Do and Dare — a Brave Boy's Fight for Fortune

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Do and Dare — a Brave Boy's Fight for Fortune Page 32

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  Toward noon the next day George Melville and Herbert were resting from acountry trip, sitting on a rude wooden settee which our hero had made ofsome superfluous boards, and placed directly in front of the house, whena figure was seen approaching with long strides from the shadow of theneighboring woods. It was not until he was close at hand that Herbertespied him.

  "Why, it's Mr. Holden!" he exclaimed.

  "Jack Holden, my lad," said the hunter, correcting him. "Is this the manyou're living with?"

  Jack Holden was unconventional, and had been brought up in a rude schoolso far as manners were concerned. It did not occur to him that hisquestion might have been better framed.

  "I am Mr. Melville," answered that gentleman, seeing that Herbert lookedembarrassed. "Herbert is my constant and valued companion."

  "He's a trump, that boy!" continued Holden. "Why, if it hadn't been forhim, there'd been an end of Jack Holden yesterday."

  "Herbert told me about it. It was indeed a tragic affair. The sacrificeof life is deplorable, but seemed to have been necessary, unless,indeed, you could have disabled him."

  "Disabled him!" echoed the hunter. "That wouldn't have answered by along shot. As soon as the reptile got well he'd have been on my trailag'in. No, sir; it was my life or his, and I don't complain of the waythings turned out."

  "Have you buried him?" asked Herbert.

  "Yes, I've shoved him under, and it's better than he deserved, thesneakin' rascal. I'm glad to make your acquaintance, Mr. Melville.Didn't know I had changed neighbors till the boy there told meyesterday. I've tramped over this mornin' to give you a call."

  "You are very kind, Mr. Holden. Sit down here beside us."

  "I'm more at home here," answered Holden, stretching himself on theground, and laying his gun beside him. "How do you like Colorado?"

  "Very much, as far as I have seen it," said Melville. "Herbert probablytold you my object, in coming here?"

  "He said you were ailin' some way."

  "Yes, my lungs are weak. Since I have been here, I am feeling better andstronger, however."

  "There don't seem to be anything the matter with the boy."

  "Nothing but a healthy appetite," answered Herbert, smiling.

  "That won't hurt anybody. Mr. Melville, do you smoke?"

  "No, thank you."

  "Queer! Don't see how you can do without it? Why, sir, I'd been homesickwithout my pipe. It's company, I tell you, when a chap's alone and gotno one to speak to."

  "I take it, Mr. Holden, you are not here for your health?"

  "No, I should say not; I'm tough as a hickory nut. When I drop off it'smore likely to be an Indian bullet than any disease. I'm forty-sevenyears old, and I don't know what it is to be sick."

  "You are fortunate, Mr. Holden."

  "I expect I am. But I haven't answered your question. I'm interested inmines, Mr. Melville. Have you ever been to Deer Creek?"

  "Yes, I went over with Herbert to visit the store there one day lastweek."

  "Did you ever hear of the Blazing Star Mine?"

  "No, I believe not."

  "I own it," said Holden. "It's a good mine, and would make me rich if Ihad a little more money to work it."

  "Are the indications favorable, then?" asked Melville.

  "It looks well, if that's what you mean. Yes, sir; the Star is afirst-class property."

  "Then it's a pity you don't work it."

  "That's what I say myself. Mr. Melville, I've a proposal to make toyou."

  "What is it, Mr. Holden?"

  "If you could manage to call me Jack, it would seem more social like."

  "By all means, then, Jack!" said Melville smiling.

  "You give me money enough to develop the mine, and I'll make half of itover to you."

  "How much is needed?" asked Melville.

  "Not over five hundred dollars. It's a bargain, I tell you."

  "I do not myself wish to assume any business cares," said Melville.

  Jack Holden looked disappointed.

  "Just as you say," he responded.

  "But Herbert may feel differently," continued Melville.

  "I'd like the lad for a partner," said Holden, briskly.

  "But I have no money!" said Herbert, in surprise.

  George Melville smiled.

  "If the mine is a good one," he said, "I will advance you the moneynecessary for the purchase of a half interest. If it pays you, you maybecome rich. Then you can repay the money."

  "But suppose it doesn't, Mr. Melville," objected Herbert, "how can Iever repay you so large a sum?"

  "On the whole, Herbert, I will take the risk."

  "You are very kind, Mr. Melville," said Herbert, his face glowing withanticipation. To be half owner of a mine, with the chance of making alarge sum of money, naturally elated him.

  "Why shouldn't I be, Herbert? But I want to see the mine first."

  "Can't you go over this afternoon?" asked Holden, eager to settle thematter as soon as possible.

  "It is a long journey," said Melville, hesitating.

  "You can stay overnight," said Jack Holden, "and come back in themorning."

  "Very well; let us go then--that is, after dinner. Herbert, if youwill set the table, we will see if we can't offer our friend here somerefreshment. He is hungry, I am sure, after his long walk."

  "You've hit it, Mr. Melville," said Holden. "I allow I'm as hungry as awolf. But you don't set down to table, do you?"

  "Oh, yes," answered Mr. Melville, smiling pleasantly.

  "I ain't used to it," said Holden; "but I was once. Anyhow, it won'tmake no difference in the victuals."

  When dinner was ready the three sat down, and did ample justice to it;but Jack Holden made such furious onslaughts that the other two couldhardly keep pace with him. Fortunately, there was plenty of food, forMelville did not believe in economical housekeeping.

  After dinner they set out for Deer Creek. As has been already explained,it was the name of a mining settlement. Now, by the way, it is aprosperous town, though the name has been changed. Then, however,everything was rude and primitive.

  Jack Holden led the way to the Blazing Star Mine, and pointed out itscapabilities and promise. He waited with some anxiety for Melville'sdecision.

  "I don't understand matters very well," said Melville, "but I am willingto take a good deal on trust. If you desire it, I will buy half themine, paying you five hundred dollars for that interest. That is, I buyit for Herbert."

  "Hooray!" shouted Holden. "Give us your hand, pard. You are my partnernow, you know."

  As he spoke he gripped Herbert's hand in a pressure which was so strongas to be painful, and the necessary business was gone through.

  So Herbert found himself a half owner of the Blazing Star Mine, of DeerCreek, Colorado.

  "I hope your mine will turn out well, Herbert," said Melville, smiling.

  "I wish it might for mother's sake!" said Herbert, seriously.

  "It won't be my fault if it don't," said his partner. "I shall stay herenow, and get to work."

  "Ought I not to help you?" asked Herbert.

  "No; Mr. Melville will want you. I will hire a man here to help me, andcharge it to your share of the expenses."

  So the matter was arranged; but Herbert rode over two or three times aweek to look after his property.



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