Tales from the Oriceran Universe: Fans Write For The Fans: Volume 1 (Oriceran Fans Write For the Fans)

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Tales from the Oriceran Universe: Fans Write For The Fans: Volume 1 (Oriceran Fans Write For the Fans) Page 12

by Michael Anderle

  “They will damage you, but I will heal you, and through healing, make you my own,” he promised. The blade sliced through the tendrils and deflected discs as he strode toward Kettner.

  “Boss, this isn’t looking so good,” Kettner said. He rolled to the side to avoid a strike that would have taken out one of his legs.

  “Keep him occupied. He seems to like you. Maybe we can turn this into a honeytrap.” He snorted in response, and she continued, “Croft, status.”

  “Thirty seconds,” Binot panted. Sheen nodded and rushed at the Fallen. His spine was to her as he pursued Kettner, and she readied herself for a leaping kick to his head. In an instant, though, he had turned, faster than she could follow, and his sword whipped across at chest level. The jump became a slide, and the heat from the confined fire blistered her cheek as it crossed an inch from her eye. She chambered her leg and pistoned it out, connecting with the side of his knee and collapsing it.

  As he fell toward his failed joint, Kettner snapped a constant stream of flattened orbs at his face. He interposed the sword and punched down with his other hand, but Sheen evaded and rolled until she gained enough space to get to her feet. She thrust out her hands, and tentacles erupted again, each one seeking his eyes from a different angle. When he adjusted the flaming blade to block them, discs struck him, the repeated force staggering him as he rose. Again, he bellowed and threw his arms up, and another wave of power washed over them. Sheen conjured a shield and held firm against the blast.

  The door to the stairwell banged open and her team emerged, firing as they neared. Darts of light erupted from Binot’s fingers, finding holes in his defenses as he fought to block both tentacles and discs, drawing yelps and angry screams. Parker went with a tried-and-true tactic, aiming triple bursts at the Fallen’s legs. Khan targeted the arm that held the fire sword with his rifle. The agents were silent, only breathing and grunts of exertion filling the comm. Now that they were reunited, doubt had fled, leaving only coordinated discipline in its wake.

  The barrage brought the giant to one knee, then to both, and his weapon flickered and died. With a gesture he caused the metal barrier to retract, allowing his minions access, but the few who remained could do no more than crawl. He hung his head, defeated.

  “It’s so sad to see how far he’s fallen,” quipped Binot. The rest of the team groaned. Sheen smacked her on the arm.

  “That was incredibly dumb. You just earned yourself the job of dragging him down to the ground floor.”

  “Can I throw him out a window?”

  Sheen thought about it for a second, then shook her head. “No, I think we’ll need him in better shape than that. I’m guessing the idiot has information we or the Oriceran consulate could use.” Parker and Khan bound the demon’s arms and legs and shoved a gag in his mouth so he couldn’t cast.

  The elevators opened. Dornan sounded happy as she asked, “Want a ride?” The team moved to accept the offer.

  Binot alone chose a different path and pulled the Fallen by a line tied around his feet toward the door. “We’ll take the stairs. Meet you at the bottom.”

  As the doors closed, they could hear the thuds as she dragged him down the steps behind her, sixty-three floors’ worth awaiting him.

  The women again sat across the elegant glass desk from one another. Both sported bandages and radiated weariness in their slumped postures. The transfer of the Fallen to the Cube had required hours of attention and effort. Sheen stared at Binot in silence, waiting.

  The blonde coughed in faux apology. “So, as I was saying, we need more people. And more magic.”

  “Funny you should say that. A message from the oversight committee arrived while we were dropping off the scumbag.”


  “Apparently the Fallen is a bigger threat than the Oricerans thought at first, so we’ve got approval to bring on a couple more field agents and a boatload of support personnel.”

  “That’s not enough.”

  Sheen glared at her but winced as the bandage across her burned cheek pulled. “Dammit, Cara, are you still here whining? Get the fuck out and find us some people to put in harm’s way.”

