Mate of Mine

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Mate of Mine Page 8

by Megs Pritchard

  Donnie rolled on top of him, spreading his legs wide and lifting his right one up. He felt Donnie's hard dick probe his hole, and he relaxed so he could push in. He gasped, arching back when Donnie moved, fucking him hard.

  "You're mine. No one else's." Each word was followed by a hard thrust into Jeremy's body, leaving him in no doubt that Donnie was claiming him. He rolled his head to the side and heard Donnie growl before he struck, biting hard and deep.

  He came, shooting over both their abs and chests and Donnie fucked him through it, never stopping.

  "Mine," he growled again.

  "Yes, all yours."

  And he was. He belonged heart and soul to Donnie Smith.

  Chapter Eleven

  Donnie stretched his legs out in front of him, relaxing in the evening air. He sat on his deck in the back garden listening to Jeremy move around the kitchen. They’d finished their evening meal, and Jeremy was now tidying up. He’d firmly told Donnie to leave him to it. Donnie had cooked so he would clean.

  He soon stepped out onto the deck and passed a bottle of beer to Donnie, then snuggled up next to him on the two-seater. Donnie threw the blanket over both of them, and they sat in silence, enjoying the sounds of the surrounding wildlife.

  “I could feel you while I was gone,” Donnie told him. “It was strange.”

  “I know. There were times when you seemed to feel, I don’t know, despair? Later, you seemed happy?”

  Donnie nodded. “That would be when we couldn’t find the family and then when we did.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “You were scared.”

  “When I got the first message, I almost shit myself. I tried to hide it from you.”

  “So that was it. It felt muted somehow, and I couldn’t understand what was going on. You scared me, babe.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to worry while you were working.”

  “Never hide something like that from me again.” Donnie turned on the seat, so they faced each other. “Please. I think it made me feel worse not knowing what was happening.”

  Jeremy grimaced. “Shit. I didn’t want to distract you.”

  Donnie cupped Jeremy’s face. “I know, but we don’t have secrets. Next time, tell me.”

  Jeremy’s eyes flicked between his, and he nodded, leaning forward to kiss him. When they broke apart, he said, “I promise I’ll try.”

  Knowing Jeremy’s past, Donnie smiled. “Thank you, babe. Now, what are we going to do about your ex?”

  Jeremy shrugged, staring out over the garden. “Nothing. He doesn’t know where I am so I’m not worried about him now. I’ve changed my number again, so he has no way of contacting me.”

  That had been the first thing Donnie had Jeremy do when he’d found out. Now, Patrick had no way to contact him.

  “What are you going to do about your bakery?”

  “I’m thinking of opening one here once the insurance company’s paid out.”

  “Fucking insurance. Make you jump through hoops to get your money.”

  “Yeah, they keep going on about natural disasters, but I made sure I was covered for everything. They’re just trying to delay paying out.”

  “So, you’re staying?” Donnie grinned at him.

  Jeremy rolled his eyes. “You know I am.”


  “Yes, I’m here to stay. You are my mate, and I love you.”

  “Love you too. Man, it happened so quick.”

  “Too quick?”

  Jeremy bit his lip and Donnie pulled it free, rubbing his thumb over it. “It’s what happens when mates find each other, and I don’t regret it for one second. You’re my mate, and I love you so much. I’m so very happy I found you.”

  Jeremy leaned forward and kissed him, and Donnie returned it, enjoying the closeness they shared. He had his mate in his arms and his home, and he was never letting him go.


  “What about this one?” Donnie asked.

  They were sitting in the dining room looking at locations where Jeremy could open his bakery. So far nothing had caught his eye, and Jeremy was about ready to call it a day.

  He glanced over at the one building Donnie had on his laptop and did a double take. It was perfect.

  Two story building, the front held a huge window that let lots of light into the main room. Jeremy could already see the glass display holding his baked goods, and Jeremy moved closer to the screen.

  “Bring up the next photo.”

  Donnie showed Jeremy all the photos, and the excitement in him grew with everyone. The back room was huge and would easily fit all the equipment and ovens he would need.

  “Does it say anything about what it was before?”

