Borne Darkly

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Borne Darkly Page 24

by Lee Perry

  Don’s parents were gracious, saying Stewart had explained at the funeral that Jordan was undercover and that they knew she would have attended otherwise.

  “Thank you,” Jordan nodded, staring out the narrow kitchen window, “Now that I’m back, I wanted to call and tell you how much I loved Don and how much I loved working with him.” She could hear Don’s dad choke up so his mother said tearfully,

  “Don admired you very much, Jordan, he said there was no better partner he could’ve ever had at the FBI.”

  Jordan’s brimming eyes slammed closed and she nodded, unable to speak. Drawing a deep, ragged breath, she sniffed and cleared her throat, “Thank you for telling me that… I called to give you my most sincere condolences and to ask if it was alright if I visited his grave.”

  “Of course you can.” Don’s father said gruffly, “Any time you want.”

  “And I want you to know,” Jordan’s voice suddenly cleared and she sounded resolute, “we are going to find the people who took Don’s life… and I promise I won’t stop until they are brought to justice.” Jordan could hear the stifled sorrow and she added, “thank you for speaking with me.” They tearfully thanked her for calling and when Jordan hung up she clamped a hand over her mouth and sobbed, grateful she had called from the privacy of her kitchen.

  Darien, CT

  Alex stared intently into the mirror, seeing only her lips as she applied the lip-gloss with exacting precision. She had searched extensively online for evening makeup tips in preparation for this dinner; It should be business-like yet still smoky and mysterious... In spite of her cool attention to detail, she was nervous about attending the dinner Anthony had invited her to downstairs; You already know everyone who’ll be there... relax already. She noted the perspiration beading on her upper lip and she dabbed it away with precisely folded squares of toilet paper. Just relax, Alex… she silently soothed. Just breathe… Rossi had extended the invitation in an email and Alex spent the entire day in nervous preparation for the dinner he informed her would be held in the formal dining room at seven o’clock. I am finally making money for him so he’s happy enough to celebrate…” she assured herself, that’s all. Leaning away from the mirror, she carefully inspected her hair and makeup before walking into the bedroom. She purchased a silk dress and matching heels she hadn’t worn yet and she regarded her image in the mirrored closet doors. Presentation is everything tonight… She turned this way and that, practicing the poses that looked the most relaxed, yet confident and assured. She turned to glance at the alarm clock on her nightstand, Six fifty-eight… She turned back to her reflection and caught herself wringing her hands, Oh for Christ’s sweet sakes, Alexandra! She scolded angrily and ripping her hands apart, placed them nervously at her sides. This is not the fucking time to be channeling your mother… Drawing a careful breath, she smoothed her hands down the dress, willing the clamminess away, and left the bedroom.

  You are going down there to blow away the competition… to win Anthony’s trust and the trust of as many of his “crew” as you can. She pulled in her abdominal wall and relaxed her shoulders, keeping her posture erect. Straight back… but not rigid. She placed her hand lightly on the staircase as she descended, Glide… she commanded, glide… because you are confidence, you understand this man’s business better than he understands himself. She reached the second floor and let her fingers trail sensuously along the carved oaken balustrade, It’s a business like any other… and you are the master of the money… The Princess of Profit. She descended the stairs to the first floor, And these little family soldier fucks can kiss my ass tonight… I am the one bringing money into this outfit. Me! Anthony’s crew of soldiers have done nothing since I’ve been here except jerk off to online porn. I’m the Earner here… and I guess it’s all meant to be, or else I wouldn’t have been able to tap into that gaming site so easily.

  On the ground floor, her smile was warm and relaxed as she walked down the hall to the main dining room. I deserve this accolade… her eyes narrowed and she allowed herself a smug grin before she entered the room, I deserve to be on Anthony’s payroll... I am the one doing all the work.

  She glided into the room, walking past Joey and Fred without a glance, “Anthony…” she murmured, “thank you for the invitation tonight.”

  “Jesus, Alex…” Anthony wore a suit and his eyebrows bobbed high, “you look great.” He turned to the man he had been speaking to, “Have you met Stephen yet?”