  Binot stood and strode to the door, but turned before leaving. “Boss?”

  A long, drawn-out sigh. “Yes?”

  “Next time, maybe stay on the bus.” Binot tried and failed to smother a smirk.

  “Bite me, Croft.”

  She laughed as she fled the office.

  Author Notes

  Written November 12, 2018

  Thank you for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

  I’ve just returned from the soul-nurturing 20booksto50k conference in Las Vegas, where I got to revel in the companionship and positive energy of 700+ indie authors.

  It’s amazing that such an industry exists. I am grateful every day to be a part of it.

  This is my first foray into Urban Fantasy, although it carries some of the themes from my Military Science Fiction stories—an ensemble cast, strong characters who face challenges and grow, and the sort of snarky dialogue I’d love to have in my workplace! I’m a big fan of Dresden, of course.

  The Oriceran universe is great fun to read and write in. When I first read Martha Carr’s books, but before I read Brownstone, I knew exactly what I was going to write. A bounty hunter who tracked down creatures from the other world! Such a freaking awesome idea!

  Turns out someone else thought it was a great idea before I did and delivered bigtime, so Diane Sheen and the Agency were born!

  If you enjoyed the story and want to let me know about it, you can find me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/AuthorTRCameron or via email at [email protected]. If you have thoughts on improving it, same addresses!

  Thank you again for reading! Wishing you joys upon joys – so may it be.


  Troll Tales

  By Mandi F

  What happens when mischievous, fun-loving trolls get caught up in something bigger than themselves? When things are a-changin’ and mysterious goings-on are afoot, follow this determined and adventurous trio to the answers they seek.

  We all know what curiosity did to the cat, but who can help themselves when it seems like it’s the right…well, really, the only thing to do?

  To Tom, my ever patient and supportive husband who introduced me to the LMBPN Universe and to all the Fuzzys in the world, who are told they are obstinate and headstrong, but truly believe they have no other choice but to do what they believe is the right thing.

  Troll Tales

  Why is everything so dark? Why can’t I see?

  Trying to open my eyes seems like too much work right now. Maybe I’ll try again later.

  Or I’ll try again now, Fuzzy thought when she realized something wasn't right.

  My head hurts, and I can’t see. What the hell?

  Panic started to creep in.

  Something was seriously wrong, but I just can't remember what. It seems like I should remember; that I should know why I can't see, and why my head hurts like hell. Why can't I remember?

  Breathing deeply in an attempt to calm down before her panic became full-blown and took on a life of its own, Fuzzy concentrated on the last things she could remember.

  Fun. Excitement. A surprise. Family. Celebration.

  “That's great,” Fuzzy muttered to herself. “As usual, it's all feelings and no details.”

  For as long as she could remember, Fuzzy's empathy had been off the scale, but she didn't know how to be any different. Everyone she came across made her feel so deeply.

  At first, her family hadn't thought it was such a big deal since once trolls bonded, they focused on the emotions of whoever they were bonded with. They were very proud that she was so bright and showing such great promise at an early age, but when her emotions started overwhelming her regularly, she could feel their worry and concern.

  She felt everything deep in her soul, everything eve
ryone around her felt—the joy, the happiness, the kindness, the confidence, the sadness, the jealousy, the irritability, the anxiety, the anger. Everything, good and bad.

  Sometimes she had to shut down for her own sanity. She had found that spending time alone was the only way she was able to ground herself. A clearing deep in the Dark Forest had become one of her favorite places to relax and reconnect to her own feelings.

  Is that where I am? Am I in the Dark Forest? Fuzzy thought as hard as she could, but still drew a blank. She had no idea where she was and why her head hurt like hell, and it still seemed like way too much effort to open her eyes. Maybe a short nap will help. Deep breathing to try to relax, maybe just a short nap. Get your strength back, then everything will get figured out.