  Donnie grinned. “Would you believe it was a bakery?”

  “What? No way! You’re shitting me.”

  “Nope. The previous owner moved away and has only just decided to sell.”

  “You knew this, didn’t you? Before you showed me all the others.”

  “Yeah. I was in town yesterday when the sign went up, and I asked.”

  “You... you... Oh, you’re so getting lucky tonight!”

  “I’ve booked us an appointment.”

  Donnie rubbed his hands on his jeans, glancing away, and Jeremy reached over, gripping his chin and turning him to face him. “You sneaky, lovable bastard. Thank you.”

  He kissed him, sneaking his tongue out and licking his lips. Donnie opened them and Jeremy’s tongue tangled with his, causing Jeremy to moan.

  He moved and straddled Donnie in the chair, grinding on him. Breaking the kiss, he asked, “When’s the appointment?”

  Donnie panted, looking at him with glazed eyes, red swirling in them. “We have time.”


  Jeremy walked slowly around the empty building, easily seeing how it would look when all his equipment was put in. The real estate agent watched him, smiling at his enthusiasm, and he grinned back at her.

  “I’ll take it.”

  Donnie pushed away from the wall he’d been leaning on and walked over to him. “I knew it was perfect.”

  “It is perfect for your needs, Mr. Sutton.”

  “It certainly is. I can’t wait to get all my stuff in here and start baking.”

  “I’ll give you a few more minutes, Mr. Sutton, and then we can go back to the office to go over the paperwork.”

  When she left, Jeremy faced Donnie. “You are the best mate.”

  Donnie’s eyes turned red and he closed the distance between them, hauling Jeremy into his arms. “No, you are. You make me feel.”

  “Well, I certainly did earlier.” Jeremy had fucked Donnie over the table until he’d been reduced to a screaming mess.

  “And I’m not complaining. Can’t wait to get home and do it all again.”

  They kissed slowly, all lips and tongues. When they drew back, they both panted. “Wow. Can we go now?”

  Donnie chuckled. “Let get this signed for and then we’ll go home and celebrate.”

  Jeremy leaned forward until their foreheads touched. “You are amazing. Thank you.”

  “What for, babe?”

  “Waiting for me to get my head outta my ass.”

  “You are so worth the wait.”

  They kissed again, and Jeremy moaned, loving the taste of his mate on his tongue. When they broke the kiss, Donnie grabbed his hand. “Let’s get this deal done then go home. We have some celebrating to do.”

  They went back to the office and Jeremy signed all the necessary documents, telling Donnie, “We just have to wait for the mortgage company now,” and then Donnie drove them home.

  As soon as they walked through the door, Donnie attacked. Clothes ripped from bodies, with Jeremy loving every single second of it. They couldn’t get enough of each other, and when Donnie sank in, Jeremy closed his eyes, savoring the sensations his mate gave him.

  He gripped his arms, riding his orgasm, and let the emotions sweep him away.r />
  Chapter Twelve

  Looking over the paperwork he’d received from the bank, Jeremy frowned when someone knocked on the front door. He hadn’t been expecting anyone, and everyone he knew was out working with Donnie or hundreds of miles away.

  Standing, he stretched and walked over to the door. Maybe Donnie had returned early. Smiling, he flung the door wide open, a grin on his face. Donnie’s name died on his lips as he stared at the man standing in front of him.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  Jeremy didn’t answer. He attempted to slam the door shut, but Patrick pushed his foot in and stopped it.

  Leaning his weight against it, Jeremy said, “Fuck off. We have nothing to say to each other.”

  “I’m not finished with you. You’re mine.”

  Jeremy grunted, feeling Patrick push at the door. “No, I’m not.”

  Patrick shoved hard at the door and Jeremy lost his grip. It swung open and Patrick rushed in. Jeremy stepped back, creating space between them, and glared at him. “Get out, Patrick. You’re not welcome here.”

  “Nice house you got. Where is he?” Patrick smirked. “Not gonna be here to rescue you, is he?”

  Jeremy gasped, his eyes glancing around the room, searching for a weapon and his cell. “How long have you been watching me?”