  Alex took the man’s hand, willing herself not to think back to the first time she might have seen this man shooting FBI agents on her front lawn, “Stephen…” she flashed her winning sales smile, “nice to meet you.”

  His hand was warm and Alex silently catalogued the repaired cleft palate scar concealed under a dark moustache. Stephen Scaroni had the same build as Anthony and she guessed him to be about Anthony’s age, I’ll bet no one ever cracked a joke about his name and the scar on his face without living to regret it.

  “Come on…”Anthony gestured grandly to the elaborately set dining table, “Come… sit…” He walked her around the table and Alex heard the distant murmur of the young Rossi soldiers come to a stop where they stood at the opposite end of the table.

  Anthony sat Alex on his left, Stephen on his right, “Have a seat, I’m starvin’ so Gina’s gonna serve us now.”

  Alex sat, realizing that Cameron sat in his highchair on her other side and Rose next to him. “Well, my, don’t you look nice Cam…” He sat in a tiny dark blue suit with short pants and she even noted the formal dress shoes he wore, “My goodness Rose,” she smiled, “you both look so nice; I’m surprised you had the time given all the preparations you were making at lunch.”

  She shrugged, “I got most of the cooking done yesterday and this morning, I let Gina finish the rest.”

  Anthony called his young soldiers to the table and as the men took their seats, Gina appeared from the shadows and began placing large platters of food in the center of the table. Alex carefully licked her lips while she pulled the linen napkin onto her lap, still looking at her son, I don’t think he’s worn the same thing twice since we’ve been here… he looks absolutely unrecognizable. She sipped from the crystal water glass and smiled when Louis sat across from Rose, greeting him quietly.

  “Okay, everybody,” Anthony sat at the head of the table and he stood, “Ed’s not here to enjoy Rose’s great food cuz’ he’s on a well-deserved vacation… but we’re here tonight to celebrate the beginning of a new future for us.” He smiled down at Alex, “We’ve all been trying to find ways to pass the end of winter while Alex gets us online and tonight we have happy news; we are online and the money is coming in.” There was polite applause and Alex sat back in her seat, flashing her smile without actually making eye contact with anyone. “We’re finally getting’ a taste of the money that’s sailing around in cyberspace and we have Alex to thank…” He raised his wineglass and there was more polite applause. Anthony sipped at the wine and when he put his glass down he continued, “And she assures me this is just the beginning…” he beamed, “so I wanted to have this dinner so I could make this official and declare you, Alexandra Sparrow, an official Associate to the Rossi Family.”

  There was more polite applause, and Alex looked around the table and back at Anthony in surprise, noting distantly how Rose and Louis clapped with more enthusiasm than the rest of the group. She looked surprised because she was surprised, she read about the importance and rank associates held in mafia families and her smile was genuine when she raised her wineglass and stood, “Anthony…” she smiled, “I’m honored, thank you.” She clutched the glass and held it against her chest, “and as a gesture of my fidelity and gratitude, I’d like to make a small announcement of my own; that I am changing my son’s name,” she paused to rest a hand briefly on his head, “from Cameron to Julius Sparrow.” She raised her glass in a toast and took a sip before sitting again.

  Rose looked as surprised and pleased as Anthony did an
d Alex nodded and smiled first at Louis, then at Marc and Stephen. She had hacked into Anthony’s laptop and scanned his internet history, discovering he enjoyed reading Wikipedia articles about Roman emperors. He had bookmarked several articles about Augustus and Julius Caesar and she guessed he probably admired both. A calculated leap, but they usually pay off for me… Alex returned her glass to the table and patted her son’s head while he played with his toy cars on the highchair’s tray. She looked over his head to see how Joey, Fred and Antonio were handling the news and she wasn’t surprised to see the barely disguised looks of disgust and annoyance on their faces.

  “Alex…” Anthony began and she kept a carefully neutral expression on her face, suddenly anxious. “I’m touched, thank you…” Rossi placed a hand on his chest, “I really am… that means a lot to me.” Still smiling, he shook his head and waved grandly, “Okay everybody, dig in before the food gets cold.”

