Saving Noah

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Saving Noah Page 2

by Shandi Boyes

  As the heat bouncing between us triples, she points to the door opposite her room. With how dense the sexual chemistry is electrifying the air, I expect her to say something more profound than she does. "It's the door on the right.”

  Confused, I crank my neck in the direction she’s pointing. There’s a brass sign of a boy peeing into a tin cup tacked to the partially opened door. Just behind the door is a porcelain toilet.

  I inwardly chuckle when reality dawns. She’s giving me directions to the bathroom, not her bedroom as my perverted mine was hoping.

  Happy to end our conversation before I showcase more of my stupidity, I nudge up my chin in thanks before pivoting on my heels. My steps to the bathroom halt mid-stride when she whispers, “I’m Emily. It was a pleasure to meet you, Noah.”

  She steals my chance to reply, “The pleasure was all mine,” by slipping behind her rapidly closing door. I stare at the white-washed wood for several long minutes, intrigued as to why such a beautiful girl would be so shy. She’s comfortable enough in her own skin to approach a stranger in her home at an ungodly hour, but not confident enough to act on the attraction bristling between us.

  I stop analyzing when Jacob’s deep rumble roars down the hallway. “Ready?"

  "Yeah, man, just a minute.”

  I run into the bathroom, do my business, wash my hands, then jog back out to the small living room, only sneaking the quickest glance at Emily’s door on my way by.

  When I enter the living room, Lola’s massively dilated eyes lock with mine. “Did you find the bathroom okay?"

  I nod, put off by the hope in her tone. “Yeah, thanks.” My eyes drift between Jacob and Lola when they gawk at me curiously. I’m confident the sneaky little shits are up to something, but I’m at a loss as to what.

  Realizing I’ll never get anything out of Jacob when his head is in a lust cloud, I leave the lovebirds to say their goodbyes in private. I make my way outside to have a smoke, hoping a hit of nicotine will stop my thoughts from straying to Lola's sexy-as-sin sister, Emily. I doubt anything will remove her sparkling eyes, beautiful face, and killer long legs from my mind, but I’m willing to give it a shot.

  I’ve got record deals to chase, wannabee groupies to fuck. I don’t have time for a relationship—not even a platonic one. Whether filled with sexual tension like my brief encounter with Emily or a friendship with no steam whatsoever, trust me when I say, shacking up with me is asking for trouble. I hated dragging Jacob into my pathetic life, so I’d never let someone as uncorrupted as Emily in without ensuring she knows what she’s signing up for.

  Considering I never talk about the circumstances that led to me being homeless at the tender age of fourteen, I doubt that conversation will take place anytime in the near future.

  I hope one day to move past my grief, but I don’t see today being that day.

  Chapter 2


  "Lola, have you seen my boots?"

  I’ve searched under my bed, in my closet, and next to my desk, but I’ve yet to locate my favorite boots.

  "Here." Lola, my annoyingly frustrating big sis, throws my boots at me from the doorway of my room, narrowly missing my head. From the way she’s smirking, I’m reasonably sure she was aiming.

  Lola is three years older than me. Although we look similar, we couldn’t be more different if we tried. Even when she was my age, she dressed more seductively and was never seen in public without her makeup perfectly in place. I love my sister, but we have very opposite personalities. I’m sure she wants to strangle me as much as I’d like to bury her in the backyard with her beloved cat, Misty, who passed away three years ago.

  Most of our love-hate relationship stems from our mom treating us more like twins than sisters. She even dressed us in matching outfits when we were kids, which was utterly ridiculous considering our gap in age.

  That was put to rest when Lola and I rebelled like all teenage girls do at one stage during adolescence. Now we’re on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to fashion... and pretty much anything we can argue about. As I said, I love my sister, but more times than not, I’ve dreamed about waking up to discover I’m an only child.

  I’m the youngest of four, which earns me the dreaded disgrace of being the “baby” of the family. Even being in my final year of high school hasn’t stopped my brothers, Aiden and Dominic, from treating me as if I’m ten. When I step back and look at the entire picture, it’s comical their protection is finally being offered now. It’s two years too late as far as I’m concerned.

