Imperial Spear

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by Sir Issac III

  Imperial Spear

  Imperial Spear

  Sir Kokiri Kid

  Copyright 2014 by Sir Kokiri Kid

  Part IV- War of Ilya


  The castle sunk into hell, the lava and fire came out with it. We were all absolutely fine. Except Hector. Well, he's strong, almost as strong as me! He will survive. Taking my bloodied and broken body up of the ground, my legs swayed. My head hit a stupid rock as I came tumbling out the window. Surprisingly, my clothes were unscathed. At least one thing went right. I almost smiled at the sheer stupidity of that thought. Lucia got up off the ground. She nudged Xavier's limp body. Slowly, he floated upright using magic. His spectacle before was pretty cool, with the whole God voice and stuff, even the voice was perfectly cheery. Heather got up, and started kicking Ivan. Xavier looked at her. "Stop." She looked at him, looking slightly menacing with her smile gone, and blood around her mouth from her lip. Xavier was still composed. "You will crack a limb, and then, it means a lot of expenses and negotiations between you, and my knife. We must all survive this. All seven of us." Heather started to advance on him, inspecting him. Xavier was still as a statue. "Oh really? With one hero dead, and the other fallen into hell? How will you manage this?" Xavier's menacing smile made another appearance. "I'll worry about that, Heather. You worry about cutting any enemies down that stand in our way." She once more began to talk. "Really? Is that all I can be used for? Harming others?" Xavier's smile continued to flash as he said "At the moment..." Ivan pulled himself up. "Why does it feel like some idiot kicked me?" We ignored him. I fell back to a sitting position. I could not stand anymore. Lucia proposed an idea. "Lets set up camp for the night." With general consent we all got to work. Heather hacking at a tree, Ivan cooking some bear meat, Lucia sharpening tool and tending to wounds and, I hunted some game. Xavier sat on a rock, his eyes closed and his index and middle fingers pointed up and touched his forehead. I knew it was something of some importance, knowing him and his magical powers when all the necessary meat was collected, I sat down beside Xavier. "When you were away Mattais said you were a God. Is this true?" Xavier laughed. "Just like him! No. We are supernatural and immortal beings, each having gifts for something. Mine are aim, speed and intelligence." I asked a different question. "How do you become a God?" Xavier sighed. "Well, you could be blessed by a God, and inherit their gifts or..." "or what?" I encouraged. "Or... well the best way is to marry them, because the first is exceptionally painful and lengthy, about twelve minutes of excessive pain." I finished our conversation "How do you kill a God?" Xavier laughed. "The only way we die is from getting our weak spot hit, or from constant wounds. Pretty much, what kills you in one stroke, kills me in seventeen or so, but if hit in the weak spot kills me in two." "Hey boys!" Lucia waved. "Time to eat!" We both got up and moved towards the eating area. I hobbled over and Xavier limped. I love bear meat. We had lots of it back in Ferox. Everyone was covered in bandage and cleaned of blood. "Xavier" said Ivan "what the hell is Hector doing?" Xavier cleared his throat. " Hector is failing miserably. Day one in hell and he would have died." Heather continued. "If?" "If Mattais hadn't regained consciousness" Wow. The bloody mess of a mage actually survived. Lucia continued. "We have to get them out of there, now. Loch and I will get them." She winked at me. I felt mildly uncomfortable. After we ate me and Lucia moved towards the previous location of CastleVenia. The hole was massive, with rivers of lava and ground of some sort of... red material. Lucia paled, and said to me "Hey, we are going here anyways, why not get a preview?" And she smiled and jumped. Taking a deep breath, I jumped in as well. It instantly grew hot. Looking around, I saw a few horrifying creatures. I was standing on top of CastleVenia, and crawled in through an open window. It turns out the window was ten feet up, and I fell on my legs, and almost broke them. Lucia was already down here. We decided to leave as soon as possible. Getting out the door we were instantly assaulted by monsters. Lucia took this fight. The demon was eight feet in height with red skin, buff body and horns. It had sharp teeth and a hungry look as it looked at us. Lucia produce a bronze épée and pointed the sharp edge towards it. Her hood was drawn and cape was flapping in the nonexistent wind. She lunged forwards and stabbed the monster right through the stomach. It lashed out at her and she ducked and stabbed it in the head. The beast fell. She looked at me "You need to be a God to survive here Loch, come here." I was nervous. "Which