Clipped Wings: A New Orleans Shifters Novel

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Clipped Wings: A New Orleans Shifters Novel Page 6

by C. J. Snyder

  We come across a little town right over the New Mexico border with a little tavern that has round the clock food. Pulling in, we get out of the Jeep and stretch before going in to see what’s good on the menu.

  Cora decides on a greasy cheeseburger with fries and since that sounds pretty damn good, I follow her lead.

  The food comes out fast and we eat like we haven’t had food in days. Her cell phone starts to ring right after her last bite. Pulling it out of her bag, she swipes the screen to answer and her face goes into a shocked expression.

  She ends the call and looks over at me, “I’ve just been told that I got signed up for a competition in TX. Tomorrow.” She looked worried because she knew I had to get to New Orleans due to the death of my father, but this is her reputation on the line, so I knew we had to make that meet.

  “Well, guess it’s a good thing we have to drive through the Lone Star state to get to LA, huh?” she lets out a relieved laugh and nods her head, “Are you sure? I can turn it down and we can push on.”

  Reaching over, I grab ahold of her hand and give it a little squeeze, “We can go. My problems aren’t going anywhere.”

  We pay for our check and walk back out to the Jeep. I walk over to the driver’s side and hold my hand out, “Let me drive. You can take a nap and I’ll wake you when we hit the middle of nowhere, TX.” She laughs and walks the keys to me. Placing them in my hand, she pulls me closer to her and tilts her head up slightly, “You can drive, but it’s going to cost you.”

  Oh, the more time I spend with this woman, the quicker she gets into my blood. It’s going to be hard letting her go unless I convince her to stay. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I yank her up against my chest and kiss her deeply. I run my tongue over her full bottom lip before taking it between my teeth sucking it into my mouth. She moans lightly and wraps her fingers in my hair at the nape of my neck to hold me steady, or hold herself steady, I can’t tell.

  Reaching down to her ass, I grab ahold and pick her up by it forcing her to wrap her long legs around my waist. Turning around, I push her against the side of the Jeep and press my pelvis into her letting her feel how she turns me on.

  Her mouth leaves mine and trails down my jaw to my neck and I swear if we weren’t standing in a public place, I would have taken her right then and there.

  I was on the verge of losing all control when we hear someone tell us to get a room. Loosening my grip on her, I lower her down softly back to her feet. We are both laughing, and the tension has seemed to lessen. Taking the keys from her, I give her a quick swat on her ass as she walks to the passenger side of the Jeep and gets in.

  Knowing we have about another eight or nine hours on the road before we can even stop for the night, I get back onto the highway.

  “Feel free to nap if you need to, I’ll just listen to music and get some of this road behind us.” She nods and rubs her eyes like a sleepy toddler would, “That sounds good, wake me if you need me to drive.”

  I assured her that I was fine driving for long periods of time, she put the seat back, grabbed a hoodie for a pillow and closed her eyes. Driving at night is way easier than during the day, less traffic to worry about.

  So, making a good time on the freeway was also, easy. About another couple hours down and it felt like my bladder was going to explode. I look over at the adorable sleeping beauty in the car with me, I decided to just do a quick pull over on the side of the freeway to relieve myself.

  About a minute after I made that decision, I came across a rest stop and pulled in there for a restroom break. As soon as the car stops, her eyes pop open, “Everything ok?”

  Looking over as she sits up and rubs her eyes, I smile, “Yah, I just have to piss like a racehorse.” She laughs and agrees that it’s probably a good idea and gets out of the car to stretch. She walks over to the driver’s side and reaches for my hand.

  Deciding to run with this, I grab her hand and we walk up to the rest restrooms.

  We get back on the road roughly fifteen minutes later and I continue driving for another six hours.


  Chapter 9


  Kangee took most of the driving last night, I appreciated it. Long drives tend to put me to sleep so I wasn’t a very good passenger.

  I wanted to stop at a dingy little motel, but we were in the middle of nowhere and he said it would be better to just pull over at a rest stop and sleep a couple of hours in the Jeep. Since I slept most of the way anyhow, I told him to just switch me seats and I’ll continue the drive through the big state of Texas.

  We’ve just hit the little town of Marshall, Tx when the engine in the Jeep lurched. Kangee jerked awake and looked over at me with concern, “What’s going on? Hit something?” The Jeep made another lurch and then a hiss. I made the move to pull over, thankfully, into a rest stop right before it quit.

  My tournament was later this afternoon right near where we broke down in Marshall. Putting the car in park and yanking the keys out of the steering column, I get out and slam the door, “Shit. SHIT! This is not what we need right now.” Slamming my hand palm down on the hood of the Jeep, “Damn it! What now Kangee?”

  He walks over to the driver's side, gets in and pops the hood of the Jeep. Putting both hands on my hips, he gently moves me out of the way and lifts the hood.

