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Beauty and the Billionaire (A Once Upon a Billionaire Novel)

Page 12

by Cidney West

  “Yes.” Jimmy looked at her sternly. “But wait here until one of us comes for you.”

  Before she could protest, they snuck into the hallway. Mira harrumphed. She wasn’t about to sit there and wait to see what happened. She disappeared back into the passageway, finding her way to another entry point she guessed could be somewhere in the library. Only she didn’t know where it would empty out. She could hear voices, though, and figured she was in the right place.

  Taking a breath, she carefully pushed the door open a crack, peering out. The storage room! The passageway led into another hidden section. Mira smiled to herself and stepped out, tiptoeing to that door. She pressed her ear against it to see how close anyone might be. Hearing only muffled voices, she blew out a breath and tugged on the secret door.

  In the center of the library, Hunter stood with Victor guarding him while the other two stuffed paintings into industrial-sized black trash bags. Mira scrunched up her face at the thought. But everyone was distracted…

  Before Mira could do something incredibly stupid, the door to the library opened and Jimmy and Courtland came through, aiming the rifles at whoever deserved it. In response, Victor aimed his gun right at Hunter’s head. Without any more debating, Mira came out quietly with everyone’s eyes on Hunter and snuck up behind Victor, her head pounding. She lifted her flashlight and swung.

  Victor turned back and grabbed her arm, twisting it around. He leered down at her, dragging her over the rug toward Hunter. Hunter’s face twisted in rage and he flew at Victor, who held him at bay. “Isn’t this cute?” Victor snarled. “The mutant in love with the beautiful housekeeper.” His face darkened. “What could she ever possibly see in you?”

  The mask fell from Hunter’s face, pain filling his brown eyes.

  Rage bubbling out of her, Mira grabbed a vase and swung at Victor’s head with all her might. His gun fired at the same time and he froze, then crashed face forward. Mira kicked the gun away from him as Jimmy and Courtland cornered the other two thugs. She ran to Hunter as he slumped against one of the couches. Blood soaked through his T-shirt on his side. Mira grabbed a throw blanket and pressed it against the wound. Hunter winced, gasping.

  He blinked, sweat beading along his brow. “It’s fine,” he said. “It’s not too bad.” He watched her, his eyes confused. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  Mira swallowed, tears pricking her eyes. “Where else should I be?”

  Hunter took one of her hands, his brown eyes piercing hers. “I’m so sorry, Mira. I should never have told you to go. I know I can trust you. I should have believed you–”

  Mira pressed her fingers to his lips, stroking his hair. “I should have just told you about the phone call. That Victor lied so I’d talk to him. But I was scared because no one should’ve known I was here, except my dad.”

  “None of this is your fault.” He glanced down, breathing heavy. “I was…I was coming to get you. To tell you I was sorry.”

  “You were?” Mira brushed his hair off his forehead, noticing the beard growth. “But you never leave the mansion.”

  “I couldn’t just lose you. Mira…I love you.” His eyes held hers, so open and vulnerable, the way he’d looked from the start. Except this time, he was fearful for other reasons.

  Mira smiled, cupping his face with her hands. “I love you too.” She shut her eyes, tears slipping free. “So much.”

  He searched her face, disbelief crossing his. “You do?”

  “Of course I do.” It was the last thing she ever expected to happen. She’d only come because she needed a better paying job. But in the end, she got so much more.


  Mira laughed. “What sort of question is that to ask? Don’t you believe me?”

  “I do.” His eyes were serious, but still questioning. “But I…I’m not worthy of you, Mira.”

  Mira held his face in her hands, remembering the first time she saw those deep brown eyes in the glow of his lantern in the hallway. It wasn’t that long ago, but it felt like a lifetime had passed since then. “Yes…yes, you are. More than you realize.”

  Hunter’s face relaxed under her touch, and she pressed her lips to his, the fire returning as he reciprocated. “I’m never letting you go again,” he said when they pulled apart.

  Mira kissed his cheek and forehead, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his hair until the police and paramedics arrived, forcing her to step away. She swore that’s as far apart as they’d be for a very long time.


  It had taken weeks of recovery time, but not all of it was bad. Once Mira had been allowed in the hospital room to see him, she’d hardly left until he went home. And he couldn’t complain about her curling up next to him as he rested or taking short walks with her onto the back lawn when the weather permitted. They’d made it through the worst of winter and signs of spring peeked through. Even if they were small.

  Hunter had regained much of his strength and today, with the sun shining and hope of leaves on the trees again one day, he only had one thing in mind. He convinced Mira to stop work early as she’d insisted on finishing out her contract, despite his loud and persistent protests. But he’d been laid up and she’d gone ahead with what she wanted to do.

  Victor Rawlinson and his cronies had been arrested and were awaiting trial. According to Hunter’s lawyer, Victor was also under investigation for embezzlement at the advertising agency he worked at. Mira had berated herself for giving Victor the gate code, but Hunter had assured her over and over that she’d done what he would’ve wanted her to. He still couldn’t believe Mira had risked her neck to help him. It only made him love her more.