  The platters were passed from person to person around the long table and Alex was happy to make small talk with Rose, Anthony and Louis while they filled their plates. Feeling relieved, she modestly filled her plate, acutely aware the dress she wore was not loose fitting. She nodded dutifully when Rose told her she fed Cameron, now Julius, at six o’clock so Alex wouldn’t have to worry about him playing with his food,

  “He’s so happy with his new cars; he’s played with them all day.”

  “Ah,” Alex nodded as she speared linguini, winding it on her fork, “you always think ahead, Rose, thank you.” As the group began to eat, she became aware of an increasingly uncomfortable silence that hung over the room and she sipped delicately at her wine.

  “So Alex,” Marc called to her from across the table, “thanks for the links to those sites…” He wagged his brows expressively, “They’re great, I can’t believe I can watch all the movies and porn I want without having to pay for it.”

  Rose looked cross and emitted a loud shushing noise of disapproval, “Hey! Not in front of Ercolinio!”

  The men chuckled and Alex looked bemused, “Who?”

  Marc snickered and pointed to Cameron with his fork, “Ercolino… it means Little Hercules.”

  “Oh...” Alex chuckled too although she failed to see the humor. She turned to Anthony, more comfortable discussing business, “You know, there are over eight million people who pay to play an online video game called Dark Warlords around the globe, so my program should, over time, get every one of the current paying customer credit card numbers as well as all new future customers.”

  “Jesus…” Stephen breathed, “really?”

  Anthony spoke around the food he chewed, “I told you…” he grinned.

  “Oh yes,” Alex assured him and cutting into her veal picatta, doubled down; “And that’s just one game…” The table fell silent and she smiled smoothly, Now I have your fucking attention… she thought triumphantly. Her voice dropped to a silky, commanding murmur, “Once I hacked into the operational databases to access the credit card accounts I noticed that it was also possible to access the funds being deposited by the game’s website…” she paused for effect, “directly.” Oh really? An inner voice mocked her, Did you figure out how to do all that with Cathy’s codes? She felt her face flush hotly and she silently shouted, Shut the fuck up!

  “So,” Stephen looked sideways at Anthony, broad grins growing on their faces, “if we took a taste of a few bucks each time they paid to play…”

  Alex watched their smiles grow and her smile was somehow grand and demure all at the same time, “Exactly.”

  Drexel Hill, PA

  Don’s parents lived in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania and they buried their son in the Arlington Cemetery in nearby Drexel Hill. At little more than a hundred miles away, it only took Jordan two hours to make the drive. Following the directions the car’s GPS gave her in a comforting monotone, she pulled through the ornate open gates and drove slowly to the office. She parked and when she stepped inside she fleetingly remembered watching Alex Sparrow when she visited the funeral home and viewed the carefully crafted facsimile of her wife, lying in state. I’d give anything to be told we faked Don’s and the other agent’s deaths too. She found the cemetery’s manager who gave her a map and marked the location of Don’s grave. She thanked him and got back in the rental car, driving slowly to the area where he was buried.

  She climbed out of the car, bringing the bouquet of flowers she bought on the way. She stared at the circle on the map, checking to make sure she had the correct row. She walked slowly, reading the headstones until Don’s name stopped her in her tracks.

  “Never, Don…” she said aloud, “never in a million years did I think I’d ever see your name carved in stone.” Her shoulders sagged and she sighed heavily, staring down at the flowers she held. Sniffing, she stepped forward and placed the flowers on his grave, leaning the bouquet against the stone. “The last thing I ever wanted to see was your name with your date of birth and…” Tears spilled from her eyes and she sniffed again, “Goddammit, Donald…” Her lips twisted and trembled and she sobbed while she spoke, “Goddammit, I’m sorry I wasn’t there…” she sputtered, angry, “This wasn’t supposed to happen… I should have been there… I should have had your back! And I… I just…” she shrugged, helpless, “All I can do right now is promise you I will never stop looking for that fucker Rossi and the rat-fucks who did this to you and the others.” Shaking, she looked around her at the surrounding headstones and sniffed, swiping at the tears that spilled down her face. Planting her hands on her hips, she tilted her head and looked up at the brilliant blue sky; “Just…” she shrugged again, her voice a quavering whisper, “please…” she looked back down at the headstone, “please… I hope you can forgive me…”

  Darien, CT

  “Anthony eating in his office?”


