Mom & Ron, Daddy & Agnes, Nannan & Poppop, Doug & Sylvia Gilmour, Catha Gilmour, Cecil & Elizabeth Collins, Torkom Saraydarian, Dr Sharma, Sir John Tavener, Lily Cornford, Irina Tweedie, Raff Ravenscroft, George Harrison, Warwick McCreddie, Lennie Freedman, Dr Werner Engel, Dr Gerhard Adler
I would like to take this moment
to express how grateful I am
for God's grace and loving guidance on a
most extraordinary journey and task He
has set before me.
In Jesus' name.
All photographs are courtesy of Ginger Gilmour's personal collection exceptfor a few photographs listed below.
All sculptures, paintings and poems equally belong to Ginger Gilmour's Gallery of creative expressions as an artist.
Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders but should there be any omissions or errors we would be happy to correct them in future editions of the book. Please contact the publisher.
We would like to thank our friends below for allowing the use of their photos.
© 1972 Liechner, "Ginger Model Cover"
© Mary Clow, "Ginger Lindos"
© 1972 Paris Match, "Gini Tour, Marrakech"
© Terry Doran, "Just met a girl"
© Essential Detail-Marketing UK, "Young Island"
© John Davies, "Ponji"
© Claremont Resort, "Claremont San Francisco"
© Sim Canetty-Clark, "Sir John Tavener" 2001
© Unknown, "Sanctuary Bay, Dolphins"
David Graham Photography-Photographs and Layout Design of Artwork
Chris Holmes Photography-Cover Photograph
Scripture taken from the New King James Version © copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission, All rights reserved.
© 2015 Ginger Gilmour-Photos, All rights Reserved "Ginger 1970"
"Ginger 1970"
"David & Ginger 1972"
"Doug & Sylvia Gilmour"
"Ginger Modeling 1971"
"Ted & David Japan"
"David, Alice & baby Clare"
"David and Ginger Married, 1975"
"David & baby Alice, 1986"
"Stepdad-Ron, Mom, Toni, Marcus"
"Donna and Ginger"
"David, Woodley, Roydon"
"Ginger Hotel Frankfurt"
"David, Ginger, Alice-Athens"
"David, Ginger, Alice on Tour"
"Rick Wright"
"Ginger & Sister Donna, 1970"
"David, Ginger-Kuaui"
"Nick Mason on Tour"
"Hasenbein Family"
"Ginger, Juliette, & Jamie-NYC"
"Dr. Sharma & Companion"
"David, Ginger & Alice-Turkey"
"Ginger & baby Alice-Greece"
"David, Alice, Dixie"
"Clare & David-Greece"
"Concert USA"
"Hook End"
"On Film Set for the Wall"
"Ginger, Clare, Christian-Lindos"
"Ginger & baby Sara-Lindos"
"Ginger-Sri Lanka"
"David, Joe, Lisa-Epping Forest"
"Mrs. Tweedie"
"Steve O'Rourke"
"Elizabeth Collins & Ginger"
"Cecil Collins"
"Guy Fawkes Party"
"About Face Band"
"About Face Tour"
"David & baby Matthew"
"David & Ginger-Greece"
"Ginger & Children-Toronto"
"Kalu Rinpoche & Bella"
"Ginger & Genevieve Zermat"
"Ginger & Lily Cornford"
"Momentary Lapse of Reason Gig"
"Ginger & Matthew-Japan"
"Emo & Pip"
"Ginger, Michael Benner, Doreen Key"
"Ginger & Children"
"Jill Robson"
"Samantha & Stan Khury"
"Ginger & Dolphin"
"Ginger, Susan & Graham Nash"
"Merry Elves"
"Miriam, Lennie Freedman & Hank"
"Ginger Exhibition"
"Ginger, David, Electra & Phil May"
"Pefkas, Greece"
"Ginger-Red Cross, German Embassy"
© 2015 Ginger Gilmour-Ginger Art, All Rights Reserved
"Angel of Might" 2003
"Lovers" 2002
"Awakening" 2002
"Brotherhood" 2006
"Contemplation-Spirit of Peace"
"Dove of Peace" 2009
"Rose in the Desert" 2013
"Breath" 1998
"Wings of Joy" 2004
"Sacred Vow" 2003
"Mother & Child 2" 2006
"Ball of Wonder" 2000
"Humanitarian Heroes" 2008
"Angelic Whisper" 2005
"Heart 2 Heart" 2008
"Aeriel Miniature's" 2006
"Angelic Blessing" 2005
"Abstract Mother and Child" 1998
"Spiritual Sun" 2010
"Beauty" 1990
"Moment" 2001
"Grace" 1999
"My Icarus" 1983
"Embrace" 1991
"Contemplation" 2005
"Kwan Yin" 2007
"Drawing-We Can Save the World"
"Torch of Light" 2010
"Garden of Beauty" 2009
"Golden Messenger" 2010
"Sisters" 2008
"Serenity" 2009
"Earth-Song of Woman" 1988
"Aeriel" 1999
"Angel on the Threshold" 1991
"God's Warrior" 2005
"Angel of Compassion"
"Seated Angel" 1998
"Woman and 2 Angels" 2006
"Golden Dawn" 2006
"Box of Illusions"
"Doorway to Beauty" 2008
"Heavenly Angel" Ginger
"World Goodwill" 2010
© 2015 Ginger Gilmour-Poems
"Breath of Life"
"Our Last Smile"
"Final Words"
"New Beginning"
"Song That is Me"
"Angel of Might"
"A Love Poem"
© 2015 Angelscript
"Angels Protect Us"
"Sea of Glass"
All collage photos are property of Ginger's personal collection.
