“They have located both men we were sent to find.”
The apartment door opened, and Li walked through with a bag under his arm. “Who has located them?” He closed the door.
Shao held up the phone. “Your Yakuza pets.”
Li shook his head when he saw he’d forgotten the satellite phone. Normally, it never left his side, but as time passed, he’d lost faith in the Yakuza finding anything. “Where?”
“At that arcade—the one where the police hassled Jin and me.”
“That’s not far away. Go there and watch. Don’t reveal yourself, but make sure those buffoons don’t lose them. Jin, back him up.”
Jin mumbled obscenities as he swallowed the bite in his mouth. “Why me? I just sat down.”
“Because I said to. Take it with you, but both of you need to get there sooner rather than later. Now go!” he snarled, his eyes flashing yellow.
“I meant nothing by that, Li. I’m going.” Jin raised his hands palms up in surrender.
“Just do it. Wu and I will meet you there in four hours if you haven’t made contact. Take the other phone with you and keep me updated.”
Jin nodded as he went through the door on Shao’s heels.
Serenity Temple, Dabie Mountains, China
“What do you want, Li?” Kun snapped as he answered the satellite phone.
“The Yakuza have located the leeches.”
“Good. Where is their base?”
“They don’t have that information. They spotted them going into an entertainment complex we’ve been watching. I sent Shao and Jin to monitor, so we should have the information soon.”
“See that you do. At least your report is positive. Cui is still waiting for the incompetents I sent to retrieve the weapons. Have your men follow them at a distance, but do not engage. I don’t want them moving once we locate their hiding hole.”
“Understood, Master. Any other orders?”
“Coordinate with Cui. I know you two have talked, but update him with this news. I’m sending more men to help with the weapons. I want those two dead and their base destroyed.”
“I will contact him,” Li assured Kun.
“See that nothing spoils this. You’ve been there long enough to have located those two several times over. I will tolerate no more excuses. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Master,” Li replied to the dead line.
Hybrid Vessel Ming Dan, Quingdao, China
“Yes, hello?” Cui answered.
“Cui, I just spoke to Kun. He is sending more men to help with the weapons. We have sighted the two vampires and should have their location soon,” Li advised.
“You’re sure it’s them?”
“Yes. The Yakuza have men with pictures of Akio. They verified it was him, and the one with him matched the description of the man who escaped you.”
“If that Akio hadn’t interfered, he would not have survived,” Cui growled.
“No offense intended, Cui. Kun is in one of his moods tonight.”
“What else is new? He calls me daily with conflicting orders. The ship with the warriors returned a few days ago. He recalled them again.”
“What is he playing at? This is the second time he sent them and called them back. Did he say why?” Li spat, exasperation lacing his words.
“He didn’t want to split the forces. He said he wanted the warriors to go in behind the weapons and destroy any who lived.” Cui rolled his eyes, although Li couldn’t see him.
“Is he losing his mind? That makes no sense. It was the plan all along. Last time, he didn’t want word of their arrival to leak. Who could leak it?”
“Careful, brother. You don’t need Kun to hear you’re questioning him,” Cui warned.
“You’re right. I’m alone now, and I know you have to be thinking the same.”
“I do. He’s been closed up in his rooms and is as likely to lash out at any who come to him as not. Two days ago, he killed an acolyte who brought him news of another delay with the weapons.”
“Something needs to be done about him. I think this stuff with the vampires has broken his mind. He calls and threatens me one day and praises me the next. I’m concerned that his obsession will cause harm to the Clan if he continues unchecked,” Li worried.
“I received news that the leaders of several enclaves met last week. They discussed what he did to Shek, among other things. We don’t want to get caught in whatever troubles that might bring,” Cui warned.
“That’s why I told you to be sure you cover yourself by only following his direct orders. As long as we do that, we should be safe from any repercussions Kun suffers.”
“I agree, my friend. I will call you as soon as I have word on the weapons. Or if Kun sends the warriors’ ship to Japan again.”
“Do that. As soon as I have the location of the vampires’ base, I will let you know. Then, if anything happens here, you will still know where to go.”
“What about that entertainment complex? You said it involved them in some way?”
“They were seen entering it tonight. I will look into it further, now that there’s a connection other than the Yakuza’s speculation.”
“Do that. When I arrive, we might want to hit that location as well.”
“Only if Kun orders it. Remember, follow his orders to the letter.”
“You’re right. I’m still angry that leech escaped me, and I want to punish those who interfered.”
“I understand. Perhaps we will have the chance. We don’t want to do anything that could point to us if the other leaders go after Kun. Plausible deniability, I think they call it.”
Cui chuckled. “Not that there is any denying Kun is bugnuts crazy.”
“Be careful,” Li admonished. “You never know who might hear you. The last thing either of us needs is for Kun to think we’re against him. Shek won’t be the only one to die if that happens.”
“I know. No one else is aboard right now. Ren is training with Yi and Pan. He won’t be back until morning. They’re running the warriors through some ruined buildings to prepare them for what they will face in Japan.”