  Orville continued pacing outside the Healing Center, waiting for a report of any change in Fuzzy’s condition so he could update Pearl.

  He couldn’t believe this had happened to Fuzzy. She, Pearl, and Orville had always been best friends. Fuzzy led the way, Pearl looked after everyone, and he was happy to follow them anywhere. He always knew what he should do by following their lead. Now he felt lost, like a part of him was missing and he didn’t know how to find it again.

  The Senior Healer had told him over and over that Fuzzy would wake up when she was ready. Her body and mind needed to heal; then she would wake on her own. There was nothing they could do to help; it was all up to her.

  Pearl came screeching around the corner of the building, completely out of breath and holding something in her arms like her life depended on it.

  “What the hell, Pearl?” asked a puzzled Orville, “There’s been no change. They thought she was waking up a little while ago, but no such luck.”

  “But, but, but…” Pearl huffed and puffed, trying to get her breath back. “I felt her coming around from the herb garden on the other side of the village. I know it was her; she was so confused and scared. I grabbed every healing herb I could find and came racing over here to help her.”

  “You know they won’t let us in before she wakes up,” Orville replied kindly. “We’ve been told in no uncertain terms that if we make ourselves a nuisance, they won’t even let me wait out here.”

  “She needs us, Orville; I can feel it. She doesn’t understand what’s gone on. She’s in pain, and she can’t figure out how to wake up. She’s confused and frightened. Maybe if I speak with the Senior Healer, he’ll let us in, if only for a little while?” Pearl suggested hopefully.

  Given Pearl’s misery and Fuzzy’s pain, he agreed to approach the Senior Healer again. He crossed his fingers, hoping the healer didn’t chase them out again and find something else for them to do rather than getting under his feet.

  Orville approached the Healing Center with trepidation, looking around the doors cautiously to find the Senior Healer. He almost jumped out of his skin as a small voice to his right asked him if he was okay. After the beating of his heart slowed to an acceptable level, he recognized Bloom, the Relief Healer, poking her head around an office door.

  Seeing Bloom there, Orville’s hope that they could get in to see Fuzzy grew.

  Bloom queried again, “Are you okay, Orville? Do you need anything?”

  “We’d really like to see Fuzzy. Pearl felt her trying to wake up from across the village. I know it isn’t the way things are usually done, but Pearl really thinks she can help. You know she’s really good with the gardens and helps things grow and get better. I don’t know how she could hear Fuzzy all the way over there since I was just outside and didn’t hear anything, but she swore that it happened. And maybe it did, like when we both heard Fuzzy when she was hurt, but please, please, please don’t send us away. Please let us see her, if only for a little while. We promise not to get in the way. We will leave as soon as you say we must, but we need to see her. Maybe it will help, and…” Orville babbled, saying anything and everything that came into his head, hoping it that might help get both in to see their friend. Even if Bloom said no, he’d given it his best shot.

  “Since Fuzzy is currently the only patient in the Healing Center and she’s in stable condition, the Senior Healer has gone home for a few hours to rest,” Bloom explained to a hopeful Orville. “As long as you can be quiet and there’s no messing around, you can come in and talk to her for a little while. Talking might help, especially if Pearl felt her from the other side of the village.”

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Orville whispered as he ran out the door to get Pearl.

  As I dozed, I could feel worry and deep concern from someone close. Well, more than one someone. I needed to get up to see what was wrong. It wasn’t the first time I’d been woken from sleep by someone else’s feelings that I couldn’t just turn off, but it seemed so immediate and urgent that I needed to try to help right now.

  Once I finally got them open, I blinked my eyes slowly to accustom myself to the light in the room. I realized I wasn’t home in my own cozy bed, but somewhere else. The pain in my head brought it all back. Well, some of it back.

  Pearl gasped, pushed Orville out of the room to go get Bloom, and rushed to Fuzzy’s side, murmuring, “Everything’s all right. Everything’s going to be okay now that you’re awake.”

