Highlander’s Trusted Traitor (Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance)

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Highlander’s Trusted Traitor (Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance) Page 11

by Alisa Adams

  “The best thing I can say about you, Edward, is that you fell prey to the scheme of a dangerous woman, but you tried to commit murder. You will be punished,” Lord Douglas said coldly. “And as for you,” He turned to William. “You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to swindle more money out of these good people’s good intentions. A marriage should not make up for poor business dealings, and you can be sure that your failures shall not remain secret any longer. The Drake name will not be associated with honor any longer. Take your things from my presence. I do not want to be burdened with you,” he said. William began to protest, but his jowls could make no coherent sounds and his wife ushered him away, along with their disreputable son. “Lydia will be imprisoned. Edward will also pay for what he did but I do not yet know how.”

  Keith had no idea what the future would hold for the Drake family, nor did he particularly care.

  “As for you,” Lord Douglas said, turning to Keith. The Highlander felt as though he was under scrutiny and he wondered if he was going to be told off for moving beyond the bounds of what a Highlander, and a servant, should do. Although Sarina held some affection for him, the same couldn’t be true of her brother. But, thankfully, his fears were unfounded. Lord Douglas clapped him on the shoulders and laughed heartily.

  “You’ve certainly shown that there’s more to Highlanders than brute strength! What a good show. You’ve done your people proud, and you’re proven Sarina right. I have to admit that I was a little skeptical when she brought you down here. I wasn’t sure if you could really contribute to my estate, but I see now that you have great potential. I’m sure your family is proud of you. You are a very capable and clever man.” Keith thanked him by bowing, and he hid the fact that his cheeks flushed.

  “Steven, Ruth, and Rose,” Lord Douglas said, turning back to the wronged family. “I can only offer my sincere apologies for this turn of events. I should have been more aware of my guests’ shortcomings, but I’m sure you can agree that sometimes it is difficult to know what is going on under your own roof.”

  Steven and Ruth seemed in good spirits about it, and Keith thought that was very magnanimous of them.

  “I would like to extend my hospitality to you for as long as you desire,” the gracious Lord Harold Douglas continued.

  “I appreciate the offer Lord Douglas, but I think my family and I just wish to return home,” Steven said. Rose walked over to him and whispered something in his ear. He seemed surprised. He looked at Keith, and then he nodded. “If that is what you wish,” he said.

  “The same goes for you Keith,” Lord Douglas said. “You are now my guest and not a servant anymore. There is a place for you in my court.”

  There was still one matter to attend to though, and that was the murder of the maid. They returned to the estate and went straight to Lydia’s chambers where they found the plant. Keith presented it to them and by doing so, gained everyone’s respect. The plant itself was just an innocuous root. Lydia would have used it to poison Rose too. It certainly didn’t look as though it could do as much damage as this. Much like Lydia really; she seemed to be an innocent handmaiden, but her scheming mind had cast a path of destruction through the estate and everyone had been caught in her web. None of them would have known the truth unless Keith had revealed it, and everyone praised him for his ingenuity and his wits. And, of course, for saving Rose’s life.

  “I do not know how to thank you Keith. And not only for saving my life,” Rose said.

  They were alone in her room.

  “It turns out to be a blessing in disguise that his father delayed proceedings. I am so thankful that I found all this out now rather than years down the line when it would have been impossible to escape the situation. I have you to thank for that too Keith. I would never have learned this if it wasn’t for you. And there’s something else…I would never have learned what kind of man I wanted for a husband if it wasn’t for you either.”

  “What dae ye mean lass?”

  “I mean that I thought I wanted a man like Edward, one who had a title and a distinguished breeding, but I know now that those things do not dictate the character of a man. I would much rather have someone who took pity on a baby bird, or who told the truth even when it was difficult. I don’t know what your plans are for the future, but since there is no reason for us to enjoy the hospitality of Lord Douglas any longer, would you consider returning to my humble home and learning about England from our small estate? It is a bit humbler than what you have been shown, but I would hope that the company is more than enough to make up for it.”

  Keith could hardly believe his ears. This was more than he ever expected, and he remembered what Sarina said about taking opportunities when they presented themselves. Keith readily agreed, and he was sure Lord Douglas would not oppose that.

  He moved closer to her and kissed her. The kiss aroused every bit of Rose’s body. She felt desire deep in her belly and she was sure that she could not let Keith go. She could not live without him.


  Rose was quite happy to put the whole ordeal of her betrothal behind her. The Drake family was ushered off the Douglas estate quite swiftly. Rose and her parents didn’t want to hear from them ever again and were quite glad that their plans had gone awry. Rose was sure that Edward would flee the country and find another path in life, and she genuinely hoped that he could find some happiness. Lydia, on the other hand, was taken away in stocks and punished for her crime of attempted murder, and Rose didn’t spare one thought of pity for her. Edward had just been a silly man taken in by a pretty face, but Lydia had schemed.