  Penny was out of the wheelchair and foot cast but still needed some assistance. To make things more convenient, Mira’s father had moved into Rosefield for the time being and had proved to be a worthy chess opponent. Though she didn’t say anything, Hunter knew Mira secretly enjoyed the fact that he lost a lot of games to her father.

  “The sun’s getting stronger.” Mira swung their hands back and forth, smiling as the sun brightened her features.

  Hunter led her across the lawn to the path in the trees. Surely, she guessed where he was taking her, but stayed silent as they trudged over dead leaves and branches toward the stone ruins. It wasn’t the surprise it had been in the fall, especially since nothing was growing yet, but there was still something beautiful about the vines pushing their way in and out and around the stones.

  Mira sighed, fingering one of the empty vines. “Remember when I got my hair tangled in the thorns?”

  Hunter smiled, wrapping one of her loose curls around his finger. “I remember being crazy attracted to you.”

  Mira side-eyed him. “Stop it.”

  “What? I’m serious. I had trouble keeping my hands off you. And still do.” Mira had drawn him in from the moment he ran into her that night when the power went out. It only got more intense from there.

  Mira slipped out of his reach before he could hold her captive, but he could see a smile escape her lips.

  He shadowed her as she traced the perimeter of the walls. “And I know that you couldn’t wait to get your hands on me.” Hunter still relished the looks she gave him sometimes, his confidence boosted by every glance. Sometimes, Victor’s words still floated through his mind like ghosts–How could she ever love someone like you? But then Mira would appear, and they dissipated like morning mist. He swore he would never give into doubts about her love for him again.

  Mira swung around, tilting her head. “Is that so?”

  Hunter raised his eyebrows. “Do you deny it?”

  She held his gaze, finally crossing her arms. “I can neither deny nor confirm it.”

  Hunter’s lips curled up and he stepped closer, Mira’s back to one of the walls. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Her blue-gray eyes sparkled, a hint of a smile on her mouth. “I’m not humoring you.”

  “You don’t have to humor
me. But I do want you to stay with me.”

  Mira’s eyes softened, the amusement melting away. “I will never leave you like that again. I promise.” A moment later, a mild twinkle reappeared. “Besides, I don’t think my car can take that kind of abuse anymore.”

  “I’m getting you a reliable vehicle.” He’d had enough of hearing her rattle her way out of the driveway when she and Penny went shopping. At some point, her car was going to start spitting out parts and he wasn’t waiting for it.

  She shook her head. “I’m not giving in on that, Hunter. It’s still hard for me to accept some of your other gifts. I draw the line at something you can’t wrap up. I told you, I’m saving for it.”

  Despite her objections, he’d spent much of his recovery time lavishing her with gifts like jewelry, a painting she loved, and a puppy. Well, the puppy may have been partly for him, too, but that was beside the point.

  “I have hope that soon enough, you won’t be able to argue with me.” Hunter slid his hand into a pocket, fingering the item at the bottom.

  Mira smiled. “Oh? And why is that?”

  “Because I want what’s mine to be yours.” Unable to wait any longer, Hunter slipped the engagement ring out of his pocket, a family heirloom diamond that glittered in the sun highlighting the clearing around the ruins. Mira’s smiled faded, her eyes going wide.

  Hunter took a breath. “I never thought any good would come of the accident.” He caressed the ring with his thumb. “I was wrong. You came. And I will never regret that day you arrived or the night you got lost in the house. It was all for the best, even if I didn’t know it at the time.”

  Mira’s eyes moistened, and she watched as Hunter bent down to one knee, holding up the ring. “My beautiful, stubborn Mira…will you marry me?”

  Mira swallowed, her eyes darting from the ring to him. “Are you serious?”

  “Mira…”–Hunter took her hand, sliding the ring onto her trembling finger–“when have I ever made light of how I feel about you?”

  Mira studied him, her eyes telling him she knew he meant it. Her face brightened, her head bobbing fervently. “Yes…yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Hunter swept her off the ground, spinning her in the air. She laughed as he set her back on her feet, locking his arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her cheeks pink and eyes twinkling. “Did you ever think when you came here…?” Hunter started, then trailed off, knowing he never could have pictured this happening in a million years.

  Mira smiled. “Not even for a moment.”

  “But you’re happy you came?”

  Her eyes softened as she stroked the back of his head. “Every moment.”

  Hunter pressed his lips to hers, relieved he’d found her. Or, more to the point, that Mira had found him.


  Hunter and Mira stood outside the ballroom doors, waiting for their cue to make their grand entrance as husband and wife. After an intimate ceremony at Rosefield, they were having the reception in the ballroom. Hunter felt more comfortable with a small wedding, which suited Mira just fine.

  “We could always slip away,” Hunter whispered. “No one would notice.”

  Mira locked arms with him, glancing up. “Oh, I think they would. Besides, Penny’s gone to a lot of trouble planning this out. We can’t just leave. And I want some of that strawberry cake.” Her mouth watered thinking about the white frosted confection waiting for them. She’d been too nervous to eat much the whole day and as night set in, she was ready for food.

