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Alfheim Page 5

by Erik Schubach

  Jania won't discuss her Sund, she shuts down when asked, so we do not press the subject. Most of the younglings survive their Sund because of the combat training and superior weaponry. Swords and bows are more than a match for clubs and volcanic glass knives.

  When they return to the city in the morning, and their people evaluate them, their skin is marked with their accomplishments. Of the sixteen prior Elf ambassadors in Valhalla, Jania's markings have been the most extensive, covering most of her cheeks in spiraling vines in a flattering manner. The others barely showed any markings, just small swirls near their gracefully pointed ears.

  I do not know why, but it made me both proud and sad to know that at such a young age, being thrown to the proverbial wolves, Jania proved herself to be a superior warrior to her kin.

  She caught me studying her, and she cocked her head and studied me right back, then just inclined her head. Why did it feel as if one predator had just acknowledged another at that moment?

  When Samantha looked up at her, Jania brightened and smiled as if the sun had come up just for her, and she was her usual playful self again as she winked at the poor Asgard to make her blush. She sighed and said, “Good, good, fine, fine, let's get my execution over with then shall we?”

  The way she hovered a finger over the “End Session” icon on the com panel, a slight smirk on her lips as she cocked an eyebrow in question to the Embers, told me that she knew exactly what she was doing when the three shook their heads at her. They started nodding in unison when she moved her finger slowly over to the “Initiate Session” icon.

  The Elf wiggled her brows, then all the playfulness left her as she got a serious look on her face as she pressed the icon. There was a moment of delay as the signal picked up the first of the conference communication channels, as the gathered heads of the United Races appered in what looked like the Mission Staging room in the Gate Barracks in Valhalla.

  Kara said, “Well met everyone.” After the group greeted us, and Odin laid out what we were trying to accomplish and what was at stake, he asked, “Jania Sure Step of the Ljósálfar, Friend of the Asgard, would you like the honors of initiating contact with your home-world, dear sweet woman?”

  She smirked a little at that. Her species was a matriarchal society, and she found it almost amusing that Odin ruled over the more powerful women who would rule in her world, the Valkyrie. She felt more at home when dealing with Folkvangr, as Freya ruled there, and she could relate better with their society as the Folkvangr had suffered a similar fate at the hands of the Ragnarok before the New Peace of the Uniting, now that we all share the same enemy in the Jotunn.

  After a moment, the Bifrost terminal built outside of the main Light Elf settlement of Allrbus, bloomed in a holographic display. An Asgard technician was stretching a hand out to an Elf who was standing on the communications console, stabbing the blinking holographic icons with a long thin sword. The display shimmered a bit as the Asgard man was calling out, “Stop, you don't know what you are doing with...” The technician snapped his mouth shut as an unusually tall elf placed a long, thin blade to his throat and said something which was translated to, “You will not speak in the presence of Queen Nerthus, She Who Lived. Our shaman and Story Teller will work your God Portal for...”

  Jania cleared her throat and said in Elvish our translators converting it to Asgard, “Umm... hello. Kalimish, you might want to get Breem off the communications console before he gets himself killed.”

  This Breem, the Story Teller, looked startled to hear Jania's voice coming from the console and he pulled back, lost his balance, and fell to the plasticrete floor. From what little we have discerned from the various tight-lipped ambassadors over the years, the Story Tellers, were like Bards of old Earth, and were the keepers of the history of their people and would share the stories through the spoken word and song.

  Kalimish spun away from the man he had pinned, his long, graceful blade swinging around in front of him as he scanned the room. Then he looked up to the ceiling and asked in a hushed tone. “Sure Step? Are you with the gods?”

  Jania sighed heavily and said, “Activate the holographic display so you can see us. I am with the leaders of the many kleshnie worlds. They wish to beg audience with the All Mother.”

  The man went to the console and looked at it like it would burn him. Jania said like she was speaking to a child, “Move your hand over the options menu and stretch your fingers wide, then flick your finger over the holo option toward the room and you will be able to... no... no... did I say to start pressing buttons and turning dials? Stop... no, the other side. By the fourth gate man! Stop or you'll...”

