Her Curves 3 Book Bundle

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Her Curves 3 Book Bundle Page 7

by Bailey Rock

  “Excuse me,” I said, gently pushing my way to the front of the group. The last thing that I wanted to do was wait here with a crowd when I could be at home enjoying a cup of tea and a book. The crowd parted, mostly, and then I was standing at the front of it, the wind blowing rain into my face. I clutched my bag tightly and prepared to step out into the parking lot.


  ​I didn’t want a cookbook. I wanted Michele. She sauntered away from me, and frustrated, I slid the book that she had handed me back onto the shelf. It was maddening watching her leave, thinking about having my hands on her curves and holding her to me.

  ​Exhaling loudly, I turned and walked the other way. So much for trying something new for dinner. The last thing that I wanted to do now was cook, so I would probably just order something in. It wasn’t as fulfilling, but if I wasn’t sharing a meal with Michele then I didn’t really care.

  ​I stalked to the front of the library, empty-handed, only to see a huge crowd of people standing under the awning. The rainstorm had gotten out of hand, with wind blowing rain under the awning and turning umbrellas inside out. I walked over to where I had left my umbrella when I entered the library and it was gone.

  ​“Are you fucking kidding me?” I said under my breath. A woman next to me heard, snatched her umbrella, and hurried away, dragging a kid behind her.

  ​This was just great. I was about to shove my way to the front of the crowd when I saw a bright red raincoat out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see Michele carefully picking her way through the crowd, balancing precariously on heels. Her gorgeous calves were plump and dark, and she held her bag of books close to her like she was afraid that they would get wet.

  ​She gently worked her way up to the front of the crowd, everyone stepping aside to let her pass. I walked toward her, determined not to let her get away this time. Just as she was about to step down off of the curb, I reached out, grabbing her arm.

  ​Even though the raincoat I could feel the heat from her body. Her large arm, just as curvy as the rest of her, radiated heat, and I pulled her back, keeping her from stepping down.

  ​“Hey, let me go!” She shouted, turning around to face me. She released her bag of books with one hand and swung it out, hitting me square on the side.

  ​“Ow!” I let go of her and stepped back, losing my balance and falling on the slippery concrete. The crowd parted around us, nobody sure of what they should do, or if they should intervene.

  ​“Oh, Steven, I’m so sorry!” Michele stood still, clutching her book, a look of horror on her face. She then pursed her perfect mouth and bent over to help pull me up. “Take my hand,” she said, extending it out to me.

  ​I did, trying to stand up as quickly as possible. The warmth from her hand was intoxicating. Her skin was smooth, and I didn’t want to let go of it. She pulled her hand away from me and I could feel the water soaking through my pants, and my palms were burning where I had tried to prevent myself from falling.

  ​“You really shouldn’t just grab people, you know that?” Any remorse she had for knocking me on my ass was now gone. She had one hand on her hip, the other swinging her bag menacingly. Nobody around us spoke. They had all backed up enough to give us room. I felt the cool breeze sweep under the awning and I shivered, my wet clothes clinging to me.

  ​“I couldn’t help myself.” I said. That part was true. Michele just had no idea that it took all of my self-control to not grab her now, hold her deliciously curvy body against me. I grinned at her. “Forgive me?”

  ​She smiled at that then bit her lip. “As long as you think you’ve learned your lesson.” When she cocked an eyebrow at me, I could see that she was teasing.

  ​My whole body relaxed. She was absolutely gorgeous and the thought of her being mad at me made me feel sick. “So you’re not mad at me?”

  ​Squinting her eyes at me she thought. I waited, patient, realizing that I would wait my whole life for this girl. The thought of her being with me my whole life made my cock throb in my pants. I tried to ignore it.

  ​“I do. But you have to make me dinner to apologize.”

  ​Make her dinner? I frowned. “You’re the cook. I’m the architect.”

  ​“Then I hope that you’re a fast learner, Steven. You get one chance.” She smiled at me then, an intoxicating smile that made me want to scoop her into my arms and kiss her.