Li laughed. “There are ruins here, but this city is in better condition than any in China. Most of the damage done here was through natural disasters. They had minor damage from the war that followed the WWDE.”
“The warriors needed something to occupy them. That was as good an idea as any.” Cui snickered. “Besides, Ren was going stir-crazy on this ship, and he was driving me insane with his constant bitching.”
“I made all of mine find jobs.” Li laughed. “I think Shao would have killed Wu if he had to spend another day closed up with him.”
“I’ll be glad when this is over. Sitting around waiting for a madman’s plans to come to fruition isn’t good for either of us. At least you have civilization. I have a jumped-up fishing village and a pack of bored warriors. There have been incidents with the locals, and we had to take control of the town.”
“At least you have plenty of fish to eat. I don’t know what I will do for lunch tomorrow. It is hard to decide between Kobe beef steaks or the Italian place I found last week,” Li chided.
“You are an evil man, Li Song. There is a special level in hell reserved for men like you.”
Li laughed. “I will treat you to both when you arrive, my friend.”
“I’ll hold you to that. Have a good night.”
“You, too.” Li cut the connection.
Chapter Twenty-Four
The Palace, Tokyo, Japan
“Konichiwa, Kenjii-san. Welcome to my dojo,” the gray-haired man greeted the vampire as he entered the sim.
Kenjii’s head jerked up as he focused on the figure.
“Uh, konichiwa.”
Akio watched Kenjii’s confusion on a monitor where Takumi streamed the sim, one side of his mouth turned up in a smile. That Abel had introduced him to that movie earlier made it even better.
“Take your position in the ring.”
The sim instructor pointed. “I will start slow and determine your proficiency with those blades.”
“Are you serious?” Kenjii called, not believing Akio had put him into a training match with a player from a motion picture.
“Hai, always serious,” the gray-haired man answered. “Now, please take your place before I grow old.”
Kenjii shook his head in mirth as he followed the instructions. He assumed a guard stance, one blade high, the other held low as Akio had shown him.
“Form is suitable. Maybe you not a waste of time.”
What is Akio playing at? He talked about this for several days, and now I get this?
Kenjii had to take two steps back and bring his blade down as he awkwardly blocked the sword coming for his head.
This time, he was forced to step sideways to avoid a slash aimed at his leg. He thrust one sword out and caught the blade millimeters from his flesh, then yelped as a sharp sting spread across his buttocks.
“Focus on one sword, get bit in ass by the other,” his opponent chided.
Kenjii’s eyes flashed red as he grimaced in anger. All thought of how ridiculous he originally considered the sim left his mind. He continued to slip sideways as he hooked the blade by his leg with his left sword and slashed with the right. His opponent blocked it with a flick of his weapon.
“Must try harder to be successful.” His antagonist chuckled. “You hit like a small child.”
Kenjii flushed with rage, and his fangs extended from his gums. “You will not talk to me like that, you self-important stack of silicone.”
“I think I hit a nerve,” Takumi deadpanned to Akio.
Akio’s body shook as he fought to control the laughter that threatened to explode. “I have some understanding of what he’s experiencing.” He chortled. “I was ready to bite someone the day I experienced this.”
“Yes, I particularly enjoyed that. Eve informed me she had neglected to tell you about the program changes or the force-feedback suit.”
“It was an experience I won’t soon forget,” Akio assured him.
“Watch this,” Takumi instructed.
The avatar twisted the sword Kenjii had blocked, catching it with the hooked end of his shuang gou. He took a half-step to the side, pulling Kenjii off-balance, and snatched his blade up and back, yanking the vampire’s sword from his hand. In one smooth motion, the instructor blocked the other sword with his left and moved in under Kenjii’s guard. His foot came up, and Kenjii’s avatar fell to the floor when the foot caught the side of his head. He grunted in response to the blow.
Before he gained his feet, both his opponent's swords whistled through the air and connected on either side of his neck. His vision went red for an instant, then he was back in the ready room. A text message appeared in front of him.
Player One has sustained a lethal blow. Do you wish to continue?
“Continue,” Kenjii growled.
The scene turned green, then blurred, and he was once again in the dojo. His opponent stood with his swords held casually by his sides.
“I thought we were practicing blades,” Kenjii complained.
“Always expect the unexpected. Only rule in fight with swords is not to be where sword cuts. Again.”
Kenjii cautiously stepped into the ring, warily watching the smaller man who had so easily defeated him.
“You here to learn, or do you still wish to dance about like bull in china shop? I can do this all day.”
Kenjii bowed slightly, his eyes never leaving his opponent as Akio had taught him. “I am here to learn, Sensei.”
“Good. Now we can begin.”
Akio watched for a few minutes longer. When he saw that Kenjii no longer looked at the sim as a game, he nodded. “How long will you keep him in there?”
“He has excellent form, and with his vampire abilities, he is already proficient. I suggest one hour to build on his tactics with the longer blades,” Takumi replied.
“He will go against tigers who can match his speed and some who have mastered the Pricolici form. He needs to be more than proficient.” Akio motioned to Kenjii. “I don’t wish to lose him again.”