  Smoke comes rolling out. Kangee stands back to let the engine vent and then peers back in. “Where are we currently, Cora?” I take my phone out and look at the GPS, “We are right outside of Marshall, TX,” taking a deep breath and leaning against the side of the Jeep, “My match is in Marshall, so that’s good.”

  He looks around where we are sitting and spies some tables under a huge oak tree, “Let’s go sit and grab a couple of the packed sandwiches.” Looking at him in surprise I ask, “You want to eat right now?” I feel like I’m about to go into full panic mode and this man is worried about his stomach.

  Kangee already has two sandwiches and drinks in his hands from the cooler and is headed toward the table, “Well, we have to let the motor cool down, so we might as well enjoy the weather. Plus, I think better on a full stomach.” Following him over, I sit down and unwrap one of the offered sandwiches from his hand.

  He takes a bite the size of half of it and then drains another half of the bottle of soda. “Do you have AAA or anything like that with towing?” Amid the panic I was feeling, I didn’t even think about using my roadside assistance, “Yah, I have roadside attached to my insurance.”

  Pulling out my phone, I log into my insurance app and fire up the roadside assistance claim. Giving the app permission to use the location finder, it tells me that they will be here in no less than forty-five minutes. Reaching for the soda in front of me I fill him in, “Ok, roadside will be here in forty-five.” Kangee nods his head and smiles, “Well, what do you wanna do while we wait?”

  Is that all he thinks about? Laughing, “Is that all you think about?” I ask. Kangee shrugs as he throws his head back to laugh, “You can’t blame a guy for trying.” He reaches down to the rest of his food and finishes it off, the soda right behind it.

  Just about the time I was going to pick a topic for conversation, my cell dings as a text comes through. I pick it up from the table and swipe the screen to see who it was. “Looks like roadside is on their way and will be here in about ten minutes.”

  Kangee gathers up all the trash from our impromptu picnic lunch and walks it over to the nearest trash tossing it in. We walk back over to where the Jeep is to see if it’s cooled down enough to look at the engine. Kangee peers in and can see that the radiator hose is off and to the side. He reaches in with both hands and brings it back over to the radiator. “Looks like the ring is missing, maybe roadside will have one.”

  I know nothing about cars, just how to operate and gas them up. “Let’s hope that’s all it is.” I no more got that out of my mouth and the roadside truck pulls up. A big burly guy gets out of the tow truck and walks over to Kangee
and I, “Hi, I’m Dave, what’s going on with your vehicle?”

  Kangee steps forward and shakes Dave’s hand and quickly explains what he thinks may be the problem. Dave walks over to look under the hood and confirms Kangee’s suspicions. He said that he normally doesn’t even carry those types of parts on him but happened to have just what we needed due to the last junk tow he did. Dave goes back to the tow truck and leans into the cab.

  A few minutes later, he comes back with five different rings, “Believe it or not, it’s been a week of Jeep breakdowns; one of these should fit.”

  Dave tries three of the rings before he finds one that will work, “Ok, start her up.” Why do cars always have to be ‘hers? Without saying a word, I sit in the driver’s seat and turn the key. The Jeep springs to life and Dave looks up around, “We’re going to need to add some water to the radiator. Let me grab a bucket.”

  He turns to go back to his truck to grab the bucket and grabs his paperwork along with it. Laying it on the roof of the Jeep he heads off to find the water and returns in less than two minutes. I sign the needed papers while he adds the water to the reservoir and suggests we get the right anti-freeze added when we get to our final destination. He walks back to his truck and takes off.

  Kangee slaps the hood of the Jeep, “What time is your thing?” I had forgotten all about it, looking down at my phone for a time check, it was already six pm. The match starts in an hour, “I’m not going to make it, it starts at seven. I still have to find the gym, change, warm-up. I’m going to have to call my agent and tell him what happened.”

  Feeling disappointed that I’m going to have to take this hit on my record for a no show, I take my cell out and dial my agents’ number. Ben answered on the second ring sounding agitated, “Hey – I was just about to call you.”

  My heart was thumping in my chest with anxiety. He continues talking at a fast rate, “I’m sorry to tell you, that they had to cancel the meet for some type of electrical issues in the building.”

  I let out the biggest sigh of relief that I have ever let out, “It’s no worries, Ben. I’m having car issues and was calling to tell you that I wasn’t going to make it.” I could hear Ben also take a deep sigh, “Well then it worked out ok. I’m glad. I’ll be in touch, Cora.”

  Hanging up the phone, I turn around to see Kangee intensely watching me, his hand goes up in the air like he has a question and he’s an elementary school kid.

  “I has a question.” I couldn’t help it, I laughed so hard that I had to put my hand against the side of the Jeep to keep myself upright.

  “What is your question?” I asked between gasps of air and laughs.

  He laughs with me, “What did your agent say?”

  Walking over to get into the driver’s side he says, “It’s my turn to drive, you can fill me in on the road.” I nod at him and walk around to the passenger side of the Jeep to get in. Reaching back for a cold soda, I ask if he wants one and he says yes. Turning back around in the car, I sit back and then fold my legs under me in the seat.