  “I’m sorry that things didn’t work out as you hoped they would my dear. You may have to wait a little while longer for us to find you a suitable husband, and you can be sure that I am going to be far more thorough when I discuss the matter with people. We shall not have a repeat of this incident, I promise you that. I knew that there was something odd about them. Who’d have thought that the Drake family could fall into ruin? I suppose if it could happen to them then it could happen to anyone. We must be wary of our future and take great care to ensure that we do not let the same fate befall us,” he said.

  “I know Father, and I’m already thinking of different things,” Rose said, although she wasn’t going to tell him that she was thinking of Keith. The Highlander had certainly proven himself to her and she was glad that he had agreed to come home with them so that she could get to know him better.

  They returned to their humble estate and while at first she had been amazed by the Douglas lands, she found beauty in her own home and she was more willing to appreciate the world around her. This experience had taught her plenty and she thought she had matured over this time. She was more ready to be married than ever.

  Keith seemed happy in the new surroundings as well. There was less to take care of in the house, but it was no less intense. He had fewer duties than in the Douglas estate and Rose didn’t want to just treat him as any other servant. Steven and Ruth were grateful to him for everything he had done for their daughter as well, so he was allowed to feast with them and he took lessons with the same tutor that Rose had learned from. Rose also encouraged him to begin cultivating their gardens and they often went out into the forests to pick different kinds of flowers they wanted to plant. Every minute spent with him was another little adventure. She learned so much and it was plain to see now that there was more to him than she had ever imagined.

  He made her laugh, and he made her heart sing. He had such a profound effect on her that she questioned all her ideas on love before. She realized that the lofty and vivid emotions she had experienced when she met Edward had been conjured up by her own mind because she thought they were what she had to feel, whereas with Keith it all came naturally. The depth and intensity of these feelings astounded her and it was clear that she had never truly loved Edward, she had just loved the idea of him.

  She shared things with Keith that she had never shared with anyone before, innermos
t secrets that made her feel vulnerable and exposed. Yet she never felt afraid, for it seemed natural that Keith should have these secrets, as though they were meant to be his, just as she was.

  These feelings flowed through her body steadily, as though they were a river. The affection she had for Keith grew and bloomed like the flowers around them. The love she felt filled every part of her body and her soul and there came a point when she knew for certain that she wanted to marry him. They had been out picking flowers and he nonchalantly placed a purple flower behind her ear, saying that he had picked it specifically for her. When she asked why that flower, he considered the matter for a moment.

  “This flower can grow anywhere and it endures all kinds of hardships, but still it grows intae this beautiful thing. Also, it was the flower I was looking at when ye came intae the gardens that night. I always think of ye when I see it,” he said.

  She knew that no other man would ever treat her this well or say such lovely things to her. Any nobleman would see a marriage to her as a business proposal and would only look at her as to what she could offer to their future prospects. She didn’t want that. She would rather be loved for the person she was, and there was nobody who she thought was a better fit than Keith. However, she still needed her parents’ permission if it were to happen, although she needed to see if Keith wanted the same thing too. So far, his feelings for the future were elusive and vague.

  “Keith,” she asked one day as they were outside, laying on the grass, looking up at the sun, “what do you hope for in the future?”

  “I dinnae ken. I used tae think I wanted tae be a warrior like Seamus and Angus, but after everything I’ve seen here I think I would rather just be happy. I’d like tae be like my ma and help people. I know things, things that nae everyone down here knows.”

  “Would you like to stay here?”

  “I’d miss the Highlands, but this place is nae sae bad. It might depend on the company as well,” he said, his eyes darting towards her. She blushed.

  “What if the company was me?”

  “I think if the company was ye lass, why, I could be happy anywhere in the world.”

  Rose smiled widely and flung her arms around him. “Oh Keith, nothing would make me happier! I would love it if you would stay with me. I couldn’t ask for a better man than you. Please stay, and put this around my finger.” She had been sneakily working on a ring made out of a flower stem. She handed it to Keith, who looked a little stunned.

  “Does this mean what I think it means?” he asked. Rose smiled coyly and shrugged.

  “If you think it means that I want to marry you, then yes,” she said with a sweet smile. Keith marveled at her and immediately put the ring on her finger. As he did so she looked up at him and was drawn to him. Their lips met in a deep kiss and warm tingles shimmered all over her body as though a magic spell was being cast over her. It awakened something inside her that she had always been aware of, but never dared indulged. The elusive, erotic feelings had always danced around the edges of her mind but Rose had never grasped them until now, and now she knew just how wonderful they were. Now she had a sense of the sheer elation that came with love, and she knew it was only the beginning.

  But first, she had to convince her father.

  She and Keith went to go see her father one evening, and she told Keith to remain outside at first. Steven was poring over some business document and had his head in his hands.

  “Oh, Rose, how pleasant to see you. I’m sorry I haven’t arranged a suitable marriage for you yet, but I have some very promising prospects on the horizon,” he said.

  “Actually Father, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I’ve been thinking about it a great deal and while I do appreciate every effort you’ve made, I believe I have found a husband of my own: Keith.”

  Steven looked at her and sighed. “I was afraid this would happen. Rose, I know that you are close with him and of course we are grateful for everything he’s done. He saved your life and I will be grateful for that till the day I die. But you cannot marry him. He’s not a proper match my love.”

