Omega House Boxset Books 1-5: Alpha Omega Mpreg Romance

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Omega House Boxset Books 1-5: Alpha Omega Mpreg Romance Page 17

by Aria Grace

  “Thank you, Jude.” He looks at my eyes for a second before ducking his head. “I can’t believe this is happening but I really appreciate what you’re doing for me.”

  “Of course.” I step into the bathroom and turn on the shower tap to warm up the water. “If you toss your clothes out in the hall, I’ll wash them so you have something to wear home.”

  Andy’s cheeks turn red as he nods. “Okay.”

  “Hey.” I reach for him, slipping my finger beneath his chin and brushing my thumb across his warm skin. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. As cheesy as it sounds, you have a special gift that you should be proud of. I for one will be envious of whoever you choose to share that with.”

  Andy’s eyes grow wide as he steps back and into the bathroom. I don’t take my eyes off him as the door closes, and I’m left staring at the empty space.

  After gathering a few changes of clothes for the next day or two, I notice a pile of clothes outside the bathroom door. The scent of Andy’s arousal is even stronger now that his clothes are in my arms. I dump my clothes on a side table and carry his to the laundry room off the kitchen.

  After checking to make sure Andy’s button-down shirt is washing machine safe, I toss it and his khaki’s inside. But when I separate his boxers from the pants, the delicious aroma almost drops me to my knees. As wrong as I know it is, I can’t resist pressing the moist fabric to my face and inhaling deeply.

  I’ve never smelled anything I’ve wanted more. My dick is rock-hard and leaking in my own boxers. Fuck, it’s too hard. My dick and pretending to not be affected by Andy’s heat. If I have any hope of surviving the next few days, I need to take care of myself. Quick.

  The shower is still running, so I unzip my jeans and wrap the cool fabric around my dick, thrusting into it as if the wetness was produced for my pleasure. And it sorta was. Every burst of slick his body produced was while he was talking to me, including this most recent batch from when I mentioned going into my room.

  Fucking my hand has never been so satisfying.

  And when I roll the wet boxers over my head, my balls can’t contain the pressure anymore and they shoot right into his boxers, mixing my come with his natural lube. The old pipes above my head knock once, indicating the shower has turned off. My knot is swollen but not as big as it gets when I’m with a partner so as much I hate to do it, I force my thick cock back into my jeans and zip up. After taking one more solid whiff of the soiled boxers, I toss them in the washer and start it up.

  Hopefully, that’s enough relief to not make Andy uncomfortable until I can rub out another load.



  The hot water feels good, but my skin is already so heated that I’m sweating by the time I turn off the faucet. And I feel just as dirty as when I got in. I scrubbed my ass and dick, hoping to mask some of the musky scent with Jude’s body wash, but the clean scent just reminds me of Jude, and that brings on a whole new bout of arousal. It’s a never-ending cycle. And having never experienced anything like this before, I’m not sure what to do.

  After quickly drying off, I slip into the loose pajama bottoms and T-shirt Jude gave me. The pants fit better than I’d expect and I know they can’t be his. An unpleasant feeling passes through my gut as I realize they probably belong to an ex…or maybe not even an ex. Maybe just a hookup. Although, hookups don’t usually travel with plaid PJs.

  I’m suddenly exhausted and just want to lie down. I run the towel over my hair a few times then step out into the hallway. Jude isn’t around so I decide to take him up on his earlier offer and make myself at home in his bedroom. The comforter has been turned down so I consider that invitation enough and climb between the sheets. His big bed is just the right combination of soft and supportive but the best part is how it smells.

  God, it smells amazing.

  Just like Jude.

  Shit, I’m wet again and a cold sweat covers my body. I’ve heard heat symptoms can be miserable, mimicking the flu and getting progressively worse until the biological need is met or the cycle eventually passes. But the fastest way to force it to pass is to fulfill the need. And god, the need is high. I’ve never been so horny or desperate in my life. With each passing second, my mind becomes more and more focused on the possibility of sex.