  The display went to static as Jania slapped her forehead and dragged her hand down her face as she muttered, “Idiots, to the one.”

  The Earth representative, I believe it was President Reinfeild now... or was it, Chang? Asked, “What's happening?”

  Essa was quickly pinging Alfheim again and when the room resolved again, there seemed to be a bit of a scuffle, as the two Elves were hissing at the Asgard man, brandishing their weapons, as he cringed in the corner assuring them, “We did not steal your ambassador. You just disconnected the...”

  Kalimish almost shrieked, “Are you saying that I do not know what I am doing? I am First Proctor of Allrbus, I walked the night twice in Sund!”

  The Asgard man wisely didn't answer.

  Jania blurted, “You walked the night twice only because you tripped and tumbled down an embankment and hit your head the first night. The next morning, a fisherman found you unconscious down at the creek, you idiot.”

  The man spun around, looking in every direction again, “Sure Step? Stop spreading untruths, all know that I had fought the Dökkálfar valiantly and suffered my head wound as I chased them away from the orchards. I...”

  She sighed and looked at all of the confused looking people in the holo display and gave them all an apologetic look, holding up a stalling hand. “You did nothing, that was the night of my Sund, and I had to face the enemy alone because of your clumsiness. Now allow the poor kleshnie up to do his job. She Who Lived will be incensed at having to wait, brother.”

  My eyes flew wide. Brother? I looked between the handsome Elf on the display and her, and my eyes got even wider when I could see they had the same piercing eyes, though I couldn't really see any other family resemblance. She never spoke of family. This Light Elf, was her kin?

  The man actually grumped like a child when he whispered, “You said you'd never tell anyone what happened that night.”

  “Let him up or I'm going to tell more than just the leaders of the other worlds about it.”

  He sighed then looked over his shoulder to where Breem was now standing on the Asgard's chest, crouched as he pulled up the poor man's lips to examine his teeth. “Let him up.”

  When the Story Teller hopped off the man, he prodded him with a stick to get to the console. The man gave them a wary look, and with practiced ease, flicked the holo-display in the center of the room to life and I knew all the leaders and us were displayed there as large as life.

  The two elves screamed, swung their weapons with a fluid and practiced ease, through the nearest people in the projection. Then when their strikes went through them, they dropped their weapons and fell to their knees, heads down in supplication. Breen whispering, “The Gods of the Skies.”

  Jania looked at all of us and all those gathered in Valhalla and said, “I'm really sorry about my idiot twin and the Story Teller. The rest of our people actually have those squishy, think-y things in their heads.”

  She looked at Sam, eyebrows up as Samantha squinted an eye in suspicion and supplied, “Brains?”

  The Elf woman brightened and said in a chirpy voice, “Yes, that's it. Brains!” Sam grinned and shoved the woman's shoulder lightly, causing Jania to wink at her.

  Jania stepped forward to her brother's projection and squatted, “Idiot. Stand up. They aren't gods.”
  The elves looked up slowly then stood. Then Kalimish's smile bloomed and it made him look quite striking as he attempted to hug Jania in the display, “Sister,” his arms going through her.

  She sighed again. “This is just a hologram, I'm not really there. It is a way to communicate which...” The glazed look in her brother's eyes had her sighing yet again, she seemed to do that a lot around him, as she changed tactics. “It's kleshnie magic.”

  Breem stepped up to examine her like a scholar and apparently put his extensive knowledge of holograms to use as he agreed as if it were the final word on the subject, “Yes, I can confirm that this is indeed kleshnie magic.”

  Ok, why did I grin when her brother seemed to put more stock in the Story Teller's words than his sister's? She cleared her throat, “The All Mother?”