  Chapter 3


  I wasn’t sure what I was doing, knocking on a strange man’s door just hours after we had met. The rain had finally stopped, so I had changed out of my red raincoat but kept on the same skirt and top I had before. Walking up to his door, I had felt very self-conscious, trying to remind myself that he wanted me here and that I belonged.

  ​His house was perched up on a mountain, allowing for the most spectacular views. I had almost gotten carsick on the way up, with each curve and twist making me feel dizzy. I turned now, waiting for him to answer, and looked out at the breathtaking view.

  ​The door swung open behind me, and I turned to face Steven, happy to see that he was just as sexy as he had been at the library. He had changed from his t-shirt at the library into a light sweater, but it still clung to his muscles in the same way, making him look delicious.

  ​“You have an incredible view,” I said in way of greeting, turning and sweeping my arm to take in the sights.

  ​“I do now,” he responded, his eyes never leaving mine. I felt myself flush when I realized the implication of his words.

  ​He leaned forward and took my cookbook from me, smiling as he did so.

  ​“This cookbook has seen a lot of love,” he said. “Why don’t you come on in and tell me what recipe I’m going to mess up.” He pushed the door open the rest of the way and stepped to the side for me to walk through.

  ​I laughed as I did so, instantly more at ease. “It’s a great cookbook. My mom gave it to me, and since it’s packed full of no-fail recipes, I’m sure you can handle anything in there. Tonight, though is salmon en croute, with plenty of mushrooms, spinach, cheese, and onion. Did you get the list I texted you?”

  ​He looked overwhelmed. “I got everything you wanted, but that sounds really complicated.” Turning, he shut the door and then began to walk down the hall. “Come with me, though, and let’s see what we can manage when we work together.”

  ​The halls all had incredible art on them, and I slowed a little to look. Steven noticed that I was lagging behind and came back to stand by me.

  ​“They’re all originals from various artists around the world,” he explained. “You probably won’t see any big names that you recognize, but I like to find work from people that is a little new and unexpected.”

  ​The painting that I was looking at was bold, with bright colors and a small hut in the middle of a forest. Orange blossoms decorated the trees and a shockingly bright blue sky dominated a lot of the canvas.

  ​“It looks fake, I know,” Steven said, correctly reading the look on my face, “but you’d be surprised. That’s exactly how some of the villages in Guatemala look during the spring. I’d love to take you there someday to show you.”

  ​“I’d love to go,” I said truthfully. Not only did I want to hide away in this tiny Guatemalan village, but I wanted to with Steven at my side.

  ​“Well, we’ll just add that to the list of things that we want to do, Michele. But first on the list is dinner.” Right on time, his stomach rumbled, and he smiled apologetically. “I know how to chop onions and mushrooms, so why don’t we get started?”

  ​He was pretty handy with a knife, I had to give him that, but he needed a lot of help with seasoning. I told him that and he laughed.

  ​“Tell me something I don’t know, baby,” he said, resting his hand lightly on my arm. I felt heat from his touch, and I closed my eyes, trying to focus on the meal.

  ​“So now we slip it into the oven,” I said, turning to open the door and placing the salmon carefully ins
ide before shutting it. “And dinner will be ready in about 25 minutes. There.” I turned back to Steven, wiping my hands on the apron I had insisted on wearing. He only had one in the house, a fact that I reminded myself that I would need to fix in the future.

  ​“That’s it? That was so easy.” Steven leaned back against the counter and smiled. “Now we just take care of the green beans?”

  ​“Yep,” I said, feeling in control. “Now the beans.” One place where I excelled was the kitchen, and I took pride in seeing Steven grab another cutting board and the fresh green beans he had picked up at the store.

  ​It didn’t take long for them to be trimmed and cut, and they blanched quickly while the salmon finished baking. The thrilled look on his face when I plated the food made me smile.

  ​“This is five-star restaurant quality food right here, Michele,” he said, coming up behind me and slipping his arms around me. His chin rested on my shoulder, and I stood still, enjoying the press of his body on mine.

