Borne Darkly

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Borne Darkly Page 21

by Lee Perry

  She quickly turned off the light and closing the door, hurried to the bathroom.

  Jordan made sure the house was secure and turned off lights as she made her way to the stairs. When she got to the second floor she noted the only light was coming from the open doorway of Catherine’s bedroom and she poked her head inside,

  “Are we in here tonight?” Her voice faltered when a naked Catherine took her by the hand, leading her to the bed. Jordan hurried to pull her weapon and paddle holster from the waistband as Catherine made quick work of unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans, pushing them and the cotton bikini panties to the floor then pushed Jordan until she sat abruptly on the bed. “Uh…” Jordan said uncertainly, although she still smiled, “okay.”

  Catherine knelt between her knees, her hands firmly pushing Jordan’s legs wide and making her fall back on her elbows, still clutching her service weapon and the two-way radio in her hands. When she buried her face between the long legs and plunged her tongue within, Jordan’s head rocked back on her shoulders and grunting, she cried out, moaning,

  “Oh! Dear god… puh-please don’t stop…”

  Grinning, Catherine intensified her ministrations, laving her length and delving deep with her tongue, endeavoring to stroke the pebbled patch within until Jordan’s quaking body stiffened and shook rigidly while soft keening cries broke from her. Catherine rode the shuddering waves until Jordan’s body sagged and her legs hung limply before she slowed and placed a reverent kiss on the tender puffy tissues.

  She removed the hiking boots and socks, then pulled off the bunched jeans and underwear while Jordan lay spent and breathless on the bed. She stroked the long limbs still trembling in the aftermath and found, for the first time, the gunshot scar on Jordan’s thigh. She kissed the darkly dimpled skin and continued kissing up the muscular limb to her hip.

  When Jordan finally found the strength to sit up she placed a grateful, if hungry, kiss in Catherine’s mouth. Smiling, Catherine slid her hands beneath Jordan’s shirt and skillfully unhooked her bra. Jordan shed the remaining garments and pulled Catherine into bed. Kissing the length of her petite frame, Jordan slid down the mattress a repaid Catherine in kind, making her arch on the mattress, her breath coming in short breathless gasps as she languidly feasted between her legs, Oh god… Jordan moaned inwardly, it’s more than I ever could have hoped for… exquisite. She licked and laved and suckled, smiling into the flesh when Catherine climaxed sweetly, her body becoming stiff and arching rigidly off the mattress even as she trembled and quaked uncontrollably. Closing her eyes, Jordan maintained contact until she felt her sag limply on the mattress, and crawling up her length once again; pulled her into her arms,

  “Thank you, Catherine.”

  Still breathless, Catherine smiled weakly and placed a hand on her cheek. Jordan kissed the palm then rose to shut off the light and fishing her phone from the pocket of her crumpled jeans placed it, the radio and her gun on the nightstand before sliding back under the covers. Utterly contented, both women fell asleep in a tangle of limbs.

  Moonlight shone through the slit left between the closed drapes and Catherine sighed in pleasure, warm under the covers and pressed against Jordan’s length. Shifting her head on the pillow slightly, she watched Jordan’s profile in the soft light; Moonlight is just a reflection of sunlight… She sighed, unaware she was smiling, There’s nothing like reflection in reflected light. She snorted softly at the thought. Making love with Jordan far surpassed the fun sexual exploration with college girlfriends, or submitting to the carnal demands of her wife; I never knew it could be like this… I always believed there was a difference between making love and having sex… but I don’t know if it ever occurred to me that I could experience sex as a sacred act. She memorized Jordan’s sleeping features in the dim light; It also never occurred to me that sex could be healing… Closing her eyes, she tucked herself under Jordan’s chin and smiled when she felt her press even closer. I do believe Marcus Aurelius had it right; the sexual embrace can only be compared with music and with prayer. Several minutes passed while she listened to Jordan’s steady heartbeat, This is just what I always wanted in a marriage. Another long minute passed before the nagging inner voice returned,

  So… what else do you want?

