Marry Me

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Marry Me Page 15

by Bishop, Alexandria

  Does Giselle Outlaw Have A Magical Vagina?

  Sasha Nichols

  QuickFeed Staff

  You’ve probably already seen the video that has gone viral on ViewTube and social media in the past few hours. Not only did Giselle Outlaw leave Wren Danzig stranded at the altar, now some mystery man is professing his love to her with a cover song. If you haven’t watched the video yet, click this link HERE.

  Hopefully you’ve watched the video before continuing this article. If not, we’re including screenshots. THAT is a man in love, and if anything, we’re feeling fucking jealous of Giselle Outlaw and her ability to make ALL the men around her fall at her feet.

  What do we think? Is this guy the reason Giselle didn’t marry Wren? Or do you think he’s a nobody hoping for his five seconds? Sound off in the comments. Do you think Giselle is going to give this guy a chance or crush his little heart just like she did with Wren?

  Video? What video? I don’t even hesitate before clicking the link. I can hardly think as the page loads. What dude is she talking about? I feel like one of my subscribers eager for information and trying to figure out what’s going on. For once, I’m not in on the punchline, and I’m not sure how to feel about it.

  My hands fly to my mouth and a gasp falls from my lips when Anders fills my screen. “Hey everybody out in the interwebs. This isn’t normally my thing, and this will probably be the last time I ever do one of these—unless my girl asks me to take part in one of her many videos. You’re probably all wondering why I’m filling your screen right now. I’m really hoping a lot of you are watching because if this spreads far and wide, it’ll get back to her. Unless her brother has pity on me and tells her that it exists.”

  “No chance of that happening. You’re on your own, dude,” my brother’s voice comes over from somewhere off-screen.

  Anders laughs and shuffles from side to side. I can’t really tell where he is, but it looks like an abandoned warehouse of some kind. He looks really nervous and my eyes are glued to the screen, watching for his next move.

  “Sorry for my awkwardness. I tend to ramble a lot when I’m nervous, and I’ll be honest with all of you—I’m kind of scared shitless right now. But, they say the best things in life are the ones we’re terrified of doing, or at least I hope that’s how it goes. So, without further ado, follow me on a journey please.”

  He waves to whoever is holding the camera, probably my brother, and he starts walking toward a darkened area of the room he’s in. He turns around, starts walking backward, and says, “I’m going to pretend we’re all friends here. I have no idea how all of this is going to turn out, but don’t worry—whether five or five thousand of you watch this, you can guarantee there will be a follow-up video and I will let you know how everything turns out.”

  The screen stays dark as he continues walking, and my anticipation is through the roof, as I’m sure has been the case for every person who’s watched the video. That’s actually a bit ridiculous, because the entire video was created for me…I think. I glance down to the corner of the screen and holy shit! This has only been live for three hours and yet already one hundred thousand people have watched it, and the number keeps growing!

  I can’t see anything at all, but I can hear Anders’ voice as he says, “It’s pretty dark in here right now. I bet you’d have a damn good view if you could see things.”

  My brother laughs somewhere off-screen; he must be the cameraman, and I’m not the least bit surprised. Of course they’re in this together. Marek wants me to stay single forever, but if there’s any man he’ll ever approve of, it’s Anders, which is funny considering the guy spent so many years fighting our connection due to thinking my brother wouldn’t be okay with us being together.

  “Don’t worry, Anders, nobody wants to look at your ass anyway.”

  “Says the dude with no ass.”

  The camera shakes a little as Marek retorts, “I’ll have you know my wife likes my ass the way it is just fine.”

  “We should probably stop saying ass.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll edit out all of the assets later.”

  I can barely make out his outline, but I watch as Anders’ head shakes as he says, “Freaking dad jokes.”

  “Just you wait, man. Just you wait.”

  The hilarious part is I can just imagine this whole conversation playing out in real time. Those two were bound to be best friends, and the banter they have can be just as bad as a full-blown married couple sometimes. It’s so freaking cute, but I wouldn’t dare tell them that.

  A bright light fills the entire screen and we’re blinded for a moment until a view of outside comes into focus. Part of me is screaming internally at all the editing errors going on in this video, but I try to rein in the business side of me and just watch it like a regular viewer. I will say the perfectionist in me is slowly dying a painful death at the atrocity that is this video.

  We’re following Anders yet again, but he isn’t saying anything to let us know what’s going on. I say ‘us’ loosely as I watch the follower count rapidly tick up on the side. I don’t know if it’s because of the QuickFeed article or what is going on here, but I’ve definitely never experienced one of my videos being viewed this many times this quickly. A hot man in a video gets all the girls every time, and he’s wearing a fedora, so they’re basically all on board at this point.

  When they turn the corner, a gorgeous baby grand piano fills the screen. They’re going to make a freaking music video on top of a building in the middle of nowhere. How is this even happening right now?

