My Beastly Billionaire (The Grimwood Legacy Series Book 1)

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My Beastly Billionaire (The Grimwood Legacy Series Book 1) Page 2

by Jackie Castle

  “I know nothing about stores, Alan. Stores!”

  “Please, at least they are stores that sell jewelry, which you make some fine pieces. You aren’t completely green about how things work. And you can hire someone—”

  “Nope, no hiring outside help. We have to take whatever business we’ve been given and make it turn a profit. Everyone knows that there’s little profit in jewelry stores, for Pete's sakes! Everyone was upset when we left.” Except for Jeremy who strolled out as if he’d been through nothing more than a meeting at the bank.

  Duncan hadn’t waited for Colt or Suzette to leave. He’d bolted out right behind Jere and didn’t even bother to take the same elevator down with him.

  “What am I going to do with a bunch of stores?” Duncan sighed as he sipped at the fresh martini. The room was starting to fade. Someone grabbed his arm and dragged him toward the dance floor. Maybe a bit of movement would help clear his head.

  Unfortunately, the next thing Duncan was aware of was waking up in a hospital room. The overhead light nearly blinded him.

  “Turn it down, Konner,” Barbara, his personal assistant said in a quiet voice. Her concern face appeared in his line of vision. “Decan, don’t panic. You’re going to be okay, hon.”

  Pain, sharp and burning, coursed up his legs and across his torso. He gasped, trying to work out what had happened.

  Barbara grabbed his bandaged hand, being careful to not disturb the tubes running from his wrist. “You were in an accident. What were you thinking taking out your Ducati on a night like this?”

  Barbara’s husband, Konner came around the other side of his bed. “Don’t scold him, babe. Wait until he’s more alert and knows where he’s at.” The somber expression on Konner’s usually cheerful face caused Duncan’s heart to run cold.

  “What did I do, Konner? What happened?” Duncan’s throat felt like he’d swallowed sand. Then he remembered the endless drinks. But he’d stopped, hadn’t he?

  Konner placed his hand on Duncan’s shoulder. “All you need to worry about right now is getting through this surgery. They’re coming for you shortly to try to repair your damaged leg. They are going to everything they can to save it. I’m not going to lie, it’s pretty bad, buddy.”

  Bits and pieces of the night started to filter back in. Alan daring him to a race, boasting that his cycle could beat his Ducati. Duncan shook his head. That must have been a dream. He recalled rain falling and he’d never take his cycle out on a rainy night. Would he?”

  Two nurses came in, along with a man in scrubs holding a clipboard. “They’re ready for you, Mr. Grimwood. Your sister gave her consent for us to go ahead with the surgery and said she was on her way. Since you’re awake, if I can get you to sign his form, you know, in case we aren’t able to save your leg….”

  Duncan mind grew fuzzy as a coldness seeped over him. “Uh oh,” the nurse beside him said, her voice growing dim. “He’s going into shock.”

  Darkness descended on Duncan and he remembered no more.

  Chapter One

  One year later…

  Elisa Lucken’s nervous gaze moved upward to take in the expansive two-story stone mansion. The French Provincial might have been beautiful if not for the pale gray sky and the bared trees whipping in the wind like dancing skeletons. But from her perspective, Grimwood Manor reminded her of the setting for one of those old horror movies.

  The grounds were well-kept, but something about the shadowed arched windows and tightly closed curtains that unsettled her. The request to decorate Grimwood Manor’s front entrance and main first floor rooms had come late in the season, leaving Elisa’s boss, Kelly Stewart scrambling to come up with a sufficient plan for the unexpected project.

  Thanksgiving was only two days away. Mr. Grimwood’s personal assistant had said that her employer was hosting an impromptu party the following weekend. If they finished the job before the end of November, they would be given a substantial bonus. That was all Kelly Stewart, owner of Stewart Designs, needed to hear. They would work right up to Thanksgiving Day, and hopefully, have everything accomplished.

  Elisa parked her Jeep behind the supply truck.

  Kelly Stewart had scrounged through all her storage rooms to gather what left-over decorations they could use to transform the massive home into a spectacular holiday sanctuary. It was too late to order specially made ornaments, and there was no time to spend on shopping, They had three other jobs lined up over the next two weeks.