  I want my son back... Her brow furrowed over tightly closed eyes, I want to wake Jordan and make love to her again. If Cameron was asleep in the next room, I’d be content to stay in this bed with her forever… But he’s not. I want Jordan but we have to get Cam back first. She sighed, frowning, Yes, but how do we do that? How do we find Alex? She suddenly rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, Think, Catherine, think! She turned her head to look again at Jordan’s sleeping form. I’m so happy when I’m with her… but I’ll only feel guilt if I’m with her and Cam isn’t with us. Tears brimmed and she sniffed, forcefully blinking them from her eyes, And we should be happy together… all three of us. Lightly, she brushed her fingertips across a downy cheek, So… open the root equation so you can finish it; how do we find Alex?

  “Are you awake?”

  Catherine responded by kissing her, and delighted in the sensation of Jordan’s smiling lips pressing against hers. Their arms and legs entwined as they pressed tightly against one another under the covers and Jordan rolled on top, pulling her lips just far enough away to murmur quietly,

  “I promise to proceed slowly with all this… but I have very deep feelings for you Catherine Hope Bernard…”

  “You know I dropped my middle name when I signed those papers.”

  Jordan’s smile was wistful, “You should never lose Hope.”

  Catherine snorted softly and caressed the full lips with her fingertips before signing, “You’re right.”

  She grinned, “Good.”

  Another moment passed and Catherine signed, “If you love me it’s okay to tell me, Jordan.”

  “I do.” Her voice dropped to a reverent whisper, “I love you, Catherine.”

  “I love you too.”

  Smiling widely, Jordan dipped her head for a kiss but Catherine pressed the tips of her fingers over her lips,

  “But we must find Cameron and I have to divorce Alex.”

  “We will…” Jordan assured her. “At some point we’ll have to leave this place… and then, when you have Cameron back… can we still see each other?” She licked her lips and lifted a shoulder in a half shrug, “I know you need time to heal, but I’d like it… very much if we...”

  Catherine pulled her roughly against her lips, needful and demanding and Jordan answered her in kind, hands and tongues communicating in ways that spoke more deeply than speech and sign ever could.

  Darien, CT

  Rossi closed the door behind his ambitious soldier and sighed heavily, What a bunch of fuckin’ bullshit… He sank on the couch on the far side of his office/library and rubbed the heels of his hands against his closed eyes as he sank into the soft cushions. Fred Gallo, his most prim and fussy soldier had just presented him with a proposal for a Pump and Dump scheme, He’s an ambitious earner… and I appreciate his sucking up but Christ, what a stupid fuckin’ idea…

  Perhaps harboring a secret desire to emulate the brazen bottom-feeders of Wall Street, organized crime families had adapted to changes in a struggling economy using pump and dump schemes, a relatively new form of extortion that lured investors into fake companies they created then stealing the invested funds. In order to prevent the duped investors from selling their stock prematurely, Fred wanted permission to recruit easy marks with money to invest in fake businesses he created, then let Joey and the others beat or otherwise intimidate the increasingly fidgety investors into promising not to sell until he was ready to dump the fake business and steal the invested money.

  Jesus Christ… Rossi rolled his eyes behind heavy lidded eyes, it’s too much fuckin’ work… too much risk, I wanna’ steal quietly, anonymously… and then retire and live in fuckin’ luxury. He wanted what he perceived the simplicity of the
Internet to be to make his money for him. Alex’s invasive software program was exactly what he’d been hoping for his entire life, These young fucks just want to get their jollies fucking women and beating the shit outta’ everyone else. Rossi prided himself for understanding that having power and control meant living his life on his terms and no one else’s. He prided himself at being a good earner, not someone who whacked for the joy of whacking and nothing else. All my life I have lived by the code of Omerta… and Ed is the same as me. Those other guys, those bosses who believed their own big-man-bullshit, they thought they were untouchable… His lip curled in distaste, some of ‘em acted like they was fuckin’ movie stars… all of ‘em got fuckin’ caught or dead, but not me… I know how to live under the fuckin’ radar.