  “What the hell? What’s happened? Where am I? Why does my head hurt so much?”

  “There was an accident,” Pearl explained soothingly, “You had an accident. We’ve been so worried. You weren’t waking up; you’ve been asleep for two days. But now that you’re awake, everything will be okay. You’ll be fine, I just know it.”

  “What happened?”

  “We were hoping you could tell us the answer to that question,” commented Bloom as she walked into the room to check Fuzzy’s vitals. “What was the last thing you remember?”

  “Fun, excitement, a surprise, family, celebration, but no detail. I don’t know why or who?” Fuzzy replied.

  “Of course, you’d remember that,” Pearl gushed with excitement, “Yumfuck came home to visit, and he brought Earth-style magical food. We all had Cheetos and Twinkies and Doritos. It was wonderful to see him, and we had an enormous celebration. Although now I think about it, I didn’t see you later on. Did you go on one of your walks?”

  “I sort of remember. It’s not very clear, like something is interfering with my memory of that night. When I try to think back, it all goes kind of hazy and confusing.” Fuzzy mused, trying to work out what had happened.

  Looking at the three young trolls, Bloom sighed. She knew that Fuzzy needed more rest but was also aware that the three of them were as thick as thieves. If she wanted to keep Fuzzy here for a few more days of observation, the other two would be here as well. Might as well let them catch up before the Senior Healer came back in and set down his rules with an iron rod.

  Reminding them that Fuzzy needed as much rest as possible and not to overdo, Bloom went back to her office. Although Fuzzy’s vitals had all been normal, she’d noticed a small bruise on the back of her head that looked new but didn’t seem painful. Bloom noted it in Fuzzy’s chart and didn’t think much more about it.

  The sun was shining the day Fuzzy finally left the Healing Center. She wasn’t the most patient of trolls and kept wanting to get up and help others, but when the Senior Healer threatened seriously to keep her even longer if she didn’t rest, resting it was. And really, she did feel much better after the extra couple of days of bed rest, although her memories still hadn’t come back.

  As she walked out of the Healing Center into the middle of the village, she stopped for a moment. Trolls were everywhere, playing and rolling around in the grass, laughing and trilling. Wonderful carved wooden houses as far as she could see. So awesome to see everyone so happy and normal; just what she craved after the isolation of the Healing Center.

  Orville and Pearl had walked over to help celebrate her release day. They looked great together and would be a perfect match if only they both realized it.

  Pearl was so beautiful with her lush silver tuft, a
nd amazingly graceful. Being the patient and caring troll she was, she just adored her garden and it adored her back. All trolls had sensational horticultural skills, but Pearl’s were completely off the charts. Fuzzy was sure she talked to her plants and knew what they needed before they did. She was famous throughout Oriceran for her healing herbs, with customers from Rodania to the Kingdom of Virgo, and she was even starting to get a few customers from kemanas on Earth.

  Orville was the perfect complement to Pearl, friendly and helpful with a heart of gold. He might not be as flashy as some of the other trolls, with a brown tuft that was almost the same color as the rest of him, but he was the most supportive, happy troll Fuzzy had ever met. And really, that was saying something, considering trolls were generally happy.

  Fuzzy thought, They’ve always both been there for me. Even when I grew into my ‘gift’ and it started causing problems. They never left me, always understood, or if they didn’t understand, supported me anyway. I love them both so much, and I’m proud to be able to call them friends.

  “But I need to know!”

  Orville knew that when Fuzzy became this determined, arguing with her wouldn’t change her mind. She never let a question or mystery go. She needed answers to all the questions, even the ones no one else thought to ask. He had always admired her and loved her deeply as one of his best friends. Her adventurous ways just weren’t for him, although he always seemed to find himself going along, if only to try to keep her out of as much trouble as possible. He would never forgive himself if something bad happened to her and he wasn’t there to help. And now she had another mystery to unravel.


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