  Most of Stewart Designs’ wealthy clients hired them in the spring to decorate for Christmas. Elisa and Kelly spent March through June planning, sketching and ordering so that as soon as Halloween was over, the team could get to work turning the mansions into spectacular wonderland worlds that would put Santa’s North Pole to shame.

  Checking her reflection in the Jeep’s side mirror, Elisa pulled her long brown hair over her shoulder and secured it with a band. Then she applied a bit of lipstick to freshen her appearance. Billionaires seemed to like their staff to look professional and well dressed. The cold front that had blown through made Elisa choose a wool plaid skirt, black cashmere sweater and knee-high leather boots over thick leggings hoping they’d keep her warm enough. The larger houses often tended to be more drafty.

  Elisa hurried to find Kelly, who’d parked her black Lincoln under the carport.

  With clipboard in hand, Kelly was already barking orders to the staff on what to bring in. “Elisa, oh there you are,” she patted her chest as if fearing she might suffer a coronary at any moment. “I feared you were lost after I lost sight of you on the expressway. These out-of-the-way country roads can be confusing. I’ll never understand the people who wish to live out in the wilds.” Kelly lifted her Ray-Bans and glanced around at the surrounding woods, then back to the towering building. “Stunning, isn’t it? I hear there’s a private tennis court in the back acreage, along with a helicopter landing pad, and a driving range. Though I doubt Mr. Grimwood gets to enjoy many outdoor activities after his accident.”

  Elisa had read about the terrible motorcycle accident of the middle Grimwood heir. Duncan Grimwood, the adventurous so-called playboy of the family, was used to a fast life. Until shortly after their father’s death when Duncan Grimwood was racing his motorcycle and slid out of control on a rainy road. What he was doing out in such conditions, nobody knew. But since then, the once wild-man billionaire had secluded himself inside the family manor.

  The fact that his assistant had called Stewart Designs to decorate the main floor of the family’s mansion had already caused quite a stir. Especially after Kelly had let it slip to one of her journalist friends that her company had been hired for this assignment. Now all the tabloids were wondering what the reclusive Duncan Grimwood might be up to. Was he ready to re-enter the world of glitz and glamour?

  From past articles Elisa had read, she knew he was a jeweler who made beautiful pieces that decorated the Hollywood starlets on the red carpet. He was now in charge of his family’s jewelry stores, with elite shops in Los Angeles, Dallas, New York and various other places across the States.

  Elisa blew out a calming breath and straightened her shoulders. She had worked for Kelly for the past four years and hoped to soon be promoted to head designer where she’d be responsible for her own jobs, instead of being Kelly’s gofer.

  Not that she wasn’t learning from her boss, but Elisa felt she was ready to tackle a few homes on her own. If given the chance.

  “Are you listening, Elisa?” Kelly snapped her well-manicured fingers in front of her nose. “Please tell me you’ve not drifted off again, silly girl!”

  “No, ma’am. I’m listening.” Elisa hesitated a moment, then said, “Up to the point when you were talking about Mr. Grimwood.” At her boss’s scowl, she blurted, “I’m sorry. But this place is…” she searched for a nice word, and decided on, “grand.” It was the truth. The house was truly spectacular, though it desperately needed some TLC. “I’m listening.”

Here,” Kelly thrust a clipboard at her. “You will oversee the dining room and study. I’ve asked Mark to focus his efforts on the living area. You are in charge of the foyer tree and the stair banisters.

  “I’ve made sketches of where I want everything placed. Follow it to the inch, understand? I’ll take care of the crew out here. We need to get this done as quickly and quietly as possible. Mr. Grimwood’s assistant called me again this morning with her list of restrictions. I made a copy for you, it’s on the clipboard. The main thing,” she closed the door of her Lincoln while draping several already decorated wreaths over her arm, then handing the rest to Elisa, “is that you stay in your area and not wander around. The second floor is off limits, as are all the outer rooms and kitchen. The gala will be held in these three main rooms,” Kelly tapped the floor plan with her bright purple fingernail, adorned with a row of glass gems. “If anyone needs the washroom, they are to use only this one guest bath that I’ve circled in red, and that’s it. Understand?”

