Fire Fury Freedom

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Fire Fury Freedom Page 5

by Amanda Rose

  “Thank you. Your words will be of more help then you could possibly know. We will heal this planet or die trying. You have our word,” Mei assured. Mu-Kai nodded, and the party rose and bowed in gratitude once more before leaving. As they turned they heard Mu-Kai behind them, “Before you leave…” he paused as they looked back to him, “There will be some officials here from the C.D.F.P. visiting within the next two days. They will notice any outsiders. I assume they will find you suspicious, as you have a passionate dislike towards them that does show through you. If you wish to be undetected there is a hidden passage that will lead you out to the eastern side of the mountain region. Please return here before you are to leave and I will have you escorted.” A smile came over Suako’s high-spirited face from the kindly offering, “Thank you Mu-Kai, we will never forget your kindness.” Mu-Kai added, “Be sure to give your thanks to Mack as well, as he is the partial cause to the release of this information I offer you now.” A certain dumbfounded expression came over everyone’s face except Jenko who threw back his head and cawed with a laugh.

  They took leave from the grand hall and out the architecturally astounding doors. “So I suppose we should gather rations for the trip ahead, eh?” Jenko mentioned as they hopped down the steps. “Yeah,” Kato agreed. “Uh… phew I’m just feeling… tired. I think I need to rest…” Mei said taking a dizzy spell. Tripping on the last step Kato rushed to catch her. “Her arm is likely infected,” Kato said inspecting the blood seepage on the bandaged bite mark. “I’ll take her to Sui to get some disinfectant for her wound,” he said raising Mei into his arms. “You just rest up Mei!” Vince called behind Kato as he walked away.

  “Right, then you two are on rations patrol,” Jenko appointed them. Vince and Suako looked to one another and shrugged, “Ok. We need some gold for trade then,” Vince told him. Pulling a tiny leather pouch off his belt, Jenko tossed it to Vince as he strolled off, “Take your time.” He waved them off. Suako and Vince made their way back into the market.

  “So, did that Mu-Kai have any information for you?” Jenko asked Mack as he walked into their stay room. “Mu-kai said that he was never here. The reactor here is strictly a reactor... He said in other cities where the C.D.F.P. is more predominant, they’d have buildings with prison facilities that could hold him. He said once a convict passed through here with a crew from the Company. Supposedly it could’ve been him but…” Mack sighed in frustration “The man’s face was covered, so he can’t even describe him for me.” Angrily he pulled a cigar from his pack and lit it up. Inhaling deeply, he released the smoke along with some of his pent-up energy.

  “You’ll find him… anyway, as the chief probably informed ya’, the ‘murdering bastards’ are on their way here, and ‘ill be ere pretty damn soon,” Jenko vocalised as he strutted over to his pack and started shoving his things away. Mack leaned up against the wall in his usual way and relaxed as he smoked. “Is Mei alright?” Mack timidly asked. “I saw Kato carry her back.” Jenko averted from his bag, “She’s a tough girl, but she needs to rest. She pushed herself too fast is all. If she stays put and rests the next little while she’ll be good to travel. Guess we’d better see if that Akron healer woman needs some help.” Jenko said. Mack nodded and took one last sweet breath of smoke in before extinguishing it.

  Next door as they entered they found Sui had just finished placing an herbal mixture over the bite wound and was about to begin with wrapping a bandage back around Mei’s arm. Kato sat on Mei’s other side gently stroking his rough worn fingers along her soft plush face. “Are we too late to offer you any help?” Jenko asked as he walked in the room. Sui looked up at the two men, “Indeed you are not. This young lady needs a good night’s sleep. If you could retrieve some vervain and chamomile from the market I can make a tea to help ease her conscience,” Sui requested of them. Without sparing a moment they set off to the streets.

  That evening five companions sat around a fire. They watched as the embers burned and listened as it crackled. The rain poured down in buckets outside. Lightning flashed in the distance, followed by the boom of thunder. Not much was said that night, no tension hung in the air; it felt peaceful in the village. For that evening they could forget about the long journey ahead, and enjoy the moment.