  Real sex.

  Consensual sex.

  With Jude.

  * * *

  A shooting pain in my belly wakes me up and I cry out, not sure what’s happening. Curling in a ball helps relieve some of the pressure but it’s still there. What’s happening to me?

  “Andy?” It takes me a second to realize Jude is rushing toward me. That’s when I remember where I am. And that I’m in his bed. “Are you okay?”

  I try to smile at him to reassure him that I’m okay, but I’m not. So I’m sure whatever is happening on my face looks more like a strained wince than anything remotely reassuring. “It just hurts.”

  “Like pain?” Jude’s wide palm lands across my forehead. “Is that normal? Maybe you need to see a doctor.”

  “It’s normal.” I take a deep breath and shift my weight so I don’t look as uncomfortable as I actually am. “It’s never happened to me, but I think working so closely with you has thrown my body into overdrive or something. That could be why the suppressants failed this time.”

  “God, Andy.” Jude steps back and runs his fingers through his hair. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea that would happen.”

  “Me neither.” My breathing is shallow so I feel a little dizzy, especially since Jude has retreated from my side. “That’s just a theory, but it makes sense.”

  “Is there anything we can do?” Jude is pacing the length of his small room and I can feel the tension rolling off him with each pass by the foot of the bed. “Maybe your doctor can prescribe something stronger.”

  I shake my head. “It’s too late. Once it’s this bad, there’s nothing to do but wait it out.”

  “How long do you have to suffer like this?” Jude looks ready to pull his own hair out, at a loss for a way to be useful in this situation.

  “Probably not more than forty-eight hours. I think that’s usually the worst-case scenario in an unfulfilled heat.” Another pain shoots up my spine, and I arch my back as if that’ll stop the movement before it lands in a nerve receptacle.

  “God, Andy, what can I do?” Jude kneels in front of me, his hands clasped on the mattress as if praying for an answer.

  Even though it’s completely inappropriate, I can’t pass up the chance to ask for what I want. Who knows if I’ll ever have a chance like this again? Besides, he asked first. “You can help me fulfill it.”

  Jude’s eyes lock on mine and the primal need I’m feeling is reflected back within those blue orbs. “How do I do that?”

  “Never mind.” I inch my knees closer to my chest, needing to force some kind of relief from the cramping in my belly. “I’ll be okay.”

  “Andy.” Jude’s voice is strong and solid, not at all as nervous as he seemed just moments ago. “Tell me what that means.”

  I can’t resist him if I wanted to. Which I don’t. “Well, if I actually take a knot, the symptoms should go away. At least, that’s what I’ve read.”

  Jude’s jaw is clenched and I can’t tell if he’s angry or excited or confused…or disgusted. He’s seen me at my most vulnerable, during the worst moment of my life. I wouldn’t blame him for being completely disgusted by the mere suggestion of knotting me. “Has that helped you in the past?”

  “I’ve never had a real heat before.” I try to take shallow breaths, wondering if that might help. If nothing else, maybe I’ll pass out from lack of oxygen and that might give me a few moments of relief.

  “What about when you’ve had sex in the past?” Jude’s eyes are studying my face but I don’t know what he’s looking for. “Other than in the obvious way, do you feel relief afterward?”

  “I already told you I don’t have experience like that. Except for…you know.”
I roll onto my back and turn to face the back wall, unable to hold his gaze any longer. Maybe he wants to watch my reactions, but I definitely don’t want to watch his. Seeing judgment or pity on his face would crush me, especially right now.

  “You’re not saying you’re a virgin, right?” Jude’s voice is louder now and the disbelief is evident. But there’s something else in there too.

  I bark out a pathetic laugh. “Well, I was until that night you found me.”



  “You’re a virgin?” I can’t wrap my head around that. Andy is beautiful and funny and outgoing and smart. How can he be a virgin?

  “Are you making fun of me?” His eyes are wet, and I quickly realize his question is serious.

  “Of course not.” I sit beside him on the bed and run my fingertips over his arm.

