Kissing Kringle

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Kissing Kringle Page 2

by K. L. Fast

  “Those sounds are only for me baby girl,” I tell her. I feel her nodding under my hand, and I continue to lick her through her orgasm.

  Standing, I start to remove my pants. I can’t let this girl get away again. She’s mine.

  “Um… that was amazing,” she breathes, sitting up.

  “It was. You were such a good girl,” I say running my palm over her flushed cheek. “But we’re only just getting started,” I tell her. She nods. Before either of us can say anything else. My cell phone rings. I was going to ignore it, but I see that it’s Ruthie who has also texted me twice. “I’m sorry, I have to take this,” I say. As soon as I answer, her loud voice permeates the room. I might as well have put on speakerphone with how loud she’s being.

  “Where are you, Nick? You are late,” she screams.

  “Shit,” I say looking at my watch. I am twenty-five minutes late for pictures with Santa. I can honestly say that’s never happened before. “I’ll be right down,” I tell her hanging up before she can scream again.

  “What’s going on?” Kristina asks.

  “I gotta go, but this isn’t over yet.”

  “It’s just as well. I still have to do my community service,” she says standing and pulling her panties back up followed by her jeans.

  I walk over to the sink and as much as I don’t want to do this, I wash her juices off my face and hands. I button my white shirt back up and adjust my coat. I pull the fake beard out of my pocket and attach it. When I turn around, she’s just staring at me.


  “That shouldn’t be so hot, but it is,” she says, causing me to laugh.

  “I’ll keep that in mind, baby girl. Now, I need your number so I can call you about the rest of our lives later,” I tell her. I know I am coming on strong, but I don’t give a fuck. I’ve been waiting for a long time for her, so forgive me if I don’t even entertain the idea of going slow.

  “That will be hard. I don’t have a phone, but I’ll be back for the next few days. I have to pull off twenty-three hours of community service.”

  “Are you a criminal or something?” I ask, half-joking. Not that it matters one fucking bit it’s just that is just a super-specific amount of community service.

  “Something like that,” she says grinning before unlocking the door and flouncing out of the room like our lives didn’t just change.

  We’ll just see about that.

  Chapter 4


  Omg! I can't believe I just said that to him. As soon as the door shuts behind me, I book it as fast as I can on shaky legs to the first bathroom I can find and lock myself in. I just had my first ever orgasm with a man that has to be at least twelve if not fifteen years my senior and of course, he’s the sexiest motherfucker I have ever seen. I put my head between my knees and take a few deep breaths.

  “Get your shit together Kristina,” I tell myself out loud. I can’t believe I let a man I have only known for ten minutes eat me out. Who the hell does that? I take a deep breath then stand up and make my way to the sink. I gasp when I see myself. I look like a hot mess. My long brown hair looks like I have a bird’s nest in it. My normally pale cheekbones have a bright pink tint to them. I run my fingers over my slightly swollen lips. I shiver when I remember the way his mouth felt on mine. The way he took control of my body, all I could do was feel.

  For the first time in my life, I fucking felt free. For that moment, that I was with him, I felt like I could breathe, and I’d do just about anything to get that feeling back. I may not believe in love at first sight or the happily ever after kind of love, but I can’t deny the attraction I feel toward Nick or the way he knew how to play my body so well. My legs instinctively rub together as I remember the way his beard felt against my sensitive skin.

  Maybe just maybe, I can take a little something for myself.

  I have a few days that I will need to be here and if he is playing Santa what would be the harm in letting him take me away for just a little while. I just have to remember not to give him my heart in the process. One thing's for sure, I refuse to seem desperate, so I am going to pull myself together and go snuggle on some babies. I splash some cold water on my heated cheeks then pull my hair into a messy bun with the rubber band I always keep on my wrist to hide the fact that there is no way of fixing the sex hair that I am sporting.

  Once I deem myself as good as it’s going to get, I make my way back to the NICU. Once I am inside, I walk over to the nurse’s station. There is only one nurse there and her name tag reads Patty.

  “Um, hello Patty. My name is Kristina. I was wondering if you could help me out.” She looks up at me from her crossword puzzle.


  “I'm here to volunteer and this is my first time. I’m not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do.” She gives me a warm smile. She has to be in her early fifties with some of the kindest eyes I have ever seen, and I instantly like her.

  “Well, aren't you just a sweet as can be coming to help with these sweet babies. Just follow me and we'll go find you one of those tiny tots to snuggle with.” We make our way to a wall full of light pink robes. “You’ll need to put this on. It’s to help prevent the little ones from getting sick.” I nod and put it on. She walks up behind me and ties it in the back. We walk into a room with a few babies in incubators and others in what look like little cribs. “Why don't you go sit over there and I’ll grab her for you?”

  “Her?” She just nods. Okay then, I think to myself. She is back a minute later with the smallest little baby. I'm almost afraid to hold her. “Oh wow, she is so little!” I exclaim. Patty smiles at me.