  The fire danced away; it was mesmerising and captivating. It steered their attention straight to it and held to inspire and stir thoughts within them. Night seemed like an endless spiral before them, and time spawned into eternity. Somehow, they found themselves rising the following morning from slumber, without any recollection of going to sleep at all. Kato quickly dressed and tended to Mei at once. Suako and Vince made fruit platters for everyone to eat.

  The sky was virtually cloudless, and the ground was moist from the downfall of rain beforehand. Suako and Vince ventured out into a vacant area of land to practice some concentration and focus driven exercises. Mack and Jenko spent the day checking in on Mei, preparing for the next day’s trek, and enjoying the sheer serenity of the brief time they had to spend left within the small community. The day was relatively peaceful, a day of rest before the hard journey to follow.

  Kindness shows its face despite chaos; the human spirit lives on.

  Chapter 4: Departure

  As dawn drew near Mack woke up the troop to prepare for an early departure. They double-checked their packs for all their vital necessities for travelling through a land of nothingness. “Kato, do you think Mei is up for this?” Mack asked in a hushed tone as he pulled him aside. “Yes, but she’ll need breaks to keep up her strength… but uh, she’d never admit it so, make up some excuses, boss?” Kato asked. Mack nodded “Does the lady healer here think she’s good to go?” Kato nodded, “Yes, though she’d said she wanted her to rest more, it ain’t like we got a choice now. We just gotta make do.” Mack patted Kato on the back and walked off.

  Kato went to collect Mei from Sui’s care. “Miss Akron?” he called as he entered her home. Peering out of the kitchen she expressed a friendly expression upon recognising Kato in the shadows. “I was just about to fetch you. She’s getting dressed in her room. Here…” she produced a bottle and held it out for him to take. Kato took the vial and observed it. It hard a dark brownish green color to it. “It’s a medicinal anti-infecting herbal blend. Just place a thin layer of it over her bite a few times a day, and clean the wound frequently,” she instructed Kato.

  “How is she then?” He asked. Sui compassionately smiled, “Don’t fret, I have successfully flushed the entire area of bacteria. She’ll be fine. That dizzy spell you reported to me was because a little bit of the beast’s saliva had gotten in. I gave her an antitoxin which will have already cleansed her body,” the sweet woman said assuring him. Kato breathed a sigh of relief.

  Mei emerged from her stay room with her satchel slung over her shoulder. Delightedly she welcomed Kato with warm eyes. Turning to Sui, Mei thankfully bowed to the woman, “Ms. Akron, I want to thank you for all you’ve done for me and my friends. I will never forget how kind you were to take us in.” Sui seemed to blush, “Save your praise. You are welcome back any time,” Sui happily offered. Mei thanked her once more then took her leave with Kato.

  The sun began to crack above the horizon as they ventured toward the once bustling business area, now a silent city centre. A pastel mauve and crimson sky blessed the earth with light as the day break gave way to stirring life. The few birds living in the area began chirping their songs to greet the new day. A gentle mist covered the ground in the distance behind them. The town asleep would soon rise and commence another day.

  They had reached Mu-Kai’s home and office. After climbing the stairs once again Mack knocked on the door. Soon a servant opened the door and told them that Mu-Kai had been expecting them and awaited them in the garden behind his political office. The servant showed them threw the house and to the back. “Ah, Mack, you have come at last I see,” Mu-Kai heartily welcomed him.

  A young man stood beside Mu-Kai. His posture was that
of perfection, long black locks surrounded his pale face, whose brown eyes were accentuated and turned into black pools of ink by his kimono. “This is my son, Kairu. He is one day to rule this city… I would like to ask of you to take him with you. He needs to experience this world before he can lead his people properly,” Mu-Kai kept his usual composure, but his eyes had a glint of hope glistening within them.

  Mack walked up to Kairu, “How old are you?” he asked looking him over. “Nineteen,” the boy quietly responded. “Can ye’ fight?” Jenko called from behind Mack. “Yes sir,” the boy replied. Suako grinned “More the merrier! C’mon Mack!” she pleaded with her usual enthusiasm.