  “Long enough. Seen enough too. Like him fucking you on that deck out back, you sucking his dick. Gonna teach you a lesson you won’t forget. That ass is mine and no one else’s.”

  Jeremy stood up straight, refusing to let the fear he felt take over him. “Leave now or I’ll call the police. It’s over. It’s been over for months. I’m not coming back to you, you sadistic, twisted fuck.”

  “Grown some balls, but don’t worry, I’ll cut those fuckers off and put you back in your place.”

  As they spoke, Jeremy inched away, still searching for his cell. He grimaced when he remembered where he’d left it. On the table where he’d been reading the papers.

  Jeremy stared back at Patrick, looking into his pale blue eyes. How he could have thought him attractive amazed him, because looking at Patrick now, his face all twisted in anger, revolted him.

  “I’m never coming back to you.” Jeremy had to stand his ground. In a firm voice, he continued, “I don’t care about you. I’ve moved on and if you have been watching me, then you know I’m with someone else. Just go and don’t come back.”

  Patrick smiled and Jeremy swallowed hard. It was the same smile he used to give before smacking the shit out of him. Patrick closed the door slowly behind him and stepped closer, and Jeremy stepped back, trying to keep the distance between them. He didn’t want Patrick to get too close. Jeremy knew exactly what Patrick was capable of doing.

  Patrick’s smile widened and Jeremy had a second to breathe in before he lunged forward, grabbing Jeremy’s shirt. Jeremy twisted, attempting to loosen Patrick’s hold, and he succeeded, pushing him away and running for the front door.

  His head bounced off it when Patrick hit him from behind, and he slumped down to the floor, stunned by the impact. He blinked rapidly and crawled away, kicking out at Patrick who was trying to grab him.

  “Get the fuck off me!” he shouted, trying to punch Patrick in the face. His fist glanced off of Patrick’s cheek but it was enough for Patrick to let go and Jeremy got up, running towards the kitchen.

  He heard Patrick running behind him and he skidded around the table, reaching for his cell. He grabbed it and continued moving, seeing Patrick closing in on him.

  He dodged his arms and ran for the living room, needing to create some distance between them. He tried to call the police but couldn’t get his code in the cell to unlock it. He shook his head, still feeling the effects of the hit against the door.

  He glanced up. Patrick was mere feet away, and he gasped, desperately trying to unlock his cell. Patrick lunged forward, trying to snatch it from Jeremy’s hands, and they fell to the floor, both fighting over it.

  Eventually, Patrick got it and hurled it against the wall. Jeremy scrambled up and punched Patrick in the face. Once, twice, and then he launched from the floor, aiming for the door and freedom.

  He didn’t get far before Patrick tackled him to the floor. Grunting at the impact, he rolled over and kicked his legs, trying to get Patrick off him. Patrick kept hold and grabbed his clothes, pulling himself up Jeremy’s body.

  Jeremy screamed and kicked and punched, trying to shake off Patrick’s hold. They tussled and fought until Patrick punched him in the face, stunning him, and when he looked up, Patrick was kneeling over him, panting in his face.

  “Gotcha, bitch,” he muttered, grinning through bloody teeth.

  He slammed their lips together, and Jeremy thrust his hips up, trying to throw Patrick over, but all he got was a moan.

  “Yeah, bitch. Do that again.”

  “Get the fuck off me!” he screamed into Patrick’s face.

  Patrick growled then punched him again. Pain exploded across Jeremy’s cheek, and he groaned then began struggling again when Patrick licked his face.

  “Love your taste, bitch. Gonna teach you a lesson for leaving me. You’re gonna feel me for weeks.”

  “Fuck off. You’d have to have a dick to be able to make me feel it.”

  “Bastard.” Patrick’s fist slammed into his face again, and Jeremy grunted in pain. Maybe antagonizing him wasn’t the best move.

  Jeremy breathed in, then launched into Patrick, trying to get him off. He twisted and shoved, thrusting his hips up and trying to knee Patrick in the back, but nothing worked. Patrick had always been stronger than him, but he wasn’t going down without a fight. If Patrick wanted him, then he would have to fight for him.

