Falling For Fin (Falling Book 5)

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Falling For Fin (Falling Book 5) Page 9

by Tracy Lorraine


  “No buts. We both know we shouldn’t, so we’re not. I’m saying no this time.”

  “But…” she tries again.

  “I’m gonna leave.” Panic fills her face as I say this, and I reluctantly step towards her.

  “Don’t. I don’t want to spend the rest of my birthday night alone. If I knew you were gonna do this, I’d have gone home with Jay.”

  Hearing her say that makes my blood boil. She’s right, though. Who do I think I am to have stopped her doing that, only to offer her nothing? It is her birthday, though, and it makes me feel like shit when I think about leaving her alone.

  “Fine, I’ll have a couple of drinks with you, keep you company.” It’ll be fine, we can just have a couple of drinks, right?

  I start to question my decision when I see a wicked glint enter her eyes, and I watch as she walks off towards the kitchen to get said drink with a serious sway to her hips.

  I am in for a world of pain.

  Connie shocks me. After getting our drinks, she heads into the living room, puts some music on, and sits on the opposite end of the sofa to me. She is still wearing that damn revealing cat suit, though, which is keeping me teetering on the edge of being too turned on to keep my wits about me. If she just leans a little to the side… No, look at her face, you stupid fucker. That is exactly what she wants.

  It doesn’t escape my notice that the more drinks we have, the closer she gets, and I’m finding it harder and harder to care. What exactly were my reasons for saying no in the first place?

  After licking her red, full, kissable lips she announces, “Right I think it’s time for bed.”

  I have mixed feelings. Part of me is glad my torture is over. Part of me is disappointed. But the biggest part of me is sure she isn’t letting me off so easily. There is something about her that is telling me the worst is yet to come.

  She gets up from the sofa, but she only moves as far as the coffee table. She sits on the edge and puts her heel-clad foot between my knees. “Undo the buckle for me, will you?” she practically purrs.

  Oh fuck, here we go.


  I undo it and hold on to her shoe as she slides her foot out of it. She wiggles her toes before running in down the length of my leg, before placing it on the floor and lifting the other one. Only, this time, she runs it all the way up until it is resting lightly against the growing bulge in my jeans. As I start unbuckling, she gently starts to move her foot.

  I swallow down a groan. “There you go,” I say, but I’m fooling no one by trying to seem unaffected. My voice is all deep and gravelly.

  “Thank you.” She leans forward, runs her hands up my thighs until they are a hair away from where I need them, and she gently places her lips against mine for a very brief kiss.

  Instead of getting up when she moves away from my lips, she surprises me further by moving forward until she is straddling my lap. Unfortunately, this means her cleavage is right in my face.

  I look up to see hunger in her eyes and a small smug smile on her lips. Fuck’s sake.

  I know I was talking bollocks when I told her I wanted a woman, not a girl, before I left for Australia, but it seems that over those six months she has discovered a part of her that had only just surfaced before. Her confidence is through the roof. I don’t want to think about what, or who, helped make that happen. I didn’t want her to change. That wasn’t the point of me saying what I did, but this new Connie is fucking sexy.

  With her tits already in my face, she leans further forward and whispers something I really don’t need to hear. “Could you undo the strap behind my neck? I really struggle with it.”

  Fuck, fuck, fuck, I know where this is going. At least I know in my heart that I tried to resist her. It might not help when Ruben finds out, because he will sooner or later, but I know that I tried.

  I slowly lift my hands up towards her neck to begin pulling at the tight knot tied there. Our eyes hold the entire time, a battle of wills going on as I begin to loosen her top.

  When I’ve undone it, I leave the straps over her shoulders in the hope she’ll hold on to them and just leave the room to go to bed. Yeah fucking right, that’s what’s going to happen. I know it’s wishful thinking on my part.

  I sit back and watch her wiggle until the fabric slides down her front. It’s like it happens in slow motion. The straps slide from around her neck, over her slender shoulders, then the fabric falls smoothly down over her tits until her nipples are revealed. They are peaked, as I knew they were from behind the thin fabric covering them, and just asking to be sucked into my mouth. The thought of the noises she made when I did that the last time we were together enter my brain and frazzle the last few cells that were functioning correctly.

  “Connie,” I warn.

  “Thank you.” As she says this, she lifts her hands to the back of the sofa and sits up on her knees so her tits are right there, in sucking distance. I snap my lips shut and bite on to the inside to stop myself.

  Eventually, she begins to move back and away from me, allowing me to release my lips and breathe a sigh of relief, thinking she might be finished.

  She walks a couple of steps away, turning so her back is to me. I can’t take my eyes away from her smooth skin and her tight, pert arse. I’m so focused that I miss her movement until the black fabric starts to smoothly slide down her legs as she bends over, arse right in front of me, to remove the rest of the cat suit. She stands back up, wearing only the tiniest black lace g-string, looks over her shoulder at me and wishes me a good night, before sauntering out of the room.

  She stops at the doorway, though. I look up at her, my hands tightly gripped on to the sofa cushion in an attempt to stay where I am and not follow her.

