Clipped Wings: A New Orleans Shifters Novel

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Clipped Wings: A New Orleans Shifters Novel Page 14

by C. J. Snyder

  “Well, if you’re sure and ready, let’s get this party started.” Cora let out a squeal as I grabbed both her legs and pulled her onto the bed, forcing her into a laying down position. Fully clothed was a problem, one that I had every intention of rectifying.

  Reaching under her shirt and lifting it along her body to pull it off of her, she wiggles out of it then bites her bottom lip and reaches for the end of my shirt to do the same, pulling it quickly over my head. Her skin gleams in the dim light.

  She is as lean and athletic as I knew she’d be. I bend down to spread kisses from her jawline to her throat. Cora leans her head back against the mattress giving me better access and lets out a low groan.

  “Shhhh, baby. We have got to be quiet.” I slowly move my way down her soft throat to her collarbone. Her bra is a dark blue lace against creamy skin, with that lovely pushup effect, not that she needs it.

  Running both hands up her firm body and underneath her back to unclasp her bra, she sighs as it lets go and pops off her chest. I drag the straps down to remove it from her and toss it to the floor marveling at her amazing breasts.

  Firm and just enough for a handful. Her nipples are a pale pink and budded into tight pebbles with her arousal. Leaning down to those beautiful buds I wrap my lips around one; nipping, with my teeth then swirling my tongue around it. Cora started thrashing her head from side to side biting her lower lip to keep quiet.

  “Kangee, I need you inside me.” She starts to reach for my jean button to remove them from me when I stop her hands.

  “Not yet, I want to cherish every inch of you.”

  Taking her jeans I edge them down over her hips and then carefully down each leg, finally tossing them to the floor. Her panties matched her bra. Lacey and hugging her hips, running just under her navel.

  Placing my hands under her hips, I lifted her and slowly removed her panties, placing small kisses and nibbles from her pelvis down her legs to her knees. The throbbing my cock was doing matched every beat of my heart and seeing her wet and squirming was costing me nearly all the control I had left. Keep it together Kang, you’ve wanted this since you met her. Be patient. The more she squirmed and moaned, the more I wanted to bury myself deep inside her. I knew she wasn’t a virgin and that’s perfectly fine with me, but I wanted this experience to imprint on her so deeply that I’d be the only man she wanted for life. Deep down I feel that she is my life mate. I want that.

  Cora reached down and ran her hand over my jeans that were now barely containing my raging hard on. Biting her lower lip she looked up at me with those bedroom eyes, “Oh my, you are very hard. I think you need to lose these jeans.” She sits half way up and unbuttons my jeans, allowing them to be pushed down over my ass to my legs. Standing up so I could get rid of them, I decided to get rid of the rest of the clothes between us too.

  My cock sprang forward and Cora’s eyes lit up like a neon sign. Reaching for it, she wrapped her right hand around it and leaned closer to place her mouth on the head. A shudder runs through my entire body at the contact. Oh my god, I see stars!

  Grabbing onto the back of her head and pumping my hips into her sweet mouth, I’m trying hard to not groan loudly at the extreme amount of pleasure coming from her lips and tongue. “Oh god, Cora baby, keep that up and our night is going to end right here.”

  She gives my cock one more flick of her tongue before rising to capture my mouth with hers, pulling my bottom lip into her mouth and sucking gently. She’s ready for me.

  Pushing her back against the bed I positioned myself between her long, lean legs. Pushing slowly into her, she was warm and wet. I wanted to give her enough time to adjust to my size, but she didn’t allow that to happen as she wrapped those legs around my waist clamping down with her calves and pushed me further in with her feet. “Ahhhhh, god, baby. You feel so good!”

  My mind wanted to take it slow and enjoy every minute of this, but my body had other ideas and picked up the pace. Grabbing her hips and lifting her up I was able to get good and deep, pushing hard into her. Cora’s face was flushed and her eyes hooded as she moved her hips to meet my thrusts. I could feel the tightening starting to coil up in my loins. Trying to prolong it, I pulled out and flipped her over onto her stomach.

