Captain Bayley's Heir: A Tale of the Gold Fields of California

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Captain Bayley's Heir: A Tale of the Gold Fields of California Page 53

by G. A. Henty


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  THE STORIES OF WASA AND MENZIKOFF: The Deliverer of Sweden and theFavourite of Czar Peter.

  "Both are stories worth telling more than once, and it is a happy thought to have put them side by side. Plutarch himself has no more suggestive comparison."--_Spectator._

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  Transcriber's Notes:

  Obvious punctuation errors repaired.

  Page 63, "save" changed to "say" (time to say prayers)

  Page 142, word "or" added to text (for a day or)

  Page 236, "calvacade" changed to "cavalcade" (their cavalcade from)

  Page 319, word "a" added to text (a steamer to Europe)

  Page 324, "Heillo" changed to "Hello" (Hello, Abe!)

  Page 342, word "a" added to text (they had taken a)

  Page 377, "Caesar" changed to "Caesar" (difficulty in his Caesar)

  Varied hyphenation was retained in the following words:

  school-fellow schoolfellow hair-breadth hairbreadth no-how nohow store-keepers storekeepers wide-spread widespread


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