  Her thumbs go into the thin band around her hips, and she slowly slides them down her legs, bending over as she does, giving me one incredible view that almost has me jumping from my seat. My cock is weeping and twitching in my jeans, my palms are sweating, and my heart is racing. I want her so fucking bad and I know I shouldn’t be anywhere near her. Not again, anyway. Why the fuck has she got to make it so bloody hard to stay away from her?

  “Last chance, Finley. I’ve got other ways of giving myself a birthday present.”

  Chapter Six


  10 weeks ago…

  Clearly, I didn’t give Fin’s will power enough credit, because I was sure I would have broken him by now. I walk towards my bedroom to the sound of him groaning as if in pain on the sofa. I know he’s trying to do the right thing, that we shouldn’t be together, but fuck, I don’t care. I want him more than I’ve wanted anything in my life. I always have. I wasn’t expecting it to be this much hard work, though. If he wasn’t so close to breaking point, I think I would just go to bed right now, but I have a feeling I’m about to win.

  I pull open my bedside drawer and grab what I need, before flopping back on my bed. I’m propped up on my pillows with my legs bent and open, so I’m exposed to anyone that could happen to walk past my bedroom door. I have a fleeting thought that if Ruben reappears, that this could potentially be the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, but the image of Fin on top of me and moving inside of me from the last time we were together in this bed gets rid of that thought and focuses my mind on the task in hand.

  I turn my vibrator on and let the sound of the vibration filter through to the living room. When I hear a “For fuck’s sake,” groaned out loudly, I know I’m hitting my target.

  I touch the end of the toy to my clit and let out my own cry as the pleasure washes through my body. I’ve been on the edge of another orgasm for hours after our Jacuzzi encounter earlier. I need more, and as much as I may threaten using my vibrator to achieve it, it’s not enough. What I need is the hot piece of male currently burning up in the living room.

  I let out another moan as my climax gets closer, and I’m just about to tip over the edge when I hear movement. I take the vibrator away sli
ghtly and wait. It’s only a second later that a shirtless, frustrated looking Fin storms through the doorway.

  “You fucking win, alright? You win,” he grates out as he shoves his jeans down his legs and removes his shoes and socks. I barely get a chance to admire the perfection that is Fin’s naked body before the bullet in my hand is snatched away and I hear it shatter against the wall as his mouth makes contact with my pussy. His lips latch on to my clit and he sucks like he needs it to survive.

  “Fin, fuck,” I shout into the room as my orgasm crashes through my body like nothing I’ve felt before. All that foreplay was so fucking worth it. It goes on and on.

  When I come down from my high, I can’t help another wave of pleasure rush through me when I see his bright, shining eyes looking back at me from where he’s sat between my legs.

  “Connie,” he mutters, before moving so he’s on top of me and kissing me like it could be the last time. I have to swallow a large lump at the thought that this could be the last time.

  * * *


  “Miss Foster?”

  “Connie Foster?”


  A woman putting her hand gently on my knee brings me from my daydream.

  “Shit…sorry,” I say, when I look up into her kind eyes.

  “It’s okay, my dear. I know this can all be a little overwhelming. Come on through when you’re ready,” she says, motioning towards the white door.

  I get up and follow her into the room to find out my fate. Is my gut feeling right and everything is okay, or has this whole disaster ended with even more heartbreak? The thought of not having a part of Fin growing inside of me has tears stinging my eyes.

  “If you can lie down on the bed, pull your top up and shimmy your trousers down slightly,” the sonographer says all matter of fact, but she soon changes her tone when she looks up at me. “Oh, now come on, let’s have a look and see what’s going on before you start that,” she says, handing me a tissue. “There may be nothing to cry about.”

  I swallow down my tears and square my shoulders in an attempt to prepare myself for what’s to come. I was so confident that everything was going to be okay that I didn’t really give myself a chance to think about how I might feel if I’m wrong and I’ve lost…no, I can’t think about it. No what if’s. I need to know the truth; then I’ll work out how to deal with it if that is my fate.

  “Okay, I’m just going to tuck this tissue into the front of your trousers,” she says soothingly as she does what she says, “And now I’m going to squeeze some jelly on your belly. It’ll be cold, as the machine hasn’t had time to warm it.”

  She’s right, and I jump a little when the cold gel hits me.

  “Okay, let’s have a little look then and see what’s going on.” As she says this, she grabs the scanner thingy and places it to my belly. I try to crane my neck to see the screen in front of her, as the one at the bottom of the bed is off - I guess in case there is indeed nothing to look at.

  “Okay, so…” she begins to say after what seems like hours, in a tone that I can’t decipher. I hear her take a breath, ready to continue, but she doesn’t even get the chance to start, because the door flies open and slams back against the wall. My stomach lurches with the unexpected crash, and when I look up to see what’s going on, I have to fight the urge to puke over the side of the bed.

  Fin is stood in the open doorway, looking flustered and confused. His eyes are wide as he assesses the situation around him, and his chest is heaving with his laboured breathing. Movement behind him catches my attention, and I see my very sheepish looking older brother. Fucking Ruben.

  “Excuse me, we are in the middle of an examination. You can’t be in here,” the sonographer says all matter of factly, although she stutters slightly when she gets a good look at Fin. If I didn’t know him so well, I think I’d be a little intimidated by his presence.