  Over his long business career, Rossi developed relationships with lots of “associates”, and at one point he had five different “crews” of soldiers; each crew was supervised by a capo, or a lieutenant, and each crew and capo, with the exception of Louis Favuzzo, had no idea there were other crews in the Rossi outfit. He grinned, They were all pretty much good earners… but I saw technology comin’ down the road, and I knew the feds would exploit it to pinch me as much as I wanted to use it to make money… As the years passed he knew he had to simplify, so he began with the lowest earning crew and had Ed whack the capo and each crewmember, taking care each time to make it look like they were wiped out by a rival outfit until only the home crew remained.

  His long-term goals were known only to his three most loyal friends in the world; Ed Coastanoa, his Enforcer and Consigliere, Stephen Scaroni his Underboss, and Louis Favuzzo, Caporegime to the home crew and acknowledged lover of his Aunt Rose. After finding Alex and deciding she was the best choice as his “computer genius associate”, he instructed Stephen and Louis to take Alex and her son in the most public and destructive manner possible. I ain’t never took such a big risk my whole life… His hands dropped from his eyes to the couch cushions and he frowned, I wonder if that’s when Ed started losing it… Slaughtering the FBI agents was an enormous risk, but he knew once he had Alex and her son he could easily make her see the advantages of working for him, And it was the only way I could keep those little fuckers under wraps at home. With every law enforcement agency in the nation looking for him and his crew he could live safely, anonymously in his Connecticut compound until he felt confident his new fortune was being made and then leave for the Bahamas. And we’ll sail there in a big new fuckin’ yacht.

  The Rossi soldiers were all ambitious in their own way and all enjoyed violence. Rossi had handpicked each one to join his outfit because of their ability to kill and to be loyal. They understand what it means to be a good earner and follow orders, but I wonder if they understand Omerta. It’s a serious fuckin’ oath but I don’t know if these young punks today really understand what the oath is about… It’s about not talkin’… ever, and taking your secrets to the fuckin’ grave. His head rested on the back of the couch, and he stared at the ceiling, But Joey is just too fucking obsessed with being a Made guy, and he’ll never be; his mom was French or some fuckin’ thing… And the rest of ‘em just want to shoot and fuck and… and I am too fuckin’ old to wanna’ compete anymore with these other outfits nowadays… Rossi understood how to navigate the Internet for news stories about his chosen life path, and he was acutely aware that La Cosa Nostra in America was being quietly overrun. Outfits ain’t Italian no more… he mused sorrowfully. It was a way of life no longer dominated by the Italian or Sicilian mafia; The ethnics are moving in; the Russian mob is fuckin’ brutal and vicious as hell, the Mexican mafia is pretty fuckin’ ruthless too… and those Chinese fuckin’ Triads… the Japanese Yakuza… Jesus, He shook his head ruefully, And now the goddam ‘Ndrangheta… Fuck ‘em all, he thought exasperatedly, I’m gonna set myself up for life and get the hell out.

  Sighing audibly, he rocked forward off the couch and stood, smoothing his hands over his head and flattening the thinning hair, Stephen and Louis have gotta’ keep Joey and the others in line or these soldiers are gonna have to go too… He shook his head ruefully, knowing Louis thought of Marc like a son.

  There was a knock on the door and he absently smoothed his hands down over his knit shirt, “Come…” he called through the door, smiling when Alex entered.

  “Hey,” she greeted him with her winning sales smile, “I thought I’d stop by and see if you got my email on the numbers so far.”

  “Have a seat,” he grinned, happy again, “I did… and so far it looks good.”

  “The warehouse is perfect.” Dressed in jeans and a polo shirt, she sat in the upholstered straight back chair in front of his desk looking at once prim and predatory, “We’ve successfully hacked into eight porn sites at this point. They all had a lot of malware they send out to their customer’s computers and I found a nice one to piggyback on in order to access their customer credit information.”

  Rossi sat behind his desk while she spoke, “And it grabs the card numbers automatically?”

