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Do and Dare — a Brave Boy's Fight for Fortune

Page 26

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  "Are you sure of what you say?" asked a passenger, turning with apuzzled look from George Melville, who, in the midst of the generalexcitement produced by his revelation, sat, not unmoved indeed, butcomparatively calm. Courage and physical strength are by no meansinseparable, and this frail young man, whose strength probably was notequal to Herbert's, was fearless in the face of peril which would dauntmany a stalwart six-footer.

  In reply to this very natural question, George Melville repeated theessential parts of the conversation which had taken place between Col.Warner and the landlord.

  Col. Warner's countenance changed, and he inwardly execrated theimprudence that had made his secret plan known to one of the intendedvictims.

  "Is this true, Col. Warner?" asked Parker.

  "No, it's a lie!" returned the colonel, with an oath.

  "Gentlemen!" said George Melville, calmly, "you can choose which youwill believe. I will only suggest that this man managed very adroitlyto find out where each one of us kept his money. You can also considerwhether I have any cause to invent this story."

  It was clear that the passengers were inclined to put faith inMelville's story.

  "Gentlemen!" said the Colonel, angrily, "I never was so insulted in mylife. I am a man of wealth, traveling on business; I am worth a quarterof a million at least. To associate me with road agents, whom I have asmuch reason to fear as you, is most ridiculous. This young man may bewell-meaning, but he is under a most extraordinary hallucination. It ismy belief that he dreamed the nonsense he has been retailing to you."

  "Ask the driver to stop the stage," said Mr. Benson, a gentleman fromPhiladelphia. "If Mr. Melville's story is trustworthy, we may at anytime reach the spot where the highwayman is lurking. We must have ageneral consultation, and decide what is to be done."

  This proposal was approved, and the driver drew up the stage.

  "I don't propose to remain in the company of men who so grossly misjudgeme," said the Colonel, with dignity, as he made a motion to leave hisfellow passengers.

  "Stay here, sir!" said Mr. Benson, in a tone of authority. "We cannotspare you yet."

  "Do you dare to detain me, sir?" exclaimed Warner, menacingly.

  "Yes, we do," said the German. "Just stay where you are, Mr. Colonel,till we decide what to do."

  As each one of the company had produced his revolver, the Colonelthought it prudent to obey.

  "I am disgusted with this fooling," he said, "You're all a pack ofcowards."

  "Driver," said George Melville, "has this stage ever been robbed?"

  "Several times," the driver admitted.

  "When was the last time?"

  "Two months since."

  "Where did it happen?"

  "About a mile further on."

  "Did you ever see this gentleman before?" he asked, pointing to thecolonel.

  "Yes," answered the driver, reluctantly.

  "When did he last ride with you?"

  "On the day the stage was robbed," answered the driver.

  The passengers exchanged glances, and then, as by a common impulse,all turned to Col. Warner, to see how he would take this damagingrevelation. Disguise it as he might, he was clearly disconcerted.

  "Is this true, colonel?" asked Benson.

  "Yes, it is," answered Col. Warner, with some hesitation. "I was robbed,with the rest. I had four hundred dollars in my wallet, and the roadagent made off with it."

  "And yet you just now pooh-poohed the idea of a robbery, and said suchthings were gone by."

  "I say so now," returned the colonel, sullenly. "I have a good deal ofmoney with me, but I am willing to take my chances."

  "Doubtless. Your money would be returned to you, in all probability, if,as we have reason to believe, you have a secret understanding with thethieves who infest this part of the country."

  "Your words are insulting. Let go my arm, sir, or it will be the worsefor you."

  "Softly, softly, my good friend," said the German. "Have you anyproposal to make, Mr. Melville?"

  "Only this. Let us proceed on our journey, but let each man draw hisrevolver, and be ready to use it, if need be."

  "What about the colonel?"

  "He must go along with us. We cannot have him communicating with ourenemies outside."

  "Suppose I refuse, sir?"

  "Then, my very good friend, I think we shall use a little force," saidthe German, carelessly pointing his weapon at the captive.

  "I will go upon compulsion," said the colonel, "but I protest againstthis outrage. I am a wealthy capitalist from Chicago, who knows nomore about road agents than you do. You have been deceived by thisunsophisticated young man, who knows about as much of the world as afour-year-old child. It's a fine mare's nest he has found."

  This sneer did not disturb the equanimity of George Melville.

  "I should be glad to believe the colonel were as innocent as he claims,"he said, "but his own words, overheard last night, contradict what heis now saying. When we have passed the spot indicated for the attack, wewill release him, and give him the opportunity he seeks of leaving ourcompany."

  The passengers resumed their places in the stage, with the exception ofHerbert, who again took his seat beside the driver. George Melville hadnot mentioned that it was Herbert, not himself, who had overheard theconversation between the colonel and the land lord, fearing to exposethe boy to future risk.

  Col. Warner sat sullenly between the German and Benson. He was evidentlyill at ease and his restless glances showed that he was intent upon someplan of escape. Of this, however, such was the vigilance of his guards,there did not seem much chance.

  The stage kept on its way till it entered a narrow roadway, lined on oneside by a thick growth of trees.

  Melville, watching the colonel narrowly, saw that, in spite of hisattempt at calmness, his excitement was at fever heat.

  The cause was very evident, for at this point a tall figure bounded fromthe underbrush, disguised by a black half mask, through which a pair ofblack eyes blazed fiercely.

  "Stop the stage!" he thundered to the driver, "or I will put a bulletthrough your head."

  The driver, as had been directed, instantly obeyed.



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