  “It…” my voice gets stuck in my throat and I have to cough to clear it. “It’s okay, he should be here…I guess,” I manage to whisper.

  The sonographer nods and asks him to come in and shut the door behind him. He does as he’s told and just stands awkwardly by the door, looking more and more confused by the second.

  “Pull a chair over and sit next to Connie,” she says, as she turns the screen towards us and my heart skips a beat.


  “Oh, look out, the boss is about,” Ollie sings from his place on top of the ladder I’m holding. We’ve been on site all of about ten minutes, and Ollie has managed to cause a leak already. The last thing I need is Ruben here sticking his two pence in.

  “Fin,” Ruben snaps, “You need to come with me,” he demands, and starts marching back the way he came.

  Once Ollie is back on solid ground, I jog after Ruben. “But I’ve got Ollie here with me, I can’t just le-”

  “Mark is coming as his job’s at a standstill. He’ll be here in a couple of minutes. Get in,” he instructs when we reach his car.

  I expect him to say something when he starts driving. After all, he’s taking me somewhere for a reason, even if it is a deserted field so he can kill me for touching his sister.

  Eventually, the silence gets too much. “Where exactly are we going?”

  “Somewhere you need to be,” is his cryptic answer, then he says no more. Brilliant!

  When he turns into the hospital car park I start to panic. “Shit, what’s happened? Is everyone okay?”

  “Yes, don’t panic. Come on.”

  After paying, I follow Ruben towards the west wing of the hospital, confused as fuck. I pause when we get to the entrance. I hate hospitals, and this is even worse, because I have no idea why I’m about to go in one.

  “Come on, Fin,” Ruben grumbles.


  “Hate hospitals, yes I know, but Connie needs you.”

  That makes my head snap up. The panic I was feeling triples, and dread fills my stomach. “Connie?” I question, in case my mind is playing tricks on me and I misheard.

  “Yes, now come on, we might already be too late.”

  “Too late?”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Ruben complains as he grabs my upper arm and gives me a good tug towards the entrance.

  Once inside, I follow Ruben as he marches up to a reception desk and demands to know where Connie is. Other than hearing her name a couple of times, I don’t make anything else out. My ears fill with a buzzing as panic flows through my veins.

  “Right, she’s through that door. Go on.”


  “GO!” he shouts, and once again pushes me in the right direction. I stumble past the couple of people sat waiting outside the room I’m heading towards, and swing the door open.

  As soon as it opens, I see her. She’s lying on a bed with her top pushed up, exposing her stomach. When she props herself up to see what’s going on, I get even more worried than before. She is pale, almost grey. Her eyes that usually sparkle are sad and filled with unshed tears.

  The other woman in the room says something. I can only presume she telling me off for intruding, but my focus is glued on Connie and all sorts of thoughts are filling my head with what could be wrong with her.

  My senses start to come back to me a little when Connie talks. She reassures the woman that I can be there, and after being told to pull up a chair, I sit down next to Connie.

  I just open my mouth to ask her if she’s okay, when the woman turns her computer around so we can see it. Fuck knows why, though; there must be something wrong with it, because it’s all back, white and fuzzy.

  And then my world stops spinning.

  “There’s your baby’s heartbeat. Everything looks absolutely fine. I would say you’re about eleven weeks. Congratulations.”

  What. The. Fuck?

  I look from the smiling woman down to Connie, who is staring at the screen unblinking as those previously unshed tears run down her cheeks.

g’s really okay?” she asks, and the woman reassures her and points things out on the screen.

  I just stare at them in total disbelief.

  Connie’s pregnant.

  Connie’s eleven weeks pregnant.

  And that means…fuck!

  My legs are moving, making fast wide strides. When I feel fresh air hit my face, I take what feels like my first breath in hours. I bend at the waist and rest my hands on my knees as I pant and allow the world to stop spinning around me.

  This can’t be happening. No, I must be dreaming. Or having a nightmare is more accurate.

  I knew I never should have touched Connie, but get her pregnant? No that really never should have happened. She told me she was on the pill, and I trusted that would be enough.


  What if it happens again? What if my family’s fucked up genes strike again? I can’t lose anyone else, I can’t. That is why I’ve always said I didn’t want kids. It ripped my mum and dad to pieces. I wouldn’t survive it after everything else. I’m not strong enough.

  Chapter Seven


  “If you can take a seat outside, a nurse will call for you when she’s ready,” the sonographer says with a sympathetic look on her face. “Everything will be okay, my dear,” she adds on just as I open the door. I give her a small smile in response. It’s all I can manage.

  The first person I see when I walk through the door is Ruben. Well, I wasn’t expecting Fin to be stood there waiting for me. He pushes himself off the wall he was leaning on and comes over to give me a hug.

  “I’m so sorry, Con. I thought…well, I clearly didn’t think.”

  “It’s fine. I know you were doing what you thought was best. I guess he’s made it obvious how he feels about having a baby, then.”

  “Oh, I thought when he stormed out that you’d-” he stops himself and shakes his head. “Everything’s okay with the baby?”


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