  Without another word, Anders sits down at the piano and my heart starts to race. There’s something about seeing him from the side in his button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled, exposing his forearms, and the fedora on top of his head—the same fedora I picked out for him when I was seventeen. He’s worn it all these years, and it always momentarily catches me off guard, no matter how many times I’ve seen him wear it.

  After that summer, I completely threw myself into school, and my only focus was getting into a fantastic college. I applied to five different places—all of which were out of state, much to my mother’s dismay—and got into all of them. At the time, I didn’t think I was running away from anything, just thought I wanted to see somewhere new, but the reality is I was running away from Anders. He and my brother were getting closer, and I didn’t want to hurt my heart any more by seeing him.

  So, I left.

  I didn’t go too far away, but far enough that you’d have to take a plane to get there. I mean, you could drive from northern Oregon to southern California, but who really wants to do that drive? Definitely not me. I got really lucky, and my roommate was a bit of a socialite. Her parents paid for everything, including an apartment for us after our freshman year. My parents weren’t too happy, but I didn’t go home the entire time I was in college, not even during summers.

  After we graduated, she went off to Japan to do some modeling, and I packed up my stuff, heading home and saying goodbye to California.

  My first day back, it was like it was fate that the very first person I ran into was Anders. I didn’t even go to my parents’ house first. As soon as I was done packing, I got in my car and started driving. I split the very long drive over two days, but it was still seven o’clock at night when I finally arrived in town. My body ached and all I wanted was a coffee, and I decided to relax a bit before going home. The scene plays out in my mind like it was yesterday.

  “Holy shit! Giselle Outlaw, is that you?”

  That voice—I would know it anywhere. My shoulders stiffen and I slowly turn around to find the most gorgeous man staring back at me. It’s almost startling to see him now after all this time. Anders’ skin is slightly bronzed, and he’s bulked up a little bit. He looks good—really good. His smile is so blinding it almost distracts me from the hat sitting on top of his head. I nearly cry out. The fedora! He’s wearing the fedora.

  I smile as I try not to freaking swoo
n and say, “Hey Anders. It’s good to see you.”

  I don’t know what I expected from our first interaction, but what I definitely did not expect was for him to come right up to me and wrap his arms around me in the tightest hug I’ve ever received. It’s kind of hard to breathe, but I don’t say a damn thing because he’s holding on to me and it feels damn good. I take a small breath and inhale discretely. Damn, he smells good.

  “Peaches,” he says under his breath into my hair. After that first comment he made about loving the scent of my perfume, I never changed it.

  Anders releases me and I want to whine and pull him close again, but I rein myself in. That gorgeous smile still fills his face when he asks, “Are you home for good?”

  I can’t get my mouth to work to form sentences, so I just nod my head, staring up at him like an idiot girl who has never gotten over her first crush.

  Every time I think about that memory, I get butterflies in my stomach, but right now, while watching Anders on my screen, I have freaking bats ripping my insides to shreds. My cheeks hurt from the smile that’s plastered on my face as he is completely absorbed by the song he’s playing. No offense to John Legend, but there’s just something more meaningful about the song “All of Me” when it’s being sung about me.

  Anders plays the last note of the song, pausing for a brief moment. He gets up from the piano and steps away toward the middle of the rooftop, letting out a chuckle as his hand goes to the pocket of his pants. I gasp again as I watch the man I love drop down to one knee. He’s holding a small box, but he doesn’t open it, which I am kind of thankful for, as odd as it may sound. I don’t want the entire world to see the ring before I get the chance to see it first.

  “Giselle Outlaw, will you make me the happiest man alive? Will you marry me?”

  Tears are streaming down my cheeks as I start yelling yes then I realize he can’t actually hear me right now. I don’t even stop for a minute to clean my face up or anything. I’m up and out of my seat and running for my front door in no time.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  This whole video thing is Giselle’s territory, not mine. I don’t even have any social media accounts. I’ve always been a big believer that if someone isn’t standing in front of you, why would you have a conversation with them? Hell, I barely even like to use my phone. I’ve probably sent more text messages since Giselle has been back than I have in the past decade.

  My heart rate has been elevated since the minute I clicked the upload button and put the video out into the world. I’ve had panic attacks in the past, so I know what those are like, but this is something else entirely. I walk back out into my living room after checking myself over in the mirror and ask, “How can you tell if you’re dying?”

  Marek rolls his eyes as he continues fiddling with his phone. While he sends off a text or plays another round of whatever game he has on his phone, he says, “Anders, you’re not dying.”

  “Answer the fucking question!” My response comes out a little harsher and panicked than I meant, but that tends to happen when you’re freaking the fuck out.

  What the hell is going on with me?

  That gets his attention, and he drops his phone as he gets up from the couch. With a hesitant step, he says, “Calm down. What’s going on?”

  I take a deep breath and push it down, trying not to think about it and instead focus on what’s important, but I can’t. I can’t focus on anything other than the intense itch that is rapidly covering my entire body. Pulling up the hem of my t-shirt, I turn to my best friend and show him.

