Highlander’s Trusted Traitor (Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance)

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Highlander’s Trusted Traitor (Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance) Page 3

by Alisa Adams

First, he approached Rose’s parents. He shook Steven’s hand and kissed Ruth’s hand lightly.

  “I’m so happy you were able to make it here. This is an exciting day for everyone and I’m pleased to meet you properly. I’m honored that you approached us with this proposition.” He then turned to Rose. Their eyes met, and a sharp tingle ran through her entire body. He moved towards her and the hairs on the back of her neck began to prickle. “And I see that your description of your daughter has not been exaggerated. She is the epitome of loveliness and beauty. It’s a pleasure to meet you Rose.” He took her hand and pressed his lips against her skin, letting them linger there for a moment more than perhaps he should have. His lips were warm and when he looked up at her she saw the playfulness in his eyes. An overwhelming feeling surged inside her and she was sure it was love at first sight.

  Edward let her hand go and then turned to her maid, smiling politely at her. Rose was pleased with this as it showed he was a man of good manners and had respect for people no matter their station. He offered Rose her arm and she took it willingly. They walked the short distance to the table, and she found herself disappointed by the fact that the journey was only a short one.

  “I’m glad you finally made it. I thought something awful had happened!” William said.

  “Don’t be unkind William,” Ethel said. “Not everyone has to be so punctual.”

  “Our apologies,” Steven said. “There was unfortunately a fallen tree on a road from a recent storm so we had to take an alternative route.” He glanced at Rose, who stifled a smile at the little white lie. William didn’t seem to challenge it though, he just huffed and tucked back into his food.

  “Well, what’s important is that we’re all here now,” Harold said.

  “I’ll toast to that.” Edward raised his mug and took a sip. Rose followed suit, enjoying the sweet taste of the wine.

  “That’s a lovely outfit you’re wearing Rose,” Ethel said.

  “Thank you so much,” Rose said. “I wanted to look my best for Edward.” She fluttered her eyes at him and he returned her smile.

  “You’ve certainly exceeded my expectations,” he said. He gazed at her earnestly and she saw desire in his eyes. Was it all supposed to happen so fast? This rush of exhilaration, this feeling of haziness in her mind? Rose tried to cling onto the lessons she had learned to regain her composure, but she found it to be so difficult in his presence. He had some kind of effect on her that she couldn’t explain. It could only have been love.

  “This is a lovely meal you’ve set out for us Lord Douglas,” Steven said. In front of them were jams, bread, cheeses, scones, and small cakes, along with some cream. Tea and wine were also being served as well.

  “Please, call me Harold. We’re all friends here, and if these discussions go well you will become family. But there’s enough time for that later. Now, just settle in and have some food. Your quarters have been prepared. I’m assuming Charles has already told you that my servants are at your beck and call for the duration of your stay?”

  “They have indeed Harold,” Steven almost had to force the words out. “Your hospitality is most gracious and I hope we will not impose upon you too much.”

  “Think nothing of it,” Harold said casually. “I’m glad to be of service. There are times, too many times, when this place can be so quiet.” His gaze drifted away and it seemed as though he was getting lost in melancholy. Rose wasn’t looking at him though; her attention was purely focused on Edward. She spread some jam onto a piece of bread and let the flavor fill her mouth. This was how life should be lived, and she was confident that everything would go according to plan.

  This late breakfast was more of a casual affair than anything else, providing the two families with an opportunity to meet each other. The arrangements had all been made via letters between the families, so this was the first time they were meeting together. Now that she had met Edward, Rose didn’t want anything to get in the way of her marriage. She wasn’t going to take part in the discussions of terms herself. Neither was Edward; that was something for their fathers to focus on. But she hoped they would be able to come to an agreement quickly because she wanted to get her life started.

  Rose herself kept quiet. She wanted to be demure, and only responded when she was spoken to. She also hoped it would create an air of mystery that would entice Edward and make him unable to resist her. By the way he looked at her she thought her work was already complete.

  Somehow the servants knew innately when people had finished eating. Perhaps Harold had given them some imperceptible sign, but to Rose it almost seemed like magic. They came up and efficiently cleared the table.

  “I think perhaps it would be a good idea for Edward and Rose to take a walk on the grounds while we get down to business,” William said. “Unless you’d prefer to see your chambers first and settle in.”

  “I’m sure we can do that later. I think we’re all eager to come to an arrangement so I don’t see that there’s any reason to delay,” Steven said. Rose assumed he was already aware he had offended William by being late, as he always liked to relax after every meal. Rose wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to spend some time alone with Edward though.

  “I think that would be a wonderful idea,” she said. Edward agreed as well and it seemed settled. She and Edward rose from the table.

  “I hope you enjoy my gardens. They are particularly lovely this time of year. I spent many a time running around them as a boy. They have always been the pride and joy of this estate,” Harold said, and showed them which way to go.

  Rose blushed as she walked out of the room. It felt as though she was taking the first steps of her new life. This was the first time she had ever been allowed to enjoy herself without an escort, and she was excited to see what Edward was like without being shackled by their parents. Romance was in the air, and her heart was elated with the proceedings so far. Her parents could work out all the boring, niggling details. All she wanted was to make certain the attraction that already existed between her and the noble and handsome Edward. She would have some time alone with him, maybe after dinner, and she could not wait to put herself into a position where he couldn’t live without her.