  Andy goes still at first, but after a few seconds, he relaxes and turns into my touch.

  “I’m just surprised…and confused.”

  Andy looks right at me, almost as confused as I am. “What’s so hard to understand? I was tired of being afraid of sex, so I went to that club hoping to get it over with.” He shakes his head and a single tear rolls down his cheek. “It’s not exactly what I was expecting, but I guess I got what I wished for.”

  I brush my thumb across his cheek, wiping away his tear. “Why did you wish for that? You’re sexy and fun. I’m sure there are plenty of guys at school who are interested in you. Why were you determined to get it over with?”

  Andy purses his lips together, and I know he’s fighting back his emotion. Despite his efforts, more tears fall. “Because I’m a big baby. Every time I was with a guy who was interested, I’d panic and leave. I figured if I did it with a stranger, then it would be less scary when I was with someone I actually liked.”

  Well, I guess that’s one way to approach it. I run my fingers through Andy’s hair, and a visible shiver shakes his whole body. I feel it travel from my fingertips all the way to my balls. I shouldn’t be here with him right now. But I definitely can’t leave him when he’s upset like this.

  Andy jerks away from me, curling up into a ball and crying out in pain. “God, how do people survive this?”

  Putting aside any pretense of propriety, I pull Andy into my lap and just hold him. He burrows his face into my neck and inhales deeply, kind of the same way I’m doing with my nose buried in his hair.

  He smells so good.

  Not just because of his heat pheromones but because his natural scent is so…perfect.

  As if that thought triggers a physical reaction, my hard cock twitches beneath him. Andy moans, digging his ass farther into my lap as if trying to seek out my length even through the cloth barriers separating us.

  He turns against my chest, gripping my shirt with both of his hands in a silent plea.

  “Will my knot help you?” I whisper, almost afraid of what his answer will be.

  “Yes. God yes.” Andy’s nose tickles my throat as he brushes back and forth across it. “I need you so bad.”

  A guttural moan escapes my throat, and I wrap my arms around him even tighter. “I want you, Andy. Fuck, I want you so bad.” I close my eyes and try to focus on the right thing to do, versus what both of our bodies are begging for. “But this is your first time. Are you sure you want it to be with me?”

  “It’s not my first anymore. That asshole ruined that.” More tears escape Andy’s eyes as he rests his cheek in the crook of my neck. “It should’ve been you. I wish it would’ve been you. If there were any way I could go back in time and give you my virginity, I would do it.” He takes a deep breath and shudders in my arms. “But I’ll understand if you’re not interested in touching me after...that happened.”

  I gently lift Andy up so I can look him right in the eyes. “That was not your fault and you definitely didn’t take a knot. He had time for maybe one or two thrusts before I got in there. As far as I’m concerned, you’re still a virgin. And I would be honored to be the man you choose to relieve your heat.”

  He hiccups and a small smile replaces the frown he’s been wearing since he woke up. “Really? You want me?”

  I pull him back against my chest then tilt my hips so my extremely hard and full dick is pressed into him. “I’ve wanted you since I first saw you in that club. I just wish I would have taken you then. But now that I know you and you know me, it means so much more. So, yes, can I make love to you, Andy?”

  His fingers dig into my chest as he moans out. His sounds are less tortured now and more anticipatory.

  I stand up and lay him across my bed. With his eyes locked to me, I lift my shirt over my head and toss it to the ground. Andy’s cock is standing straight up in the loose pajamas he’s wearing, and the sight makes me even more desperate to touch him.

  I can’t believe this is happening, but I know without a doubt that he wants this. That makes it a lot easier to unbutton my jeans and slip them down my legs. When my long cock bounces against my belly, Andy cries out and slides his hand into his pants to grip his own length.

  Standing fully nude in front of him, I wait for him to offer himself to me. “Take them off, baby. I want to see you.”

  Andy immediately tugs the pants off then closes his eyes as if he doesn’t want to see my reaction.