  “Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy. When will you ever learn? I’m stronger than you. That’s why I’m in charge.”

  “Fuck off,” Jeremy gasped, panting for breath.

  Patrick leaned over here, glaring into his eyes. “You’re my bitch. Not that thing’s.” He tilted his head, then asked, “Why him? Why degrade yourself and let a vamp fuck you when you have me?”

  “He’s mine, and I love him.”

  “You love me!” Patrick screamed in his face, spittle flying. “Me!”

  Patrick gripped Jeremy’s shirt, trying to rip it open, and Jeremy fought him. “No, get the fuck off me.”

  “You’re my bitch, and you’ll know who you belong to before we leave.”

  Jeremy got a hand loose and punched Patrick. The move surprised Patrick and his grip on Jeremy loosened and he managed to shove him off, crawling over to the front door and reaching up for the lock.

  Trying to stand, he touched the lock, but Patrick grabbed him from behind, flinging him away. Jeremy skidded across the floor, but quickly jumped up and ran to the back door. He knew the layout of the house and Patrick didn’t. He had the advantage, and he fully intended to use it.

  He could hear Patrick’s heavy footsteps behind him, running to catch him. Not much further and Jeremy would be free.

  Just as he turned the corner and saw the door ahead of him, Patrick snagged his shirt, and Jeremy spun, crashing into the wall but managing to stay upright.

  He continued and opened the door, crying out in relief. As he stepped through, Patrick tackled him again, and they crashed onto the decking, Jeremy grunting with the impact.

  He rolled quickly, shaking Patrick off and went to stand when Patrick grabbed his hair and smacked his forehead into the wood below.

  Stunned, Jeremy lay there and did nothing when Patrick rolled him onto his back. “Damn bitch, you put up a good fight.”

  Patrick sat on top of him again, and Jeremy groaned, struggling to breathe. “G’off,” he grunted.

  “Now, we’re gonna have some fun.”

  Patrick’s hands slid under his shirt, pushing it up and exposing his chest. He gripped a nipple, twisting it painfully. “Cunt’s marked you up.” He pulled it, and Jeremy groaned in pain. “Gonna leave my own marks on you. More permanent. Ma
ybe I’ll brand you with my name, then everyone will know who you belong to.”

  Jeremy lay still, trying to conserve his energy. He maybe had one last chance to get away. He wasn’t sure if he could do it though as his vision blurred and he struggled to focus. The hit to his head had been harder than he’d thought, but Jeremy had to try.

  He waited and let Patrick touch his chest, twist and pull his nipples. He scratched his skin, red lines standing out on his pale skin.

  Jeremy closed his eyes, thinking of Donnie. If this bond thing were true, then Donnie would know something was happening. He would feel it in his chest.

  “Please,” he whispered. Please let Donnie know.

  “I’ll get there soon, bitch. Knew you’d enjoy it.”

  When Patrick’s hands reached for the zipper on his jeans, Jeremy thrust his hips up as hard as he could. Patrick sailed over him, and he pushed him off, rolling to the side and moving away.

  When he got to his feet, he stumbled forward, his head still woozy from the blow. He heard Patrick behind him and whimpered. Fuck, he needed to move, but his legs weren’t cooperating.

  Patrick slammed him into the side of the house and he fell to the floor. Patrick jumped on top and slammed his head into the decking. Once, twice. Everything dimmed, and Jeremy tried to stay awake, but it was a losing battle.

  At some point, he was vaguely aware of being carried and heard Patrick’s voice in his ear. “When I get you home, bitch, I’m gonna teach you a lesson you’ll never forget.”

  He thought he heard Donnie’s voice, and he tried to tell him what was happening, but all he managed was ‘Patrick’ before darkness swarmed over Jeremy, and he gladly let it take him away.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Packing up their bags after another successful mission, Donnie paused, frowning at the strange feeling in his chest. He rubbed the ache, trying to ease it, and closed his eyes.

  His chest tightened, and his skin broke out in a cold sweat. He panted as his heart rate picked up and he opened his eyes, glancing around the area and trying to figure out why he was feeling this way.


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