ritual is it?" She looked at me with pity. "The less painful one." my hopes were running high. "You... are... proposing?" She looked at me with a look of bewilderment. "Hell No! You get to be exposed to infinite amounts of pain... ready?" I was frightened "No!" She rolled her eyes ans placed her hands over my ears. I blacked out and a woman's voice started to talk, Lucia's, actually. "Ready, Loch? Remember if you had enough yell Not worthy three times, and your bones will melt and your heart will explode." She laughed, then continued." Let's begin." Immediately I was exposed to physical pain. All the bones broke, my heart cut open, teeth pulled, fingers compressed... every kind of physical pain possible. I was done. Four seconds of silence. Then I remembered every bad memory, one by one. It started with my terrible parents, too poor to keep me. Then came my lover. She was brutally murdered by barbarians. Then calls the destruction of Ferox, last time I went where Amazons killed everyone but me and finally, being attacked,kidnapped, and being dropped off at the old haven inn. All in perfect detail. Finally, Lucia's voice came in my head. "I hate you Loch. You are stupid and I would rather die than love you." My spirits were crushed. But then I thought... that was way too generic. Lucia would have used more... "colorful" words. I have decided that it was fake. I was plunged back into hell. "Great" said Lucia. "You are not dead." Do you feel an awkward sensation anywhere?" Actually, it felt weird on my right thigh. "Just be sure not to get hit in that spot." I nodded. Taking one of Lucia's gold longswords we continued on. Shortly after starting I froze. Twenty two feet of snarling, dog-like demon loomed above me. It had three heads and was sixty feet long. Lucia paled, and put two fingers to her forehead. Xavier appeared out of nowhere. "Um... Lucia. Why?" He turned around "HOLY GOD!" the beast reared up and roared. Nothing... I couldn't take. Xavier drew two stygian dirks and donned his hood. The beast charged. Lucia and I jumped out of the way but Xavier's eye turned green, his hair glowed dark purple, and the smile returned. He jumped up, and just as before time froze a voice came out of nowhere. "HOW WELL WILL YOU DIE?" He brought both his swords up and slashed down, effectively removing it's head. It howled in pain, but still lived. Lucia reared up, her eyes became gold, and hair rippled as if a strong gale flowed through it. Once again time froze. Lucia's voice boomed "TIME TO TIP THE SCALES!" And she jumped up, removing the second head. I tried to cut of the third, but a giant claw came and knocked us all back. An alto voice came from nowhere. "I CAN DO THIS!" Followed by "GOETIA!" The demon screamed and fell over. His clothes ripped, face bloody and he was clutching his left arm, Mattais was oddly serious. "Hey. I just saved you." Xavier looked at him and smiled. "Knew I could count on you." Hector came hobbling in behind him. "Hey, lets leave. I hate this place." And so, we continued our trek through hell. We came across a barb wire fence. We walked around it until we found and opening. We entered a building, which happened to be a throne room. A woman sat on the throne. Coming in at 5' 6" Emily had orange hair, and blue eyes. She wore a red robe and sat lazily with her head in her hand. "Hey Emily!" Xavier said. "Great. It's you. Go away!" She snapped. Xavier smiled and looked at her. "Why don't you spend quality time with me mom?" Emily looked at him in horror. "Hell no! Can't you see I have better things to do? Like condemn lots of souls?" Mattais and Lucia were highly amused by this. Xavier said "We fell down here by accident." Emily sighed "Fine. I will send you and your little friends back to
the living. Now leave me alone!" Hell faded and I was sent back to being alive. Actually, I was immortal! Hector was confused. "That was your mom Xavier?" Mattais was highly amused. "Yeah. His mom is the devil." I was even more confused. "The devil is a woman? She also hates her son?" Xavier was smiling. "Yeah... and yeah. My life is weird. Including the fact that I am natural at ice magic." We came back triumphant to Heather and Ivan fighting. Great. "I have a bad feeling." Xavier announced. We all ran back to Ilya. It took us fourteen hours. Once there we stopped. It was the same as always. Hmm. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw legions of soldiers of both genders march into the city. We all drew our weapons and charged them. Xavier and Lucia stopped dead in their tracks. "Crap." Lucia whispered. She drew knives. We climbed a ladder into the walls. The soldiers started ti destroy things. Hundreds upon hundreds of mercenaries rushed outside in a mixture of armor and nightclothes. Seeing the threat all those in some sort of nightclothes rushed inside, and ran

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