  “…Do you want to come?” Mack asked. The seriousness of the boy left a little and was replaced by a look of being misunderstood. His eyes hit the ground then went back to Mack. “Yes, I really do,” Mack consented, “Right then… I’m assuming he’ll guide us down the path we’re going?” Mack questioned Mu-Kai. “I’m afraid no one else can be spared with the arrival of the C.D.F.P., too many absences become an issue. He knows the first bit of the way, I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out the rest my old friend. Thank you for this favour.” Mu-Kai said. “No need. In the wastelands we are crossing the more we have t’ fight the better.”

  With that the men clasped onto one another and gave each other a hearty pat on the back. “Good luck on your endeavours. Take care of my son,” Mu-Kai wished for them. “He’s safe with us… Everyone let’s get a move on!” Mack instructed them. Kairu hugged his father, “Good luck Kairu… be safe,” Mu-Kai told him, for once with a slight weakness within his tone, yet still maintaining a sense of pride. Parading off into the distant brush the travellers began the next part of their journey. Mu-Kai stood watching until they’d past out of the city’s dome limits and disappeared from sight.

  “Guess this is goodbye Shangri-La,” announced Vince turning back atop the hill to view one last time the lively place below. “Hi Kairu, I’m Suako,” she introduced brushing back her long thick hair from her face. “Hello,” he replied quietly. “So, I guess I should tell you who everyone is, huh?” she asked, but spoke again before his reply came “Let’s see… well that’s Mack up there at the front, as you probably guessed. He’s our leader, so call ‘em boss or Mack. Beside him is Jenko; he’s an expert travel guide. To our right we have Mei and Kato…” then whispered, “They’d never admit it, but they’re in love,” she gleefully informed Kairu. “Last but not least there’s Vince to our tail end.” “Thanks,” Kairu replied in his quiet reformed habit.

  Suako cocked her head “You don’t say much do ya’?” she asked, looking slightly sceptical. No address was returned. “Sorry… you just left home, that’s all it is,” she said, attempting to make him feel better. “Well, let me help you forget about that, or you’ll just be glum all day! Hmm… well, tell me about yourself,” she requested.

  “I uh… I’m a jujitsu apprentice. My training is nearly complete. I’ve also been trained to use samurai swords, but only just recently. I’m afraid my fists are a better weapon,” he proclaimed with slight embarrassment. Suako sweetly smiled, “That’s amazing. Maybe you could teach me some jujitsu sometime?” she asked with extra enthusiasm. Kairu finally broke his starchy composure with a small grin of content. “Sure,” he looked her in the eye and saw deep within her. Suako felt the penetrating stare and nearly fell aback with its simple power.

  Vince walked behind Kairu and Suako, feeling unjustified envy towards Kairu that he did not quite understand. He kept in close step, eavesdropping on their conversation as they went along. The day seemed to pass slowly. They rested at midday, in a tiny crevice along the path, where Mack and Suako prepared lunch and Kato attended to changing Mei’s bandaging. Though short, the break had seemingly stretched on into eternity with the unmoving sun perched above them. The lack of breath seemed more easily tolerated the second time around.

  After the break at noon, evening seemed to roll around quickly. This path was much longer than the previous one they’d taken up the mountain. With no other choice they set up camp inside a minor indentation of a precipice. They rotated shifts, watching for roaming beasts; the night was clear, cool and starlit. Mack and Jenko took a turn together. “So, where’ll we be going after we escape the confines of the peaks?” Mack asked in his straight forward militant fashion. “Take a look here,” Jenko said spreading out his map over his lap.

  They were midway up the mountain border, then off to the east lay a small town, followed by another town northward by a lake. “Now I’m thinking that if we go here, to Atani,” Jenko pointed to the southernmost of the two towns, “Then we can work our way north afterwards. There ain’t that much south besides Torusan that’s worth visiting. My money’s on finding valuable stuff to the north,” he said showing a path on the map to a coastal harbour city. “Alright then,” Mack said, and that was that.

  A few hours later Vince woke up and took his shift, the last one before sunrise. His eyes were heavy, but his mind was busy. He looked at the expression on Suako’s face as she slept, she appeared fearful. It didn’t match her personality; her fighting spirit was strong, and she did not have restful sleep. It was mystifying and left Vince feeling baffled. Bringing his focus back to his watch it was not long before Jenko’s snoring became distracting. Surprising not every beast in the land hasn’t come at us… He thought to himself.