  “She is a little fighter. She has been here for a while now. No family or anything. Right now, she is the only one on the ward that doesn't have a family to visit her, so we like to let her have some more attention with the volunteers.” I look down at the little baby and my heart breaks for her. I know what it's like to not feel loved by your parents. I hug her a little closer and her little hand wraps around my finger my heart melts.

  “She's beautiful. What’s her name?” I ask. Patty’s eyes get a little sad.

  “She doesn't have one yet.” God, that is so sad. I'm about to burst into tears. Everyone should have a name. Patty points to the double sides window wall.

  “If you need anything, I’ll be right out there.” I just nod my head all the while looking at the little girl who's looking up at me with big blue eyes.

  “Hi, little one,” I coo. She gives me a big toothless smile and I swear to God, I fall in love with her right there. I make a vow to come down here even after my community service just so I can make sure she has someone in her corner. I spend an hour just holding her and playing with her little toes. I even fed her a bottle. The longer she is with me the more of a little personality I see from her. She reminds me of a warrior, like me, not giving up even when life tries to break us. “Just between you and me, I think I am going to call you Kayleigh. It means warrior in Swedish,” I whisper to her. She coos and I can’t help but giggle.

  “That's a beautiful name for her.” I look up and see that Ruthie is standing over me. I blush scarlet.

  “Oh gosh! I am so sorry. I didn't mean for anyone to hear that.” She smiles at me.

  “It's time to clock out but you can come back by tomorrow and see her.” I sigh. Damn. I am having a hell of a time putting her back. It kills me to know that she will be here all night by herself. I'm half tempted to kiss her little forehead, but I don't want to seem creepy. Rubie hands me a piece of paper. “Here ya go! Give this to Willy on Monday.” I just nod and start to make my way home. All the while feeling like I just left a little piece of me at the hospital.

  Problem is, I don’t know if it’s all Kayleigh or if Sexy Santa has a little something to do with it.

  Chapter 5


  After my second round of pictures with the kids, I head back to the nursery to tell my lighter fighter goodnight. The first thing I
notice is Kristina's perfume lingering in the room. She's been in here. The next thing I notice is that there is finally a name card on the bassinet. Kayleigh. I find that it suits her. The more I look at the little treasure, the more I know she's supposed to be my daughter. I gently touch her little belly, as she already sleeping, and leave without waking her. Before leaving the hospital, I stop by Ruthie's office.

  "What's up boss?" she asks looking up from her desk.

  "Someone named the baby," I say.

  "I know. I think it works, don't you?"

  "I did. Who named her?"

  "A new volunteer. Kristina," she starts but I interrupt her.


  "Yes. You met her?"

  "Something like that. How can I get in touch with her? Her address?" I know she said she'd be here tomorrow, but I can't wait that long. She named my baby, for fuck's sake. That has to mean that she's mine.

  "You know I can't tell you that, Nick. It wouldn't be right to give the home information of a high school student," she says, dropping a bomb on me. I swallow thickly. Did she just say what I think she did? High school? Did I really just make a high school student moan and come all over my beard and fingers? And while that does give me a moment's pause, I also find that I don't think I care.

  "High school?" I croak out.

  "Jesus, what did you do?" she asks, but the look on her face tells me she already knows.

  "I fell in love with a high school student?" Okay, so saying it out loud makes it worse. So much worse. I feel the walls closing in on me.

  "Nick, calm the hell down. You know all of our volunteers have to be eighteen for insurance purposes," she says smirking at me.

  "Oh, right. I'm gonna need her address, Ruthie," I tell her immediately able to breathe again. But let's face it, I'd happily have gone to jail for the chance to love her again and again. I don't know what this says about me. It's Kristina though. She brings out the animal in me. The animal I didn't know was there. I watch as Ruthie quickly writes something on a sticky note and hands it to me.

  "This goes against my better judgment. Don't do anything stupid," she warns.

  "I literally can't promise that. Thank you, Ruthie. You don't know what this means to me. Merry Christmas."

  "You too, boss. Can I offer you a word of advice about Ms. Bell?"

  "Of course."

  "It's not my place to tell you this, and I can't really say more, but tread lightly. She's had nothing but a shitty go of it her whole life. I don't think she needs the knight in shining armor or maybe that's exactly what she needs," she says shrugging. That's cryptic and not all that helpful.

  "How do you know this?" I ask looking at the address. It's in the Bronx but other than that I know nothing about the area.

  "My husband is her guidance counselor. See you at the corporate Christmas party tomorrow night."

  "Looking forward to it," I say before leaving the office. I exit the hospital without talking to anyone else. I lose the coat and beard as soon as I get to my car. I have a lot to think about on my drive. What should only take thirty minutes tops takes about two hours in the lingering rush hour traffic. When I pull up to a tiny, disheveled duplex, I think this can't be right. I get out of the car. It's dark but the streetlights aren't on. I see a drug deal going down on the corner and glass breaking somewhere nearby. I hear shouting coming from all directions.