  Loathing that I’m letting my past spoil my mood, I slip my sock-covered feet into my boots before spinning around to face Lola. My heart beats faster when I catch her disappointing glare. It’s so fiery, it burns a hole in my forehead.


  Her eye roll looks more sophisticated than a twenty-one-year-old should be able to pull off. "Are you seriously wearing that?"

  I peer down at my shiny black boots, my super comfortable light blue boyfriend jeans, and my fitted red sweater. Well, it’s supposed to be fitted, but since my clothes are handed down from Lola, it’s a little loose in some regions. Lola and I have similar body shapes, but she’s more blessed in the chest department than me.

  "What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?" I struggle not to return her eye roll. It's a torturous feat. "It's freezing outside, and you’re only going for a driving lesson, so why do I have to dress up?” My snappy remark has me taking a mental note to check my calendar. I think the Wicked Witch may be visiting soon.

  Huffing, Lola saunters to my closet to scan my scarce collection of clothes. While she searches for a Lola-approved outfit she’ll never find, I drink in her casual, yet sexy ensemble. Her pink fringed denim shorts barely cover her backside, but her black laced shirt and cropped suede jacket add an edge of elegance to her outfit. She’s gone all out with her makeup—which isn't unusual. She'd never be caught dead with my regime that consists only of mascara and lip gloss. I won’t lie; even though she drives me crazy more times than not, she’s a sexpot who knows how to work her assets to her advantage.

  When a disgruntled groan sounds from my closet, I flop onto my bed. “Why don't I just stay here? I don't feel like going out anyway."

  The fact Lola wants me to hang out with her already has my suspicions piqued. We never do anything together, but for some reason, today she begged me to go out with her. You see, upon hearing my beautiful, talented sister failed her last three driving tests, Jacob, Lola’s current squeeze, offered to give her lessons.

  Jacob’s proposal wasn’t made lightheartedly. He had many stipulations attached to his offer. The most vital: her lessons take place on the abandoned forestry roads near his house, which is over an hour drive from here.

  Lola tosses a pair of skinny jeans I had hidden in the back of my closet next to me. ”I need you to back me up, Em. What if Jacob is a weirdo who wants to take advantage of me in the scary dark forest?"

  Her eccentric voice makes me smile. She’s not the least bit scared. That’s not surprising considering she’s the toughest girl I know. "As if you wouldn't like that, Lola.”

  Under my sister’s watchful eye, I shimmy out of my favorite boyfriend jeans before squeezing into ones that hug my ass so profoundly, I look like I spray-painted them on.

  Spotting my disapproving glare, Lola slants her head to the side, wordlessly daring me to argue with her selection.

  “What?” I feign ignorance with a shrug. “I didn’t say anything.”

  She tugs on my low-hanging ponytail before sauntering to my door. “Let’s go before I change my mind and keep him for myself.”

  Even though I’m happy for her to keep Jacob to herself—I don’t mind having her hand-me-downs when they’re clothes, but that will never extend to men—my interests are too piqued to back out now.

  After fixing the mess Lola made to my hair, I snag my purse off my blanket chest then hightail it after her. Her speed is so fast, I have to jog to
catch up with her. With years of track under my belt, I could easily catch her, but a portrait hanging halfway down the hall slows my pace.

  It’s been a little over four weeks since I stumbled upon the hottest man I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I’ve never believed in fate, but my almost cringeworthy meeting with Noah makes me less skeptical. I wasn’t supposed to be home that night. My best friends, Jenni and Nicole, begged me to go with them to Tommy's party, but it was the only night left for me to study before spending the next two days busting my butt at Dan's Grocery Store, so a cram session pulled rank on a night out dancing.

  I love nothing more than letting go of the strings for a night, but since my parents can’t afford to send me to college, I need to maintain good grades so I can score a lucrative scholarship. I had squeezed in a solid four hours of study before I heard Lola arrive home from her first shift at Mavericks. Eager to hear how she did, I abandoned the books for a real-life interaction. I was halfway to my door when I heard Lola giggle. It wasn’t her standard girly laugh; it was the one she uses when she has “company.”