  “But I love him Father. And he loves me. He would never treat me like Edward would.”

  “No, but he also has no prospects in this country.”

  “I understand that, but he has one prospect...me. We can make each other happy. I do not need to climb the social ladder Father. You and Mother have been happy here.”

  “But we wanted more for you Rose.”

  “What more could there be? You and Mother are happy. Everyone who meets you can tell that you’re in love. That’s all that I want. Please Father, please listen to me on this.”

  “I know you have always been a girl who knows your own mind, but the world isn’t easy for people who do not have the right background. Does Keith know what he’s getting himself into?”

  “I think so Father, and he’s here if you want to speak to him.” Steven waved a hand and Rose brought Keith in. Keith looked sheepish and took a seat beside Rose.

  “So, you want to marry my daughter?”

  “Aye,” Keith said.

  “And what prospects can you offer her?”

  “I can promise that I will always take care of her. I hae good relations with the Highlanders sae I can arrange favorable trade deals for ye, and I hae been thinking about spreading my knowledge of the wilderness here tae help more people. I am a hard worker and I would never let ye down my lord, or ye daughter.”

  “And would you be expecting to take her away to the Highlands like your family have done with the other English girls?”

  “Actually we were planning tae stay here. I think I can dae a lot of good tae try and change the perception of the Highlanders. I want tae make sure that one day there is nae threat of war between our two people.”

  Steven stroked his beard thoughtfully. “I must admit that I was impressed by the way you handled things. You showed a lot of intelligence by using your wits rather than a sword, and I didn’t expect that from a Highlander. You are indeed not what any of us expected and I suppose I have always wanted my daughter to have a husband who adores her. And I can never forget that you saved her life. But it’s not going to be easy for you here. You may get some strange looks from people. And Rose, you must understand that you are forsaking the chance to marry an Englishman who can help you reach the next echelon in society.”

  “I understand,” Rose squealed, and with that Steven had no other choice really than to accept the wishes of his daughter. He had not imagined that things would get that far with Keith. But he loved his daughter very much and knew that if he did not arrange the marriage, his relationship with her would never be the same again. He had to compromise.

  Rose wanted it to happen as soon as possible, but they had to wait a little while as Keith wanted his family there. He sent word through the Douglas estate back up to the Highlands to tell of his happiness, and they all poured down from Scotland, so much so that apparently on the way a guard thought the group was an invading army and sounded the alarm! It was only thanks to the intervention of Sarina that a battle was avoided.

  Keith and Rose were overwhelmed to see how many people had made the journey from the Highlands. Rose was excited to meet all the other English women she had heard so much about through different stories, and they all seemed happy and praised her for her choice in husbands. Keith realized how well he was thought of, and Steven was impressed with how highly Seamus in particular spoke of him. The Scottish Laird was an imposing man and he assured Steven that he had a good man on his estate now.

  Rose also met Keith’s parents and thanked them in particular, telling them everything Keith had done and how he had proven himself to be an honorable man. Keith squirmed with embarrassment as she told them all about the baby bird, the scandal he had uncovered, and the way he had saved her as her horse had galloped away. His mother beamed with pride and seemed glad that he had taken the lessons she taught him to heart.

  They were a little dis
mayed when he told them that he planned to stay in England, but they understood his decision.

  “Ye always wanted tae be a great man, and now ye can be the first one of us tae make a life down here. Besides, we hae taken in enough English lasses; better that we send them one of our own! And I can think of naeone better than ye,” his mother said. His father echoed the words, as did all the rest of the Highlanders.

  “It’s surprising,” Rose would say on their wedding night, “you’ve always been so modest and humble. If I hadn’t met all these people I never would have realized how important you were to them.”

  “I dinnae ken myself!” Keith said, and they both laughed.

  The ceremony was a simple affair, although the hall was bursting with people as even guests from the Douglas estate arrived. It garnered some interest from neighboring estates as well, as the marriage between an English lady and a Highlander was not a common thing, but they made sure only those who knew the couple were in attendance. Keith looked smart, and Rose looked resplendent in her gown. She would never forget the way Keith looked at her as she entered the hall; as though she was the only person in the world. She knew that nobody could ever look at her the same way.

  As they said their vows their voices cracked with emotion and warm crystal tears fell down her cheeks. Now that she was up at the altar she knew that God’s plan had always been for her to be here with Keith, and her patience had been duly rewarded. She said a silent thank you to the Almighty, and devoted her life to serving him in the best way she knew how.

  The flower stem ring was replaced with one of metal, which was as strong and eternal as the love they shared for each other. The first kiss melted her heart, and the feast that followed was loud and brash and filled with good cheer and laughter. The Highlanders knew how to bring a party to a feast and everyone was singing and in good spirits. By the end of the night Rose thought her sides were going to split as she had been laughing so much from Seamus and Angus’s stories. She heard all about how the English woman had ventured into the Highlands and fallen in love with their Highland Warriors, and it was a joy to hear it from their perspective. Rose realized that she now had a similar story of her own, and it was one she would cherish and never tire of hearing.


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