  I’m almost glad he can’t see the primal need in my eyes or he might be frightened. “And your shirt.”

  He peeks up at me then pulls off the shirt then lies completely still, watching me take him in for the first time.

  “You’re beautiful.” I lower to my knees and lean across the bed so my nose is rubbing the short hairs surrounding the base of his hard dick. “And so fucking perfect.”

  Andy whimpers and places his hand in my hair, gently pressing my head until my lips are against his heated skin. I don’t make him beg before kissing the sensitive skin at the apex of his thigh and then dragging my tongue all the way up the length of his cock. “I need your knot, Jude. Please.”

  With him squirming beneath me, I can’t resist any longer. I pull a condom out of my bedside table and quickly tear it open. Andy’s eyes watch me intensely and a tear slides down his cheek before he can swipe it away.

  I stop immediately, not even getting the latex fully in place. “What’s wrong, baby? Do you want me to stop?”

  He shakes his head but won’t look at me as a few new tears escape his closed lids.

  “Andy, tell me what’s wrong.” I lean over so my mouth is right against his ear. My hot breath against his face makes him shudder again.

  “The doctor said I was clean,” he murmurs.

  “I know, baby.” I think about when his reaction changed and try to understand what is upsetting him but come up empty. “I’m not worried about that.”

  “Are you?” He finally exhales and turns to face me, his mouth almost touching mine.

  “Yes, of course. I’ve never had sex without protection.”

  “Oh.” Andy turns away again, but I stop his retreat and force him to focus on me so I can see his face.

  “Is that okay?”

  He shrugs and his eyes flit from my mouth to my eyes. “I just thought you’d want to…”

  “Do you want me bare?” I almost choke on the words, unable to believe he’s offering himself to me in this way. I was honest when I said I’m not worried about him having anything. The guy he was with really did only have a few seconds with him, and there wasn’t any evidence of semen on Andy when I found him. But it’s a big decision for him to make…with me.

  He nods and his eyes move back to my mouth. “I want to feel all of you.”

  I press my mouth to his, kissing him for the first time and tasting the warm flavors that I’ve only experienced through smell so far. And as amazing as Andy smells, he tastes even better. I want to devour his lips and tongue but my dick has other priorities.

  After sliding one arm under his back, I lift Andy up a few inches on the bed then slide my knees under his thighs so his hole is b
eautifully exposed. I gently prod his opening with one finger, but he’s so slick and ready that I easily slide in and out until he’s begging for more.

  “Please, Jude. Knot me.”



  When Jude finally slides his bare cock into me, the stars align and the world rights itself. Everything that hurt settles down and all I feel is contentment and pleasure. Despite being unsure if his huge cock would even fit inside me, he slides right in as if my body was meant to take him.

  “This is your first time, baby.” Jude pushes all the way in until his balls hit my ass. I feel like I can finally breathe. Even with the overwhelming sense of fullness, I also feel light and relaxed. All the tension that has been holding me tight all day is gone. The only emotion I’m aware of is happiness that Jude is here with me. “Do you feel okay?”

  My grin must look maniacal as I stare up at him. “So good. I knew it would be like this with you.”

  He smiles and kisses me. His touch is light at first and then harder as he slides in and out of me. “I had no idea it would be this good, baby. You’re so tight and wet.”

  As if responding to the challenge, my cock releases a fat drop of precome which smears across Jude’s belly as he rubs over it. Every nerve in my body is experiencing different sensations, and I can’t think straight. I need to come or I might burst. “I’m gonna come, Jude. This is too good.”

  He moves faster within me and his breathing picks up in time with my heavy panting. “Come, baby. My knot is ready for you.”

  I stop holding back and just focus on his thick cock pressing against a button inside me that has my balls heavy and full. Before I can give him a final warning, I shoot my load between our bellies, coating our skin in creamy come as

  Jude presses into me so hard that my shoulders are digging into the mattress as he spears me. The fullness I felt earlier is nothing compared to his growing knot locking his body to mine.


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