  That took care of any inquisitiveness on my behalf.

  With Lola busy, I ditched my textbooks for my pillow. I had worked a five-hour shift after school before exhausting myself even more with a four-hour study session, so my eyelids were feeling heavy. I had considered putting on pants when my bladder niggled, protesting the cans of diet coke I guzzled down to stay awake, but the noises bellowing out of the living room convinced my fried brain that I could make it to the bathroom and back unnoticed.

  Bad move.

  The last thing I anticipated when opening my bedroom door was the man I assumed was Lola’s date. He was laughing at my family portrait—the same hideous portrait I beg my mom daily to take down. He wore a black leather jacket and snug jeans with a chain going from his belt to his back pocket. His legs were long and lean, rising from motorcycle boots, and his dark hair was short at the back and sides.

  The longer I watched him, the more my curiosity flourished. He didn't seem like the type Lola usually went for. Her tastes lean more toward school jocks and preppy college boys, but he didn't appear to play a team sport. My stalking meant I couldn’t see his face, but his outfit screamed bad-boy, and the only game they play is one that doesn’t require a uniform.

  When he moved without warning, I jumped in fright. He startled me so much, I bumped my bedroom door, causing it to let out a creak. Not wanting to be busted ogling him like the perverted geek I am, I said the first thing that popped into my head: "Is there something funny about my family?"

  I cringed. I was never good at thinking on the spot, and that was a real doozy. Mortified he was caught mocking my hideous family portrait, he stopped chuckling before spinning around to offer me an apology.

  I swear to god, I nearly fainted when my eyes landed on his face. He was by far the sexiest man I’d ever seen. His hair was longer on top and styled with messy, wanna run my fingers through it spikes. He had chiseled cheekbones, fleshy lips, and gorgeous clear, tanned skin. The gray fitted t-shirt he wore under his jacket revealed an outline of a tattoo, and the parts of his shoulders I could see were bulging with veins.

  He was so hot, my skin set on fire. After a disastrous first and only date, it’s rare for a guy to spark an interest out of me, but he was sparking so much interest, I thought I might soon combust. My dangerously high body temperature only regulated when I mistakenly took him as being my sister’s date. Lola may drive me crazy, but I’d never step on her turf like that. I’ve already handled more than my share of nasty, unfounded rumors, so the last thing I’d ever encourage is a relationship that would turn gossip into reality.

  Thank god Noah was quick to set me straight, but not before I had already made a total bitch of myself. I was certain my less-than-stellar introduction would have had him running for the hills, so you can imagine my shock when that same night, hours into me tossing and turning while struggling not to think about his tormented and sad eyes, I received a text message from an unknown number.

  The message was as cryptic as its sender’s heated gaze.

  Never let fear decide your fate. It’s inevitable no matter how much it scares you... Noah.

  We’ve exchanged a handful of texts since then. They’re only brief, but enough for me to confidently declare Noah isn’t a guy I'll ever tame, but I sure could have a lot of fun trying.

  I’m still smiling about the flirty message he sent late last night when I enter the living room in just enough time to witness Lola kissing our mom goodbye. She hugs her fiercely before nudging her head to a white car parked in our driveway. “I’ll meet you outside.”

  Nodding, I pace to our mom to replace Lola’s arms with my own. I press my glossy lips to her cheek before wrapping her up in a warm hug. With my mom being a few inches shorter than me, her wavy almost-black hair tickles my nose when I draw her into my chest.

  I melt when she returns my hug with an equal amount of love. "Be careful, Emily, and try to get Lola back here in one piece."

  Pain strikes my chest. She’s tired, which is expected since she just finished a double shift, but I'm worried about the hesitance in her voice. I hope she isn't about to have another turn. The last few years have been tough on my mom, but she usually does a better job of hiding it from her children.

  "I will, Mom. Love you.”