  As morning drew nearer Vince vividly kept view of the eastern horizon line as the sky slowly lightened to hues of green and yellow. Vince decided to start making breakfast for everyone. After struggling to make a fire with the lack oxygen, he was finally able to cook some eggs that he’d carefully transported from the city for them. Suako woke before the others and quietly crawled out of the den.

  “Hey,” she quietly said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “Hey, mornin’ Suako,” Vince said with a smile. She yawned and rubbed her arms to warm up from the chill of the dawning day. “You look tired,” she said. “Long night,” he said in short. Suako attended to helping him. “Can you pass me the water canteen?” Vince asked. “Sure,” Suako passed it to him. Suako turned away from him to go for the canteen, Vince opened his mouth to speak but hushed himself once he heard the rustling of the others as they awakened from their slumber.

  Mid-afternoon rolled around before they’d even realised it. They’d just come out of the sanctum of the mountains onto the flat plains. There were very few encounters with any fowl beasts; most of them had been scared away without a fight. After the long trek their limbs felt heavy and stiff. They all longed for deep breaths of air once again to fill their lungs and give them new life. Mack stopped them all as they stood at the base of the mountain ridge to go over strategy before they stepped out onto the open plains.

  “That’s good n’ all Mack, but aren’t their a few towns to the south? You can’t tell me Torusan is it?” Suako inquired. “There’s more,” Jenko confirmed. “We decided to go straight to domed cities to the east,” Mack explained. “Yeah, but how‘re we supposed to fight if we don’t know all aspects of C.D.F.P.’s impacts? I understand that time is precious for this world. Let me go alone, even if it’s just to one place. I’ll meet up with you later,” Suako persisted, her eyes searching for approval. “…Fine Suako, but watch your step. You have your gear?” Mack said reluctantly, Suako nodded to him. “Then go on ahead,” he released her.

  Vince watched her as she left. He desired to accompany her, but felt an instinctual pull for him to stay with the others he could not quite explain. A slight bit of concern weighed on his heart for his dear Suako. Kato’s harsh voice soon broke his concentration, “Mack I think its best we break here. I should change Mei’s bandaging again.” With a gesture of approval, Kato went to work.

  “Tell us more about the city to the east… what was its name again?” Mei asked with a slight stutter from quick breaths. “It’s called Atani. It’s a nice little place… The people there are rather formal though. They tried to quarrel with the C.D.F
.P. not too long ago. Since then the company has kept the town under military supervision to prevent rebellious actions,” Jenko explained as he helped with washing her wound. Kairu sat quietly and watched everyone else, just listening.

  “Is it such a good idea that we go there? The company’s bound to have a search going on after we blew the grid eleven generator,” Mei asked. “Yeah but no one knows we did it, Mei,” Kato chuckled. Kairu’s curiosity peaked, yet he remained silent and listened.

  “Are we sure no one knows? I hate t’ say it but I don’t think we went completely unseen. How bout you?” Mei asked. “Everyone’s got their fakes anyway, right?” Kato asked holding up an I.D. card. A murmur of agreement sounded.

  “Low profiles people. These people notice everything. Worst of all they want to be trusted so they won’t be prisoners in their own homes. Any info they get on you and yer’ crime they’ll bust ya’. Trust me,” A seriousness override Jenko’s usual tone. The mood was broken when Kairu, the silent statue came to life with no warning and bolted off around a corner. All attention gravitated immediately to him. An alarming screech cried out and then stopped just as fast as it’d begun. Kairu returned holding a large bird. They all looked at him slightly dazed; it took a moment to compute.

  Kairu saw them all staring at him and didn’t know exactly what to do or say. “I thought it might be nice to have a bite to eat,” he said feeling uneasy with all eyes on him. Their daze wore off. “Uh, great,” Jenko smiled. “Lemme help pluck the feathers for ya’. Someone start a fire,” Jenko said taking the bird.

  The fire was easily ablaze unlike usual, and they roasted the bird. They decided they might stay there the afternoon and wait until nightfall to travel. Furious rays of the sun were intense and scalding on the plains, and the cool shade of the mountains was bliss. After they ate everyone lazily relaxed and napped. As the others were resting Vince pulled a blank book from the rest of his gear. He began to jot down some random thoughts and feelings he couldn’t get off of his mind.


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