  ​“Well, then, let’s enjoy it,” I responded, regretfully pulling away from him and walking to the table carrying our plates.


  ​We sat and talked, about nothing, mostly, the single candle that I had placed on the table in between us slowly burning and getting shorter. The flame kept flickering, sending gorgeous shadows across Michele’s face. I loved watching her as she spoke. She began animated and spoke with her hands, laughing a lot. She was a far cry from the quiet girl I had run into in the library. Somehow, she was even more beautiful than before.

  ​“So, where does your family live?” I had just taken my last sip of water and leaned back, happy and full.

  ​She stopped talking and looked incredibly sad. Trying to smile, she shook her head. “No family. It’s just me.” Glancing up at me to judge my expression, she leaned back in her chair.

  ​“No siblings? No parents?” The look on her face was completely heartbreaking, and I wanted to sweep her into my arms.

  ​“I’m an only child.” Absentmindedly, she reached out and began to play with her knife, dragging it along the edge of her plate. “My mom died of cancer three years ago and my dad died shortly after. Broken heart, the doctor said.” She let her knife drop with a clatter to the table and slipped her hand back into her lap.

  ​A fierce feeling of loyalty and protection welled up inside of me. I hated the idea of this gorgeous and amazing girl ever being on her own. I wanted to protect her and to keep her safe. That’s when I knew that I would always be there for her and that I wouldn’t ever let her be on her own.

  ​“Well, you’re not alone now,” I said, standing and walking over to her. I reached down and took her hand from her lap, pulling her gently to her feet. She made to pick her up napkin when it slid off of her lap, but I gently cupped her face, making her focus on me.

  ​Michele frowned. “What are you talking about, Steven?”

  ​“You have me, Michele. I won’t ever let you be alone again.” I kissed her then, gently at first, trying to taste her without overwhelming her. Her delicious lips were just as soft as I had imagined that they would be, and they parted under my pressure, allowing me to gently explore and taste her.

  ​She leaned into me, her curvy body pressing into me. I felt a warmth grow inside of me, filling me up. My cock began to stir in my pants the longer I held her. I wasn’t sure that I wanted her to feel me, so I stepped back, sadly releasing her from my grasp.

  ​Her chest was heaving while she breathed heavily, gently chewing her lower lip. Her mouth was red where I had kissed her, hard, needing her.

  ​“Is everything okay?” She looked worried, her hands hanging loosely by her sides. I could tell that she was trying to control herself, keep herself from looking too needy.

  ​God, I want her.

  ​“It’s fine, baby,” I said, reaching forward to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. The contact with her skin made me shiver. We were electric. If we weren’t careful, we may explode. I could see that she didn’t quite believe me. “You’re perfect, Michele,” I continued, watching her face.

  ​She relaxed a little, but then frowned again. “Then why did you stop kissing me?” She tilted her head up, confident now. I saw what her clients would see: a strong, confident woman who could take care of business. But I knew the truth. She needed me to take care of her.

  ​I had to be honest with her. “I don’t know that I can stop, that I can control myself with you. I want you, Michele, I want everything from you, and I want to make you mine forever.” I closed my eyes, my confession hanging between us. My stomach was twisting while I waited for her response.

  ​Her soft hand slipped into mine, pulling me back to the present, causing me to open my eyes. Michele was looking at me, hard, her eyes staring deep into mine, reading me. I shifted, feeling exposed.

  ​“You love me.”

  ​It wasn’t a question. Michele already knew the truth. I nodded. “Yes, Michele, I love you.” I exhaled strongly, feeling relaxed for the first time.

  ​She flew into my arms, wrapping hers around my neck and pressing her mouth to mine. She smelled amazing, and I couldn’t believe that this curvy girl was really mine. “I love you too,” she breathed into my mouth, allowing her body to fall against me. I held her weight easily, supporting her while we kissed. Her warmth encompassed me. I couldn’t ever let her go. I wouldn’t.

  Chapter 4


  My body pressing against Steven’s felt hot and on fire. I could barely breathe, the idea of being with him was so intoxicating. When he kissed his way gently from my mouth up to my ear to whisper “I love you,” I melted. I was his.