  Using my phone's flashlight, I walk up the cluttered path to the front door. I dodge toys, bikes, used needles and condoms as I do so. I'm getting more and more upset with each step I take. Where the fuck am I right now? It looks like a fucking war zone. I reach her door, 148B, and knock. The porch light flickers on and about ten locks unlock before the door swings open. My girl steps into view.

  "Nick? How did you find me? You shouldn't be here," she whispers frantically.

  "This is where you live?" I ask harshly pushing the door open. The living room is cluttered, hoarder style and smells like a brewery.

  "Don't you dare judge my house mister high and mighty. I didn't invite you in," she says, crossing her arms over her chest. She's wearing cute snowman pajama pants and a tiny tank top.

  "I ain't judging, baby girl. I'm concerned for you," I answer honestly, though I note she said house and not home.

  "Who was at the door, dummy? If its people pushing religion, tell 'em we don't want any. And get me another beer," a woman shouts from the other side of the magazine fort. Kristina closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. When she opens them again, they are swimming in tears.

  "That's my mother," she whispers as the tears fall. "You were the one person I didn't want to see this," she admits.

  "You gonna answer me? Or did you forget how to speak, you idiot?" The woman shouts coming around the corner. "Well, my, my, my who's this tall drink of water?"

  "I'm Nicolas, Kristina's boyfriend."

  "Oh. I'm her mama, Frances. You want a beer? She's a good beer fetcher. 'Bout all she can do."

  "No, thank you. Where's your room, Kristina?"

  "It's this way," she says. I hate the fact that she's resigned herself to this life. I'm about to change that shit. She should live like the queen she is.

  "What about my beer?" Frances shouts as we take off down the short hallway.

  "You might want to get that yourself," I shout back. The place is so damn small, it takes about a second to get to her room. Inside the room is completely different from the rest of the house. It's clean, for one thing. There's a bunk bed in one corner and a tiny tv in the other and that's it. No posters, no pictures, nothing. There's another girl laying on the top bunk, working from a textbook.

  "Should I go, Kris?" The girl asks. When she turns her head toward us, I notice the shiner she has around her left eye.

  "No. You can't go out there with her," Kristina answers. "What are you doing here, Nick? Answer me this time."

  "You named the baby," I tell her.

  "Everyone needs a name," she says quietly.

  "You don't live here anymore," I say trying the heavy-handed approach. I expect her to balk at that. Instead, she surprises me.

  "Where do I live now?"

  "My house out on Long Island." She nods.

  "I can't go anywhere without my sister," she says.

  "Agreed," I say before kissing her.

  "Pack what you can't live without, ladies. I'll replace what you can leave. I don't want you here a second longer than necessary. In the end, they each take their backpacks and a couple of changes of clothes. Neither of them has a decent coat and the heat wasn't on in the house. Out in the living room, I can hear their mother shouting. "Is anyone else here?" I ask confused.

  "Nope," Kristina says.

  "God. Let's go," I say leading the way back to the front door. Suddenly, glass shatters behind me. When I stop and turn to look, another glass lands in the same spot. Kristina jumps in front of her sister.

  "Where do you worthless bitches think you’re going?" Frances rages, throwing magazines at the girls, hitting her marks. Fuck this shit. I grab Kristina's hand and the other girl's upper arm and drag them out of the house. Even once the door is closed, Frances’s crazy-ass screaming can still be heard. As we are walking down the nightmare of a path to the SUV, I'm suddenly glad I drove it this morning. My sports car only seats two. I get their things in the back and crank the car, getting the heat going. As we pull off, her sister shoves her hand in the front seat.

  "I'm Deanna, by the way," she says. I shake her hand as best I can from this angle. She settles back and I get us the hell out of there.

  What the fuck was that shit show?

  Chapter 6


  I cannot believe this is my life right now. I stare out the window of his fancy car. Frances was on a wild rager when I got home, and I had decided that enough was enough. She hit Deanna when I wasn't there, and it was the last straw. I have enough saved up so that we could spend a couple of days at a hotel and I was just biding my time until the wicked w
itch of the drunk zone fell asleep before we made our move to leave. Then Nick shows up like a fucking knight in shining armor, coming to take me away from the horrible place that I call a house. I slide my hand through the crack of the seat between the door and hold D’s hand. She gives mine a squeeze and I know that everything will be alright, as long as we stick together.

  I don't know how I know that we’ll be safe with Nick, hell he's basically a stranger, but deep down in my soul I just know that he would never do anything to hurt us. Besides, if I am being honest with myself, I just can't do it anymore tonight so I'm going to let Nick take us to his house for the night so I can regroup then we'll be out of his hair tomorrow.

  We sit in silence for a time until mine and Deanna’s stomach growl. I blush scarlet and just shake my head. Of course, let’s just add on to the embarrassment, shall we?

  “Do you guys want to stop and grab something, or do you want something from home? I know that the cook left stuff for me to heat up.” Dee bounces in her seat.

  “You have a cook?” she asks excitedly. Nick chuckles and it goes straight to my core. Fuck, that is a sexy sound. “I'm down for a home-cooked meal,” she says. Nick reaches over and grabs my hand.


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