  “Stick your ass up in the air some, baby.” I whispered to her.

  When she did what I had asked, I rewarded her with a swift open palmed slap to her ass cheek. Cora let out a squeal which turned into a throaty moan when I re-entered her in that position. She quickly buried her face in the pillow to keep the sounds from getting louder. Holding onto her hips and thrusting hard into her, I could hear her moaning even with her face buried in a pillow.

  “Oh, Kangee, God don’t stop!

  Knowing that she was close to orgasm, I picked up my pace and reached under us with one hand tracing circles on her clit with my index finger. Her breathing hitched and she screamed out into the pillow she had a death grip on as her orgasm overtook her. The squeezing of her inner muscles coaxed my own orgasm to mount and it took everything in me to not yell out in pleasure. It was the most intense one I have ever experienced.

  Collapsing next to her on the bed, both of us were trying to catch our breath. I could see her legs visibly shaking, “You ok? Did I hurt you?” Cora looked over her shoulder at me and laughed.

  “Hell no, you didn’t hurt me. I definitely want a round two.” Ha! Round two. I am in trouble with this woman.

  “Let’s take a breather and then we’ll see about a round two.” I laughed attempting to sit up in the bed. I didn’t know enough about the bonding to figure out if she noticed anything different yet.

  “Do you feel any different?” I asked quietly. Cora spun around to her back and scooted up against the headboard with a very quizzical look on her face.

  “What do you mean? That was the best sex I have ever had in my life. Is that what you mean?”

  “Although that was an extreme ego boost,” smiling at her and reaching down to grab her hand; I laughed a little nervously, “I meant, as far as bonding goes, do you feel any differently? I really wish I knew what to expect or to tell you what to look for.”

  Cora started looking at different areas of her body, turning her hands around to see if there was a mark or a brand of any type, “I don’t see a brand or feel any different. But Presley did say it can take a while to appear, if any does at all.” Her face fell in a sad expression, “Do you think we aren’t fated mates?”

  This was a valid question, but I truly believed that she was mine and mine alone. “I fully believe that we are meant to be together, let’s not worry too much about a mark or anything different right now. It’ll show up, eventually. Maybe we can ask my mom but right now come here and let me hold you.”

  After hearing that, Cora sighed, snuggled into my side and stretched her arm across my chest.

  “Goodnight, Love.”


  Chapter 19


  The sun coming through the bedroom window was causing me to squint my eyes as I was trying to wake up. Stretching my arms out to the side, they hit something solid beside me.

  Slowly turning I see Kangee is still sound asleep with his arm over his eyes. Forgot where I was for a moment.

  As quietly as I can, I slip my feet out from under the warm blankets first and then sit up, wearily rubbing the sand out of my eyes with the backs of my hands while trying to get my bearings. Coffee is a must. Where are my clothes?

  I remember he tossed them, but where? I sit for a minute with my eyes closed thinking over last night. Kangee and I made love twice more after the first time and each time was more intense than the one before. Is this the way it’s going to be or am I just giddy over our first night together? Shaking myself out of my daydreams I scan the room again for my clothes and finding them laying in a heap by the window, I tiptoe my way over and start slipping on my jeans when I hear a small roar.

  Looking at the bed I see Kangee sitting up and smiling at
me, “Hey beautiful, trying to sneak out the morning after?”

  Laughing at him and shaking my head, “Nope, I just realized how hungry I am and then the urgent need for a coffee hit me. Thought I’d go get us some.”

  Kangee stretches out again with another small roar sound, don’t think birds are supposed to make that sound. “I’m going to jump into a short shower and I’ll meet you outside on the patio for some coffee, love.” Nodding back to him while leaving the room I headed to the kitchen for that sweet nectar of the coffee gods.