Collage 1
(Top left) Ginger
(Top right) David and Ginger
(Center) David, baby Alice, Ginger
(Left bottom) Wedding Day-Cyndy and Jerry Shirley with their son Aaron, Ginger and David, Willie Wilson, Lynnie and Rickie Wills with baby Nickie.
(Bottom right) David
Collage 2
(Top left) David and Venetta Fields
(Top right) Lorelie and Durga McBroom, Rachel Fury
(Center left) David
(Center right) Ginger
(Bottom left) David and Christian-Turkey
(Bottom right) Annette Skovbo and Ginger-Lindos
Collage 3
(Top left) David and Ginger-Pefkas
(Top right) David and Ginger-Lindos, Greecec
(Center left) Barrie Knight-roadie
(Center right)David, Ginger and baby Alice
(Bottom left) Versha, Ginger, Emo, Suzanne Mendes, My Birthday
(Bottom right) Ginger and Clare
Collage 4
Hammersmith Odeon
left) David
(Center right) David and Nick Mason
(Bottom left) Ginger and Doreen Key
(Bottom right) Sister-Donna and Scot Shepard, Ginger
Collage 5
(Top left) David-Lindos
(Top right) Ginger Modeling
(Center left) David and Ginger-Mavrikos Lindos
(Bottom left) Storm Thorgerson, David
(Bottom right) Ginger-Lindos
Collage 6
(Guy Fawkes Celebration at Monksbridge) David and Mick Ralphs
(Center left) Ginger-Lindos 1974
(Center right) Matthew Gilmour and Sara Gilmour
(Bottom left) David and Alice-Big Sur
(Bottom right) Ginger, NYC, About Face Tour
Collage 7
(Top) Sara, Alice, Ginger, Clare, Clancey, Melissa, Dixie
(Center left) David and baby Clare
(Bottom left) Riggatta Lindos-Hobie Cat Team
(Bottom Right) Ginger
Collage 8
(Top left) Ginger
(Top right) Willard Manus and David
(Center left) Miv Watts and Ginger
(Center left) Versha and Johnny Rae
(Center right) David in Sala
(Bottom left) Bob Ezrin
(Bottom center) Val Brady
(Bottom right) Miriam Freedman and Ginger
Chapter 9 Today-Spirit of Peace
Roof, Nancy, "Spirit of Peace," Participant, September 18, 2013, Kosmos Journal founder and editor
Wikipedia contributors, "Four Freedoms," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Wikipedia contributors, "Nicholas Roerich," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Chapter 12 Knebworth Concert
Waters, Roger, Pink Floyd Lyric Book, Blandford, 1982 (a 1975 interview with Nick Sedgwick)
Chapter 14 Paradise on Young Island
Wikipedia contributors, "HMS Bounty," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Chapter 31 Lost in Time at Kaunos
Wikipedia contributors, "Kaunos," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Chapter 32 Tax Exile
Wikipedia contributors, "Karlheinz Stockhausen," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
Gilmour, David, "David Pays Tribute to Richard Wright," September 15, 2008,
Chapter 34 Another Child is Born-Clare
Buddhapadipa Temple, "Buddhist Followers"
Chapter 38 Clash of the Titans
Martin Luther King, Jr., "The Global Freedom Struggle, "Beyond Vietnam," New York, N.Y., 4 April 1967,
Miller, David. "Eartha Kitt, CIA Target." Huffington Post, March 25, 2011,
Chapter 43 "What Was That?"
Scarfe, Gerald. The Making of Pink Floyd: The Wall. Da Capo Press. pg.216 Wikipedia contributors, "Pink Floyd-The Wall," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
Chapter 45 Meeting Mrs. Tweedie
F.M. Alexander, "NYC Alexander Technique."
Freedman, Miriam. Under the Mango Tree, Gilmour, Ginger Illustrator, Astoria London, 1989 "A Lion and a Rabbit"
Chapter 47 Flying Again-About Face
Kendall, Charles, David Gilmour, About Face, Interview with the "Source," 1984.