  “Yes ma’am, I got it. Stay in my area, don’t wander around,” Elisa looked over the diagram of where to place the wreaths. “Oh, but wait. How will I get these up on the stair banister without going upstairs?”

  Kelly waved her hand with its many golden rings. “Well, I suggest you make quick work of hanging them, stay close to the stairs, so if anyone comes along, you can run back down before they catch you.”

  Elisa’s mouth dropped open.

  “Figure it out. If you want me to consider you for that manager position, then you’ll need to show me that you’re adaptable, innovative, and quick at problem-solving. Consider this project your test. I’m putting the interior in your hands. Show me you can follow directions, dear, and you’ll be one step closer to earning that promotion.” Kelly’s cold hand patted Elisa’s heated cheek. Elisa had worked long hours and followed every direction to get that promotion.

  She sighed. Mr. Grimwood’s instructions were typed all in caps. They were not to step one foot on the stairs.

  Elisa hugged the clipboard to her chest and headed inside. As she passed Kelly who was busy barking orders at her workers, a hand clamped down on her shoulder and turned her around. Kelly pointed a finger at Elisa’s nose. “And do not waste time admiring the artwork, as you’re prone to do. We have a very small window of time to get this done.”

  Elisa nodded. She did love beautiful artwork and these homes were usually filled with fine sculptures and original paintings that were to die for.

  “Oh, here comes Mrs. Larson now,” Kelly’s scowl instantly turned into a wide smile as she greeted the other woman with air kisses. “Hello Barbara dear, I’m so happy that I was able to catch you before you left today.”

  The stylish brunette, wearing a cream-colored two-piece suit stopped before them and extended her hand toward Elisa, who grasped it gently. Because of the wide grin and travel bag Hanging from Mrs. Larson’s shoulder, Elisa figured the woman must be leaving for the Thanksgiving weekend a little early.

  “Ms. Stewart, Ms. Lucken, such a pleasure to finally meet you both in person. Now listen, we do wish to make this a rush job, but don’t let that hinder you from making this spectacular. Mr. Grimwood plans to reveal his new line of jewelry to his clients the weekend after Thanksgiving. So, you do have a little wriggle room.” Barbara Larson pinched her finger and thumb together, not leaving much space between them at all. “If you need to come back Monday to finish up, that’s perfectly fine. I’ll be returning on Sunday evening. All I ask is that nobody disturbs Mr. Grimwood.”

  Both Elisa and Kelly nodded their understanding.

  “Wonderful.” Mrs. Larson shifted her travel bag higher onto her shoulder. “Duncan can be a bear at times, but there’s a good heart deep inside. Somewhere. Anyway, no matter to you. Just stay in your area and you’ll not have to worry about encountering him. Better if you don’t cross his path, he’s in a grizzly mood today.” Laughing at her own joke, she checked her watch then declared that she needed to hurry if she was going to catch her flight.

  “Do be sure to keep an eye on the weather, Kelly. The weathermen have been threatening that a snowstorm might pass over. I’m hoping that they are wrong as usual, but you don’t wish to be caught on these narrow roads if we do get a blizzard.”

  With that final warning, Barbara Larson waved and headed to the garages located to the side of the mansion. Elisa’s mouth dropped when she slid into a silver Jaguar.

  Kelly clapped her hands, bringing Elisa out of her trance. Was the beautiful sports car a perk for her working with the bear-man? He couldn’t be as bad as his assistant had said. The Duncan Grimwood she’d read about was reportedly boisterous and outgoing. Had his accident changed him that much? Surely, he was on the mend by now.

  “Seriously, Elisa, time is wasting,” Kelly warned.

  Elisa jumped into action, checking the lists of things she’d need inside. Most of it was already being carted indoors. Rushing through the arched walkway, Elisa nearly stumbled in her not-so-practical heels when she walked into the vast main room. The foyer was open and welcoming, but this room was stark and bare. A set of double curved stairs rose up around the entrance to the massive living room. They were to set a twenty-foot tree between those stairs. Then she’d hang lighted garland and the wreaths along the banisters. Decorating the towering tree would take her the whole afternoon.