“Understood. I assure you I will teach him everything I’ve discovered about fighting the tiger men. He will not be easy prey, no matter what form they use.”
“Domo, Takumi. Please notify me five minutes before the session ends.”
Akio exited the sim suite and made his way to the offices near the front of the building. He heard Eve’s and Horst’s voices before he entered.
“Yagi didn’t know what bothered him so much, but he said several other villagers came to him with similar tales.”
“Did he give any other reasons?” Eve asked.
“Yes. He told me something was off about him on the job site, too. That he didn’t have answers to questions about the progress or the purpose of some construction steps when first asked. Then he would have the answers the next day, or even later the same day. As the job superintendent, he should have been on top of all of that,” Horst assured her.
“Is there a problem with the Kume work?” Akio inquired as he entered the office.
“Not sure,” Horst answered. “Yagi has become knowledgeable about working with construction superintendents since the project started, and he felt something was off with the company we hired to do Koda’s and Asai’s project.”
Akio was silent for a moment. “Should I meet with him?”
“No, I don’t think it’s that serious. I’m scheduled to complete the last walk-through tomorrow. I will talk to him and contact you if I need you,” Horst replied.
“Very good. I will wait for your call.”
A monitor on one wall came to life. The scene showed Kenjii moving through forms with his shuang gou in slow motion as Takumi’s avatar made comments and corrections.
“That was not what I expected, knowing Kenjii’s temperament,” Eve stated.
“Takumi pushed him into reacting emotionally, then killed him. I think they have an understanding now.” Akio smiled.
“Do you think Miko, I mean Kenjii, will integrate into human society?” Horst sounded concerned.
“Hai. He has improved over the past month. I will introduce him to Koda and Asai since they said they are willing. Koda wants to visit the base.”
“I will bring her anytime she wants.”
“I know you would, Horst, but I don’t want any of our people to worry that they’re in danger from another. That’s why I’ve kept Kenjii’s interactions with humans limited. He now understands that Heinz and Isamu were not outstanding role models.”
“That is without a doubt the biggest understatement I’ve ever heard you make.” Horst snorted. “They were—what did Koda call Seki last week, Eve?”
“A douche nugget,” she supplied.
“That’s it. They were both douche nuggets.”
“Nice to see your vocabulary is expanding.” Akio chuckled.
“What can I say? Have to roll with the times.” Horst winked.
“What are you rolling in?” Koda quipped as she came into the office. “Whatever it is, you better not get it on the couch.”
Horst laughed as she approached him and wrapped him in a hug. “I was showing Akio one of the many changes you have made in my life, my tiny beauty.”
“Konichiwa, Akio-sama,” Koda greeted the vampire.
Akio returned her courtesy. “Konichiwa, Koda-san.”
Koda noticed the scene on the monitor and gestured to it. “How is Kenjii doing?”
“He’s adapting to his new life. He has progressed faster than I expected, but he’s dealing with some recurring issues.”
“I’m glad you saved him. He is good for you.”
“We are good for each other.”
“I want to invite both of you to the opening of the Kume Sunset House.” She bumped Horst with her hip. “My man-mountai
n says we can open in three days.”
“It will be an honor to attend.”
“Great! I will have Takumi contact you with the details.”
“Domo.” Akio nodded. “Kenjii will soon be out of the sim. If you are available, I would like you to meet him.”
“I would love to. Asai is in her apartment. Would you like me to call her to come down too?”
“If she isn’t busy. I want Kenjii to interact with the two of you in controlled circumstances. He’s shown that he can function around normal humans, but I must be sure he will control his urges until he agrees to enhancement.”
Koda pulled the pendant that served as her communicator out of her shirt. “Asai, can you come to the office?”
“Sure. What’s up?”
“Akio wants Kenjii to meet us, as we discussed.”
“I’ll be right down. Seki’s here. Can I bring him?”
Koda looked at Akio, who nodded.
“Bring him, cousin.”
“On the way.”
They continued to make small talk while watching Kenjii on the monitor. He had progressed from going through offense and defense stances in slow motion to working at half-speed.
Akio appraised his progress. “Takumi, have him speed up to full speed.”
Kenjii stopped for a beat, then launched into the same series of moves at full speed. His blades were blurs as he moved from one stance to the next.
“He’s a quick study, Akio,” Takumi mused. “Let’s see how he handles this.”
Kenjii stopped when he’d completed the katas. He nodded to the figure in front of him, and the next instant, both of them were flowing from attack to defense in a smooth dance of flashing steel.
The avatar Takumi controlled switched up, going from defense to offense and back in the blink of an eye. Kenjii followed each move and countered it without hesitation.
“Damn. Is that a new sim, Eve?” Seki asked when he and Asai came through the door.
“Yes. It’s a continuation of the martial training sim I developed for Asai and Koda.
Seki looked at Asai with confusion. “You train like that?”
Asai giggled. “Not yet, but soon.”
“I will have to step up my game, won’t I?”
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