  ​He pulled back, his eyes questioning, looking deep into mine. “Are you sure that you want this?” He asked.

  ​I did. I wanted to be with him more than anything in the world, and I nodded. “I want you,” I replied, not breaking eye contact. The warm feeling that had started in the pit of my stomach was growing, threatening to consume me. I was on fire.

  ​He grinned then, leaning in for another long kiss, then pulled me by the hand. “Let’s go to my room,” he said, his voice husky. I was wet, and every step without his mouth on mine was torture. I wanted to feel him touching me, and even to wait as we walked down the hall was difficult.

  ​The windows were all open throughout the house, allowing an incredible breeze to sweep through. Even though I was on fire, I shivered a little, imagining the kiss of the cool breeze on my skin. His room was at the end of the hall, but when we reached the door, he hesitated, turning to face me.

  ​“I love you, Michele, I just want to make sure that this is really what you want.”

  ​God, I loved him. His concern made me wetter, and I wondered if he could smell my musk. I had to have him touching me, loving me. Looking him straight in the eyes, I responded. “Steven, you are it for me.”

  ​That was all he needed, and he took my hand with a growl, pulling me into the room and turning on a lamp. The soft light bathed the room, making it look incredibly inviting. I stepped in, aware of the giant bed, the soft rug, the incredible art hung around the space.

  ​Long white curtains hung at the windows, flapping in the breeze. The movement was calming, and I felt myself start to relax. This was what I wanted. Steven was who I wanted.

  ​He saw me relax and smile, wrapping his arms around me once again. “You look happy, my love,” he murmured in my ear.

  ​“I am,” I responded, lifting my face and kissing him. When I reached up to caress his face and pull him harder into the kiss, he responded, crushing my mouth and easily swinging me toward the bed. I sat down, breathing hard, and he slid between my legs, his hands gently squeezing my thighs before he leaned in for another kiss.

  ​My heart was beating wildly in my chest. I did not want Steven to stop. I needed him, but he had to know something.

  ​“Steven,” I began, quietly, “I need to tell you something.”

  ​He leaned
back, his hands still on my thighs, waiting. I could see the outline of his huge cock pressed against the front of his jeans. I tried to look away, but could only stare, wanting to know what it really looked like.

  ​“What is it, Michele? You know that you can tell me anything.”

  ​I nodded. He was right, I could tell him anything. I looked down so that I wouldn’t have to see the expression on his face. “I’m a virgin.” After a moment of silence, I risked a glance up to him to see what he thought.

  ​He didn’t say anything at first, just lifted his hand to my cheek and gently caressed it. “Michele, you are the most gorgeous and delightful woman I have ever met. It does not bother me one bit that you’re a virgin. It just means that you’re really all mine, do you understand?”

  ​I looked up into his bright eyes, and I could tell that he really meant it. Steven didn’t care that I was a virgin, and he still loved me. Smiling, I nodded, and leaned forward, tempting him into a kiss.

  ​“But if you have any doubts,” he began to say, before I kissed him. His lips hit mine, hot and burning with passion, wanting to claim all of me. Gently he pushed me back on the bed and climbed on top, straddling me while he kissed me, his hands sliding all over my curves.

  ​I couldn’t keep my hands off of his perfect body. He was muscular, his muscles twisting and rippling with every movement. He slid a hand up my shirt, moaning as it cupped my breast under my bra. “I need to see you,” he whispered into my ear, his hard cock pressed into my thigh.

  ​With that, he slid off of me, pulling me up and helping me strip. I threw my clothes on his floor, suddenly bare and exposed, the cool breeze on my skin giving me goose bumps, just like I knew it would.

  ​“Baby, you’re cold,” he said, running his hands up and down my arms. My nipples hardened, and I moaned, the feeling of his skin on mine intoxicating. “But damn, you are perfect.” He dipped a head to one nipple, gently teasing it with his tongue and nibbling on it, pulling a low moan from me.


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