I am dying to know.”

  Mia hid a sudden flush behind a big gulp of tea and almost managed to asphyxiate herself when both of them heard the clomp of a big man in boots on the wooden porch.

  “Ms. Abigail?” boomed through the screen door.

  “Yes, Jacob. Come on in and sit down and have a glass of tea, if you can stand being among the hens for a bit.”

  He strolled in with a rolling gait that spoke of a good many years on horses and in cowboy boots, smelling of horse, good man sweat, and the outdoors. “I don’t mind if I do, ma’m.” He tipped his hat at Mia and Abigail both before he pulled out a chair and folded himself down with a feline grace. Mia closed her mouth and had another swallow of cold tea. Then shook her mane of blond locks and fluffed them out a bit too casually.

  Yes, he was watching with upturned lips and a sparkle in his eyes. Turning to Abigail he accepted a glass of cold tea and took a long drink. “Now that was good. Thank you, ma’m. I’ve got that gate fixed. What else can I do for you this afternoon?”

  Abigail thought a moment, her head to one side and gaze distant. Mia’s gaze roved from one end of that sexy cowboy to the other. He was doing the same for her. Abigail raised an eyebrow and watched them both. In her personal opinion, it would be a damn good thing if Mia got laid, and laid well while she was up here. All that citifying was making her too tense. She knew her friend wasn’t moving back to the country and didn’t want to, but she needed some good old-fashioned unwinding.

  “I’ve got a group coming to ride right after lunch. I’m taking them up to the peak, to the lookout, and then coming back down. Probably be about three or four this afternoon before I get back. Mia, would you mind hanging around, keeping an eye on things, talking to customers if any show up?” Receiving Mia’s distracted nod, Abigail turned back to Jacob who dragged his eyes away from Mia to focus politely on his boss. “Jacob, if you haven’t mucked the stalls yet, I’d like you to get that done, and maybe rake out the pens a bit. Got to keep them looking nice for folks who don’t know horses shit.” They all three chuckled. “Then if you want, would you put a saddle on that new gelding and work him a little in the round pen. Tell me what you think of him when I get back. I think he’s too green for dudes, but if he has a good mind then maybe we can put a few miles on him this summer, use him next year.”

  Jacob gave her a sharp nod. “Will do, ma’m.”

  “Anyone else want a sandwich before we get going on our afternoon chores?” Abigail asked. Everyone did, and Jacob endeared himself even more to both women by saying he was perfectly capable of making his own sandwich, thank you, and following them into the kitchen. Never were half a dozen sandwiches made up, a bowl of chips and some dip gathered, and glasses of ice tea freshened with quite so many sly glances, eyelash batting, grins, and significant looks between three people. By the time they sat down for lunch they were comfortable with each other and certain foregone conclusions had come to pass. All that was left was finding the time and place.

  Abigail left with her half dozen dudes in tow and a wink and a nod at Mia. Jacob smiled and strode on out to the barn and Mia settled on the porch with a glass of ice tea spiked with a shot of whiskey. Because now that it came to it, she was scared. And excited.

  Jacob went to work in the barn, now and then appearing rolling a wheelbarrow full of bedding and manure. Mia mixed herself another iced tea with whiskey. A few tourists drove in, asked about rates and times and kept her busy for a few minutes. When next she looked out towards the barn, Jacob was working in the sun with his hat on but his shirt off, raking the pens. The sun gleamed off the rounded arcs of his muscles and the flat angles of his strong back as he worked. He stopped a moment to wipe the sweat off his brow and glanced towards the house. Mia waved. Hell, yes, I’m watching she thought. Then went in and mixed herself another tall glass of ice tea and whiskey, checking the time. Two pm. Wouldn’t be long until Abigail was back. Mia made a second glass, with whiskey, and walked out to the barn.

  Jacob accepted the glass with thanks and then a bit of surprise when he got a swallow of that whiskey as well. He gave Mia a big smile and took her hand.

  “I am hot and sweaty and dirty, little lady, and you’re just as pretty and perfect as a picture. What do you want with an old black cowboy like me?”

  “Well, for starters, I’d like to walk you into that barn and go into one of those nice clean stalls you just put fresh bedding in, open up the front of these jeans and suck your big dick right down my throat.”

  Jacob choked and sputtered and then smiled. “Well, I do always aim to please the ladies. If that is what you would like to do, then I guess that’s just what we’ll do.” And with that he took her by the hand and led her into the barn and down the cool, clean aisle to the last stall in the line. He opened the door and she walked in ahead of him with a little extra swing to her hips.

  Jacob followed and leaned back into a corner of the stall. Mia kneeled in front of him and with a smile on her face, lowered the zipper of those tight jeans. She was delighted to discover he went commando and his big, thick and rock hard cock sprang out of his jeans raring to go. Mia licked her lips and wrapped them about his thick shaft, grabbing his hips to support herself and breathing in to open her throat, took him deep. Jacob groaned and placed his enormous hands over the back of her head, cradling, encouraging, but not rough – not yet. Mia moaned with her own pleasure, challenging herself to take every last inch of him in her mouth, into her throat, gagging slightly. Her husband was a good nine inches but this big, black cowboy was ten at least, and so much thicker! Her jaws ached as she held them wide to take him in for long, slow, deep
strokes, savoring his soft groans and “Oh baby, yes, like that.”

  As her throat adjusted she could stroke harder and faster, gagging only once in a while and that only added to the spit now dribbling down out of her mouth and coating his delicious black dick from head to base. He let her go, his hips arching away from the wall towards her, one hand on the wall and one on her head now pulling her into him harder and harder.

  “Stop, stop. Wait. You’ll make me cum.” He gasped.

  She stopped and let his dick slowly slip from her mouth and grinned up at him. “Well, I thought that was the idea.”

  “But I want you to cum, too.” He said with a smile that looked like the cat with a canary. Bending down he lifted her out of the straw and completely up and off her feet, so their faces were even. He wrapped one long muscular arm around her waist and held her hard against him, while his other hand got busy with her belt and jeans. Mia kicked off her boots and gave a wiggle that made them both giggle and her pants landed in the straw.

  Jacob put both of his huge hands under her ass, easily holding her up and against his hard dick. Mia squirmed, rubbing her pussy against that hot, throbbing member. He slipped one finger under the crotch of her pretty lacy pink panties to find her soaking wet and hot, her pussy lips swollen and sensitive so that she whimpered and moved to try and get that finger inside her.


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