  The morning came and brought with it new hope and excitement. Keith awoke very early, ate, and got dressed quickly, then made a final farewell to his parents.

  He didn’t know how long he would be gone for, and that was part of the excitement. It might be weeks, it might be months. There was no way of knowing, but he wanted it to last as long as possible and he hoped that everyone would be thinking of him in his absence, wondering what adventures he was having. Although England wasn’t too far away and was locked to Scotland by land, it seemed like a whole world away. There was so much history between the two countries that the fact Keith could actually be invited and welcomed there was astonishing. He would be the first person to blaze a trail, and he might even be able to ingratiate himself with some English nobles and show them that Highlanders weren’t what they expected.

  He arrived earlier than expected but Sarina already awaited him by the carriage. Seamus was there to see her off. He kissed her tenderly and then took their son from her arms. It was the first time Sarina would spend time away from him and he was crying. His father started playing with him and told him his mother would not be away for long.

  The driver was preparing the horses. The carriage was small, but it would serve them well. Keith ran his hands through his hair and breathed deeply to steady his frantic heart. He wasn’t sure if he was more nervous or excited.

  Sarina gave him with a warm smile as Seamus helped her into the carriage. He handed Keith a sword. The blade was dull and worn but of great quality. It had seen battle. It felt heavy in his hands and he wondered which other warriors had used it before him. He felt honored.

  “Take care of my wife,” he said. Keith was suddenly aware of the solemn duty he was taking on and nodded devoutly, knowing that he would
do everything in his power to keep Sarina from harm. He settled into the carriage, sitting across from Sarina. She wore a green gown and she gazed out at the world, smiling widely. They heard the lash of the reins and the horses began to trot away, pulling the carriage along behind them. The carriage trundled along and as the world moved by. Everything Keith had known receded into the distance.

  Keith had always been raised to be polite and he knew there were certain unspoken rules he had to follow when it came to interacting with the Laird and Lady. He remained in silence, staring out of the window, assuming that it was what Sarina wanted.

  However, shortly after they left she placed a light hand on him to draw his attention away from the scenery and spoke.

  “I hope you’re not going to be this quiet for the entire trip. It will be incredibly dull if you are.” Her voice was warm and full of humor. Keith smiled shyly and apologized.

  “I did nae think I should speak without being spoken tae,” he said.

  Sarina brushed the air with a hand and leaned back in her seat. “I’ve never been much for those rules, although that attitude will serve you well if you decide to stay in my brother’s court. English nobles can be rather…fussy when it comes to these kinds of things. Frankly I’m glad I escaped that. Life in the Highlands is harder in many respects, but it does have its advantages.”

  “I’m excited tae see how it compares,” he said, not wanting to reveal that he was nervous. However, she seemed to have an innate sense about these things. He wondered if she knew that he had found her attractive as well.

  “I’m sure you’re a bit nervous. It’s perfectly natural and yes, I know that you Highlander Warriors don’t like admitting to nerves because you think it will somehow stain your reputation, but everyone gets nervous.”

  “Even Seamus?” said Keith. He sat up a little taller after she had called him a Highlander Warrior too. She noticed that.

  “Especially Seamus,” she giggled. “You should have seen him when our child was being born. Although I suppose he had every right to be given his past.” Her head dipped and for a moment the good humor disappeared. Keith had heard whispers of Seamus’s tragic past, but he hadn’t been made fully aware of it. Out of respect for him it wasn’t something shared between the members of the clan. All Keith knew was that it had something to do with his first wife, and since she wasn’t around anymore Keith assumed that she had died, although he didn’t know how.

  “Still,” Sarina said, collecting herself, “it’s all perfectly natural. I remember when I was first coming here. I was filled with nerves. I could barely sit still. I was going to a new place, being told to marry a man I hadn’t met before, and I had no idea what he was going to be like.”

  “Were ye surprised?”

  “Oh yes, and I don’t regret a minute of it.”

  “How long did it take ye tae nae be scared anymore?”

  “Longer than I would care to admit. But the important thing is this: you will always be scared. You just learn to face it. That is what it means to be brave.”

  Keith was amazed. He had never thought of courage like that. He always thought great warriors were fearless. He kept listening very carefully.

  “I know it’s your home, but coming from England as I did and seeing that keep and being surrounded by so many strangers…it was a difficult adjustment, especially as I knew some people didn’t want me there. I’m glad that the opinion of the English is changing.” She paused for a moment and creased her brow. “Keith, do you understand the situation you’re getting yourself involved in?”

  “I think sae,” he said. He was sure that he did but he would face any difficulty with courage.

  “It’s just that I know how cruel people can be, and while my brother is kind, I know that some people in his court won’t be. As much as I have strived to show people that Highlands aren’t mindless brutes, I can only do so much during my infrequent visits. With little Donny around I haven’t been able to return to my brother as often as I would like, and there are still many who hold…inaccurate ideas about Highlanders. I want you to be prepared for the fact that they may be quite cruel. People always seem to fear what is new and different to them. I wish it were not the case, and I’m not sure it’s going to change in our lifetimes.”