  It occurred to me that I didn’t even check the time, just assumed it was late enough for everyone to be awake, I look at the microwave to see that it’s only seven am. Guess we are early birds. I make two cups of coffee in the pod coffee maker, adding cream and sugar to mine, but not knowing what he likes, I take it all outside and wait for him to join me.

  Sitting down to enjoy the beautiful morning and sip my coffee while I wait my mind wanders to last night again. What’s going on with me? I never dwell on men like this.

  Kangee comes out about ten minutes later. I shake myself clear of wandering thoughts and smile at him holding up his coffee cup, “I wasn’t sure how you liked your coffee, so I brought the creamer and sugar out.”

  He rewards my thoughtfulness with a smile and accepts the coffee mug, “Thanks, I like it black, so this is perfect.” Tossing me a wink, he sits down just as his phone pinged an alert.

  He reaches into his pocket for the phone as he’s putting down his coffee mug with his other hand. Swiping the screen to unlock it, he reads the text that came in and frowns.

  “What’s up, hun?” His brows are furrowed and I can see the concern all over his face when he looks up from his phone.

  “Gage just texted me. They were followed home last night by an unmarked car.” My face went slack, this can’t be good.

  Kangee took a sip of his coffee before continuing, “They saw the type of car, black tinted windows. But that was all. No one got hurt.”

  Sighing in relief I laid my hand on his arm, “That’s ok then, right?” He shook his head and laid the phone on the table.

  “I don’t think it is, seems like they are scouting us out.

  We need to come up with a plan and quickly.” Picking up his phone, he started rapidly typing out a text.

  Standing up and stretching out, I grabbed the two mugs and turned to walk back into the kitchen, “We’re going to need more coffee.” He tossed me a thumbs up and went back to his phone to finish the text.

  Walking into the kitchen and over to the coffee maker, my thoughts were on the issue at hand and these hunters. I didn’t hear the footsteps behind me, so imagine my surprise when a deep male voice said my name. Jumping and turning around at the same time I see Chayton standing there laughing because he scared me. These two are definitely related in some way.

  Sick sense of humor, the both of them.

  I frown at him.

  “You scared the shit out of me, Chayton,” I said taking out one of the mugs and replacing it with the other.

  “I’m sorry, sorta, Kangee awake?” he said still chuckling. Shaking my head at his antics, I pointed to the backdoor with my free hand.

  “Wait, Chay, Take this cup of coffee out with you, please,” I said handing him the mug as he walked through the door. This time while I waited, I stood with my back against the sink.

  So, we have friends being followed, dark vehicles with tinted windows and a high possibility of danger. Fun times.

  I decided I needed to go back to the Wicca shop and poke around some more. But not knowing how Kangee was going to take to that, I decided to tell him I was just going to take a walk.

  When I got back outside, Kangee and Chay were chatting about what the next steps were and how they needed to wait on Gage to get there to go into details. Walking up to the table, I placed my hand on Kangee’s shoulder to get his attention without completely interrupting them.

  “Think I’m going to go for a walk. I need some fresh air and a change of scenery for a little bit.” Leaning down I give him a quick kiss before heading out to the sidewalk turning toward town, not giving him a chance to veto the idea. I feel a little stab of guilt but justify it by telling myself; hey I can take care of myself, right?

  Walking down the sidewalk observing my surroundings, I realized that it was unusually quiet. No music, very little foot traffic, cars weren’t zipping around like usual. Yes, it was early but this town almost always had foot traffic. Something felt off. Walking further up to where Broad Street starts, I found that street empty. The center of town, is empty? This doesn’t bode well at all, this time of morning; there are usually hundreds of people.

  Tourists from all over come here to see the little shops on Broad Street and try goodies from New Orleans.

  Making my way to the Wiccan shop at the end of the street, I notice that it is open, but not very many people are inside. As I step through the door, the smell of incense burns my nose and I have to let my eyes adjust to the darkness of the store. Why do my senses seem so keen today? I’m not usually so affected by sights or smells.