  “Jeez, Joey,” Marc sat next to him at the dining table and nudged him playfully, “you been down all day… give it up already.”

  “Fuck off…” Joey stared down at his plate.

  The four young Rossi soldiers sat in the now informal dining room, informal because they all wore jeans and t-shirts and ate their dinners on the plastic tablecloth protecting the massive mahogany table. Marc pushed his empty plate from him and sat back in the chair, hooking a leg onto the table.

  Joey dejectedly pushed his food around the plate with his fork, “I still can’t believe Anthony made that fanook lesbo cunt an associate.”

  “He did…’ Antonio fished a small packet of toothpicks from his back pocket, “so fucking deal with it.”

  “I wish I knew that computer stuff too,” Marc shrugged one-sidedly, “but I don’t… who cares? She’s in her room all day… doing computer stuff sounds like a shitload of work to me.”

  “I could learn it too…” Joey seemed not to hear him, “I asked Anthony if he would send me to that vocational school… I could learn that computer shit too, but nooo…” He sat back in his chair, his arms crossed angrily across his chest, “he just wants to get through this right now…” He snorted derisively and shook his head in annoyance, “I don’t fucking get it, he wants us to be good earners, so let me fuckin’ do that by getting smarter, you know? Fuck! Doesn’t he think I’m smart? I could be twice as smart as that dumb dyke.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed,” Fred finally spoke up, “we stopped being earners as soon as we all holed up here. She’s The Earner now, and we’re just support crew.”

  Joey pursed his lips, irritated, “It’s fucking bullshit…”

  Antonio leaned across the table, “Anthony’s gonna move operations here at some point…” He dropped his voice to a murmur, suddenly uncomfortable with the tone of their conversation, “All we have to do is enjoy ourselves and lie low…”

  “We can’t even get laid!” Joey hissed, “Maybe you’re happy jerking off to porn all day long, but I’d at least like a fucking blowjob every once in a fucking while.”

  Fred shrugged, silent; he also a
pproached Anthony about paying for his tuition so he could go to college and major in computer science. Before Anthony found Alex Sparrow he had formally proposed going to MIT, he told Anthony the money he invested in his education would pay a hundred fold once he knew how to use the Internet as a top Earner for the Rossi Outfit. If only he had… Fred sighed inwardly and sat back in his chair, crossing his legs. He shot down my going to MIT… and my idea for the Pump and Dump… He wiped his mouth on the paper napkin and dropped it on his empty plate; he watched porn too, but not the kind he wanted. He knew Alex was monitoring their Internet use and there was no way he could watch gay porn without her finding out he was living on the down low. Before Alex Sparrow arrived, he had to party with the others; going to strip clubs and taking his turn with the whores, and he always managed to come when strippers sat them in a circle and gave them group blowjobs. If only he had sent me to MIT, he sighed resignedly, I could make him more money than that bitch… then I could live like I wanted.

  Rose smoothed back the blond locks, “Ready for bed, Ercolino?”

  Alex sat next to Cameron/Julius’s highchair and licked her lips, repressing the desire to sigh expressively. She had come down to eat dinner in the kitchen with Rose and Cam but they had both finished and Alex felt increasingly aggravated while she ate. She made a careful point of sitting beside her son and when she bent to place a kiss on his chubby cheek, he had leaned away from her, straining in the small seat. Rose explained he had just finished eating and she would put him down for bed once she finished her own dinner and Alex had smiled understandingly. She spent the day alternately working and napping on the bed, exhausted from the stressful dinner the night before. She had skipped lunch and now that she had eaten her dinner too fast, Alex’s stomach was upset and resentment made her lips press in a thin line while she watched Cameron reach his arms out to the older woman as she pulled him from his highchair.


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