  The mansion had been abuzz with wedding preparations the last few months as the most intruders in the past several years stalked in and out of the property. Everyone from tailors to photographers to caterers had stepped inside. Used to the quiet, Mira didn’t quite know what to make of it. And it did put Hunter on edge at first. Eventually, though, she noticed he started to adjust and relax, at least a little. It would take time for him to move back into society, but she was confident he could do it.

  “I don’t think I can wait that long to get you alone.” Hunter’s tux fit him perfectly, showing off his bicep as he bent his arm to hold hers.

  Mira stifled a laugh. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

  “Or irritated.”

  Mira squeezed his arm. “Tonight will fly by and then we have all the time in the world.” From the look he gave her, that might not be enough.

  “I could knock out the power again,” he whispered into her ear. “Chase you around the hallways.” His lips grazed her neck and she shooed him off.

  “Shh…this is serious.”

  “It is?” He arched an eyebrow. “Because the last thing I feel right now is serious.” His eyes raked over her, giving her chills. But she couldn’t admit to that. He needed to behave.

  She swatted his arm and sniffed. “Maybe serious isn’t the right word, but we need to be…composed. For the moment.”

  Hunter snorted, adjusting his black bowtie. “Yeah…for the moment. And when this is all over? You’re going to be the least composed you’ve been in your whole life.”

  Mira met his brown eyes, glimmering wickedly as he drunk her in again, and her body grew warm. Maybe they did need to hurry this up.

  They were flying out the next day to an island in the South Pacific where they were borrowing a house from Cedric for a few weeks. All of Hunter’s properties needed help, but they would have to wait. As soon as they returned, plans to refurbish Rosefield would commence. Technically, they’d already begun but with a wedding to plan, the mansion was on hold until after the honeymoon.

  Also, once they returned, Hunter was meeting with a specialist to begin skin grafting surgery to help with the scarring on his face. After that, Hunter had hinted at plans to take her on a grand European art tour but wouldn’t give her any specifics. They had a lot to look forward to, but they wanted plenty of time together before all of that started.

  Mira straightened up, fluffing out her white skirts and smoothing out the bodice. Hunter had insisted on paying for a custom gown, which she loved in the end. The teardrop diamond necklace he’d given her hung around her neck, the heirloom diamond ring glittering on her finger. At first, the ring had seemed enormous, but she was getting used to it more quickly than she wanted to admit.

  And as he told her before he proposed, he had a new car for her being delivered the next day. She wouldn’t allow him to get it before they were officially married, though he’d clearly ignored her and bought it anyway. When she fussed, he shrugged and said she wouldn’t have it until after the wedding, so he’d technically followed orders. He wouldn’t tell her what type of car he bought, which scared her. On the other hand, she knew it would be practical even if crazy expensive.

  On top of it all, they’d continued to work on his family’s art collection, and restoring the older paintings was high on the to-do list. She’d finally convinced him to hire specialists to bring them back to their former glory. Hunter had purchased another painting that Mira loved as a wedding present and they’d already purchased a painting as a couple. Hunter’s art and literature collection was growing. And she had a feeling there would be a new generation to pass it on to in due time.

  Mira had surprised him with a present recently too–a replacement robe. On the condition that he could only wear it in the house. Apparently, he’d missed it because he tore it from the package and flung it around his shoulders immediately.

  Hunter tucked her arm closer to his body as a voice from inside the ballroom announced, “Mr. and Mrs. Masseron.” The doors swung open and they walked in to applause. It was a tiny group for such a grand ballroom, but it was perfect for them and comfortable for Hunter, who was still easing out of his safety zone. A team of people had spruced up the room and the gold now glittered like new.

  Penny clapped her hands together, standing on her own, her face beaming. Her family had also joined them. Jimmy winked, his eyes twinkling, and Courtland gave them a thumbs-up. Her father smiled, a touch of
sorrow in the corners of his eyes. But he and Hunter got along better than she could have hoped, and she knew he was happy for her. Plus, she could breathe easy knowing he’d be taken care of now no matter what.

  Finally, Cedric, the friend who hadn’t given up on Hunter, clapped, flashing a smile that lit up his whole face. Mira was happy she’d talked Hunter into inviting him to Rosefield again. Cedric had made Hunter laugh and acted like no time had passed. And he was lending him a house for their honeymoon in a place she never imagined she’d visit, so…all in all she approved of the friendship.

  Hunter spun Mira around to face him for their dance, a waltz. The live chamber orchestra played, and they floated around the dancefloor, the steps coming easily after practicing for weeks. Hunter led her like they’d done this their whole lives, his brown eyes gleaming under the chandelier light. Mira felt light as air. Who knew that a mere housekeeping job would change her whole life?

  She supposed she owed Penny more than she could repay. And if it hadn’t been for the power that one night…well, let’s just say Mira would be forever grateful for the temperamental wiring. They’d come a long way. But she couldn’t wait to see where’d they go from here.

  Coming soon in this series…

  Ella and the Billionaire

  Also on the horizon…

  The first book in the new Billionaires by the Sea series!

  About the Author

  Cidney West is a sucker for Jane Austen, delicious leading men, and anything with chocolate. When she’s not dreaming up new romances, you may catch her indulging in superhero movies, baking, or hanging out with her sister.


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