  Walking toward the back where the lady was last time, I browse some of the book sections while I try and scout out the entrance to the back of the shop where the woman came out. Where is everyone? I’ve been in this shop for the past fifteen minutes and no one has even said a word to me.

  Glancing at the front of the store I can only see two people by the window. They seem to be reading a book together. Where did the others go? How did I not hear the little bell over the door?

  Walking slowly to the front of the store, I peered around the curtain divider and looked at the front register, no one was there.

  Turning around and looking again toward the back, empty. When I turn back toward the window the two people reading before are gone too. What in blue blazes is going on here?! Feeling creeped me out I take a couple deep breaths and center myself. I came here for a reason. This mystery will have to wait for another time.

  “Hello? Anyone here?” my voice echoed throughout the store, Twilight Zone. Spying a service bell on the front desk, I walked up and pressed it down a couple of times. Turning around I leaned against the desk while I waited to see if anyone came out from the back. I noticed that there wasn’t any music playing. It was eerily quiet in the entire store.

  “Hello??” I said again shrugging my shoulders and walking toward the back again. I decided to peek in the back room. Looking over my shoulder one more time to make certain no one was around; I moved the tapestry aside that was covering the door and tried the handle. The door was unlocked and popped open without much force.

  The room was dark and cold. Taking my phone and shaking it to get the flashlight to turn on, I used it to find the light switch for the room.

  Flipping the light on I put my phone back in my pocket. It was then that I noticed books and papers were lying around everywhere. Glancing around the room for a window or another door I found neither and quietly shut the door, flipping the lock as I did.

  I flipped one of the books open right to a saved page about werewolves. The next saved page, shifters, and vampires. The book next it was spells and enchantments.

  Knowing that I couldn’t remove the evidence, I needed to take as many pictures as I could and get out of there. Moving pages and snapping pictures on my phone as quickly as I could, I came across one of the most interesting pieces of information, A book about ‘The Hunters’.

  Opening it and flipping through it, it had names, dates, family origins. It was all hand-written. Looked like it has been passed down for decades, if not centuries. The pages were worn, and the ink was missing in some spots, this was something that I needed to take. Slipping the book into my bag I slowly opened the door to peek out, the coast was still clear. God, this was strange.

  Walking toward the front of the store, my heart rate was accelerated and sweat from being nervous was starting to form on my forehead. Being as casual as possible, I strolled
up to the front door and walked through it. Outside was bright and clear. Yet still no one on the streets, no cars coming and going and no music. What the hell was going on?

  Turning the corner to make my way back to Kangee’s I got a pinched burning feeling on my neck right under my left ear. Without thinking I slapped my hand onto my neck like I was killing a bug, “Ow.” When I brought my hand back, nothing. Weird.

  When I got back to Kangee’s and into the back yard the whole crew was already there. Shit, how long have I been gone? I walked in shutting the gate behind me.

  “Hey everyone, what’s going on?” The bunch of them turned to look at me and they all had scowls on their faces, even Presley.

  Kangee stood up walking over and touched my cheek, his face held a lot of concern. “Where have you been? I’ve been blowing up your phone.”

  Reaching into my pocket I pulled out my cell, it read no missed calls. Turning it around to show Kangee I said, “I didn’t get any calls, honey.”

  Presley walked over and put her hand on my shoulder, “Cora, we were all worried, you’ve been gone for two hours.” Two hours. What the ever-loving hell?!

  Presley then let out the cutest little squeal and touched the side of my neck where I felt the pinch, “Your brand appeared! Aww, it’s so cute.”

  I reached my hand up and felt a small welt, “Presley, where’s your compact, let me see.” She skipped over to her purse and pulled out a cute little pink compact and handed it to me. Opening it up and tilting my head to the side so I could see my neck, I saw it. “The Bonding Brand”. It was a black feather that had a cursive R at the bottom near the stem.


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