  Her brother's eyes widened and he turned and ran to the door in a minor panic. He opened it a crack and whispered something, then he was bowing deeply as a woman glided through the door, flowing with grace and femininity which accentuated the regal bearing and confidence of the woman. Her silken robes were accessorized with leaves, branches, and moss which we knew represented the nature that they worshiped.

  Breem and, to his credit, the Asgard tech, bowed deeply too as she looked around at the people projected in the room. It spoke volumes of her that she only hesitated a mere moment before regaining her composure, even though this was likely the first time she had witnessed holo tech.

  Jania was on a knee, head down so low her long blonde tresses puddled on the ground in front of her, as she said, “Allr lova til allr móðir. Dróttning Nerthus ór alfheimr.” The translator didn't recognize that particular dialect of Elvish, but my Verr supplied their best guess until the translators had enough context to add the new dialect to the library, “All love to All Mother. Queen Nerthus of Alfheimr.”

  As I took a knee I discreetly flicked the Verr translation to the holo console and I could see everyone reading it as, to the one including Odin... and Hera beside me, took a knee and repeated, “Allr lova til allr móðir. Dróttning Nerthus ór alfheimr.”

  She looked around at us then her chin rose slightly, making her look even more regal and commanding. I'm sure Dite was on the cusp of an orgasm behind me, just looking at the woman. Then the Queen of Alfheim said, “Please rise.”

  We all stood and Odin started to address her, “Queen Ner...”

  She held up a halting hand as her eyes bore down on Jania.

  The Queen strode up to her and experimentally waved her hand through the hologram and then said in a reprimanding tone, “Jania Sure Step, why do you bring me in front of these kleshnie? I assigned you as... ambassador...” She looked around as she chose her words carefully before adding, “So that I would not have to interact with those not of our lands. Can you not do as you are charged?” She smiled sweetly to us all in apology for her vassal.

  Jania looked almost shamed and didn't meet her Queen's eyes as she said, “I do my job well my Queen, but the worlds outside of ours find themselves in need of the assistance of the people of Alfheimr. They wish to broker an accord that I would not presume to even entertain without your counsel. And the kleshnie wish to beg audience with the All Mother that she can see in their eyes the truths they carry in their words.”

  Was it wrong that I felt a certain bit of pride when I realized that Jania's tribal markings were slightly larger and longer than Queen Nerthus'? But then again, she was my friend so my pride in her cannot be faulted.

  The Queen walked around the room, locking eyes with each person projected there. Then she turned to Jania and locked eyes with her and seemed pleased that she didn't back down under the scrutiny of her leader. Then she asked, “And how can I do so when they hide behind this... this...”

  Breem slid to her side and offered as he bowed his head, “I have determined this is kleshnie magic, my Queen.”

  Nerthus nodded her thanks and continued, “Behind this kleshnie magic? I cannot take the measure of a woman nor man who will not stand before me.”

  Ok, that right there, that was an invitation. I looked toward Odin who was already bowing his head. “The delegation would be honored to step through the Bifrost to treat with the Queen of Alfheim. All Mother.”

  Nerthus smiled and turned toward him, stepping his way as she studied him a moment, then said, “What a polite second, you do your Queen proud.”

  I caught the slight smile on Geiravor's face at that, as she stood beside her husband.

  She spun to us. “Does this accord they seek, directly affect all the outer worlds?”

  Jania looked to think on it a moment and answered slowly and carefully, “Indirectly, as they all face the same threat, but it more directly affects Olympus, and since they are the protectors of the United Races, the Asgard.” That last one was a stretch, but I could see that her Queen wanted to limit the field, and my parents are just about as trusting as the people of Alfheim of outsiders, so the moderating influence of the Asgard would be prudent in any discussions.

  The Queen thought on it a moment then she smiled to herself and said, “I will permit a small delegation who will speak for the leaders of Olympus and Asgard for their rulers.” She widened her eyes and spoke almost coyly. “As leaders of such advanced races, it must take all your time to rule over it, and I would not presume to take you from your duties.”

  I saw what she was doing, she wanted those who were less versed in the doublespeak of politics to speak for Olympus so she could take a true measure of our words. This woman was not one to trifle with it seemed.