  Handing him his soda, he pops the cap, takes a long sip and places it in the drink holder and then looks at me, “Well?”

  I reach over and smack his shoulder playfully, “They ended up canceling the meet due to electrical issues in the building. We can head to New Orleans right now.”

  He looks at me in surprise and shrugs his massive shoulders, “My problems are going to be there, hun.” Smiling that gorgeous smile of his, he chuckles, “I would have loved to watch you kick someone’s ass.” He heads for the road and we’re off again.

  Throwing my head back against the headrest in laughter I lean over saying, “Stick around and you just may get to yet.” He smiles big and looks at me and then quickly back to the road, “I’d love that.”

  We have a good five to six hours before we reach New Orleans, which will put us there around nine or ten in the morning.

  I was excited to see the historical city, all the landmarks and people bustling around. Once I get him where he needs to be, I will have to say goodbye, but I want to sightsee before I take the long twenty-two-hour drive back into Flagstaff.

  Watching out the window; it feels like the world flies by when you’re going eighty miles per hour. Sometimes I wish life would slow down.

  The music is blaring and Kangee is singing along to the songs. Watching him has become my new obsession, kissing him, my new addiction. The fact that he was a couple of years younger than me didn’t seem to bother me all that much anymore. I found a true friend in Kangee, something that I haven’t had in a very long time. Then and there, I decided that I was going to stay and help him in any way I possibly could with his Dad’s murder.

  Reaching over to tap his knee to get his attention, I smile when he looks my way.

  “Hey, I had a thought.”

  Kangee smiled over at me his eyebrows raised as he turned the radio down, “Oh, is that what I smell burning?”

  “Oh, you have jokes.” I said, laughing at him while swatting at his arm, “I decided that I’m going to stay in New Orleans and help you as much as I can with this mystery.”

  Kangee looked at me with a completely serious face, all traces of joking tossed aside, “I would like that. I’m going to need someone to lean on. I think this is going to be a rough road.” I nod at him and reach for his hand to give it a light squeeze.

  Another hour or two goes by in silence. It’s not an uncomfortable one though, more peaceful than anything. We crossed over the LA Stateline about forty-five minutes ago and I swear the air got immediately heavy both inside and outside the car.

  I notice a sign for a rest stop coming up in about five miles and signal for him to pull over for a stretch and bathroom break. The stop comes upon us fast and Kangee pulls into it and parks the Jeep.

  It’s dark out, so we both head up to the restrooms together and then wait for each other to walk back to the Jeep. ‘Safety in numbers’, he said. I just shook my head. He knows damn well I can take care of myself.

  He reaches for my hand and I gladly give it to him, Kangee starts swinging it, “We’reeeee off to see the wizard…” He’s such a clown. Laughing I play along, “The wonderful wizard of Oz.” and we go back to the Jeep.

  When we get to the car, he swings my hand to bring my body up against his and pins me to the side of the jeep. Running his hand through my hair and down my face, he leans in for a kiss. I tug my hand loose and run both of my hands up his arms and to the nape of his neck, where I lace my fingers through his long black hair. Pulling him closer into my body and nipping at his bottom lip this time. Kangee sighs and then lightly groans before pulling away, “Woman, you are driving me crazy.” I stand on my toes to lightly bite his ear lobe,

  “Get used to it.”


  Chapter 10


  Ha! Get used to it she says; easier said than done. I give her one small peck and leap back into the driver’s seat before she has a chance to say something. I should be in a sour ass mood, but having her here with me, is making a huge difference in my disposition.

  We hit the road again and make our way further south toward New Orleans. Looking over at her beautiful silhouette I reach over and lightly touch her cheek, “GPS has us about three hours out, we should probably stop for gas at the next town.”

  Cora looks over at me with half-opened eyes, “Good idea.”

  I see a sign that states the next town has gas and food in about ten miles. Looking over at Cora to tell her, she is passed out cold in the passenger seat. I look at the gas gauge and it is sitting at a quarter of a tank. I need to stop and fill it up. I find the exit for the next town, it’s a small area, only one tiny little two-pump station. I get out and run in to pay for the gas and then back out to pump it. Peeking in the passenger window, she is still out cold and hasn’t moved at all.

  Screwing the gas cap back on, I get us back on the road and headed in the right direction as my phone starts to ring. Looking do
wn at my phone that is sitting in the cup holder, I can see it’s my brother, Chayton. This can’t be good. I slide the phone screen to answer his call, “Hey man, I’m on my way in, what’s up?”

  Chayton is having a slight panic attack as he starts to tell me what is going on, “I almost just died, bro,” I can hear the sound of a lighter flick, “I was out on my nightly flight when I saw a group of men standing in a circle in a huge clearing over by the river bend, so I swooped down to a low branch to eavesdrop.”


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