  Looking over the plan, then taking in the dark wood paneling, cream-colored walls, and outdated furniture, Elisa would have taken another direction, but she wasn’t the owner of Stewart Designs, was she? And Kelly hardly asked for anyone’s opinion, figuring hers were best and beyond question.

  “Okay, people,” Elisa called out, trying not to shout over the noise. “Let’s start with setting up the tree. Then I’ll go from there.” Elisa placed the wreaths at the foot of the stairs. She’d tackle that project later.

  Next, she checked the areas that she was responsible for, making sure the crew knew exactly what to do. She fought hard to ignore the dusty paintings lining the walls. Bits of cobwebs crisscrossed some of the gilded frames. Gold statues and busts were also covered in a layer of fine dust. She phoned Kelly to ask about the condition of the side rooms.

  “We’re not housemaids, dear,” Kelly snapped. “Put that herd of deer next to the light post. Yes, right there,” in a lower tone she added, “morons.” Then her voice grew crisp again as she spoke into her phone, “Elisa, keep your eye on the prize and just take care of getting those decorations hung. There is a threat of snow. I don’t have time to worry about untrimmed bushes and dusty paintings. Got it?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Elisa tapped the end call button and shoved the phone into the pocket of her jacket. Fine, it wasn’t her problem if the house needed a good cleaning. Mr. Grizzly Grimwood needed to staff a cleaning crew if he planned to host parties.

  “No, no, that tree should go next to the other window, beside the fireplace.” Elisa tapped the diagram for the study. After checking on a few more details, she headed back outside to see what was the hold up with the main tree decorations. They should already be setting it up if she hoped to finish it before nightfall.

  Outside, she found that not only had the temperature dropped significantly, but there was also a large group of men hanging around one of the trucks. She hurried over to them as fast as her heels would take her. “What are you all doing? I need everything inside. Right now.”

  Several of the men were huddled around a news report on someone’s tablet. “Wow, that looks like some storm. It might pass us, but—”

  “But,” Elisa insisted, “you better get this truck unloaded. The sooner you get everything inside, the sooner you all can head back to the city, right?”

  They all nodded with muttered agreement.

  “Good. Let’s get going. I need that tree set up and quick.” Elisa hated sounding so demanding. That was Kelly’s department, but from the darkening skies, she was also starting to worry. Surely, it wouldn’t be that bad this time of year
. They hardly ever got much more than a light covering before Christmas. The forecasters liked to send people into panics as far as she was concerned.

  She took another look at the gathering clouds. They sure looked like the kind that held snow. Well, the sooner she was done, the sooner she could also head home. Tomorrow night she was scheduled to catch a flight to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Every year her family celebrated Thanksgiving at their lakeside cabin in Madison Creek.

  A movement in one of the upstairs windows caused Elisa to pause. The shifting of a curtain revealed a pale face. She could hardly make out the features through the fogging glass. For a moment, she was sure the man was looking directly down at her, and he didn’t seem pleased.

  That couldn’t possibly be the fabled Duncan Grimwood, could it? Surely not. He looked like a caveman, not the refined, handsome man that she’d seen in the magazines.

  Once the large tree was on its way inside, Elisa hurried after them, giving Kelly a thumbs up sign on her way through the double doors. Why hadn’t she thought to bring a heavier coat?

  Did Mr. Grizzly Grimwood live here by himself? Why would a man of his caliber want to live alone in such a massive house? As she directed her inside crew on where to set the tree and decorations, Elisa mused that perhaps he liked being king of the castle. Who knew with those eccentric billionaires, anyway.

  Once the tree was up and the bows and red garland draped over the almost life-like branches, Elisa climbed the step ladder to begin hanging the ornaments. She slipped her earbuds in and turned up the classical Christmas music, needing to get into the mood while she worked.

  As Elisa hung the large glittery balls, she found some that had the previous year imprinted on them, (those she turned inward and hung on the highest branches) she wondered if Mr. Grimwood would appreciate the Nutcracker theme? Well, he’d ordered the job at the last minute, so he’d have to deal with whatever he got.

  Drawing in a deep breath and trying not to choke on the disturbed dust mites floating around her from the chandeliers, she realized that at some point, she’d have to come up with a strategy for dealing with unpleasant customers if she was put in charge of her own team.


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