  Odin smiled and inclined his head. “Of course. You are wise in your counsel, All Mother.” She smirked at his pandering which got him to smirk back showing his true understanding of her intentions. Odin was no fool and he was letting her know that. The Queen seemed to respect what she saw in him.

  With that, Queen Nerthus, spun, her feather-light robes flaring and trailing behind her like smoke on the wind, as she called back while she glided toward the door. “No more than ten in your party, I will expect you in thirty of your minutes in my court. And bring the Andskoti I saw lurking in the background there.”

  I glanced back over my shoulder to see Intark as the Alfheim connection blinked out, leaving only the people in Valhalla on the displays. The big man was leaning against a wall with his arms folded over his massive chest. Why did she want him there? A shiver went down my spine wondering if they still saw the Raganok as their enemy.

  Odin chuckled and said, “Well young Jania, that went better than expected.”

  Jania cocked an eyebrow? “Better than... you knew she'd...” She shook her head and smiled while she exhaled and said as she looked around to everyone, “Choose your representatives quickly, when the All Mother says thirty minutes, she means thirty minutes and it would be seen as an insult if you keep her waiting.”

  The world around me exploded into a cacophony of voices all trying to speak over each other. I couldn't stop from smiling as Dite placed her chin on my shoulder from behind and giggled at the chaos.

  Chapter 4 – Alfheim

  That's how I found myself in Pegasus with the rest of the party to negotiate with the Queen of the Elves.

  The rest of the Olympians had traveled through the Bifrost, leaving only Arina and Thea, who had a jump pack in case their plan failed. Once we were clear of the Olympus gateway, a huge stream of power arced from Valhalla's dome shield and through the Bifrost to start the rapid recharge of the massive space folding jump drive of the Citadel.

  Zeus' balls! The power readings were almost off the scale in the overlay in my vision. While that massive power transfer was underway, there would be no more travel to or from Olympus. The biggest worry was that these temporary Bifrost gateway might not be able to handle the strain and wouldn't be able to sustain the event horizon on one end or another and they would collapse, ending any chance we had of saving the only home my race had ever called their own.

>   Essa was in the pilot's chair, even though Pegasus flew herself. And she was calling out as we rose in the air above ground traffic while we glided around the massive Bifrost terminal that housed the gateways to all the worlds of the United Races. It was an awe-inspiring sight no matter how many times I witnessed it. Hover trains were departing and arriving, carrying people between worlds, as Windriders and Wasps flew through the various gateways on patrols or moving cargo, people, or vendors around the galaxy in the blink of an eye.

  Both Kate and Kara had deemed it “Grand Central Station” for something in old Earth history that they had both witnessed in their lives back on Terra before Kara was reunited with the Asgard all those millennia ago.

  Essa was on coms. “Bifrost Flight, Pegasus actual, requesting clearance to transit the Alfheim terminal.” It was unnecessary as we pivoted to a deserted gateway that was powered down at the moment. There was no travel between Alfheim and the other worlds once the terminal had been built outside their capital city of Allrbus.

  Occasionally there would be scientists or traders who would pass through if they got express permission from the Elves stationed on the other side to ensure Asgard war parties didn't try to use the terminal for invasion of their lands.

  We all exchanged looks as the control tower responded, “Pegasus actual, Bifrost Flight. Air traffic patterns to Alfheim are empty, you are cleared to translate in five...” The gateway thrummed to life in a surge of power. “Four, three, two, you are go for translation.”

  Pegasus sent a .oo. To our heads up displays, which we had learned was her way of rolling her eyes.

  As we heard her gravitic drives powering up she added, “Pegasus fly, not need Bifrost Flight. Pegasus no crash. Jania Elf people no have flying machines.” Then, as a way of showing her displeasure with the terminal staff, she rocketed through the gateway at five times the recommended speed. The Embers were all giggling then reprimanding Pegasus who flickered the interior lights in her laugh.


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