  His eyes go wide like they’re about ready to fall right out of his head. He takes a step toward me but must think better of it because he steps backward again. “Holy shit dude, what the fuck is going on?”

  If I knew the answer to that question, I wouldn’t have asked him if I could be dying right now. This whole thing is beyond weird, I have no idea what’s going on, and he told me to calm down. There are blood trails on my stomach where I’ve been scratching, whatever is happening to my skin has spread to my arms, and I can feel my neck and face joining in on the fun.

  “We need to get you to the hospital.”

  I adamantly shake my head. Not happening. My video just went live, so it’s only a matter of time before Giselle either calls me or comes running. I’m hoping for the latter, but I’ll take any form of communication at this point. “Your sister could watch the video any minute and be on her way over here. I’m not going to let some rash fuck things up for me.”

  “Look, I’ll text her that we’re heading to the hospital and she can meet us there.”

  I drop my head down into my hands. I’m so pissed off right now I could probably cry, and that’s not something I ever do. “How does this even happen? I ruined my own damn proposal.”

  Marek doesn’t answer my question, instead dragging me out of my house and to his car. This day couldn’t possibly get any worse, could it?

  * * *

  “I feel like such a little bitch right now. Who the hell gets stress hives from posting a ViewTube video?” I ask to the empty room, which is crazy since the room has basically been packed with people since we got here.

  Even saying those words out loud is ridiculous. The nurse and doctor finally just left my room after hooking me up to an IV and pumping me full of Benadryl. I have that crap in my medicine cabinet—if I had known that was all I needed, I never would have let Marek drag me down here.

  Speaking of my best buddy who I’m seriously pissed off at right now, he left twenty minutes ago to get coffee. How long does it really take to get a shitty cup from the waiting room? Definitely not this long.

  The door to the room opens back up and Giselle walks in with the biggest smile on her face. I don’t even think before the words are out of my mouth. “Dammit, I don’t want you here.”

  Her entire face drops as her bottom lip starts to quiver. She backs away slowly and starts to open the door again.

  Son of a bitch. I am screwing every single thing up today. “Shit, that’s not what I meant. I just don’t want you to see me like this.”

  That flips the switch back almost instantly. A beautiful smile covers her face and she giggles. “Anders McKay, stop playing the tough guy act with me. I’ve known you for eighteen years—if that hasn’t changed my feelings toward you, a couple of hives isn’t really going to do it.”

  A couple?

  I wish that were all it was. My body is covered in massive, disgusting welts, and all of my itching definitely didn’t help matters. I just hope it won’t lead to scarring, because that would be pretty awful. I glance out the window and watch as a squirrel runs from branch to branch in a giant oak tree. If I’m being honest with myself, I’m too embarrassed to look at Giselle right now. Then again, those nerves are what got me into this position to begin with. If I had just calmed myself down a bit, I wouldn’t have given myself a fucking stress rash.

  Who knew your head could mess with your body so bad? I sure as hell didn’t.

  “Anders?” she asks in a small voice from her place next to the door.


  My focus is split as I pay attention to the squirrel outside. I don’t even know what it’s doing or why it just keeps running back and forth. It’s wearing itself out going absolutely nowhere. Eventually it has to do something, right? It’s like that quote: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. That’s exactly how I would describe that squirrel—fucking insane. Then again, that kind of sounds like me. I spent nearly twenty years fighting my feelings for the gorgeous woman standing in front of me but also hoping she wouldn’t end up with anyone else but me. How does that sound for insane?


  Wait, what? I whip my head around and look over to her. Giselle’s cheeks are bright red and she’s grinning from ear to ear. “You want to repeat what you just said?”

  Clearing her throat, she finally steps away from th
e door toward me and says, “Anders McKay, yes I will marry you.”

  I curse the damn IV I’m hooked up to that is preventing me from running to her and swinging her in my arms. “Fucking finally.” I glance up to the ceiling as if to say a prayer. I had started to think I would never get to this day, and I’m so incredibly grateful that I was wrong. “Can I kiss you right now?” I ask impatiently, and it sounds more like a demand.

  “You can kiss me forever,” she replies breathily. She starts to walk toward me but pauses and asks, “Or is that going to hurt you?”

  “Giselle Outlaw, if you don’t get your hot ass over here and kiss me then I’m coming over to you myself, all these cords and tubes be damned.”

  She giggles again, which I’m pretty sure has become my new favorite sound, and she rushes to my bedside. She starts to lean over the bed, but I reach around her body and pull her down onto the mattress with me. We’re not celebrating our engagement with a peck on the lips. She starts to push herself up, but I pull her down and slam our mouths together. Her hesitation disappears altogether, and she melts into my embrace.

  Her small fingers unhurriedly trail down my chest. Someone could walk in at any moment, but that doesn’t matter right now. It all slips away around us. Giselle moans as I bring my hand up under her t-shirt, cupping her heavy breast. The barely-there lace fabric of her bralette gives me just enough of a feel to tease her. I’ve never seen another woman wear one of these before, but I hope Giselle never wears anything else.


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