  “I will endure it,” Keith said defiantly.

  “I have no doubt of that. I shall have a word with my brother and make sure that if you do suffer any indignity you will be able to talk with him. I cannot stay away for long because I do so despair when I am away from Seamus and Donny, but you may stay as long as you like.”

  “Dae ye nae need me tae escort ye back?”

  “I’m sure my brother will offer me an escort. He is just as protective as Seamus. When you wish to return just let my brother know and he will arrange transport. I hope that you will enjoy your time in my court. Most people are kind and my brother leads the family well...what’s left of the family, anyway.”

  “Ye speak of them fondly. Dae ye miss him?”

  “I miss all of them,” Sarina said with a sad smile. “I think of my father and Matthew every day. I think of Thomas too, although my thoughts of him are angrier. He was my brother and I loved him dearly, but I cannot excuse his behavior. Matthew would still be alive if it wasn’t for him. Harold, though, was always the sweetest one. We had tremendous fun when we were younger. Thomas and Matthew were always so serious, trying to be like Father. Harold and I were allowed to get into mischief and we got into our fair share.”

  “I would nae ken about that. I hae nae siblings. Just my ma and da.”

  “I’m sure they’ll miss you terribly, and in the future you can always make a family of your own.”

  “I need a wife for that.”

  “You’re a handsome man, I’m sure you’ll be able to find someone. You may even meet someone on my brother’s staff. A good-hearted maid would be well-suited I think, someone to make a loving home for you.”

  “That’s very kind of ye tae say,” Keith said, although he noticed that she mentioned a maid, not a noblewoman like herself. It shouldn’t have been surprising since he wasn’t a laird and had no claim to any land, but it was humbling to be given limits.

  Once more, he felt strongly the need to be more than he was now. And the only way this could be done was through battle. He was going to a new place and he swore to be brave and give all he had or go home.

  Sarina saw that her words troubled him and she decided to change the subject a bit.

  “Speaking of this, I should make you aware of some of the routines in an English court. As I mentioned earlier, life in the Highlands is much more laid back. You are allowed to do as you please for the most part, as long as your duties get done. An English household is not the same. Everyone has strict duties and positions in the house. You should not break these rules under any circumstances. I imagine you will most likely be made a servant in the house. You will have a superior who you will talk to. Do not approach my brother unless it is an emergency, as it would be a severe breach of etiquette and the other servants would not take kindly to it. The hierarchy is something that you must respect, I cannot emphasize that enough.”

  Keith nodded, listening to her every word.

  “You will be given a place to stay, but you should not assume freedom of the house. There will be certain areas off limits to you, and you should not seek to try and go anywhere you are not allowed. You will be asked to wear specific clothes and your duty as a servant will be to blend in and not attract any attention. You are there to serve the family, nothing more.”

  Keith shifted in his seat uncomfortably. The more she spoke, the more this dream sounded unappealing.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked.

  Keith wondered if he should bite his tongue, but she had urged him to speak his mind.

  “I understand what ye are saying, but it dinnae sound like the adventure I dreamed of. I dinnae see how I can come back with stories that would make people jealous. How can t
his lead me tae glory if all I’m daeing is serving others and never speaking my mind?”

  Sarina folded her hands in her lap and took a deep breath. “I know it may seem hard for you to grasp. I understand that you want to be in battle and make a name for yourself. But there is another battle that has been happening for generations, and it will never end unless we take action now. There is always going to be enmity between the Highlanders and the English. Yes, we live in peaceful times now, but that will only change as new generations rise and wish to settle old scores. We must try to bridge the gap between our people, and the only way to do that is to expose ourselves to each other.” As she spoke her words were tinged with passion and her eyes widened with hope.

  “I have seen firsthand how a family can be torn apart by all this hatred. I lost two brothers because of vengeance, and I do not want any other family to be plagued by such sorrow again. I do not want my son to grow up in a world where he has to worry about a war based on some long-forgotten slight. The farther we stay from each other, the more likely such a war will happen. It is my hope that you will be the first of many, that gradually more people will cross between our two worlds and we will be so entwined that we are one people, and there will be no cause for war.”

  Keith shifted back and let out a low whistle. “I hae nae idea ye were sae ambitious.”

  “Some may think so, but I just want there to be peace.”

  “And hae ye told Seamus? Forgive me, but I cannae believe he would be at peace knowing ye want tae take away our way of life.”

  “Oh no, I want to do nothing of the sort. All I want is for people to feel like they can cross freely, to not feel beholden to growing up in the world they haven’t chosen. I was given to a man and I had no choice in the matter. I was fortunate in that it worked out well for me, but I know it could quite easily have had the opposite result. I know being a servant in my brother’s court is not a privileged position, but I hope that your presence there will show people that Highlanders are brave, determined, tenacious, compassionate, and kind. I want them to see everything I have seen so they will be more likely to welcome Highlanders into their homes. I want them to see you for what you are, so that they might ignore everything they have been told and learn to appreciate you and your culture.”


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