Chapter 51 Guy Fawkes
Wikipedia contributors, "Guy Fawkes," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
Chapter 63 Daddy Too Loud-Japan
Wikipedia contributors, "Saihō-ji (Kyoto)," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
Wikipedia contributors, "Japanese garden," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
Chapter 69 Sir John Tavener Passes Over
Ranklin, Ben. "Sir John Tavener Dead: Princess Diana funeral composer dies peacefully at home aged 69." UK Mirror, 12 November 2013
Princess Diana 97, "Princess Diana's Funeral Part 20: Song of Athene by Sir John Tavener."
Chapter 74 Together We Save the World
Wikipedia contributors, "1968 Democratic National Convention," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Dan Rather's "A Reporter Remembers", "David Farber Chicago 1968"
Wikipedia contributors, "1968 Chicago riots," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Coates, James (19 December 2007). "Riots Following the Killing of Martin Luther King Jr.". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved May 25, 2011 Report of the Chicago Riot Study Committee to the Hon. Richard J. Daley. Chicago, IL. 1968. p. 72.
Tremulant444, "Chicago," Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young May 1, 2007.
Chapter 78 Life after David
E.G. Monk,1861 "Angel Voices," Published by the Authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. 1895.
Chapter 84 Sanctuary of the Spirit
Allitt, John Stewart, "The Magic Mirror: Thoughts and Reflections on Cecil Collins," 2010,
Chapter 85 Hope
Speeches, Robert F. Kennedy Speeches, Remarks to the Cleveland City Club, April 5, 1968, Robert F Kennedy Senate Papers, JFKL.
Series: Great Speeches of the 20th Century, "JFK Inaugural Address." The Guardian, 22 April 2007
Chapter 86 Visions of Beauty
Aristotle, "The aim of Art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." 384 BC-322 BC
Chapter 87 Venice-A Night of Wonder
Gumbel, Andrew, "Bickering While Venice Sinks," The Independent, February 1996.
Chapter 90 Live 8-The Long Walk to Justice
Wikipedia contributors, "Live 8," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
Artisan News Service, "Pink Floyd Reunion As Told by Bob Geldof," May 2, 2007,
Waters, Roger, During the Hyde Park performance of Live-8, July 2005.
Any internet references contained here are current at time of publication, but the publisher can't guarantee that a specific resource or location will continue to be maintained.
I am a contemporary artist with a vision to create forms and environments that touch the heart of the community with beauty and tranquillity - qualit
ies which throughout time have served to uplift our spirits and restore peace of mind.
November 2014: STARS ON CANVAS: Charity Auction raising funds for Willow Charity to give special days for the terminally ill
November 8 - 11 2014: WAR CHILD AUCTION: Ginger painted an acoustic guitar donated by Carparelli Guitars to raise funds for War Child at Bonhams, NYC, USA May 23 - Oct 2014: ART PARKS INTERNATIONAL: Annual Exhibition: Sausmarex Manor Art Park, Sausmarex Rd, St Martin, Guernsey, UK
May 2013: BRIGHTON OPEN HOUSE: 'Step into the Light': co - Exhibition: The Holistic Art House: Ginger exhibited with four other female artists and they were nominated out of 250 houses to be in the top three for the Best Art House in the 2013 Brighton Art Festival
May 23 - Oct 2013: ART PARKS INTERNATIONAL: Annual Exhibition: Sausmarex Manor Art Park, Sausmarex Rd, St Martin, Guernsey, UK
November 2012: Mind, Body, Spirit Event: with Lorna Byrne: Ginger exhibited three angels on stage; 'Angel of Might' & 2 'Angel of Compassion'; Regents House, London, UK
November 2012: Apnea Evolution Event: Venice, Italy, Ginger gave a presentation 'WE ARE the SEA' to 400 school children, teachers & government officials to aid a 'Charter for the Sea'.
Sept 2012: UN International Day of Peace Conference: A Celebration of sustainable Peace for a sustainable Future: What Can We Do? Rights & Humanity Conference venue the "Light', Royal Liver Bldg., Liverpool, UK: Ginger spoke on the 'Beauty of Peace'.
July 16 2012: Arundel Castle Olympic Torch Relay Event: Ginger was invited to showcase her Olympic Artwork and was part of the Steering Group organising the event. She inspired the singing of the song "Aspire to Insprie' written and composed by Colin Martin by the local Arun schools. Arundel, West Sussex, UK
February 16, 2012: EXPO GALLERY: 'Flame of Spirit' is moved to the gallery from airside, Heathrow Airport, T5, UK
October 2010 - July 2012: EXPO GALLERY: Ginger's Olympic Artwork on Exhibit & for sale; portion of sales donated to Paralympic Assoc. & young athletes. Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5,
February 4 - May 2012: Arts Alive Exhibition: Co - exhibition: 'Global Angelic Blessings'. Artists have painted banners which are hung along Hwy 101, California USA for three months then auctioned.
Memoirs of the Brightside of the Moon Page 42