  I give her a final squeeze before heading for the door. The quicker Lola and I leave, the faster we’ll return, which means our mom will rest. She doesn’t sleep until all her children still under her roof are tucked safely in their beds.

  My brisk speed down the sidewalk slows when I spot Jacob and Lola making out like teens on their way home from the prom. For two “friends,” they seem very familiar with one another.

  When they fail to notice I’ve slipped into the backseat, I slam the door with force, hoping it will announce my arrival. It works. After a final nibble of Lola's kiss-swollen mouth, Jacob cranks his neck to peer at me. My already arched lips curl higher when Lola's expression ruffles from losing his utmost devotion.

  “Hey, Em.” Jacob greets me with a broad grin, drawing my focus to him. “You ready for this?"

  Feeding off the mirth in his tone, I screw up my nose and stick out my tongue. "As ready as I’ll ever be!”

  He throws his head back and laughs. His chuckle is so robust, it could vibrate my heart right out of my chest. Jacob is the size of a giant—the biggest guy I’ve ever seen—but his laugh gives away his true self. He has a gentle soul.

  By the time we make it to the forest, I’m thanking God seat belts were invented. I thought the only time I’d be in fear for my life tonight was when Lola took over the reins. Now I’m petrified. Lola is being taught how to drive by a lunatic. Jacob never goes under sixty, not even in town; he rarely slows down to go around corners, and he finds it entertaining when his car fishtails out of control.

  It’s not my time yet; it’s not my time yet, I chant to myself on repeat, saying anything to calm the nerves dancing in my stomach.

  Panic scorches my veins when Lola swaps positions with Jacob. A professional mask slips over her face as she completes the necessary checks of the mirrors before adjusting her seat, but no amount of preparation prevents the bunny hops we do when she floors the gas before releasing the clutch.

  “Ease off the clutch more steadily next time, Lola; you’re doing great.”

  Jacob’s smile when he praises Lola matches his impressive physique. His bottom teeth are slightly crooked, but with his overbite, you don't notice unless you look at his mouth closely. His blond hair is clipped close at the sides, but the top has more length to it. His intense light blue eyes are the color of the ocean, and his nose is slightly crooked, making me wonder if he’s broken it before? He’s wearing a blue long-sleeve t-shirt over cream-colored cargo pants.

  He’s different than Lola’s other dates, but I like him, and I hope things work out this time around. Lola needs a guy like Jacob on her side.

/>   For the next hour, Jacob continues encouraging Lola. He’s a great teacher who has nurtured his student so well, we traveled beyond the edge of the forest over twenty minutes ago. Although I’m appreciative of Jacob’s dedication, I don’t think we should test out Lola’s developing skills on the poor, unsuspecting motorists in the town we’re approaching.

  "Do you think this is a good idea, Lola? This doesn’t look like a farming town."

  Lola waits for a truck to roar past us before seeking my gaze in the rearview mirror. “It’s nearly midnight; what’s the worst that could happen?”

  Ignoring the hairs on my nape prickling with worry, I sink into my seat, certain something mammoth is about to happen, but having no clue exactly how immense it will be.

  Chapter 3


  My teeth grind when Nick, the lead guitarist of my band, asks what time it is for the seventh time the past half-hour.

  “Five minutes since you last asked.”

  I throw my empty cigarette packet at his head, smirking when it hits its mark just above his blond brow. We probably look a little suspicious being parked under the darkness of a railway bridge near midnight, but it’s a Tuesday, and we’ve got nothing better to do, so we may as well help Jacob with his favorite prank.

  We’ve been sitting in Nick’s black beast the past forty-five minutes waiting for Jacob to drive past. He’s taking Lola for a driving lesson on the abandoned forestry roads. With this being his only way home, we decided to have some fun. It's all about the adrenaline. It gets the girls’ hearts pumping while making Jacob look like a knight in shining armor.

  We’ve done this prank a handful of times the past twelve months. Jacob swears it works every single time. He plays it cool, acting like he's so brave, then once he saves the panicked heroine from the baddies in the naughty black truck, his gallantry gets rewarded in some way—more times than not, in a sexual manner.


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