  “Yes,” she nodded, “the card numbers are forwarded to a protected email account, they’re being sold from there and the proceeds are then rerouted twice until they’re deposited into your offshore account.”

  “Alex,” he sighed, gesturing with his hands held aloft before dropping them loudly on his desk, “I been watching the deposits and at first I didn’t think it was adding up to much, but it was like you said, once it got going the money started rolling in. So tell me again why we shouldn’t be tappin’ into bank accounts like the Russian kids do.”

  Alex tried not to sigh, she knew this was coming, “How about a bigger payoff?” She cocked an eyebrow conspiratorially. “How about tapping credit card numbers on gaming sites?”

  Rossi’s expression was one of bemusement, “Like gambling?”

  “Video games …” she clarified, “it’s a more stable source of income than porn, too many people have learned to steal porn and I’d have less clean up to do.”

  “So…” Rossi’s brow furrowed as he struggled to understand, “Video games are more popular than porn?”

  “Oh yes,” Alex snorted, “Only because more kids, teens and adults spend more time playing these games online singularly and in groups then solitary grownups watching online porn alone.”

  Rossi looked incredulous, “You’re shittin’ me.”

  She chuckled, “I am not. Let me target a gaming site and show you.”

  “Okay, but I’m havin’ a hard time believin’ this stuff is easier than shaving a buck here and a buck there directly from bank accounts.”

  “I know,” she nodded indulgently, “but for right now federal law enforcement agencies have an awful lot of people looking for that exact kind of infiltration to online banking… gaming sites are much safer for now.”

  “Okay,” Rossi shrugged and grinned, “I’m still pretty happy with what you done so far.”

  “That’s exactly what I was hoping to hear,” She smiled and stood, leaning over the desk to shake his hand, “I’ll be needing a ride to the warehouse this morning so I can install some more servers… It’ll take me a couple of days to configure them into the system but we’ll be ready for another expansion by next week, could Marc drive me over?”

  “Yeah,” Rossi waved at her and sat behind his desk again, “of course, go... go!” he laughed.

  She graced him with her sales smile once again and left, waiting until she had closed the door behind her before exhaling quietly. Marc DeLuca was the only member of the “home crew” she felt comfortable with, the other young thugs of the Rossi family were clearly at odds with either her sexuality, or as in Fred Gallo’s case, jealous of her hacker and IT skills. She went to the kitchen where Marc was playing with Cameron in his high chair, “Ready to go?”

  “You bet!” Marc jumped to his feet and gave Cameron’s cheek an affectionate squeeze, “Eat all your breakfast, little man.”

  Alex smiled at Rose and Cameron as she followed him out the bac
k door. She liked that someone besides Rose liked Cameron and she was grateful not everyone in the home crew resented her. She climbed into the passenger seat of a family van; one of the many vehicles parked in the expansive garage and clicked her seatbelt into place. Rossi had a warehouse just a fifteen-minute drive from the compound and she had begun transferring her programs onto them as soon as she configured them online. For now, they were located on the second office floor of the warehouse, above the wide-open storage area housing fenced goods that awaited transport to buyers across the country and Alex grinned as Marc drove, So far, so good… Rossi trusted her with one of his offshore accounts for her to deposit money made from the sales of stolen credit cards online sold to the highest bidder. Once she had researched and reverse engineered how he obtained the one account online she discovered all his other offshore accounts. She was impressed by the fortune he had amassed and was hiding from the Internal Revenue Service, This, she smiled, has been one of the best tutorials ever…

  Point Sur, CA

  “Oh, Catherine…”

  Catherine’s hands held her face gently, firmly in place and a sob escaped her as she cried out, struggling to maintain eye contact while she climaxed,


  Tears streamed from the corners of Catherine’s eyes and her silent laugh transformed into breathless panting as Jordan’s climax triggered her own. A long, eternal moment passed before Jordan sagged on top of her and slid to the side, resting her forehead against Catherine’s as they exchanged breath. When her heart slowed, Jordan placed a grateful kiss in her mouth, still holding her close.


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